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File: 76 KB, 600x360, 3842ADACE5E688A4125BAFCC1538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
324481 No.324481 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a bad idea to put my IQ on my resume?

>> No.324483

Yes. Are you autistic?

>> No.324484

Terrible idea. If you are a member of Mensa that MIGHT be acceptable considering what job you are going for but it can sometimes come off as really arrogant.

>> No.324485

Only if it's low ( < 130)

Otherwise, it might impress your employer

>> No.324486

To clarify further:
>No to IQ
>Might be acceptable in rare situations to add that you are part of Mensa

>> No.324487
File: 21 KB, 400x289, genius taking an online iq test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you fucking retard.

>> No.324489

No, but you should mention you're autistic.

>> No.324491

"i pay annual dues so that an organization will pat me on the back for being so brilliant" --a real smart guy

>> No.324495

I think the annual fee is worth it. Just take a look:


>> No.324496
File: 453 KB, 800x1450, Giulio-cesare-enhanced_1-800x1450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why? It is a HUGE example of how qualified one is for employment. Nuerotypicals shouldn't be too worried.
But why is it an ill fated action?
I have an IQ of 135. You are inferior in intelligence to me.
Why? It sounds quite frivolous.

>> No.324498

No, only retards with low IQs will tell you otherwise to make themselves feel better

>> No.324500

>I have an IQ of 135.
Did the facebook IQ test say that or did the myspace IQ test say that? Because neither of those websites are doctors.

>> No.324502


Is your employment in taking IQ tests? If not, then you should be able to show your intelligence in other ways. If someone put their IQ on a resume I'd laugh.

>> No.324522

>It is a HUGE example of how qualified one is for employment.

No, it isn't, you fucking autist. Besides the fact the employer can't verify your claim, you could be a complete flake when it comes to your job.

>> No.324527
File: 45 KB, 316x420, 22248_1350332042811_1366670967_2343944_2479927_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all niggas posting in a troll thread

>> No.324541

>I have an IQ of 135. You are inferior in intelligence to me.

Its hard to imagine you as anything else but the most autistic broken-human being imaginable.

>> No.324552


"MENSA" was a automatic disqualifier on the resume filter software at my last job.

Never put that on your resume. It's code for "autistic lazy entitled fucktard who has be micromanaged to get anything done"

>> No.324555

is it a bad idea to put my maximum bench press on my resume?

>> No.324556

is it a bad idea to put the size of my penis on my resume?

>> No.324558

You now realize that east Asians have a 4-5 point higher mean IQ compared to Europeans (whites) and yet can not conceptualize creativity and are therefore not as successful of a civilization.

Obviously having a high IQ is a positive aspect as long as you are a well rounded individual in other aspects.

>> No.324585

IQ is the only measure of intelligence that matters. Provide a peer reviewed study proving this "creativity" is more important or admit your inferiority.

>> No.324597

>east Asians
>not as successful of a civilization

I kek'd. Not quite as good of a bait as OP, though.

>> No.324621

so many tards got baited by this obvious troll

his response just makes it even more glaringly obvious

>> No.324626

>"Hey Larry, check out this guy's resume. This moron put down that he has 126 IQ. What an idiot"
>"Holy shit David, I can't believe someone could be this stupid."

>> No.324628
File: 30 KB, 333x358, bill-clinton-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have an IQ of 135. You are inferior in intelligence to me.

>Claims to have superior intelligence
>Goes to 4chan asking what to do
This is literally why IQ tests are completely a failed concept and is a wrong basis.

I know potheads who are probably smarter than you.

>> No.324636

Yes, it's a bad idea. If I we're hiring, I'd consider it a negative.

>> No.324639

why hasn't anyone posted jillette

>> No.324644

Christ you're autistic, I have an IQ of 120, but it means fucking nothing. Being a sociable person and being intelligent when it is appropriate is what matters. If you're smart but autistic people will want to stay away from you.
>IQ is the only measure of intelligence that matters.
Ya... No, achievement is the only measurement of intelligence that matters, otherwise no one will take you seriously.

>> No.324677


no one hires based on intelligence you doofus. it's not even in the top five traits that they look for.

>> No.324680


p.s. i was agreeing with you.

>> No.325182

Yes, unless your IQ puts you into a mentally handicapped category and the company you wanna work for is specifically looking to fill their retard quota or something.

>> No.325211
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>> No.325217



Also, this isn't really that impressive. IQ's are normally distributed by definition, and a 135 corresponds to roughly a +2 sigma event, meaning there's around a 2.5% chance that a random individual has high a level. 1 in 40 isn't even that good, buddy.

>> No.325326
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>ill fated
>quite frivolous
>one is

>> No.325375

I'll ask in this thread so I don't clutter /biz/ and it's an autistic thread for my autistic question.

>employer calls back after interview
>wasn't there for a call but I see the number is the same that called me for interview
>when I tried to call back I couldn't get connected
>It was yesterday and they haven't called back again
What's the proper etiquette for that? Do I keep trying to call back or wait till they sort that out?

>> No.325393
File: 49 KB, 709x688, 1358036076717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.325466


this has got to be a troll

>> No.327175
File: 35 KB, 572x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this guy

my iq is 135.1, so clearly i got you beat

>> No.327191

Mensa is mostly a bunch of circlejerk assholes.
My cousin is in it and told me I should join, met some of her MENSA-friends and they were total pompous cockheads. The only time I regretting it was when Kinky Friedman came to town.

>> No.327194

I have an IQ of 144, that shit is gross yo.

>> No.327198

>Quoting sequences in pi
>Typical autists.

>> No.327202

maybe not for intensive physical labor (e.g. construction)

maybe not for sex industry (i.g. porn actor)

>> No.327219

Might as well say that you're a diagnosed autist.

>> No.328265

IQ Isn't even a good measure of anything.

>> No.328270

I put my personality test scores, IQ, high school GPA SAT, ACT, college GPA, college major, and all classes taken and each grade. I also put my blood type and emergency contact for my Mom in case I have an asthma attack. I am 32 years old. Is this too much?

>> No.328282

Is it a bad idea to put hobbies on a first resume?

Mine is looking blank as all hell and I figure putting some clubs I'm in on there couldn't hurt.

>> No.328284

don't put hobbies, don't put school activities after you graduate, certainly don't put your college frat

>> No.328298

Dont put anything that's not relevant. So put your hobbies only if they are unusual and you can use then to your advantage.
Ie: don't put reading and watching movies, but being captain of your ultimate freesbee team says something about your managing and leadership skills.
Having volunteered in some charity or shit shows you're not a complete waste of space or an autistic shit like op. So you can put it.

Put yourself in place of the recruiter, so don't put anything too weird or obscure that will scare them. Just thing that will call their attention.
I got a job, even if I wasn't the most skilled because Im a microbrewer, the hr didn't know much Bout it and we ended up talking about it for a bunch. It reassured them on my creativity and the facf that I'll be willing to put my hands in the mess and not stick behind my comp.

>> No.328309
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>emergency contact for my Mom in case I have an asthma attack.
>I am 32 years old.

HAHAHAHAHA oh man, i needed that laugh. thanks

>> No.328348


I don't get it... what is wrong with putting your mom or dad as an emergency contact? Regardless of age.

>> No.328354

you don't put that shit on your resume?

it's fine once you get the job and are filling out hr forms

>> No.328362

Yeah there's nothing wrong with it but you shouldn't put it on your resume. Your resume is supposed to make you look like Superman.

>> No.328461

Shouldn't you know the answer, genius?

>> No.328463

Every superman has a supermom.

>> No.328539

supermom died because her home planet got destroyed. remember that

>> No.328560

I hire people. I would more than likely throw your resume out if it had you IQ.

Don't tell me how smart you think are, show me how smart you think you are. Provide examples in your resume of how your intelligence increased productivity for your previous employers.

>> No.328989
File: 20 KB, 233x337, 1397851293715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>one is
I don't get the problem with this.
'Someone' is longer and doesn't sound right in OP's sentence.