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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3259525 No.3259525 [Reply] [Original]

Is this fake news /biz/? Do you think there is a major financial market crash coming, and if so, how big do you think it will be? I want to buy index funds when it happens.

>According to a new SEC filing, Buffett is sitting on $55 billion in cash through his company Berkshire Hathaway.
>At a cost of $29 million every single day he keeps his money out of the markets, from all outward appearances, this is a risky and costly gamble. Unless Buffett is sure a Wall Street crash is at our doorstep.

>Previously, Soros allocated 3% of his portfolio to shorting the S&P. It’s a common practice major investors use to insure their positions against unforeseen pullbacks.
>But he just increased his short position on the S&P 500 over 5X fold, taking it to 16% of his entire portfolio.

>“The signals we’ve been tracking are quite clear, a 70% stock market crash is imminent.”


>> No.3259547

This is great for crypto

>> No.3259588

this is not great for anything retard

do you think warren buffet or any other stock market trader suddenly switch to crypto?

and the average guy will try to put his money where he thinks is the safest which will not be crypto obviously.

if stock market crashes 70%, crypto will crush like 90%

>> No.3259599

>all those normies turning to crypto to save their money
WE gon b millionaires bois

>> No.3259607

that article has no dates and the links don't work.
also soros has been betting against the market since trump won the election and lost loads.
but ofc north korea drama potentially on the horizon again can cause it to drop.

>> No.3259609

We're all betting against the market by buying crypto. Looks like we are just as smart as the billionaires.

/smart money/

>> No.3259615

t. gold fag

>> No.3259621

Most western countries have huge debts, pensioners are living longer and young people arent reproducing...less taxes/more pensions. Its a "bussiness" doomed to fail. Yes, economy will colapse worse than 08

>> No.3259627


>> No.3259630

So long as you stay employed, who cares? Crypto crashing 90% doesn't change the use case. It just makes the product cheap!

>> No.3259633

not if stock/bond/forex/commodities outflow gets invested into cryptoz, which is arguably the hottest new new tech trend right now, with relatively fewer regulations.

people go where the money goes and if other markets are overvalued then smart money will get out and go to the next trend even though we are still in the everything bubble phase.

nasdaq for example in usa has been topping off for months now, hitting much more muted highs. sept. tends to be a rocky month for conventional investments.

crypto is the future...now. and the bubble will only get bigger.

i think and am betting we see a deflationary crash across *everything* near the tail-end of 2018 and then hyperinflation. either way it will still be better to have funds in crypto vs. fiat or whatever. real estate is already starting to top off too.

>> No.3259645

if biz was as weaponized as /pol/, we could make ourselves millionaires

>> No.3259654
File: 700 KB, 1920x1080, IXledger and Gen Re (Warren Buffet).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Buffett is sitting on $55 billion in cash through his company Berkshire Hathaway.

Buffett is betting with the market though.
He's investing in crypto though Gen Re which just partnered with iXLedger (IXT)

/Biz/ doesn't like money apparently because if you're smart you'd be buying IXT on ether delta.

See pic related

>> No.3259656

crypto can only crash if people pull their money out of it. if the real market recession (crash) is severe enough, no one in their right mind will take money out of crypto into fiat.
altcoins might fall a bit, because people might think of BTC as a more stable store of value, but the crypto market as a whole will keep it's value (combined market caps) and maybe even increase.

>> No.3259662

same is true for the stock market.
u'll have opportunity to buy stocks/cryptos for cheap.
but it will take a very long fucking time to recover from a 70-90% crash.

>> No.3259667
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Pic related to my last post

>> No.3259678

WE just need one man to unite
A vision
A man of many gainz
A merchant king to rule them all

>> No.3259683

Even smarter. It takes a very high IQ capable of advanced abstraction to understand the value of cryptocurrency

>> No.3259697

then you would be spreading fake news.... the only protection from market collapse is tangible assets

>> No.3259710

why would people keep their money in crypto in case of an economic collapse?
we will see another gold rush. crypto is not that mainstream yet for people to think it as a safe heaven.

not to mention it's too volatile to call it a safe heaven in the first place.

>> No.3259714
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do it

>> No.3259724

crashing this market

>> No.3259734
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>> No.3259760

>crypto is not that mainstream yet for people to think it as a safe heaven.
except that it is for people who already invested in crypto. would you take your crypto-money and put it into gold? ... neither would i
and i think it's the same for 95% of people in crypto.

all it takes for crypto NOT to crash is money NOT leaving the crypto-market.

>> No.3259800

but it's gonna leave dude. thinking otherwise would be wishful thinking.

>> No.3259817

confirmed, I'm a faggot- I knew there was something fishy about the site

nevertheless I'm interested in discussions of an upcoming collapse

>> No.3259825

29mill a day to store money? wtf that might be a good reason to switch to crypto instead of thios ancient gold bs

>> No.3259827

nigger are you stupid
Bitcoin's ENTIRE use case is an economic collapse
that's why its gaining so much traction in Venezuela
imagine a GLOBAL collapse

>> No.3259871

maybe you're right and there's probably a good argument to be made that you are right.

however when it comes to a real market crash i will definitely keep my money in crypto, because i think until then cryptos will have had enough mainstream attention to not crash.
in the end no one can actually know what will happen, so it's just another crypto gamble (hold vs sell & buy lower).

>> No.3259875
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i think we could do a /pol/ . A few of us here made over a million dollars from very small investments over a few years. i have been in the stock markets since 1998 (yeah im oldfag 1982) and had a few lucky hustles (bought Australian mining giant shares in 2008 when they crashed and watched them double within 9 months after (my strategy was if they went down, so would australia. it isnt entirely true, so i got lucky!). I bought Tesla and solarCity and made a fortune there as well. but NOTHING close to crypto. I am not buying the 'no intrinsic value' and 'unsustainable gains' bullshit. you cant cook the crypto books half as easily as any stock exchange share where people are cooking for the entire quarter to release bullshit statements to avoid paying investors and just lining their own pockets.

i guess people are leveraged to the hilt with their fat mortgages and cars and will liquidate EVERYTHING in the result of a crash to make payments so the crypto markets will probably crash.

I would love bitcoin to drop 50% so i could buy more. fuck it! to 2015 levels would be even nicer, but i seriously doubt it.

>> No.3259888

crypto generally goes up during economic bad news

>> No.3259891
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>> No.3259892

i like to believe this theory. i think economic disaster will (hopefully) boost BTC

>> No.3259894
File: 69 KB, 710x640, 1446954102241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually fucking retarded?

>> No.3259900

You have zero understanding of how crypto fits in with the market place

>> No.3259905

>if stock market crashes 70%, crypto will crush like 90%
>wishful thinking

100% of the people with significant money invested in crypto are all in the category of people who would put a significant amount of money in crypto. Why do you think they'd pull money out of crypto if everything other than crypto were crashing? Once it looks like everything else has hit bottom, sure, they'd sell off some crypto to go on a non-crypto shopping spree but not before. What makes you think otherwise?

>> No.3259930

i'm talking about a likely crowd psychology in case of an ecomonic collapse.

your cypto theories will go down to shitter if that happens.

>> No.3259962

>your cypto theories will go down to shitter if that happens.
lol and yours won't? Tell us more about your bulletproof theories.

>> No.3259991

probably not as long as you think. Didn't BTC crash by nearly 50% a month ago and now we're at new all time highs? Also, stock prices will be propped up by central banks buying them through massive quantitative easing programs. All that new money being pumped into the economy will be a good time to stack up on crypto in preparation for the hyperinflation that will eventually follow more rounds of massive money printing by the Fed.

>> No.3260068

>According to a new SEC filing, Buffett is sitting on $55 billion in cash through his company Berkshire Hathaway.
he explains why he is sitting on a mountain of cash ..
its not all doom and gloom


But I guess it is easier to sell a doomsday collapse story than the truth

>> No.3260397

actually, youd want to keep 20-50% of your crypto allocation in cash, spread FUD about how crypto is dying, and then buy btc/eth/ltc at a 90% discount while everyone is panicking

>> No.3260415

>if the real market recession (crash) is severe enough, no one in their right mind will take money out of crypto into fiat

if people start losing their jobs obviously they will. Just on biz there are plenty of people who have much of their net worth in crypto.

>> No.3260448

I keep all my money in bags

>> No.3260455

We're just entering a volatile period. Things are looking a little choppier after a strong bull run through the summer.

It isn't a guarantee that we're heading for a crash, just an acknowledgment that the market right now isn't as sure a bet.

No one "knows" when a crash will happen because it's triggered by something different every time and occurs in a radically different environment than the last.

>> No.3260529

what are the odds it will happen this thursday when my $ transfer shows in in cuckbase to double down on my portfolio. 100% if i buy btc. ~ 0% if i wait for a crash.

>> No.3260535

Not even crowd psychology.

>My stocks are worthless
>I got laid off at work
>I need to pay rent this month
>Hey, I've got money in crypto!
>Sells crypto

>> No.3260537


Lost earnings you retard, not storage.

>> No.3260553


Are you talking about crypto? It isn't exactly strongly coupled with the general stock market

>> No.3260567


>29 mill lost earnings a day DDD:

The market has been trading sideways for a couple of weeks now, that's an invalid assertion

>> No.3260645

still, can you imagine 29mil a day. christ

>> No.3260659

Yeah. Food and shelter. If you are in deep shit you will cash out.

>> No.3260674


I'm saying he wouldn't be making that. He'd be making 29 mill a day and losing 29 mill the next, that's why he's on the sidelines.

S&P 500 has been solidly stagnating

>> No.3260806

haha this is spam for someone's book and faggot op believed it

>> No.3261219


>> No.3261270

kind of funny if true, considering the 'crypto is bullshit' meme image of buffet that floats around /biz/ occasionally

>> No.3261288

It won't be that severe. It won't destroy the dollar. That's a dumb fantasy held by doomsayers alone.
People will take their money out when they lose their jobs and debt catches up to them. The same thing happens to gold. It's not actually very resistant to losing value during crashes, but people trust it to regain it afterward where companies and other investments could go to zero and never return. Bitcoin is an asset that could theoretically zero out.

>> No.3262074
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>> No.3262100


dont listen to the haters, this is 100% obvious truth.

people here actually believe crypto will run up during an economic crash. are you fucking kidding me?

i know you guys are all fucking poor dumbasses, but this is a new level.

>> No.3262132


double dubs of truth. Now I will explain why.

1. Crypto is speculative as fuck.
2. Whales will quickly cash out and sit in FIAT so they can get 100% guaranteed returns in investing at the bottom in normie world (stocks, real estate) rather than this insanity called crypto

The current crypto boom is occuring because big money investors are running out of things to speculate on. Real estate is tapped out, stocks are tapped out. Investors right now are just desperate for an outlet for their cash.

>> No.3262151

where would money go in a huge crash?

>> No.3262222

XRP Ripple

>> No.3262553


There are no "big money" speculators in crypto, contrary to popular belief -- your average crypto trader is a middle class millennial in software / information technology -- NOT ultra high wealth investors, and definitely not institutions. Anon, this market is still small, look at the market caps! We're still insignificant. The real bubble hasn't even started yet.

>> No.3262571

>We need one animechan


>> No.3262609

Buffet might be an old boomer but he's capable of recognizing his own mistakes when its costing him money. Unlike Schiff.

>> No.3262774

$450 bitcoins? Tell me where I sign up.

>> No.3262904

Pretty much everyone who put a good amount of money into crypto do so because they believe it is a better investment than stocks or fiat, thinking they would cash out of crypto after a stock/fiat crash is fucking retarded, a stock/fiat crash would just confirm what pretty much every crypto enthusiast says.
More important, a stock crash would make people seek better investments, so more money pouring into crypto is a much more likely scenario.

>> No.3262925

And then real estate and stock market.

For example: my family have steadily converted their millions into FIAT in the past 6 months and are willing to just sit in FIAT for 2-3 years in anticipation for the crash.

Once teh crash happens, they will buy Vanguard funds and real estate.

I am the "hedge" against this by throwing all my money at crypto.

But you are a fucking idiot if big money would rather buy crypto than real estate in relatively obvious bottom of an economic cycle.

>> No.3262962

I think there's a legit chance the feds are trying to crash BTC before the market and dollar crash

So people won't start uing bitcoin when suddenly the dolar is shit and the dow is, they crash BTC to shit first. NO ALTERNATIVES GOYIM YOU WILL USE MY PETRODOLLAR NO MATTER HOW BAD IT GETS.

>> No.3262996

This may be news to you, but many of the countries that have the most money in BTC have weak currencies and use crypto as a store of value/safe heaven to their life savings instead.
What also may be news for you is that most of the money pouring into crypto isn't coming from the US.

>> No.3263669

Bitcoin didn't even exist yet during the last recession. Literally how can you even say that?

>> No.3263732

Lots of money on the sidelines, which means the market will probably keep moving up if earnings continue strong and unemployment stays low. If earnings start missing or everyone is balls deep in the market, it'd be more worried.

>> No.3263777

> Trump's economics will doom us all
Crypto soars
> Fed's increasing interest
Crypto soars
> Debt ceiling meme
Crypto soars

I think we can.

>> No.3263788

>billionaires bet against the market
>market keeps going despite them
>bet against billionaires betting against the market
>billionaires fold because not enough pressure

>> No.3263796


If crypto crashes 90%.

I will start sucking dicks, eating the cum for food and invest everything into BTC.

>> No.3263844


> John Oliver releases a new episode
Crypto soars

>> No.3264056

This man is right. Just look at CHINA.

>> No.3264232


This. Million times this. They thought they could keep giving benefits and creating the money to pay for them out of thin air and do this forever, most economists still think this, it's gonna burst on their fucking faces.

And before you idiots start talking shit I have actually studied economics, I know how the fucking DD-AA model works, do you?

>> No.3264257

God I fucking hope so (It won't)