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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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32713 No.32713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have an Masters Degree in Business, which means I am S-M-R-T.
Ask me anything!

>> No.32717

From where?

>> No.32727

>Typo in subject line
Yep, I'm management material alright!

>> No.32729

NEET for 3 whole years here

Am I going to make it?

>> No.32753


>> No.32782
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NO! Unless you leverage your synergy.
Next question.

>> No.32804

Millionaire, yet?
Why is an MBA the only correct education?

>> No.32819

what college did you go to?

>> No.32820

Why brings so stupid ideas so much Money

Like actual Flappybirds

>> No.32842
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>> No.32841

What do they actually teach you in business school? Why didn't you take a STEM subject?

>> No.32869
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An MBA is a great way to get a degree that sounds impressive, yet takes very little skill to achieve! Look at me! I got an MBA and I assed around for 2,5 years! My undergrad degree was in History, and my job experience was driving a forklift in a masking tape warehouse!

>> No.32884

MBA is so useless in Accounting.

>> No.32895
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see >>32753

>> No.32913


Stem major here.

Wishing I had a degree in business. At least it makes money.

>> No.32944


I'm a STEM major who then got a professional degree in non-STEM. I kind of regret that. A STEM degree will get you into any entry-level business field anyway. A math major is a viable applicant for finance jobs.

>> No.32932

You either went to a shit school or did something dumb like got a third in Organic Chemistry

>> No.32968
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Because people are stupid and willing to throw money at anything that makes them forget how miserable they are!

If I could do it all over again, I should have gone to engineering. Fewer morons with inflated opinions of themselves in engineering, just aspies.

That Breaking Bad guy seemed to have a bretty gud idea. But then again, I don't know if I could handle the math.

I had people in my cohort with accounting backgrounds. The accounting section of the master's degree literally used an undergrad accounting textbook!

>> No.32982

>make meth

That's it?

Shit dude you suck

>> No.32996
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I can't into computers. My excuse was that I have an MBA.
We literally used a basic accounting texbook for the accounting and finance sections of our degree. One of the guys in my cohort used the same book in his undergrad business degree

>> No.33011

So, you a millionare yet?

>> No.33023

Do you have a job

>> No.33036
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Ok, how about this:
1) start up a shell company in the Cayman Islands that owns a 100% stake in your existing US company
2) Have all income from your existing operations paid as stock dividends to Cayman Islands holding company.
3) Pay no US tax on Cayman Islands income

>> No.33054

What's your income post-MBA and how does it compare pre-MBA?

>> No.33128
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I am unemployed because no one will hire me because I 'lack experience'.
The secret is that when you're an MBA you are never unemployed. You simply put on your resume that you were self-employed as a 'consultant'.
I'm considering running for public office.

>> No.33165


So how many years until your (if ever) pay off your student debt?

Was the debt worth your marginal benefits?

How does it feel when some Vietnamese kid rips off some Mario graphics and publishes a game that made more money in a day then you will in a year?

>> No.33209

Do you have boneitis?

>> No.33242
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Good questions!
1) No debt - I worked my way through and part of my choice in program was what was cheapest. The other major factor in my decision was which MBA program didn't require any testing to get into.
2) no money owed, and I'm sure I can make more money than I would driving a forklift.
3) Just as bad as you feel since you aren't him either.

>> No.33258
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>> No.33254

What's the difference between a good CEO and a bad one?

>> No.33345
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A good CEO should be a leader. There is a HUGE difference between a manager and a leader. We have been conditioned to think of someone who is a good manager as a leader, but these are two vastly different concepts.

A good CEO needs to be a good leader and be able to provide a clear vision to those around him. This vision needs to be both the intended goal of the organization, as well as including how to take steps to achieve that goal.

A good CEO needs to be able to recognize the strengths of people in the organization and allow them the room to use those strengths. Better yet, hire people with the strengths needed to achieve the vision.

A good CEO needs to make sure that the people who are doing the heavy lifting have al the resources they need to be successful. Do the engineers/accountants/nurses/custodians/researchers/whatever have the tools, training, and time to fulfill their portion of achieving the goals the CEO has set?

That's what makes a good CEO.

>> No.33418

>I can't into computers.
But programming is easy!
I'm a Computer Science major.

>> No.33482

Calculus was easy for me, but I failed so hard when it came to programming.
Fortunately, the most programming I have to do is a few equations in a spreadsheet to calculate cost-benefit ratios, depreciation, or price/earings rates.

>> No.33913

Do you have a degree in anything else that your MBA would add value to, or are you just a piece of shit?

>> No.33947

Actually, I am using my MBA to help with my love of history (my undergrad degree). I serve on the board of directors of my county historical society, write grants for the museum, and organize community events at the museum that not only pay for themselves, but also bring in money that can be used for historical preservation.

So, am I getting rich? No. Am I making a difference in my community? Yes.

>> No.33956

So not a piece of shit, check.

Carry on, my good man, carry on.

>> No.34054

I have 5 or 6 jobs. None of them pay. All of them are with non-profit organizations. You could say I'm a professional volunteer.

>> No.34221

>>>/white house/

>> No.35347

How do I into stock market?