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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 129 KB, 1334x750, IMG_1176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3264498 No.3264498 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ you guys turned me on to civic, and 0x project ICOs as well as antshares when it was super cheap. Even chainlink I first heard about it here a few weeks ago on a thread with 5 replies.

Yall helped a poorfag start to at least build up my wealth a little bit and ease the debt.

Paying it forward, hope you like your gains. 300 eth cap, 0 used.


>> No.3264504

thx laD

>> No.3264513

alright i'm getting fucking paranoid with these

>> No.3264514


Do you get these URLs from the Slack?

I'd like to get a private one.

>> No.3264519

Someone else can confirm? - looks good IMO

>> No.3264525

This URL is my own that I got in the email. I already pooled with some friends.

>> No.3264526

Link actually appears legit. So many scammers running around though so triple check everything people. I'm already balls deep in other pools, so I have no need for this one

>> No.3264529


If it's a link from the actual smartcontract site, it's real. Do not send ETH to anyone just posting the address or just using a screenshot.

>> No.3264544

can i use bittrex to send funds?

>> No.3264547

If anyone's willing to throw me a few eth as a tip it'd be greatly appreciated. I don't actually have much to invest myself and my friends are the whales playing with their big stacks. I'd love to get a little more eth to throw in my pool

>> No.3264549


>> No.3264563

ETH address because I forgot


>> No.3264565

No, use MEW or metamask.

>> No.3264600

s-so who's going to send first


>> No.3264631

You can email the support with the URL to verify if you like. If I could hack into their servers and make my own URL I'd probably be way richer

>> No.3264682

So all i have to do is send eth to the address through MEW and i get the LINK sent to my wallet? If so, when will they arrive?

>> No.3264687
File: 51 KB, 996x765, Screenshot from 2017-08-29 22-56-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one for 300 eth for when OP's gets used up.

>> No.3264693

Go boys - start sending, i will follow up

>> No.3264706


Never send to direct addresses guys only use official URLs

>> No.3264725

Fuck off scammer.

>> No.3264737

what if the maximum isn't reached? coins are sent back?

>> No.3264745

The link.smartcontract.com is a scam too...

>> No.3264748

how do you tell what's been used on the link? I'll save your address and send you 5% of profits upon selling the link or at end of year if i hold, if this works

>> No.3264752

Rumours only to this time, but my guess and it is quiet obv - everything over the cap will be refunded, no way they would even bother refunding the whole adress

>> No.3264768

If you go to the URL, on step 2 it'll display the amount of eth that has been sent

Definitely not. You can compare this URL to any of the confirmed legit URLs. I got this one through the official email.

>> No.3264769

Message Chainlink if you want to verify it or something, not my problem. You're either into the ICO or you're not.

>> No.3264781

so aint nobody sent nothin yet?

>> No.3264785


Can anyone confirm if this is legit? Tempted to send but need to know for sure. I noticed no ETH has been sent to it yet...

>> No.3264786

Dude if you are forreal about sending me 5% of the profits I'll be forever grateful

>> No.3264795

I'm not a scammer, you can first send like .1 eth or something and you can see that it'll show up

>> No.3264802

Pretty sure it's legit, but no one wants to send as first. Scared anons everywhere

>> No.3264810

Uh huh, I dont believe you

Post the official email address

>> No.3264811

i am if there are any profits. Let's hope so

>> No.3264812

The other one has 2 eth in it.

>> No.3264820


the "other" one has the scammer putting his own ETH into it.

Oh wait, that's you, fuck off pajeet.

>> No.3264822

What happens if we sent ETH to it? Doesn't it just give all the LINK to you..?

>> No.3264834

U will get your LINK after Crowdsale, proportional to your ETH sent. Confirmed in Slack. Only problem is what is gonna happen when the Pre-Sale adress exceeds the ETH limit.

>> No.3264836

If it's real, then no. And I'm assuming it's real unless there is something I don't see. It's the actual site.

>> No.3264851

I'd just wait for the ICO. We gonna be rich one way or another.

>> No.3264860

Same thing that happened to the OMG ICO...they cancelled it

>> No.3264861

Why would I be posting my ICO link for others if I had eth to use on it?

>> No.3264863

But why would it send LINK to the addresses who put in rather than the account tied to the unique link? If it was emailed to you I would assume that link is tied to you somehow.

>> No.3264870

ICO will probably sell out in minutes.

>> No.3264879

correct me if i'm wrong, but this is a 300 ethereum pool. so multiple addresses can send to it, and records are kept of which addresses sent what amount, then link is sent back to those addresses

>> No.3264885

Until when will this url be valid ?

>> No.3264886

The message says to do the send from an address with a private key that you control because they're going to send the LINK to the address that did the send. They clarified on their slack channel that the LINK goes to each address, not just the first.

>> No.3264888


>> No.3264889

You think millions of dollars of coins will sell out in minutes?

>> No.3264893

It's not a smart contract pool but the devs have confirmed in slack that they will distribute the LINK proportionally to the addresses the eth was sent from

>> No.3264894


Reposting my link from the other thread for when OP's is full.

Email was sent to me. It's a 300 ETH cap.
biz help me make some big gains these past few months. Hope this will help some people that need it.

>> No.3264901

Ok. Let's go 0,2 ETH sent!

>> No.3264903
File: 25 KB, 711x305, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.3264909

Any links to back up what they said in slack?

>> No.3264910

Pretty much a guarantee. The hard cap is 32 mil including all this they are raising in the presale. Probably only 10 mil tokens get released in the open sale and with no whitelisting it's gonna get snatched up in seconds

>> No.3264911

so i just sent .2 eth and it showed up on the site... gunna send a little more..

>> No.3264934

Hmm, so do you think OP's link is legit? Will our MEW wallets actually get funded

>> No.3264942

If any whales are out there using my URL, this poorfag would really grateful for some spare eth so I can add more to my pool

>> No.3264950

Can't tell for sure but it looks exactly the same as my URL and behaves the same. Domain and everything is the same.

>> No.3264998

Can anyone confirm?

>> No.3265011

i dont know if this will actually work, but ill take a risk. going in with nearly 10 eth. will share the 5%. i wrote your addy in my book

>> No.3265026

Enjoy losing 10 ETH you fucking retard

>> No.3265031

Stop Fuding. Link is legit.

>> No.3265059

welp, (hopefully) thanks op. hope it works out for all of us.

>> No.3265066

Someone got Info what happens when the limit isn't reached?

>> No.3265071

dammit can't withdraw from bittrex without verifying account, and the verifying process is bugged as fucked and now stuck

maybe I'll buy directly from coinbase, fuck bittrex verification process

>> No.3265075

If it doesn't hit the minimum I believe it gets refunded. I think its unlikely that the 100 minimum won't hit though. I'm more worried about what happens if maximum is exceeded, people said that with OMG they refunded everything, not just the excess.

>> No.3265076

Just do a phone verification???

>> No.3265094

i did it
got a number but nowhere to put it, so i clicked 'verify phone' again, and this led me to a 'already used phone error'
this process sucks balls

>> No.3265100
File: 47 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot from 2017-08-29 19-57-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another address i found, use it if OPs link has hit the maximum

>> No.3265108

Someone had a screen from the slack saying it's easier for them to refund only the people who sent ETH after the limit had been reached, not sure if legit though

>> No.3265125


Scamming faggot.

Two valid links:



Both 300 ETH cap 100 ETH minimum

>> No.3265134


If we go in on this how many returns are we looking at here? 10x at least?

>> No.3265144

from x0 to x100 all depends on the Cryptogod

>> No.3265150

Just ZERO because you got scammed.

>> No.3265161

Tell us why lovely anon.

>> No.3265184

So I can send straight from metamask?

>> No.3265200

Either that or MEW, but just not from an exchange

>> No.3265204
File: 35 KB, 633x542, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3265206

>There's $10k in there now.
I'm tempted but scared.
Can I send from a blockchain.info wallet?
I'm kinda new to Eth and I'm lazy to set up MEW

>> No.3265208

contributed 2 ETH to each adress.

I better get my LINK after the token sale.

What happens when the minimum is not reached??

>> No.3265212

Can anyone confirm on slack? This is sketchy as fuck.

>> No.3265215


I believe it will be refunded if the minimum is not met. This may also be the case for if it goes over

>> No.3265216


You're not ready to invest in ICOs if you're this clueless

>> No.3265226



>> No.3265246



>> No.3265247

how much time left till we have to fund the minimum? the minimum is 100?

>> No.3265248


>> No.3265250

Yeh you can send directly from wallets, not from exchanges tho... Tuff guy.

>> No.3265263

Thanks man I appreciate it
>sorry i had to get all gangsta up in here

>> No.3265264


I believe the minimum is 100. I dont know what the time limit is

>> No.3265285

Two valid links:



both like 30 ETH missing

>> No.3265358

can I send ETH from bittrex to MEW?

>> No.3265365
File: 62 KB, 1875x697, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Getting close to 100 ETH minimum. 300 ETH cap.

>> No.3265368
File: 139 KB, 388x421, OH_MY_GAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only need 35 more guize!

>> No.3265385

yeah shouldnt be a problem

>> No.3265391

bumping this to see if we can hit it

>> No.3265398

fucking scammer

>> No.3265403

I'm in! Thanks anon for hooking this up!
If it is a scam, enjoy my $30 - you earned it

>> No.3265408

b-but muh KKK in the ID

>> No.3265411

Thank you anon!

>> No.3265421
File: 26 KB, 781x487, Screen Shot 2017-08-30 at 02.15.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a spare invite at 0x9CDC9d246896AF2fbb8De972969DC1c9a060CAD7

I'm not going to be using this invite at all, so if you choose to use it make sure you're going to be able to reach 100 eth. If my friends and I don't reach 300 on my other invite I'll post it later.

>> No.3265438

Thanks, just sent 100k.

>> No.3265441

Another -
Too the moon guis. Lets do this.


>> No.3265443


3 eth away from minimum~

>> No.3265444
File: 1.31 MB, 320x320, porty_cot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.9 ETH away from 100

>> No.3265445

Only follow links like this: https://link.smartcontract.com/presales/c333df68-b673-4740-b634-77180c47346c

The address that it gives has actual transactions, unlike this fag's address.
>legit (follow the above link): https://etherscan.io/address/0x1BDF2dD262dB4BFeec85BD77a6D189d38F4AF0E2
>fake and gay: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9CDC9d246896AF2fbb8De972969DC1c9a060CAD7

>> No.3265451

only 3 more!

>> No.3265466

I used it for the first time.
I'm sweating

>> No.3265469
File: 35 KB, 393x393, 1502968970435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By checking this box, you are affirming that you are not a U.S. or Canadian citizen or located in the U.S., Canada, or their respective territories.

Welp, that's one moon mission I won't be boarding.

>> No.3265474

right there with you senpai
fingers crossed

>> No.3265478

Just lie. Money isn't made with honesty, friendo.

>> No.3265480

Just pretend to be from France or something. No ones gunna come get you.

>> No.3265482

use a fucking vpn nigglet


2.6 eth left for the moonride go go go

>> No.3265488

is it a long wait? the 2 ETH disappeared from my bittrex wallet
then, to send them, I just paste the token address, then it's done?
also, what about the gas limit?

>> No.3265493
File: 25 KB, 587x262, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The launchpad is ready, we at 198~ now.

>> No.3265498
File: 30 KB, 800x522, 1504025290332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your government wants to keep its people poor. Stay poor, you can buy later for 10x ico price from me.

Eurofag here, for now I'm pleased here.

>> No.3265514

wait, i thought you were sending it to your mew before sending it to chain link

>> No.3265519

jesus christ

>> No.3265527

don't worry, I've a pending withdrawal from bittrex to MEW, I wonder how long it'll take
then I'll send it to the token address, if not full

>> No.3265535

You can't be serious.
Jesus fucking christ people, how are you even on this board if you can't read, what the fuck.
Say goodbye to your ETH.

>> No.3265542

glad to hear it anon

>> No.3265546

still wondering about the gaz limit

>> No.3265560

i've sent 6 eth this better not be a scam or i'm going to kms

>> No.3265565

It's gonna go over. Stop cunts.

>> No.3265572

Seriously 50 ether when it's already that close to 300? What's wrong with you?

>> No.3265577

yeah thats a lot of cheese to send
dude's got bigger nuts than me

>> No.3265581

lol it's going to be above 300 by a bit...

>> No.3265583


>> No.3265587

WHO would send 144 ETH ROFL

>> No.3265592


>> No.3265593
File: 245 KB, 344x1245, No_burgers_allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3265596

OMG, what's wrong with these people! That's fucking nuts.

>> No.3265598

goddammit, I had to verify the withdrawal by email
thanks bittrex for not explaining shit

>> No.3265599

And u wanna tell me the crowdsale wont be sold in secs? PPL throwing around with tons of ETH

>> No.3265600

how much ether now?

>> No.3265604

the more you guys believe this is a scam or nuts the better it is for those playing the game

>> No.3265607 [DELETED] 


>> No.3265608

Both reached the cap.
> https://etherscan.io/address/0x1BDF2dD262dB4BFeec85BD77a6D189d38F4AF0E2
> https://etherscan.io/address/0xFAEA18A56ce77858c15b7dbb5b403139FDFc8ff0

>> No.3265609

They're both at about 300 now.

>> No.3265611
File: 54 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot from 2017-08-30 11-51-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New address

>> No.3265612

youre not supposed to send from an exchange wallet, where the fuck do you think they are going to send you the ERC20 token??

>> No.3265614

>that faggot who sent 144 ether

>> No.3265616

what are the ETH pools for these two?
I've 2 ETH in MEW

>> No.3265620

Only follow direct links like in the op.

>> No.3265621

I don't think this is a scam. I'm just amazed at how reckless some of these people are.

>> No.3265624


>> No.3265625

are you fucking kidding ?
1 hour of bullshit settings and everyone gets in?

>> No.3265627

Your too late for these. Find a new one.

>> No.3265628

Just let this thread die, stop replying

>> No.3265630

I was pretty much the first to share a link on /biz/

1500 eth max cap limit reached in hours. I love this place.

>> No.3265656

Fuck, woke up when it was 11.10, thought "I should really go to my pc and sell right now"
then went back to bed, could have rebought and gained 50-60 omg

>> No.3265675

rip dawg
you'll get em next time

>> No.3265681

thanks man, you're doing the lords work

>> No.3265682
File: 69 KB, 1024x600, New Address.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Link guys


Dont miss it.

>> No.3265695

post the url or fuck off

>> No.3265704

Fuck off idiot scammers.

If the address doesn't start with 'link.smartcontract.com' then it's just a wallet link or some other scam.

>> No.3265719

SCAM. kys.

>> No.3265721

The real address is 0x7b3E0F17596C87C7ee280f36d3966b3c7C3cC5F7. Terribe photoshop.

>> No.3265726


>> No.3265736

sorry didn't mean to post that guys ether address.

only send eth to https://link.smartcontract.com addresses! Check that the cap is not reached yet.

>> No.3265740

anybody who got in is fine, anybody who sends over 300 will have their shit held and then maybe refunded later


>> No.3265744

Thanks. I'm gonna send 4 ETH soon.
It is all i have.
I hope this one is legit cause im in debt and i am going to literally kill myself if the money gets stolen.

>> No.3265745

Anybody got another pool link to share?

>> No.3265782

>tfw in a link over the cap

>> No.3265791

144 eth whale got greedy.

>> No.3265800

Anyone have any more links?

>> No.3265836

I'm sure they will allow a slight increase over the cap amount. They might add it as a percentage of the total cap i.e 5% in their smart contract.

>> No.3265950

But eh guys

What if someone who shared a link mails chainlink and says "hey can you refund me all the eth?".

>> No.3265966

If they refunded, it would be to the original wallet addresses for each ETH transaction so no, the person who shared the link can't scam people like this.

>> No.3265978


>> No.3265980

Why? It is a private link. They aren't even supposed to be shared.

>> No.3265989

So they're just going to pick a random address and refund it all to that one? Idiot.

>> No.3265992

How many more LINKS do you get with the presale compared to the ICO?

>> No.3266000
