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3252598 No.3252598 [Reply] [Original]

How do we feel with our iota bags, /biz/?

>> No.3252627

Iota needs to properly decentralize and get onto an exchange, then it will go to the moon instantly. Iota is definitely a keeper if it can decentralize.

>> No.3252629
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It's a good coin. I don't mind holding it for a bit.
IOTA and Monero are the only ones in top 20 market cap I feel can still moon.

>> No.3252646

Hasn't Binance announced featuring it soon?

Yeah I hope it is, I'm 90% in but seeing those dips I regret not having invested more into Monero (have sold 10 Monero to buy iota at 76 cents, fml)

>> No.3252895

I'm up +110%, don't know about you desu

>> No.3252998

Up 200% on my initial investment, down 8% on the last one.
>Iota is definitely a keeper if it can decentralize.
This pretty much.

I'm used to holding long-term now and iota looks like a decent, if not excellent, bag to hold for two or three years.