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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3228727 No.3228727 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3229043


>> No.3229077


>> No.3229083


>> No.3229085
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning bancs!!!!

>> No.3229111

Good morning my good bancer

>> No.3229150
File: 137 KB, 800x712, 1497339538998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, /biz/ will wake up and token changers will be out and arbitrage will have pumped BNT 1000%

A man can dream...

>> No.3229155

No need for dreaming, just waiting

>> No.3229232

Shhh, be quiet anon.

>> No.3229249 [DELETED] 

with jews you lose.

>> No.3229255
File: 169 KB, 1024x537, bancor jews BNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they show the goyim what they deserve

>> No.3229257
File: 360 KB, 2048x1536, 1e202003dca9853343b8e96328c73bcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning!

>> No.3229372


>> No.3229474

>severely overhyped, shilled as the next big ICO, price actually dipped far under ICO and stayed there.
>flip flopped on ICO terms.
>40 lines of code.
>backdoors to remove balances, add coins, change the smart contract.
>paid shills and bagholders spam /biz/ with lies and forced memes.
>team of nobodies.
>economic masterminds: made a smart contract to protect the price floor that lost them 10s of millions and got exploited. Price floor is now gone.
>resorted to blame racism and mysoginy for it's failures.
>literally 100s of better crypto projects out there.


>> No.3229510

Good morning my lovely Galia!! Have you had lunch yet??

>> No.3229533

Haha great picture!!! Mind if i save it?

>> No.3229571

At this point, even if Bancor did a 10x the original bagholders have missed on so much more profits everywhere else.

>> No.3229625

ok I'll bite
>severely overhyped, shilled as the next big ICO, price actually dipped far under ICO and stayed there.
Price was flat in terms of ETH, BNT dropped because ETH dropped
>flip flopped on ICO terms.
Yeah thats true
>40 lines of code.
Less code is cheaper to execute on Ethereum
>backdoors to remove balances, add coins, change the smart contract.
Talk to the DAO guys about muh decentralization. I bet it was fun helplessly watching funds get drained
>paid shills and bagholders spam /biz/ with lies and forced memes.
Tinfoil hat
>team of nobodies.
Eyal founded Metacafe, the largest video platform until the usurper Youtube showed up
>economic masterminds: made a smart contract to protect the price floor that lost them 10s of millions and got exploited. Price floor is now gone.
It wasnt "exploited", it was used. anyone who wanted to sell at .01eth had the opportunity
>resorted to blame racism and mysoginy for it's failures.
Hasn't failed. Hasn't even begun...
>literally 100s of better crypto projects out there.
Time will tell friend

>> No.3230407

*quietly moons*

>> No.3230509

Posting in a Tezos thread

>> No.3230582

Thanks for typing this, I have tried to defend my coins, but I have tried to defend them so hard that I am getting tired.

The main point is that once Bancor releases their products and the token changers, you will see Bancor hype 2.0, and it will spike dramatically. Until then, bancor is just the token, so you should basically expect people to be either disappointed, or to accumulate for when the main work of the project is released.

>> No.3230901

I have 2000 bancs am I gonna make it

>> No.3230926

so youve invested in literally nothing.

>> No.3230955

Fuck, i feel so cucked with just 100, i bet your dick is way bigger than mine too

>> No.3231037

I did manage to buy at the bottom, and you're supposed to buy the rumor. I bough the rumor of the token changer which will be useful.

You're not supposed to buy after the shit is released, you brainlet

>> No.3231113

Not personally holding any Bancor, but 40 lines of code isn't enough information to judge whether this is good or not. You can handle a very large amount of logic in 40 lines of code. And condensing your code, especially for Ethereum, makes it much cheaper/easier to debug.

>> No.3231194

7.5 inches, but i need a bit more girth desu

>> No.3231208
File: 59 KB, 1855x269, bnt tip off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sooner than you think

>> No.3231242

how do you have darkmode? what extension is that pls anon. my eyes!

>> No.3231295

40 lines of code is a meme. that isn't the entirety of bancor. https://app.demo.bancor.network/discover

>> No.3231735

dark background and light text extension in firefox
similar extension in chrome