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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3229152 No.3229152 [Reply] [Original]

would buying up XRP now while it's low and bagging it for a couple months be a good idea?

>> No.3229164

Cripple is hopeless shitcoin.

>> No.3229358

The banks use it and they are talking to Bernanke to replace the $
>$1000 XRP

>> No.3229514

It would be a good idea if you are trying to lose money in both Bitcoin and USD terms.

>> No.3229788

Yes im only mad at ripple bc it wont moon in short term but in a few months for sure. Go for it anon

>> No.3230001

how many god damn times do you need to be told its a premined banker coin

>> No.3230059

Just a few cents shy of ATH

>> No.3230173 [DELETED] 


All the more reason to buy into it. And least Jews know how to make good long-term money unlike crypto whales who short the fuck out of everything and move on to the next coin of the week.

>> No.3230969


People should fucking realise its a private coin ment for internal use by banks. Its named cripple for a reason...

>> No.3230993

>my bags are getting heavy
>better buy more

>> No.3231006


>> No.3231008

>half of ath

>> No.3231012

youre better off buying it in 1-2 months when it has gone even lower.

>> No.3231963
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> XRP replacing USD
> ever

>> No.3232031

Couple of months? No. Short term while it's being accumulated? Yes.

>> No.3232534

Bitfag detected, XRP will kill your shitcoin

>> No.3232575

XRP will spike. Don't listen to everybody. When a coin like that hasn't spiked for a long time everybody is telling you it's shit.

The truth is every time I bought XRP when it was very low and nobody believed in it.

And both time I did that I go x10 on my investment.

>> No.3232848
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So many billions of this coin still needs to be released. This is a useless shitcoin for the time being. Don't be (pic related)! You have been warned.

>> No.3233539

FUCK those are some perfectly formed supple milky boobies

>> No.3233608

Bagholder here. Average entry point about 14k.

XRP is long dead. I got over my losses to the point where I don't even care to sell to stop the loss. The money I put on XRP is literally lost to me. I suggest every bagholder to do the same, instead of making half-assed efforts to sell bags at half the price you bought.

>> No.3233610

It is irrelevant, the inflation rate and hard cap is known, earlier this year the figures did sound outrageous of the market cap calculated on total supply as it put it as big as the bitcoin itself. Now though we have seen ETH rocket past that number and I consider XRP in a sensible spot. This coin is big and ambitious, it is looking to disrupt the largest market on earth and has a foot in all the right doors to do it. Will it work out I do not know but I do not think it's chances are much worse than ETHs.

>> No.3233632

they're subpar

>> No.3233661


>> No.3233682
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are you prepared for a /comfy/ future lads?

>> No.3233723

If you like to waste money, sure.

>> No.3233756

It'll drop lower yet. Wait a few weeks.

>> No.3234883

XRP will be back up in October.

>> No.3234891
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>> No.3234920


>> No.3235004

It will moon by October, start building up those reserves now

>> No.3235066

They're both shitcoins, digibyte is the real king

>> No.3235493


How many times has this been said.

Here's how it will go down:
They're going to use the blockchain, with a separate entity. It will be like tether, but it will work as inter-bank payment settlement.. XRP is still not KYC/AML compliant, and there's no reason whatsoever for bank customers to use a cryptocurrency directly. It's a back end solution, which means it won't be traded on the markets.

XRP is for stress testing their blockchain and demonstrating features to banks. There's absolutely no market influence in the platform. It's pure hype and speculation. Just like every other crypto that isn't backed.

>> No.3235502

>being this triggered over something you aren't invested in

>> No.3235706
File: 32 KB, 750x400, The_Truth_About_Bitcoin_Stefan_Molyneux__FreeDomainRadio__15812-750x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That man makes an argument, you do not.