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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3249859 No.3249859 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3249868

No news here stupid.

This is the news : https://twitter.com/monaco_card/status/902094678962561024

>> No.3249869
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>> No.3249890

lul, was just about to post this myself

twitter hashtag #monacoapp to see the source

not too reliable but hey, buy the rumor maybe? Fat fucking rise to be buying into though. Im throwin a tiny bit into here because fk it

>> No.3249910



>> No.3249915
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>mfw just sold the last of my neo to get on board the monaco rocket
wew lad

>> No.3249954

Put my life savings into monaco at 298k sats

Am I gonna make it.

>> No.3250185

will monaco continue to boom? seriously considering buying in more at this price point since I cashed out at 22 expecting a correction

this shit could hit $50 with a visa partnership but I hate buying near ATH. MCO has defied logic so im kind of blinded by the potential right now

>> No.3250208


Don't buy at ATHs, it's 101 for gods sake.

>> No.3250239


There are very few traditional rules that apply on the crypto market. After NEO, ARK, and now MCO I'm thinking "never buy at ATH" is not one of them

>> No.3250250

no because only losers ask that question

>> No.3250251

Commonly known as FOMO.

>> No.3250267
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Textbook FOMO

>> No.3250327

How is this different than just having a fucking visa card lol

>> No.3250368

a fucking visa card is using your ((wagecuck shekels)) for payment. this one is using your ((imaginary internet meme money))

>> No.3250390

yeah enjoy paying with your prepaid shitpajeet debit card at the cost of bitcoin transactions and the speed. literaly bought into a scam id drop my bags if i were u

>> No.3250406

You're fucking stupid.
Trying to comfort yourself by imagining a broken system instead of doing a bit of research and taking the risk of seeing how good it is and maybe earn money by investing.

>> No.3250415

its gonna have 1% fee for every transaction and payment will be instant. you might be correct about the scam tho.
however its one of the better coins in roi i bought in ico. idc if scam or legit desu

>> No.3250554

Newfag here. What's ath?

>> No.3250566

all time high

>> No.3250631

guys dont buy now it pumped and it is a scam. if you want to put trust in payment via cryptos there is only one coin you should hold it is $MTL

>> No.3250655

Agreed. Got blown away by Neo. Didn't think it was possible. The same pump seems to be happening to Monaco. I say jump in and enjoy the ride. Any sign of a down trend, pull out.

>> No.3250669
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Literally retarded