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324773 No.324773 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so here's the scoop:
There are 2 blood plasma donations, different companies, that are right next to my house. Each will pay $50 per donation, but will only let you do a donation every 2 days, and only 2 donations per week.

My plan is to alternate between the 2 centers, and double my money. This will in 3 weeks give me $600, enough to cover my rent, electric, water, and gas.

I have a few questions though.
1. How much of a danger to my health is this?
2. How do I minimize my risk of getting caught? (and getting banned from either one or both places)
3. Has anyone else done something similar to this?

>> No.324780

You will probably get caught the first time. They only let you do a donation every 2 days because it takes 2 days to fully regenerate the plasma in your blood. When they hook you up to take the plasma after a day they wont get that much and wont pay you.

>> No.324786

They apply UV dye (different colors for different clinics) to one of your fingers to ensure that you're not doing that.

In any case if you tried that your veins would be utterly destroyed from scar tissue within 3 weeks.

>> No.324818

You should get a job instead of literally trying to bleed yourself to death for money.

>> No.324821

You might die, blood is very important.

>> No.324825 [DELETED] 

>get a job
it takes like 30 minutes to draw blood

times that by 2 and you're making $100/hr

does your shit job pay $100/hr?

never laugh at money, bro

>> No.324828 [DELETED] 

you regenerate that shit like a lizard who gets his foot chopped off

>> No.324831 [DELETED] 

not if you drink a lot of water and eat sandwiches

>> No.324834

>How much of a danger to my health is this?

I assume that this is just a small amount of plasma. I donate a shitload of plasma at a local clinic, and they ban me for like nine months. I feel like shit for weeks afterwards. If you tried to do it on a daily basis for weeks on end, bad things would happen.

I'm willing to bet plasma regeneration rate is proportional to the amount of plasma you have, so while it may take 2 days to regenerate after a withdrawal of 1x units of plasma, it could take more than 4 days to regenerate after a withdrawal of 2x units. This could lead to a dangerous cascade effect that drains way more plasma than you can regenerate and leave you seriously fucked up.


>does your shit job pay $100/hr?

My job doesn't require me to bleed out for 2,200 hours every year. Besides, you said yourself you could only do this for a few hours a week, tops.

>> No.324835


I'm no doctor but I've donated blood a handful of times. The biggest risk I can think of is:

1. Your blood won't be able to clot as well as it would normally.
2. Your veins could collapse from prolonged and frequent penetration.

I wouldn't do it that frequently, your body will need time to regenerate.

>> No.324843 [DELETED] 

yeah thats what I thought

>> No.324846 [DELETED] 

you already bleed out of your vagina every month

>> No.324847 [DELETED] 

>I feel like shit for weeks afterwards
you didnt drink water or eat sandwiches

>> No.324849 [DELETED] 

i understand not everyone can pull it off

donating plasma for a career requires skills

skills that you don't have

>> No.324851 [DELETED] 

a healthy bro who lifts every week and actually eats well can recover fast

now if youre some fat neckbeard I can understand why a little prick of the needle knocked you out for a week

>> No.324853 [DELETED] 

same shit applies if youre some dyel faggot

start squatting faggot

maybe then a lil blood test won't incapacitate you for weeks

>> No.324854

Are you 16? This board isn't for shitheads like you who think donating blood is a way for "fast cash". You do it maybe once a month as a free $50 bonus. You WILL die if you constantly do this practically every other day.

This wont even work since they UV dye your fingers (you cant even get that shit removed by force, it's on there like a blood stain). They also can tell by the fucking holes and bruises that constantly sticking a needle in your arm will cause.

It wont work
You will die if you somehow manage to get it to work
You will seriously fucking die if you manage to do this.

...on second thought, go for it, we are all just internet nobodies who's word means nothing here. Just go for it pal, donate blood every other day, you'll save a lot of lives ;^)

>> No.324859 [DELETED] 

calm down dyel faggot

a blood test practically put you in a wheel chair for over a week

i can only imagine what you look like irl

>> No.324861 [DELETED] 

>you will seriously fucking die
i can imagine why you'd think that

start lifting and eating right

then come back to this thread

>> No.324862 [DELETED] 

and do some fucking cardio fatty

>> No.324863

215lbs, 6'3'' work out Tuesdays and Thursday for 3 hours, running, lifting, and aerobics. I work at a medium sized business (1500 employees) as a Systems Administrator, making $98k a year with $15-$20k bonuses depending on the net profits. You are sitting here trying to make $50 a day by removing something that allows you to live.

Okay pal.

>> No.324865 [DELETED] 

>work out

top kek

>> No.324866 [DELETED] 

i've managed sys admins before

you people are the most unhealthy fucks ive ever met

eating cheetos and chugging down mountain dew

>> No.324867 [DELETED] 

yeah i believe you, tough guy keyboard warrior

it's time for you to stop e-stating and starting lifting for real

>> No.324868 [DELETED] 

>internet nobodies
my grandpa has more stamina than you do

he got a blood test yesterday and did some yard work today

>> No.324869 [DELETED] 

$100/hr for essentially sitting on a chair > being a code monkey

>> No.324870

Even for biz I've never seen this level of shiposting. Fuck off tr18ps0Y.

>> No.324871

Do you have to pay tax on the money you make from selling your blood?

>> No.324872 [DELETED] 

this board is for people who want to make money

not fat ass code monkeys who can't run down the block

>> No.324874 [DELETED] 

look, another fatty working a dead end job here to enlighten us about blood regeneration

>> No.324876 [DELETED] 


>actually contributing to the thread and giving tips for recovering fast after a blood draw

show us your contributions bro

>> No.324878

Replying to the same reply 3 times. Good luck in grade 10 kiddo ;)

>> No.324879 [DELETED] 

It's called posting in succession.

Look it up in the dictionary if that word is too big for your vocabulary

>> No.324881 [DELETED] 

excellent post m8

you're another fast talking cheeto eating keyboard warrior

>> No.324882

The impression that I get, is that you missed that the ID fields were enabled, and assumed that people would assume your "sockpuppets" were different users, agreeing with you.

>> No.324883 [DELETED] 

I'm not changing my writing style or saying "that's not me"

Not even attempting to give the impression that I'm several people

He's probably some 'tard who got held back in the 10th grade

Another e-stating code monkey cheeto eater

>> No.324888

Posts like this make me wonder what sad event happened in your life. I know I've spent loads of time on utterly stupid shit but even when I was a younger man........I had better standards.

Fix your life, man.

>> No.324890 [DELETED] 

you're a tool

i'd make more money than you do donating plasma for a fraction of the effort

because im not a dyel faggot

>> No.324891 [DELETED] 

>Fix your life, man.

you can start by putting down the mountain dew and going to the gym

>> No.324892 [DELETED] 

>but my standards
this is why you're a tool

you let society dictate how you make money

you only think they're your standards. in reality, you've subconsciously been manipulated over the years to believe certain things are "beneath you"

>> No.324895 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 400x400, 31048577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.324896 [DELETED] 

i can only imagine the look on your face as you find out successful panhandlers can make 1k in 8 hours

1k of tax free money

for sitting on a sidewalk with a tin can begging for money

I hope you enjoy slaving at that minimum wage job while Robert makes $125/hr while reading the newspaper as a street beggar

>> No.324899 [DELETED] 

>it's too cold in Canada to start lifting

you're not going to make it

>> No.324900
File: 11 KB, 224x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.324903


I wouldn't reccomend messing around with your plasma levels.

Most of your fat soluble vitamins move through plasma (A,D,E,K)

These vitamins are crucial to your survival.
Plasma is also used in your bodys immunity, so i assume you would have some problems with infections.

I would some more research before taking action.

>> No.324912


There's a reason they don't allow you to keep donating, and it's not because they're trying to keep you from getting more money.

Let OP find out the hard way when he gets the flu in the middle of May and has to go to the emergency room when he passes out from dehydration.