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3266157 No.3266157 [Reply] [Original]

I plan on killing myself if I'm not able to pay off my debt and be decently well off by the end of the year.

I'm fucking sick of working, I'm sick of having to deal with literal retard coworkers, I'm sick of having to be somewhere the same exact time six days a week and on call for my one day off, I'm tired of literally carrying my entire department on my back.

At the beginning, crypto gave me hope but I soon realized I had no time to actively trade and I've been pretty much stagnant since the NEO moon which wasn't much since I had profits elsewhere. My one hope of escaping literal hell is falling apart and I'm going fucking insane. I don't think I'll be able to hack another year so screencap this, I'll be making a thread on New Years. I will be giving away my coins to you shills if I don't make it by then

I love you guys and I hope you all make it to lamboland

>> No.3266292

The only thing keeping me going is "hope", just got to put up with it for a few more years I keep telling myself. Like you, I want control of my life.

>> No.3266306

How about you give me your coins now? Would make you happier, less to think about.

>> No.3266323
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> millennial cry baby

trust me boy you have seen nothing yet.

>> No.3266344
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>I'm fucking sick of working, I'm sick of having to deal with literal retard coworkers, I'm sick of having to be somewhere the same exact time six days a week and on call for my one day off, I'm tired of literally carrying my entire department on my back.

wagecuckery is literally hell on earth and if your a short ugly fuck like me you will get ZERO respect and admiration from anyone. It doesnt matter how good you are at your job, how kind and helpful you are to others you will ALLWAYS be inches away from a the knife of scheming women and beta cowards who plot to backstab you for brownie points from the chad and stacy bosses

being poor and ugly, while being red pilled is a horrific experience and i wish it upon no man. Its better to have never been than to have been an ugly lonely wagecuck

>> No.3266548
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>> No.3266600

Wait for the market crash. It will be fun..

>> No.3266605

go bankrupt and move far away you idiot
why do people give up so easy

>> No.3266629

what exactly is it that you do at work OP?

>> No.3266846

how short are you?
>pls don't be 5'10

>> No.3267000


John 3:16

This is just a dress rehearsal. Don't get so caught up in the distractions that you miss the most important things.

Hang in there, fella.

>> No.3267058

I relate to you i was in your situation i started reading alot of philosophy books and understood how the world works i advice you to do the same start with Schopenhauer pascal hegel Nietzsche, there are hard awful truths about this world you need to understand them get angry and do something about it instead of whining

>> No.3267078


iXLedger, my miserable bastard of similar habit.
>only on one exchange, apart from etherdelta
>partnership with (top-rated) insurance giant, gen re
>65.8 million total supply of tokens; 35.8 million in circulation
>currently at 15k sats—or, around 67 cents
the fuck.

and, please—don't end your life.

>> No.3267101


Start meditating every day for 15-20 minutes

>> No.3267127

I read somewhere it may be similar to cripple.

It means, insurance companies will use the tec, but not the coin itself.
I'm cautious and stay away for now.

>> No.3267143

i am going through the same thing OP don't give up, keep making money and don't day trade just hold btc/eth and some token fuck day trading

>> No.3267148

how does that get him rich
How does he read books working 6 days a week

dont give fucky advice

>> No.3267172

im in a similar place but not quite ready to die yet

good luck for the end of the year

>> No.3267180

You're a fucking looser.
Not everyone is making fat gains in crypto, be realistic. Maybe you're not here to make gains.

Maybe you're here to work your ass off like every single person on earth.
And if you don't like to work, congratulations 2/3 of the world population probably hate to work but don't have another choice.
So don't be a pussy if you're already a looser and get a hold of yourself.
Noone will come to your aid.

Crypto may be a healer for some of us, but definitely not for all. If you cannot handle trading, convert everything into bitcoin and stay away for 3-5 years and then enjoy your new wealth.

Fucking lazy ass fuck...

>> No.3267212


Hard work doesnt generate wealth.

>> No.3267222

never give up . may all things in the Universe come to you well !

>> No.3267248

i realized the best way to make money is to never spend it, take it how you want to take it.

if you can live like a cheap fuck and count every penny then do it, if not then try your hardest
just remember that your health and security is much more important than anything else money can buy

>> No.3267264


Saving money is not equal to creating money

>> No.3267288

well considering that most people spend money like drunken sailors, i think its still a valid advice.
for making money you have to sharp and observant, and again, its not a quality that everyone have

>> No.3267298

Let's be realistic

Most of you cunts spend too much money on worthless shit you really don't need, but think you need.

Most of today's population cannot handle money.

Every penny not spend is a penny earned.

>> No.3267299


Its good advice, but it doesnt have anything to do with making money.

>> No.3267338

pathetic attitude and blatantly wrong (unless you are a third worlder), but if you truly believe it it'll be a self-fulfilling prophecy for you

>> No.3267340

Dude relax. Nobody likes wagecucking and you're still early to this. Normies are starting to slowly come in.

Still have plenty of time to make gains. Just get in early on a promising one and hold.

>> No.3267353

Making money?
Go to McDonald's, work and get paid if you're broke. Money doesn't come by itself to you. You have to EARN it.

I came from a poor Slavic country, my parents came to a new county without having anything. They worked their asses off for us kids to have a better future and now we all do. Sacrifice is important too, but you're not willing to sacrifice anything, right?

I have no pity for any of you. For me you are mostly parasites who want to be fed by us working class.

>> No.3267376

Came here to post this. Meditation makes you immune to stress

>> No.3267415


Sorry i dont see an argument to my point. Just a lot of justification for why you are poor.

>> No.3267424

Stop talking just kill yourself

>> No.3267530

I'm not poor, I'm very comfy in my current situation.
I worked hard all my life so far, started @ 15, still working. I'm over 35 now. I lost so much fun in my teenage years because I saved money and worked while I was at school. Now I have a nice sum which I earned by saving up, bought an apartment.
I also have some bitcoins which may set me free from wage slavery, but this is not certain yet. So I keep on working like there was nothing waiting for me, I hope I will be rewarded, but for now this is just a dream.

But you have to wake up from your dream and start earning money to make more money.

>> No.3267566


Ok brate, i wish you all the best and a happy life

>> No.3267610

Getting rich isnt everything in life you can be miserable with tons of money money is the mean to an end money is not the end people like you should read more and talk less

>> No.3267680


lazy ass fucks saying 'hard work doesn't work' call it upon themselves

then they start whining why they don't get hired and muh discrimination

welcome to 2017

>> No.3267711

Hey that'll fetch at least $1.2 million in Sydney

>> No.3267733
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how boring... I'm 33 and got nothing in terms of money ..

however, worked and lived in 4 different countries, tried every drugs available, fucked women from every race possible etc etc. I've seen places from north to south and from east to west.

No complaints here.. lived a pretty fun life so far.

>> No.3268017

You have to sacrifice something.
Well, I sacrificed my fun.
Would I like to change it to more fun and less money if I had to relive it again? Sometimes when I feel lonely, I would say yes. Don't get me wrong, I had fun, but probably 30% of what others had. I wish I had more stories from my youth like you where I chased girls and let myself go with the flow...
I'm poor at heart, that's why I come here to biz seeking some company :)

>> No.3268326

Money =/= happiness.

Those of you in here making yourselves miserable for 'long term wealth' are going to be unpleasantly surprised when you reach that goal and realize you feel just as empty as you did before, if not more so.

No matter fucking cheesy and cliche it sounds, you need to learn to live in the present and find acceptance. If you cannot do that, you will not be happy.

>> No.3268412

you don't have to actively daytrade to get decent returns in crypto

>> No.3268437

Agreed man, I dated a wealthy Chinese girl. Driving around her AMGs and S500, you know at the end of the day it's a fucking cat. It felt kinda lame. She didn't earn these things her self, her family was a mess. Those rich families are twisted.
Some people are really proud of what they do, I envy that. That brings them happiness.

>> No.3268446

Car* lol

>> No.3268478


I actually feel very sorry for you, I'm not exactly "tall" but I am not short, and I am good looking. Even when I work really shitty jobs, people are nice to me and girls talk to me.

>> No.3268650


>I had been doing well in the work-force for a few years, stacked up a really strong savings.
>All the while I had been investing in stocks, maxing my 401(k) and IRA, and putting everything else into savings. I was also lucky enough to find crypto and made some additional money.
>I was in the same position as OP -- living a life I figured I'd rather end by killing myself than put another ounce of effort into living it.
>But I have family and friends that love me and know that killing myself won't solve any problems
>Decide to quit everything and use the modest amount I had earned through stocks/crypto and amassed in savings and take my proverbial "step off the carousel".
>Quit my job, move out of my apartment, move back home - staying with girlfriend, friends, and parents.
>Things are fun for a few weeks. I get rested, spend time at the gym, hang with some friends I haven't been able to spend time with in a while.
>Start quickly realizing that I found no additional happiness or relief in my new responsibility-free life. >The same misery and unhappiness starts creeping in on me that I've suffered with for years --- always incorrectly attributing it to the fact I had to wake up for school every day or get up and go to a job I didn't particularly like.
>Begin to understand that those things didn't cause my underlying unhappiness at all.

It's only until you learn to live in the present moment and find unwavering acceptance that you can truly become happy, anon. I know you can do it. I hope you learn from me. Your fantasy will not bring you the satisfaction you desire, but I know each and every one of us has the ability to live a life they enjoy.

>> No.3269137

This is bullshit, a shit job can absolutely make a person miserable. all this meditation mindfulness stuff is certainly worthwhile, but not the be all end all of "finding yourself", a concept I find insulting.

>> No.3269502


I'm not saying a shit job can't be the source of unhappiness or that it'd be prudent to continue working a shitty job. I'm merely suggesting that you can still find happiness whilst working a shitty job, and being unemployed will not bring any fulfillment.