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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3254488 No.3254488 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so surprise surprise. Its happening. The thing everybody knew and was afraid of that would eventually happen, is happening right now. For the uninformed: the hammer of law is approaching cryptospace, and your assholes better be prepared. It starts with regulation of ICOs and ends with regulation of the whole blockchain. Now, thanks to the nature of blockchain we can defend ourselves from over regulation via even more decentralisation. What I invite everybody to do, is to research decentralized exchanges as they are the first line of protection.

>> No.3254551

feels comfy sitting on my ICO ZRX now

>> No.3254570

Not just this. Monero for money, 0x trading, MBRS for uncensorable content, the more decentalized the less it can be touched by governments.

Find the platforms that will work together to build an entirely new economic model that cuts out government and large company middle men and gives the power to the people.

>> No.3254581

How will centralized exchanges adapt?

>> No.3254587

Is this good news for Bancor?

>> No.3254589

it's disheartening that all of this is coming to an end so soon.

as they say "the rich gets richer and the poor stays poor"

that statement has never been any truer.

they are trying to stop the ordinary people from participating in ICOs and only let accredited investors in. that means the rich controls it and we get the overpriced scraps

>> No.3254598

Guy guys!! GBYTE --> No ICO's No Blockchain

>> No.3254604


Lemme check my folio:


Yeah, I'm good.

>> No.3254608

>good news
Pick one

>> No.3254627
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>post yfw you are not an americuck and living in an actual free first world country

>> No.3254655

straya ftw m8

>> No.3254661

I wonder how long these bureaucratic cucks will need to accomplish their goals. Probably years.

>> No.3254683


Honestly I think out politicians are just too retarded to crack down on it.

Once they see what America is doing they'll trot out their own half-arsed version.

>> No.3254684


Post yfw when it won't fucking matter what arbitrarily drawn line you reside in. Decentralize world government.

>> No.3254688
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*Hai hai!~*

It seems you're right anon-san! First China...
...then today Russia and Canda...
...I'm guessing the EU will be next. That'll make a bunch of anons upset! We'll probably be seeing more attempts to get around this by pooling money together to buy into ICOs with requirements. Of course, that'll only last until some anon runs away with a lot of money or (more likely) ICO issuers catch no. Which will probably happen since people in Slacks are stupid enough to advertise open spaces in their smart contract pools/asking if there are open spaces.

This is why I've said repeatedly in the discords that we have around 2 years to make our fortunes before the gates are closed off to people like us for good! It'll all be regulated and eventually taxed somehow.

And yes, this is why we need decentralized exchanges. Particularly if they're based in foreign jurisdictions! Thankfully, investing in ZRX was a step in the right direction. We'll be getting Radar Relay and 0cean (and more!) in due time. But these are still only ERC20-compliant decentralized exchanges. What we really need are decentralized exchanges that deal with other tokens as well! This is why I'm keeping a close eye on Kyber and Bancor (assuming positive news ever comes out).

If anyone hears of another decentralized exchange in the works, let me know, 'kay?~

>> No.3254705

Are you kidding? They're sour, missing out on all this money. They're gonna pass legislature on this faster than anything ever before.

>> No.3254726

We have probably until the end of 2018.

After ICOs they burger regulation service will make eth illegal.

Anons posts above is good advice, but we probably have a few more months before worrying about it.

>> No.3254765

Not really, politicians have some kind of superpower that lets them decide pretty fucking quickly on overregulating shit that they have no idea how to tax.
>we need to protect dumb consumers thus making it impossible for them to enter ICOs
Yeah, right

>> No.3254779

Does it affect only USA and China?

>> No.3254850

God bless for that, they're too busy deciding on whether faggots and dykes should marry or not.

>> No.3254879

they won't. why the fuck would you use a centralized exchange when decentralized ones are equal to them? and when they're better... bittrex employees will be looking for new jobs

>> No.3254884
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>regulating the blockchain

>> No.3254911


and wtf , Canada is getting regulated now as well? How do I avoid all of this shit. I suppose I could just use my Dutch citizenship. (Dual)

>> No.3254925

Wahahahaha come to easter europe faggs.No regulations nobody gives a fuck

>> No.3254927
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>we are decentralised, beyond the government's reach.

>> No.3254956
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>The US government will control Bitcoin

>> No.3254988
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Just be prepared to take advantage. It's as simple as that.

The cat's out of the bag, crypto isn't going anywhere. It might get institutionalized, but if that's the case, just get onboard with Goldman Sachs with whatever Crypt-Hedge they've got in the works, get on early, and go to the moon.

Yeah the normies will get onboard eventually, but you still got another 2-3 years before that happens.

Adapt, adapt, adapt.

>> No.3254990
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Cryptocurrency is for the people. Vires in numerus.

>> No.3255068
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are there any untraceable erc20 type coins out there?

>> No.3255171

No lad, everything on the Ethereum network is pseudonymous (i.e. they're tracebale just like BTC)

>> No.3255413

when i hear grandmas talking about buying bitcoin from coinbase at the store that means normies are hopping on.

normies are already getting on board.

try 2-3months

>> No.3255524
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Thank you for your insights once more, based asterisk-anon. I´ll check out your links and modify my five year plan to a turbomode-one.

>> No.3255531

Ask 10000 random people on the street if they've bought crypto, and I'll bet you 1ETH that you'll find maybe only one at the most, and more likely zero.

You forgot the chief rule - the unwashed masses are dumb as fuck. 65% of Americans don't even have enough money to cover a $400 emergency. Get down to the Rust Belt states and they probably don't even know how to hook up a monitor to a desktop. You start talking about crypto they won't have a clue.

>> No.3255700
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Monero will moon

>> No.3255738

And these people are supposed to buy in at mania phase?

>> No.3255745

Dude she will loose all her fucking money

>> No.3255812

Monero and coins like it will moon longterm im assuming

>> No.3256109

A showdown for the ages... place your W-ETH bets now, before someone regulates that shit too

>> No.3256139

This will still affect traders in other countries as supply and demand keeps prices up. If a coin becomes "illegal" its perceived value will plummet.

>> No.3256446
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I just want to launch my ico by the end of the year. You think I will be good anon?

>> No.3256943
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