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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3229537 No.3229537 [Reply] [Original]

To all the weak hands and the FUD, payce bitches

>> No.3229559
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>> No.3229564

>Only have 40 coins
Fuck me. Why did I put 20000 in gay ETH

>> No.3229578 [DELETED] 

the war is not over yet. there are good times still yet to be had. but winter is coming and the fud force will stop at nothing to make us sell what little we have left in the world.

hodl your ltc my brothers. hold with both hands until biz jews can FUD us no longer

>> No.3229596
File: 503 KB, 796x610, LTCMoonWojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only have 2.5908 coins

>> No.3229656

I only have 40. Is it going to $150 where it belongs? What do?

>> No.3229669
File: 32 KB, 479x377, 4L_XwNiyDvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I sold 40 at $48 from a $36 entry after not being able to stand the sideways movement for all those weeks

>> No.3229679

>1. buy more and hold
>2. wait for a dip, buy more and hold

>> No.3229713

I have a job to pay my expenses and even though I'm making 10x that job with these coins I still don't touch the money thats in my crypto account.

Daytrading is more profitable in the short term but in the long term it will vastly cost you.

>> No.3229714
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>goes sideways for 2 months
>moons ~40%
>god why didnt I buy more

Meanwhile Neo went more then 5x
Omg went more then 3x
other coins moon

Im happy I left litecoin after it was clear there wouldnt be any hardfork drama.

>> No.3229744


Fundamentals overruled every FUD

>> No.3229778

400$ Next year

>> No.3229785

400 dollars before november. it's the most useful coin there is

>> No.3229850
File: 53 KB, 300x300, 1415586848715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only bought 1 LTC

>> No.3229908


it even tried to warn us this week.

>> No.3229925
File: 45 KB, 447x387, 1493832132888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold it 2 days ago

>> No.3229989

sold at 0.02 in may

>> No.3230033


Remember when /biz creates FUD, its probably because they know its going up but dont know when

And when they say its going up, there is only one way its going:


>> No.3230113

>Accidentally bought $1000 worth a few weeks ago
>$300 richer

How high is it going to go?! Panic sell? Panic buy? Panic hodl?!

>> No.3230129

>tried to buy a bunch two days ago
>card was stolen/defrauded same day
>transaction cancelled

>> No.3230209

who the fuck is paying 60 USD for a single litecoin

>> No.3230232


People who want to make profit.

If this ordeal with bitcoin hash doesn't get solved, the only realistic solution for businesses all over the world might be litecoin

>> No.3230241

LTC should be valued at 1/4 of Bitcoin.

that's 1000k dollars per coin.

lambo land for all of us hodlers will come soon enough.

>> No.3230254

lolz see you in a month

>> No.3230295
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 1477989833962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to stupid to realize LTC LN potential until $45
>tfw ETH is overvalued and bullish while BTC looks at its 3rd chain
>tfw only 40 LTC

>> No.3230296

who the fuck is willing to pay $330+ for a fucking shitcoin called ethereum....

litecoin is better than eth, dash, decred.

ltc is actually accepted as payment around the fucking world

fuck you nigger.

>> No.3230347
File: 375 KB, 533x467, 1498429582582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit OP
>buy NEO and make 200%
>buy OMG and make 50%
>buy QTUM and make 100%
>buy XMR and make 200%
>buy IOTA and make 100%
>buy XRP and make 50%
>buy LISK right now and make 100%
>buy literally anything not on Coinbase/GDAX and make gigantic gains while LTC does jack shit
I get it, you are scared of sending crypto to an address so you only use Coinbase/GDAX

>> No.3230348

Unfortunately for you, the market has time and again decided differently from those sentences that suggest a good "should" be worth a portion of the price of another comparable good.

>> No.3230585

As someone who holds majority LTC since April, it was frustrating to watch NEO do what it took ltc to do in 4 months in 2 weeks lol. During the pump in May I was too euphoric to sell but oh my god I should have I had never made that much money so fast before, & when the ratio dumped back down just above my buy in i wish I hadn't been so married to this coin but knew it would come back eventually. it came back then I thought it would maybe stay there around .02 this time, nope. Idk what i'll do this time, i ultimately think the potential for it is easily 200-400 before year end. will have to see how long this pump lasts. I think the trend is finally reversing for ltc/btc and will probably see .018 within a week or two.

Holding XMR & DCR long term as well. I should have been all in btc a month ago but oh well, now is not the time to be in btc I don't think. maybe next month.

>> No.3230598
File: 35 KB, 1184x1526, 1423017603290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonlitecoiners absolutely blown the fuck out.

LTC its going to 80 usd goys. There is no brakes on the rocketship


>> No.3230636

I forgot
>buy BTC and make 150%
>then buy into ETH and make another 50-100%

>> No.3230652

>Daytrading is more profitable in the short term but in the long term it will vastly cost you.

Only if you don't buy back the coin.

>> No.3230669
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>> No.3230732

I'm up 800% so far on my ltc in fiat value but thats over the course of 4 months. I feel it's best days are still very much yet to be seen. I definitely could have made a lot more just buying ETH at the beginning of the year or literally any shitcoin back in January. If you could hold for longer than 2 weeks in this market since march, the money could not be easier. been in this btc bear market since 2014 wasn't always this exciting

>> No.3230765

>800% from LTC
You bought it at 4-6$, congratulations

>> No.3230767

If I had given alts any real attention back when i was bag holding btc for 3 years I would probably have at least 5 million usd right now lol.

>> No.3230796

LTC is maybe not the BEST thing out there, but surely this thing will never leave top 5.

And as long as the market cap of crypto goes higher, BTC/ETH/LTC/XRP are all going up with it.

I guess this is what it feels like to have stock in amazon & google in its early years.

>> No.3230805

well i missed the ltc boat back in 2014 or whatever , made a little bit of money but missed it mostly. made a more conscious effort this time. first i saw ltc it was at 25 cents on btc-e. by the time i got my btc there it was 4$. this winter I figured the trend would reverse eventually with ltc hitting all time lows, and it did. but it also reversed for literally any other altcoin lol. and thanks, congrats on your earnings too. its been an exciting summer to say the least.

>> No.3230892

I dont have to apologize, bought LTC 2 weeks ago. LTC mooning time!!!!!!

>> No.3230979
File: 175 KB, 980x811, LTCASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASS FORMATION incoming! We are going to the mooooooon guis!

>> No.3231053

But NEO and OMG were pump and dump fake moon landings. They'll land back on the ground and you'll see the whole thing was a video-edit.

Koreans are buying TC because it's useful and Americans are using it as a hedge on BTC. These are the reasons why it's mooning and they're organic.

>> No.3231116


>literally states all pump and dump coins

Yeah LTC never dropping faggot cya next time

>> No.3231625

20,000 ltc sell wall at 420cny on huobi. about to blast right through it : )

>> No.3231694

itt: bunch of fuccbois that couldn't read the writing on the wall.

Monaco, Dash, and Ripple were sideways for months, then hit the launchpad. What else did you expect to happen to the granddaddy of all alt coins?

>> No.3231723
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>> No.3232190


This. If u don't have at least 250 litecoin just end your life now.

>> No.3232217

>tfw sold at 59, believing it to not crest 60 and to not get greedy

Please stop mooning, I've been holding since 40s and been waiting for a real moon

>> No.3232252

I didn't even read any threads on /biz/, I sold it for ADX

at least that went up, so I suppose I did good

>> No.3232300
File: 29 KB, 640x519, 1500916909760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double top and end of bull flags my TA fags?
or another try to push top ?

>> No.3232305
File: 420 KB, 1366x768, litecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feelsgood nibba

>> No.3232349

lookd like another pump

>> No.3232360

I thought about putting some in LTC yesterday, but then I completely forgot.
I mean, it only would have been around 0.03 BTC, but still. Gains are gains.