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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3260802 No.3260802 [Reply] [Original]

WTF is happening to the dollar? Is it ever coming back? Have crypto hft pros leaked into FOREX to take out the dollar and make the EURO strong? WTF does this mean? I'm scared /biz/.

>> No.3260913

But you realize what is the dollar right? The amount of debt your country has, and the amount of dollar the fed has to print to support it?
The dollar is doomed to super inflation sooner or later, and frankly we can't pretend people were not warned.

>> No.3260941

Also the student debt that will need to be cleared... They will print plenty of USD when the students will start seriously defaulting.

>> No.3261054

Making more will make it strong right? I see cryptocurrencies right now and even Burger King has a coin now. Look how strong cryto is. It is spreading like wild fire. People are saying it is the future.

>> No.3261076

>Making more will make it strong right?
Not it's the opposite. When you print money the value decreases.

>> No.3261183

I must be financially illiterate. Correct me if I am wrong here. Bitcoin is called a cryptoCURRENCY and it has been harboring so many clones of itself that I can't even keep track of it anymore. In essence it is making more and more currency. With this in mind it is increasing in value.

The dollar is a currency like all the other government currencies and it is printing more and more of itself without end. But you are saying it is decreasing in value?

I heard government printing is more or less capped with some kind of debt ceiling and in the same fashion crypto coins have some cap limit of creation (some don't) yet it can keep making clones of itself.

Can you explain this to me like I am 5?

>> No.3261328

When you print any currency, should it be dollar, euro or bitcoin, you are increasing the amount of this currency into the economy.

Since there are still the same amount of good and services to buy in the economy (it doesn't increase when you print the money), then each unit of this currency will buy less goods and services. So its value decrease.
It is called inflation. Inflation is on average 2% per year in developed country. But if the country print way too much money, it can enter into a vicious circle, and inflation can go out of hands. It would mean for example that USD would lose its value really really fast.

There is not cap on the amount of money the FED can print. However its official goal is to contain inflation to reasonable levels.

There is a cap on the amount of debt the government can contract. However this cap is mainly symbolic since it is raised on a regular basis.

The truth is that the more the government borrow money, the more it will be difficult to reimburse the interest. And when the government cannot reimburse the debt, it just asks the FED to print more money.

This is where the vicious circle is. Because the federal government is on a path to unmanageable debt, they are bound to print more and more USD in the future to keep up with the interests.

This will lead to hyperinflation. Which means the dollar will continue losing value against euro and any other currencies.

>> No.3261568

So what does this mean for things valued in terms of this depreciating piece of paper like the USD?

I know historically things people buy like bread and milk inflate with the currency.

What does that mean for other commodities? Do they gain value or do they essentially stay the same? I have a hard time with this one considering all the paper markets tied to commodities pretending to act inversely to the USD index via hft algos.

How do you explain this Bitcoin fad right now?

Since you said

>When you print any currency, should it be dollar, euro or bitcoin, you are increasing the amount of this currency into the economy.

Since there are still the same amount of good and services to buy in the economy (it doesn't increase when you print the money), then each unit of this currency will buy less goods and services. So its value decrease.

So more cryptocurrency is being printed (created) with all these altcoins yet that system looks like it is increasing in value in terms of USD. Bitcoin even forked and basically doubled itself. Is this real value or is it masked USD hyperinflation in it's infancy? Is Bitcoin merely buying time for the USD?

How can it gain value while the USD is falling against other world currencies?

It seems to me that neither are safe in a hyper inflationary event because one is severely dependent on the other.

>> No.3261621

obviously, the value for cryptocurrencies is coming from USD. Even if there is a force for inflation (new cryptocoins being invented), the inverse force (more money flowing into crypto) is much stronger resulting in an actual growth of value/coin.

>> No.3261656

When the dollar depreciate, the manifestation f it in the real economy is the increase in price of everything you can buy with it : bread, milk, services, commodities etc...

Bitcoin is actually a deflationary currency. Since there a no central bank to print the money, and the supply decrease with time, all the people that wants to buy bitcoins will have to share the same 21 millions units for the rest of time. So, if we exclude the possibility of a critical event that will destroy the network, Bitcoin is bound to increase in value compared to dollar on the long term.
Dollar deflates every year (on average 2%).
Bitcoin inflates every year.

>> No.3261682

>Dollar deflates every year (on average 2%).
>Bitcoin inflates every year.
I meant the opposite of course. Dollar inflates while Bitcoin deflates.

>> No.3261805
File: 15 KB, 577x360, QE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first you need to know the diffrence between money, and currancies...
money is back by an asset , and currency is not...
you say " government printing is more or less capped" /// but this is not true...
world wide quantitative easing(currency printing) has increased 10 fold since the financial crisis of 2008....

When they add this currency to the market ... Hyper inflation is inevitable

>> No.3261832

Yet the multitude of altcoins actually create the excitement needed to make Bitcoin stand on it's own two feet?

I don't understand how someone can talk about Bitcoin and ignore it's powerful array of endlessly created auxillary coins and then act like they aren't part of the ecosystem known as crypto currency.

It would be like saying that Wall ST is deflationary because the USD which the US government needs is capped by a debt ceiling and that derivatives aren't part of the system whatsoever.

On top of this how can one thing be capped then fork itself in turn creating more of itself. Maybe not Bitcoin itself but yet another clone.

It would be like saying I have a family of 3 and since this is all you see with your eyes that this is the end of my bloodline while completely ignoring the fact that each member is genetically designed to procreate and make more humans.

Anyways, thanks for your input.

It is becoming more clear to me that when man says "give some power and I promise I won't ask for more nor will I give myself more" that this in fact is an impossibility.

Especially when dealing with the currency.

He will be innocent at first then slowly but surely turn into a tyrant.

>> No.3261920

You cannot consider all cryptocurrencies like one big currency with one supply, it makes no sense.

The cryptocurrencies ecosystem is more like a stock exchange. If you add more stocks to the listing it doesn't mean the other stocks will lose value.

Actually, since people use bitcoin as a vehicle to enter the crypto world, the more cryptocurrency there are, the stronger is the demand of bitcoin.

The truth is that people start seeing Bitcoin as a store of value, like physical gold.
Once it's wired into the general culture, Bitcoin price will keep growing, like the price of gold.
A fork can be an issue only if it destroys the image of bitcoin as a store of value.

It all depends of the image of BTC in people's minds

>> No.3262062

>Actually, since people use bitcoin as a vehicle to enter the crypto world, the more cryptocurrency there are, the stronger is the demand of bitcoin.
You more or less validated my statement that Bitcoin is nothing without it's stocks since they indicate growth.

>The cryptocurrencies ecosystem is more like a stock exchange

This I completely agree with.

Unfortunately, I see all cryptos as glorified databases with no real world applications except "look at my marketcap".

I think we already know what happens when stock exchanges run the world off the back of a currency that man controls.

Do we really want to repeat that again?

For the moment it looks like greed, fear, and lust for power rule the day.

Same as it ever was....

Thought maybe, just maybe, the world was ready for an actual change with the USD possibly making it's death plunge.

Looks like they are all too cozy sleeping instead.

>> No.3262175

>Do we really want to repeat that again?
>For the moment it looks like greed, fear, and lust for power rule the day.
>Same as it ever was....
>Thought maybe, just maybe, the world was ready for an actual change with the USD possibly making it's death plunge.

It looks to me like you expect the technology to change human nature.

It seems quiet naive to say the least. Blockchain is just a new technology, humans will always stay the same.