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3236134 No.3236134 [Reply] [Original]

Is taxation a scam or a theft?

>> No.3236366
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Both. It pays for the cops who protect you from the dindus while providing dindus with the means to continue living the edge-of-civilized lifestyle.

>> No.3236369


>> No.3236372

local taxes can be alright depending on where you live. federal are mostly a scam.

>> No.3236377

the US tax code contains nothing that says the government is allowed to collect fed income tax on non-government workers. However, if you cite this as a reason for not paying fed income tax, get ready for johnny law to kick your teeth in.

>> No.3236403


In Quebec, we have a very low crime rate. Because: taxes=wellfare=less crack heads trying to rob=less money spent on law enforcement and detention...

I'm absolutely ok with that. You can walk in our worse ghettos at 3 am and nothing will happen to you.

Just a matter of balance.

>> No.3236426

Both and money inflation is another hidden tax.

>> No.3236691

It lessens the blow if you live in a country with public health care

>> No.3236719


all the best functioning countries in the OECD have moderate-high taxation you fuckwit

enjoy rotting in your taxless cesspool with no public services

>> No.3236734

Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.3236742
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>> No.3236755

Maybe instead of paying for crackheads, we should kick them away?

Why am I paying for that crackhead's crack?

>> No.3236769


A scam involved deception and is voluntary

A theft employs force and is involuntary

So both

>> No.3236780

Street drugs are fucking cheap to make. They should be legal and free. This would be a tiny fucking tax and would end a ton of crime.

>> No.3236928

>huge fines
>penny taxes
Crime is non-existent

>fuck-ass huge taxes
>penny fines
>crime is non-existent
Really makes you think

>> No.3236944

It has been both for a long time but that doesn't mean they aren't needed.

>> No.3237003
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>Huge Fines
>Huge Taxes
A nigger fucks your wife, then steals your car.

Really makes you think

>> No.3237077

and that flag over there is a NAVAL flag
I do not permit you entrance to my SHIP
You may NOT pass

>> No.3237096


Are roads a scam or theft?

>> No.3237115


>not owning a helicopter

>> No.3237127


Because you can pay $1 through welfare or $100 through getting robbed then paying for prison.

>> No.3237159


When i give u a (something) and then beat the shit out of u if u dont pay (and i completely make prices at my liking too)...

is that theft ?


>> No.3237177


How do you implement kick them away? Do you not think that in the last 100 years of life in society we didn't try to solve that problem through coercion?

Taxes are a collective insurance against crime. You can still make plenty of money here. Maybe a little less than in the US, but you can enjoy a life without shootings and africatier poverty.

>> No.3237200
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> roaditarians

>> No.3237225

I bet you'd pay the mafia protection money in a heartbeat, because that means they wont beat you up, right?
Actually, Id prefer the mafia, they only want small payments, while the government asks for 60-70% of your income.

>> No.3237241

First off, you're a cuck letting yourself get extorted.
Second, future generations will curse you as every generation gets more shitty, capable people move away and low lifes can sire more and more useless children until the system inevitably breaks down and your heirs are basically living in Africa.