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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 300x300, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3266512 No.3266512 [Reply] [Original]

MCDONALD'S PARTNERSHIP CONFIRMED. THIS IS HUGE. https://twitter.com/JUN_Omise/status/902844287557148673?s=09

>> No.3266527
File: 19 KB, 289x509, 1502882065803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to buy my mcburger and kathoey with my OMG

>> No.3266549
File: 46 KB, 890x669, 1375780613203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy bigmac meal and chocolate shake with your omg
>6 hours later its shit
>6 years later its a lambo

>> No.3266556
File: 215 KB, 1680x818, 1504019289696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice just bought 100k burgers.

>> No.3266624

And this is where it truly begins.

We've arrived at the strip now and started ascending the steps to the crew seating area of the craft. There are still people on the ground mocking us, laughing at us.

We just smile at them, secure in the knowledge that they are the homeless beggars of the future destined for misery in the slums of the future.

Our future.

We all know we made the right choice. The thrusters have yet to engage but the final checks are most certainly well underway.

To say that this is a golden moment in the history of mankind would be an understatement.

If you are holding OMG right now you are one of a select few destined to stand above the rest of humanity as a monument to what is achievable by making the right choice at the right time.

Yes you will be able to afford a Lambo.

Yes you will be able to afford a mansion.

Yes you will be able to afford a private island.

But more importantly, you will own this: a stake in the future of the entire fucking planet.

>> No.3266637


>> No.3266638

This has been known for months and was priced in long ago

>> No.3266653

This is still ground floor for what's to come in September.

>> No.3266863
File: 65 KB, 206x146, f368b168cfcc86eecd4e9438640f0cd5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop loss triggers
>news comes out
>price goes up

>> No.3266887

That's what you get for being gay.

>> No.3266891
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>> No.3266902
File: 65 KB, 496x296, IMG_7439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maccas run get in or get fucked!

>> No.3266932

Bought 10k (srsly)

>> No.3266952

How many quarter pounders can you buy next year for 1 OMG?

>> No.3266967


What did he mean by this?

>> No.3266970

Just bought 17.59. Got cucked out of more because I was too slow filling my order

>> No.3266971

Your post earlier was amazing as well. Would donate you some omg but,you're already about to be filthy rich

>> No.3267013
File: 63 KB, 329x447, IMG_7442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you like gains with that?

>> No.3267021

buy order set for 10.21
wbu guys?

>> No.3267027

>tfw in the future 10omg will be enough to buy your own mcdonalds franchise

>> No.3267131

Was a rumor

>> No.3267228
File: 161 KB, 741x568, IMG_0612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did some insiders know this was coming out? It was odd how price mooned 20% before news was released.

>> No.3267244

i swear this is the same NEO lazytown poster

>> No.3267251

the meme triangles predicted it, my friend

>> No.3267252

there was another rumour going around the other day.

>> No.3267256

fukken maccas run cunts!

>> No.3267257

Maybe, but even then, it already had an upwards trend and was steady as fuck the last week, something was about to happen.

>> No.3267263
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1503927865824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are also news coming out in september right ?

>> No.3267265

YOU get a ladyboy! YOU get a ladyboy! You ALL get ladyboys!

>> No.3267269

yesterday a kind anon with insider information literally told us something big was going to drop today. and that isnt even the big news apparently
strap in

>> No.3267287

Thank you money skel, you have the best bones.

>> No.3267290

>tour & photo op with a CEO = partnership

You guys are too fucking gullible.

>> No.3267296
File: 42 KB, 400x386, IMG_0678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3267312


Yeah, more stuff still coming.

>> No.3267313

>formally confirmed

You apparently can't read.

>> No.3267319
File: 27 KB, 600x765, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apple partnership

>> No.3267325

I hope it's not like ripple news

>> No.3267329

At this point I'm really thinking them anons posting about their insider info aren't lying. Can't wait for Sept

>> No.3267346

>tour & photo op with a CEO = "formally confirmed"

You guys are too fucking gullible.

>> No.3267347

You mean fake and posted by a PnD group?
It obviously is lol. But go for it kiddo

>> No.3267359


"There is definitely so much more news in Sept. But not announcing dates, so stay tuned! Re-read the whitepaper in the meantime"

>brb reading whitepaper again

>> No.3267378

> no omger detected

>> No.3267386

I've posted a couple of times about my insider info (I'm in a skype group with some whales) and been called a lier and a shill but its no skin off my back.

This is the first taste of something much bigger. If you don't know that by now then you probably never will but I'll tell you this much:

The whales in my group are continuing to accumulate because even if OMG was selling for $50 a token right now, it would still be a fucking bargain considering what the future holds for this coin.

Maybe I am a shill, but my 'shilling' is going to make at least a few people on this board very fucking wealthy so I will continue to push this coin.

>> No.3267387

>not announcing dates
nigga could it be

>> No.3267414

>announcements about announcements

that always ends well

>formally confirmed our RELATIONSHIP

holy shit you faggots really fall for this salesman bullshit. this company will 1000% underdeliver on their vague insinuations and confidence will tank. can't wait to sell this FOMO moon in a few weeks.

>> No.3267417

where is the floor for omg/eth? .027?

>> No.3267439
File: 587 KB, 614x613, 424234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>partnership with FUCKING MC DONALDS
>i-its a scam

>> No.3267455


sauce please.

>> No.3267456

cheers bruh, i went all in on a margin after seeing your post.

>> No.3267466

they setting up floors?

>> No.3267478

I went all in about 3 weeks ago the second plasma dropped, but since then your posts have really made me feel great ,so thank you sir. 15k omg here and my mom even bought 5k. Hopefully I will cheers you one day in bangkok as we are surrounded by hot non ladyboy Thai girls

>> No.3267479



>> No.3267489

I'll see you guys there with a ladyboi on each arm.

>> No.3267491

More like a Ray Kroc of shit

>> No.3267505

Good argument.

>> No.3267508

can you be more vague -_-

>> No.3267509
File: 135 KB, 419x480, IMG_2605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought OMG

>> No.3267513
File: 273 KB, 1492x1237, Screenshot at 2017-08-30 09-13-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakout technicals.

traders are coming

>> No.3267526
File: 22 KB, 609x228, fucking get in or fomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be retarded anons get in while you still can

>> No.3267539

Did ya'll miss the threads over the past month?

>> No.3267540

How many OMG do you need to make it to Lamboland?

>> No.3267560

400 OMG Minimum

>> No.3267562

are you a nigger or just retarded

>> No.3267568

The ones where the partnership with McD was rumored?

What about them?

>> No.3267574

I only have 100

>> No.3267584

Anyone thinking those pics mean anything at all (much less confirm any kind of partnership) is a retard.

If this partnership/collaboration was really "formally confirmed" you'd get pics of document signings, not pics of photo ops.

>> No.3267625

Are you seriusly Fuding OMG!
>its a top 20 coin ffs

>> No.3267635
File: 18 KB, 280x155, prius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3267639

>Are you seriusly Fuding OMG!

I'm simply pointing out the obvious, that pics of people standing around don't mean "partnership formally confirmed!"

>> No.3267665

>pics of people standing around
"Today we formally confirmed our relationship."
you are fucking autistic or something

>> No.3267686

ignore him, he is been fuding OMG threads for a while now. Next he is gonna talk about how Thai people all have low IQ because of "biology"

>> No.3267687

>"Today we formally confirmed our relationship."
And where is the proof of that?

>> No.3267719

so you are saying someone who wants his (serious non scammy) business to do well, would do something as unprofessional and harmful as lying about partnerships?

you are so fucking stupid my man, keep fuding

>> No.3267726


>> No.3267730

>why would people lie?

Jesus christ, are you 5?

>> No.3267747

lol, sold my omg for neo last week, haha

>> No.3267752

are you expecting a fucking court document?

>> No.3267763

on a scale from 1 to 10, how badly do you wanna kill yourself?

>> No.3267766

Will you shut the fuck up? Why don't you like money?

>> No.3267771

Just something that indicates a partnership in a business venture.
Standing around does not do that at all.

>> No.3267772

stop replying to him

>> No.3267777

>26k buy wall
The whale will not let this fall

>> No.3267796


It's just $250, but still annoying, because I hodled omg a while but gave up last week.

>> No.3267815

sell the news. never forget.

>> No.3267820

Do you realize mcdonalds would suit the shit out of omg if they did something like this you are just stupid i bet you are 15 yo gtfo of my board

>> No.3267827

Talk me into NOT buying at ATH

>> No.3267840

This is McThai, it's actually a separate company. Hence why they have their own CEO.

>> No.3267845

66.0045 BTC 28450.35420269 OMG @ 0.00231999 BTC
god damn...

>> No.3267849

some nigger put up a buy wall 66 BTC

>> No.3267851

Huge whale support

>> No.3267855

Are you seriously that retarded

>> No.3267866

enough to make you a filthy fat bitch. You wouldn't even fit in your lambo

>> No.3267868

How have you not learned by now that these walls are all fake? Once we get close to approaching it the whale will take it down

>> No.3267873

did I say it wasnt fake you massive faggot...

>> No.3267892

once everyone buys enough that 66 BTC wall will be removed and it will correct some maybe? I really need this shit back to 21 minimum.. missed that dip early this morning

>> No.3267907

"Sell the news" only applies to stocks, not crypto.
Look at the ethereum alliance news, it propelled the ETH moon mission for like 3 months

>> No.3267934

Guess what, the company's official name is McThai Co Ltd.

You'd rather be willfully ignorant and loud about it than informed, you're sure to go places buddy, keep it up.

>> No.3267943

I see a 165 sell wall at 280k

>> No.3267953

Gtfo go read a law book learn what a franchise does means

>> No.3267956

buy the rumor sell low familiam

>> No.3267986

this is bound to correct some right? This is nuts... need it to drop some to buy back in..

>> No.3268011

The company's official name isn't McThai Co Ltd?

>> No.3268018

yea double top forming, probs go back to 185

>> No.3268073

lol no way

>> No.3268098

why no way? Its happened in the past with this coin... its not like this has been the only pump.

>> No.3268112

it's a subsidiary of mcdonalds corporation which means they own over 50% of its shares (they control it)

>> No.3268163

So that means the McDonalds Corp has to ultimately make the call on this partnership correct?

>> No.3268196
File: 86 KB, 500x552, 1483564523849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is true there is no Apple partnership. If mcdonalds owns 50% of the shares what is Apple going to own ?

>> No.3268206

wow.... you completely missed the point moron

>> No.3268210

I've no idea, depends how closely involved they are. It's very likely they would have at least been aware and given the go ahead.

>> No.3268217

Not 50% of OMG you retard.

>> No.3268219


>> No.3268225
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>> No.3268230
File: 29 KB, 360x380, 4aa1ddc1f4db5dc8fac7be74adaceb41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Septembers HUGE news leaked early. Coming 2018 stateside.

>> No.3268236

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.3268277

so its the counterpart to the russian whoppercoin. nice, just bought 10000000000k

>> No.3268285

You realize there are more announcements coming up?

>> No.3268298

Wow, you're dumb

>> No.3268307

Yeah, there was an announcement about announcements.

>> No.3268312

USA is waking up now and buying juicy Thai bigmac coins :D

>> No.3268314

>pics of document signings
>thinking announcing business partnerships are like presidents signing new laws
This is how I know you're a faggot who doesn't actually work in business.

>> No.3268329

>thinking business partnerships are like people taking pics with Mickey at Disney World

>> No.3268356

Yea because it makes a lot of sense for the CEO of a multi-million dollar company to start making shit up. Go back to your NEO bags dolt

>> No.3268376

Wait, what did the CEO of Thai McDonald's make up?

>> No.3268404


>> No.3268416

it will go down to 225000sats

>> No.3268489
File: 467 KB, 767x467, monster-children-heaves-cult-do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sold.

>> No.3268596


>Apple to remove Home button

No need for finger print pay because that shit is lame

Facepay will be the new tech...

>> No.3268608

Pretty sure it can still scan your fingerprint on part of the screen.

>> No.3268613

omg, ark and neo should all hire you. I want to believe

>> No.3268615

Did they put that tech into production?

I dont think underscreen FP reader is a viable option. Samsung isnt doing it and I dont think apple is either.

>> No.3268630

Not sure to be honest. I just remember seeing it somewhere

>> No.3268635

>be able to afford a lifetime supply of mcdoubles

>> No.3268637

Any idea about the Apple partnership they alluded to, anon? I think that's something people would be interested to know about, too.

>> No.3268647

I should be happy af that I have 23k OMG, but in reality I'm sad af that I only have 23k OMG.

>> No.3268661

Fuck you fishman I'm trying to figure out if I'll make it with 1k

>> No.3268663


>> No.3268667
File: 1.64 MB, 1979x2691, Souryuu.Asuka.Langley.full.646508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what do you think how high will OMG be at the end of september?

I'd say 20$ is realistic at this point

>> No.3268674

kys i have 250

>> No.3268675

I only have 750 :(

>> No.3268680


We're all gonna make it bro.


Coulda been at 42k if I went all in a couple weeks ago, but decided to hold my coins in negative profit. Lesson learned.

>> No.3268726
File: 568 KB, 1024x683, 1503916761145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3268730

Right there with you buddy.

>> No.3268740

Why is this not correcting...?

>> No.3268741

it's literally the point of this thread you pleb

>> No.3268743

At what price did you buy your 23k?

>> No.3268759


11k at $0.4 and 12k at $1.5

>> No.3268775

I don't know where to set my buys..it just keeps rising.

>> No.3268790
File: 635 KB, 1280x720, 1503933254018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be 70 when I get my lambo with my 27 OMG

>> No.3268820

850 here, happy to take your bait

>> No.3268821

same... I dont know what the fuck is going on here

>> No.3268823
File: 474 KB, 188x174, 1501188025715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus nice. What undervalued projects are you looking into now?

Market price. Get in here boys we're moving up

>> No.3268827

Yeah last time I bought at ATH I got screwed no thanks

>> No.3268848


Enigma and Kyber.

>> No.3268864
File: 6 KB, 200x177, 1484714079513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FOMO is setting in

>> No.3268865

no one checked this man. may he rip.

>> No.3268867

Alright but wtf is fucking MCDONALD'S gonna do with a crypto?

>> No.3268868

ARK unironically just sit on it and collect your passive income

>> No.3268879

chainlink, bitdice, kyber.
kyber looks like its gonna be 3eth cap per KYC.
elaborate on enigma?

>> No.3268881

You can buy burgers with omg

>> No.3268883

More like $40. Apple announcement will be unparalleled. The FOMO on that day is going to be absolutely insane.

>> No.3268884



>> No.3268888


>> No.3268891

I hate feeding into the apple meme but if its actually true we will reach triple digits. While I am keeping my hopes low I think OMG might be added to more exchanges first.

>> No.3268895

What's a good wallet for OMG?

>> No.3268900


Mr. Fish,

Would you be interested in making a charitable donation to help me move from 192 to 200 OMG? I know those bags must be mighty comfy, but heavy to carry haha.

>> No.3268916


Dubs check em.

>> No.3268926

Is this 1k OMG or $1k of OMG?

>> No.3268942

So fat people who are ashamed can use OMG to anonymously buy burgers? Wow that's really clever

>> No.3268943

would also like to know this, is there even an official wallet out yet?

>> No.3268950

Have 180 OMG
How many hamburgers can l buy in 2019?

>> No.3268951

Im holding 110 OMG
I am literally selling my vehicle to secure an extra 1500

>> No.3268967

kys you begging fuck.

>> No.3268968

do you guys not fucking get it

alll the normies are coming in.


>> No.3268972
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>> No.3268973
File: 213 KB, 500x382, dads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based jun

>> No.3268979


>> No.3268982

1k OMG

>> No.3268984

Burgers reign supreme once again.

>> No.3268988

This is a shitty post just fyi

>> No.3269008
File: 34 KB, 1024x538, OMGMcDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goys, this McDonalds news is yuge. Remember that McDonalds Thailand is set to increase its outlets in Thailand from 223 to almost 440.

>> No.3269032
File: 57 KB, 564x840, 493dcece6d0adda080c8864efe7c93fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This going to moon. Every american knows burgers are the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.

>> No.3269059

Oh my God, I'm going to be poor forever. Good luck to you, anon chan.

>> No.3269096

that's a shit stop loss you have going

>> No.3269127

Those people in that pic will be the future rothchilds of thailand

>> No.3269261

Story time:
>homeless for 3 years
>hustled drugs for the last year
>cheap research chemicals from china by mail
>never a good salesman
>no heart for taking the moneys of poor junkies
>end up sharing most drugs for free
>not gonna work out
>discover crypto
>miss ETH moon
>try day trading
>coin hussling
>steady profit, but not enough capital to make bank
>have to sell coins for fiat/food on a weekly basis
>discover OmiseGo
>...this could be my moon...
>decide to hodl NO MATTER WHAT
>weak stomach = weak hands
>iron stomach
>iron hands
>going for 25x, minimum

Hold me bros.

>> No.3269285

can't wait to spend my 4 OMG on building my own McDonalds in my house

>> No.3269293
File: 13 KB, 313x330, 1320409637647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no offense. But drug dealers need a bullet to the head.

>> No.3269310

hope you are gonna make it. Keep HODLING OMG is a safe investment

>> No.3269330

good luck bro, but seriously stop fucking up your body with drugs

>> No.3269333

Why? If there were no users, there would be no dealers. Why do you hate entrepreneurs?

>> No.3269467
File: 4 KB, 251x201, 4324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need to find a job so i can buy more OMG

>> No.3269473

what dip lol

>> No.3269522

is it too late to buy OMG?

>> No.3269534
File: 76 KB, 400x600, a3-agorism-counter-economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, they need an open and anonymous platform free of interference from socialist and other anti human forces

>> No.3269544

>BTC at 100$
>Is it too late to buy BTC?

>> No.3269562


I've been watching omgise all month and it has hardly dipped at all.

I mean this is crypto so anything can happen, but its been incredibly resilient to dumping so far.

>> No.3269564

>hurr no order bro, duuuuuude so wicked

>> No.3269570


>ETH at 80€
>is it too late to buy ETH?

>> No.3269594


No, i see this coin being worth hundreds of dollars in the next few years.

>> No.3269606

>spontaneous order (free market)
>hurr no order bro

choose one you imbecile

>> No.3269624

Someone said its just a token so it won't go up much further. Isn't Neo also "just" a token ?

>> No.3269631


Let me know of an example of such spontaneous order that went RIGHT

>> No.3269659
File: 23 KB, 400x270, DanfYye29xU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3269707

brother will we make it?

>> No.3269712

seems to be the average holding around here..

see you guys in 2018 Accord land.

>> No.3269721

gosh, here that happens so seldomly, I can really not think of anything like children making up a game they're playing as they go or them trading trading cards at the school yard or pretty much any other human interaction ever you autist.

>> No.3269730

Exodus will hold it

>> No.3269764

There will always be a smartass to break the rules and no one to enforce them.

>> No.3269809
File: 3 KB, 92x125, 1504095379430s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get dividends for holding?

>> No.3269851

In time I think we'll be able to stake our coins

>> No.3270166

You'll need to suck off Ronald McButrin in order to stake your OMG.

>> No.3270243

What is this pic , explain

>> No.3270269

amounts of asians in startup is directly proportional to startup success

>> No.3270293


>> No.3270343

fuckinng make it stop

>> No.3270350

I forgot this existed

>> No.3270363
File: 83 KB, 551x491, 1497715380681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sold half of my OMG a week ago to make a quick buck on Avalon ICO and buy more OMG

>> No.3270381

>quick buck
>the ico won't end for a month and then a few weeks for exchanges

dude that's a year in crypto time

>> No.3270410

sold a 1/4 of my OMG and put it into ETH, feel much calmer now that I doesn't have everything in only one coin

>> No.3270423

overpowered clown

>> No.3270491

I actually thought it would sell out in minutes.
Well, I've accepted that this money is lost now. It wasn't a big sum though, something like $400, but I bought the dip at $7, which makes me miss out on somewhat decent gains

>> No.3270579

We just broke the sell wall, next one at 240k sats

>> No.3270609
File: 123 KB, 307x255, 1325955895770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 162 OMG

oh well, dollar is worth 3.2 Turkish liras so it's like I actually have 518 ;_;

>> No.3270644
File: 570 KB, 1920x1200, Omigods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omigods for life !

>> No.3270659

$0.4, fuck I though I was a trading god, bought at $0.5 up to $0.8

>> No.3270662

>Wow, you're dumb
says the one who can't tag a post to target

>> No.3270712

58 :/

>> No.3270713

>not announcing dates

holy shit this just confirmed Apple. because if they are specifically saying they dont want to announce a date that means it is likely we could already draw conclusions from the date.

calling it now they will announce on the same day as the apple keynote.

>> No.3270755

triple digits just sounds so out of this world I cant really believe it. on the other hand the hype around anything Apple touches is always fucking ridiculous... so I guess if it's really a big deal then it could happen...

>> No.3270778
File: 6 KB, 238x250, 1504088640520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 18 omg

That won't even get me to civic land!!!!!

>> No.3270807

Too good to be true IMHO. I'm lowering my expectations right now. Other news will be great too, I'm sure.

>> No.3270845


fuck off turkroach

>> No.3270869
File: 36 KB, 571x563, 1372916094132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, rude

>> No.3271073

fuck off turkroach

>> No.3271307

45BTC wall at 240k
Wil it break ? will the order be cancelled ?

>> No.3271322


>> No.3271349

buy the rumor, sell the news, buy the dip

>> No.3271370

We have liftoff

>> No.3271460
File: 86 KB, 1192x347, OMGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3271474

Uhhh g-goys... Are you seeing this??

>> No.3271504

Stay poor no-OMGods.

>> No.3271516

Tried to tell everybody to get in for weeks. Stay poor bois

>> No.3271523

you don't sell this type of news, you fucking retard
this is moon news

>> No.3271546

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SOLD AT 225k LAST NIGHT

pls go back down

>> No.3271556

lol you fucked up goy

>> No.3271557


>> No.3271565

We are mooning thank you money skeleton you have the best bones

>> No.3271579
File: 132 KB, 711x681, IMG_20170517_191441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to sell?

>> No.3271587

Don't sell until at least December. You risk missing a huge moon mission if you try and day trade this.

>> No.3271588

250000 soon boys. Dat sell wall. If we breach its moon time

>> No.3271590

Only if you have your wojack folder ready to go

>> No.3271596

I'm hodling to the end of the year. Do what you want but I'm not going to risk it to moon without me.

>> No.3271603


>> No.3271613


>> No.3271618



>> No.3271620


>> No.3271623
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>> No.3271633

Sell walls cleared i can't wait for the pink wojaks this week of /biz saying they didn't buy omg under $15 when will poorfags learn?

>> No.3271642

holy fuck, where does this ride end?

>> No.3271651

>TFW made more money in the last 24 hours wanking than 4 months wageslaving

>> No.3271659
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>> No.3271662


>> No.3271664


>> No.3271667

Was this a mistake?

>> No.3271678

Are we going to see $12!? This is getting hectic

>> No.3271679

is this how the Neo moon felt like? man this feels awesome

>> No.3271686

This will continue for like 3 days IMO, probably hit $15 after some dips

>> No.3271687

Dont fucking day trade. I did this and missed the moon fucking hard

>> No.3271694

I don't think you should hav all your eggs on the same basket so no

>> No.3271698

mooned and then died noooooooo

>> No.3271707

Neo moon was absolutely crazy, gone from 600k to 1.2kk in a night. Was the greatest endorphine rush I've ever experienced.

>> No.3271716

thanks for your input, I agree

>> No.3271736

i already have 50omgs i bought for 7bucks...i moved some eth over to buy another 50

worth it? or just milk more eth gains and enjoy modest 50 omg token gains?

>> No.3271748 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but don't have a dead-weight to drag with you. Twf bought ADX.

>> No.3271766

Why does this sound so true. When is Apple Keynote tho?

>> No.3271781


>> No.3271785

I'm so mad at myself.

>> No.3271786


>> No.3271800

Its getting there. I was in from the $15-55 run with NEO - got completely immersed/hooked. Was at a fucking festival and checked Bittrex 24/7. Every time i refreshed i had +$100. Honestly I feel more positive towards Omise though, im HODLing for years

>> No.3271827

same here, I dont intend on selling any time soon, if anything I might buy more during the dips

>> No.3271856

Closing in to $12 boys. Loads of buy orders below

>> No.3271862

get in while you can b-b-boysss. 15+ today

>> No.3271893


>> No.3271902

cup and handle in 1 min charts. mooning . holy fuck. comfy

>> No.3271911

1min charts don't tell shit
Only the 1 day chart meas something n

>> No.3271939

off yourself degenerate

>> No.3271942


>> No.3271968
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Why cant ark and monaco moon too?!

>> No.3271984

272. Went all in too with 3/4 of my fiat. I'm also in debt up to my eyeballs. Might not be lambo land, but this will give me enough that my next home run will be.

>> No.3271985

Because they're shit.

>> No.3272005

It amazes me how many people are just blind to how amazing OMG is.

>> No.3272013
File: 333 KB, 1536x2148, 1503315587212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, sold my neo for omg

>> No.3272019

moon mission cancelled, stagnating at 250k

prepare for the correction

>> No.3272029
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>> No.3272030

shut up
$50 tomorrow

>> No.3272051


>> No.3272052
File: 86 KB, 666x432, 1502235046660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HAPPENING !!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3272065
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Very good, I'll accumulate even more.

>> No.3272067

Are you retarded? Check buy wallz. Small dip

>> No.3272076
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>> No.3272133

bought about 200 omg. will i become rich?

>> No.3272144

i got about 105, won't get us rich but it's a start

>> No.3272158
File: 221 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-30-12-27-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with $400 and went balls deep in OMG earlier this month

Just wish i had more to invest

>> No.3272160

Corolla-tier land my friends. Not too shabby

>> No.3272174

>that 100btc sell spike at 29

>> No.3272227

i unironically want to buy an old corolla to drift with

>> No.3272240

How much omg would I need to hold at the current price to end up with $15m once this coin moons?

>> No.3272245
File: 643 KB, 3264x1629, hachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRUENO all day muh nigga

>> No.3272252

It's gonna correct itself soon. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN!

>> No.3272258
File: 7 KB, 218x218, nervous pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will it crash in my sleep ?

>> No.3272262

About $150,000 worth by conservative estimates

>> No.3272264

>famous last poor words

>> No.3272266

15k OMG at a price of 1000$.
>the latter is realistic, long-term

>> No.3272268

Friendly reminder this is how undervalued OMG is has 1b market cap compared LTC 3b+/ BCC 9b+/ BTC 75b+. OMG will be 15b+ market cap by the end of September

>> No.3272269

I read somewhere that the best case target would be something like 713$, so that would make it around 21037.8682 OMG

>> No.3272277

that one exactly

>> No.3272283

should I buy at ATH, or will i get r-r-rekt??

>> No.3272288
File: 180 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-30-12-59-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol no, this coin is stable as fuck

Stay poor

>> No.3272302

just join in on the moon party, anything under 15 bucks is a steal for this coin

>> No.3272312

but HOLD at least until december dude

>> No.3272328

this guy fucks/hodls
protip: listen to him

>> No.3272341

Ironically Im in college class collecting debt, hopefully OMG will free me of the wagecuck life. moon baby.

>> No.3272342

Fuckers buy your tickets now. Its only going up

>> No.3272347

That's estimates not that I'm saying it will go that high, but in the same article they said they've underestimated before. Use your brain

>> No.3272351


I have 1.4k OMG

170 ETH though...

>> No.3272359

Tfw own only 30 omg because poorfaggotry
Literally kill self

>> No.3272404
File: 164 KB, 1080x1061, Screenshot_20170831-030719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else in the 1000 OMG club?

>> No.3272422

>453 OMG
W-W-What about halfway club?

>> No.3272435
File: 270 KB, 1280x720, cha ching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1200 here

After this is all over with we of the 1000+ club should meet up at a McDonalds in Thailand

>> No.3272474

Mcdonalds deal confirmed is big but was priced in what the fuck are they going to release in September that they claim is bigger news? I want my lambo already

>> No.3272491

It wasn't priced in summerfaggot. stop repeating things you hear on reddit. this will go 15+ today, check volume

>> No.3272512

Mcdonalds was old news fag everybody knew about the 200+ mcdonalds in thai they just confirmed in now

>> No.3272546

god youre a dumb fuck. you don't know what priced in means, do you. go fuck your sister, cunt

>> No.3272672

lol please sell you idiot. anyone whos this dumb doesnt deserve to get rich

>> No.3272731

What app is this

>> No.3272794
File: 57 KB, 620x434, boilrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what it feels like, fellas?

>> No.3272974

>we of the 1000+ club should meet up at a McDonalds in Thailand

After gangbanging a ladyboy I presume?