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File: 153 KB, 353x98, digibyteBlockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3222010 No.3222010 [Reply] [Original]

New Fag here looking for a low priced coin to jump in on. I've been looking into DGB. Seems promising that it has been around for awhile and the devs try to communicate often. But I've seem extreme FUDing and Shilling. Is DGB a good buy right now?

>> No.3222027

honestly it's shit but could be a fun gamble.

>> No.3222033

can you please explain why its shit?

>> No.3222056

If I was new and had money that I didn't care very much about, I'd throw some in. Why the hell not? Its 1 cent, what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.3222065
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Only been popping up and down at .00000005 pretty randomly.

If Bittrex (100?) 100 x fees .0025 if you make p much shit.. Thinking Rocket is a little healthier anon.

>> No.3222067

It is shit compared to mooncoin.

>> No.3222068

The market has evolved and coins like DGB are old and useless. Now it's essentially a do nothing Bitcoin clone with some extras that aren't necessities and even if they were, could be implemented into Bitcoin if there was demand.

>> No.3222086

If you think DGB is old and useless, why isn't BTC old and useless?

>> No.3222088


DGB is the gold standard for inter-exchange transfers. Transfer fee is low, it's extremely quick, and there's good price parity between exchanges.

Why pay a 100k SAT BTC xfer fee and wait 3 hours when you can pay .5 DGB and wait 1-3 minutes?

If they ever manage to do anything wth the platform I'll be amazed... but I am holding 15k just in case they do.

>> No.3222089


That being said, you make a dollar a trade, that's 1% increase every 10 minutes, using theory, (A+B=C) where A = anon has no life B = 100 dollars = C

8 hours could pump out like 30 bucks with losses and gains. not bad for watching netflix at home with 100 bucks anon.

>> No.3222091

Yea, maybe I'll throw some scraps at it, and see what happens. Thanks anon.

>> No.3222095

It's a shitcoin and it's going nowhere.
Still holding 117 of them though. Might be enough to buy a lambo if it moons.

>> No.3222098

Moonshill detected. Your discord falls apart more everyday.

Honestly OP, DGB is a coin that is not needed right now. Why are we already moving into a microtransactionary phase when we're barely just now seeing BTC get implemented in places?

It's gonna take time. The problem with DGB, is it has a very good chance of being toppled over by another company with just as good of a product. Because it will strike when the time is right, not when it's too early and not necessary.

>> No.3222103

because two months ago it got pumped up to 2400 sats, AT PRECISELY MIDNIGHT that day it started dropping. It raised again on the day of the citi announcement then spent the next two months dropping.

It already mooned and is now seen as cancer and a big set of losses for a lot of people who bought in and held after end of may

>> No.3222113

Damn you caught me, how did you do it? Sheeit sherlock u smart.

>> No.3222142

So, your whole opinion is based on what happens in the market and not what features the coin has?

>> No.3222180

lol go ahead and buy DGB for "the tech" then. You seem very convinced.

>> No.3222188
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DGB is the ultimate shit coin stay away unless you love carrying heavy bags. It took the biggest bull run in crypto history and leeched off it. Then what does it do? They botch the citi shit, the mine craft shit, it had everything handed to it. Digichan took her fat tits and just whored herself to every newfag with Bitbean in their portfolio. Then now that she has aids, syphilis, and dozens of mixed race offspring you want to intertwine. Well go ahead but you'll be stuck paying off all the others who shoved their cock in her you cuck.

>> No.3222205

Digi Marine Mentor here. Why dont ya come on down to the recruitment office and we'll show you all benefits afforded when you invest in Digibyte.

>> No.3222241

This coin is so low, I never expected to go that low again after the first pump.

It's nice to see what this coin can do. Load up some coins of you like money at this point.

I carry 2.5 mil and waiting for a miracle.

>> No.3222248

A new generation of Digimarines.

>> No.3222262

No one has convinced me it is not a good coin. Its all been "muh bitcoins" or "its shit" or all emotion. No facts, no decent arguments.

>> No.3222272

Go all in then. Like I said, it could be a fun gamble.

>> No.3222282

I have been holding 800k since 2014 when I consolidated at 30sat. It was "all in" at the time for me.

>> No.3222285

Chill out dude.

>> No.3222289

This shit will moon hard from September. Mark my words.

>> No.3222329

Yeah the rocket is going straight into the sun with all digimarines on it.

>> No.3222366

There's nothing wrong with the coin itself, and the dev's continued presence means they still give a shit - plenty of less scrupulous people would have quietly packed up shop over such a huge drop

In saying that, dgb has become a bit of a meme. In the same way espers is the pajeet "dear sir" coin, digibyte is the pink wojack loser coin, and I'm not sure that label will ever go away

>> No.3223045

The pink wojak loser coin is a label on 4chan. Where else? Reddit? Twitter?

You can't possibly believe that it could have an effect on the price.

>> No.3223093


Hey I hope that's the case, I do still own some

>> No.3223134

It's almost universally regarded as being dead.

Seriously just look at the charts. Do you honestly believe that there is anything in existence with a worse expected return than this thing?

>> No.3224084

bad for gains, good for transfering coin, but so is LTC and it isn't dead.

ETH and LTC imo for best value.

>> No.3224104
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Anon wasn't lying look at this CV2

>> No.3224131


Hello pajeet. I hope you washed your hands before typing that

>> No.3224291


It's at least decade away. Requites mass adoption or blockchain tech first.

You should be accumulating at least 1 mil before then.

>> No.3224317
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DGB should be 0 sats.

>> No.3224511

One day DGB will be trading near a dollar and people will ask themselves how it happened. And it will just be universally accepted once it truly moons that it was always meant to happen.

>> No.3225010
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1503471841994s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, might be time to stop FUDing the best coin. Look what KEK is telling us!
Buy DGB! Shadilay!

>> No.3225093

DGB is no doubt one of the most successful and hated pump-n-dumps. I'm pretty sure that some whale group will find a reason to milk eveybody's asshole a second time purely for the LULZ. But if you really think that DGB will ever see mainstream adoption beyond that of you FOMOing retards attempting to revenge trade this shitcoin... Well... Let's just say that reality will require a lot more assholes than there are sharpies available on this planet.

>> No.3225191

Its broke the 300 sats support.Lmao

>> No.3225228

Oh shit! Confirmed going to 1700+ sat now.

>> No.3225324

No,the bottom was supposed to be 300,but it went even lower than that.

>> No.3225348

Never listen to anime shills.

>> No.3225439


>> No.3225469
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>> No.3226130

ive been holding 600k since 100 sats. its been rough but i dont sell my cryptos until make insane returns.

Imagine buying ETH early and then selling at $10 because some anon on biz told you to. dont be that guy

>> No.3226191
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BTC is known, trusted and used for many things.
DGB isn't.

>> No.3226197
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>> No.3226205

slav schoolgirls

>> No.3226214
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 1502236347467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already erect. I salute you.

>> No.3226418

this is the first good post i have seen in a month

>> No.3226446

This is the best post I've seen on /biz/ in a long time.

>> No.3226486

top kek

>> No.3226502

why is this the case with so many others and myself

what about digibyte is like the sirens of crypto, calling your satoshis closer without you realizing what you're doing, I didnt fall for bancor or ripple or any other scams but digibyte took a chunk out of my backside

>> No.3227311

Bancor a scam?

I'm up 30 dollars with an investment of 50 dollars. Guess im the 1% kek.

>> No.3227423

Your own greed and retardation makes every coin you lose money on a scam? Or is it impossible for you to hold onto an investment for more than a month?

>> No.3227522

I wish I never bought DGB. It was my gateway into buying other crap shitcoins.
My shitcoins portfolio is:
60% DGB
35% Espers
5% Pirate Blocks

>> No.3227551
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I seriously cant believe why i have to still explain why DGB a shit. I thought it was a fad coin tbqh.

This was always DGB's main advertisement. That is a really fast crypto, and it is compared to BTC, and hell, even faster than lite coin. But you have to realize, that there are still a shit ton more coins who are already faster than DGB, and working on improving speed, whose main goal isnt even speed. So, thats already a pretty bad sign when its name Digi byte (as in, the coins are so compact and fast like you are sending a byte over the internet) has already been outdone.
It lost the contest plain and simple, and i dont even know if they collected rewards at the end of the july. If they did, it didnt even matter because the shit is still where it was at 3 months ago.
Again, already been outdone by other coins.
>development team
no one knows who they are. we only seen pictures of them. This is pretty bad when most coins that come out all have this. https://digibyte.co/node/158 Look at this shit. They still have not even updated the developers section of their website
>shitty wallet
Download the dgb wallet. then download esper, signatarium, any no-name coin, and youll see how shitty and basic it is
the shit still has a hundred million market cap. That is literally the same as ARK's. So, if someone were to invest DGB instead of ARK right now, there would literally be no advantage proportion wise. DGB is no longer that sub 10 million market cap coin that got me rich. Its bloated. Its value is that of the same as Doge coin

Anyway who invests DGB deserves to lose all their money tbqh, because all that money you spent on that piece of shit 2014 dinosaur coin could have put it into ARK. And you can just ask for Redpill on ARK or search of archives if you want to know about it.

>> No.3227553


>> No.3227559

QTUM is the best

>> No.3227633

>not the fastest blockchain
Yes it is. Already solved the scaling issues fucking over bitcoin and can- literally- compete with visa in transaction volume without hard-forking.
You don't know what it is, results are Oct 2nd. Even if they don't win the point is to get a partnership with the finance industry. The odds of this are higher than winning the award.
You might have a fair point, no public demo has been seen yet
>Development team
Jared is a very visible front man- you need to know who makes the coffee or something.
>Shitty wallet
Literally as good as BTC core
Who knows?

Will ARK be chilling with the top execs of Citi, PwC, JPM at the IMF HQ next month?

Weak FUD.

>> No.3227693
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no its not. https://digibyte.co/digibyte-blockchain-faqs literally here. 15 second blocks. Ark has 8 second blocks.

The scailing issue was never solved. It just hasnt been popular/mined enough for the scailing to be a problem. If anything, ARK is going to solve the scailing issue better because they actually have a known development twam
wow okay
>June 9th
>End of July
>Still cant name development
You do realize Jared is not even a programmer and is just a marketer? Not even a good one at that? https://www.youtube.com/user/DigiByteCoin/videos the autism is a clear as day light, and he hasnt even updated in 4 months. Plus, he flat out ignores questions on the bitcointalkforum where he often updates
>Still compares coin to BTC
>who knows?
Are you fucking shitting me? There are already many other coins that btfo's dgb tech on so many levels and has the same market cap or even lower than dgb. Can you not comprehend how much money is a hundred million dollars for a coin? You obviously know nothing of the market

top kek Digicuck

>> No.3227745
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Also, you think hes going to be chilling with top execs of banks? They will at most give a pity encouragement talk by the secretary's secretary's secretary. Look at the twitter

Even digibyte is self aware of how meaningless this "chilling" with the banks are because its not in their roadmap. Jared is completely banking on digusign and the browser, which have already been outdone before. I dont even think Jared is passionate about this coin at this point tbqh. I think he just views as being the straight man trying to please a bunch of autistic underage fags on 4chin that know nothing about the crypto world

>iTunes store
Oh yeah, because people still use itunes over spotify anymore, and i definetely believe is apple is actually going to sign on with this piece of shit coin, even though the company has never interacted with the company with past and has done more with their competitors: microsoft

>emma AI

>> No.3227868
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>scaling issue never solved
Blocksize doubles every two years (unlike ARK), Segwit activated. Literally whats left to solve?
Fails to acknowledge they may actually win. Offers no argument to prove they haven't.
>Dev team
Who is satoshi? Yeah we don't know them. So what? It'll be unknown college grads anyway. Designating a public face seems like a decent comms strat to me. Got them noticed by citi didn't it?
> Compares coin to BTC
I compared the 'shitty' wallet to core. it's just as good.
>You know nothing of the market
That's why i said who knows. It probably isn't you. There are literal meme coins on yobit with seven figs market caps and no volume.

You managed one argument there, noDigi, ARK does have 8 second blocks.

>> No.3227895

>T4i isn't even a big deal
no arguments at all
>Emmas ok for a FAQ bot, desu

>> No.3228020
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>Literally whats left to solve?
Oh, so you are satified with 15 sec blocks? ok.
>fails to acknowledge they may actually win
Oh yeah. DGB definitely has a chance of winning. Just like $DRYS has a chance of going a 115% on september 8th or predicting what day NASA will land on mars. btw, i seen the actual pdf of the results, DGB is like ranked 70th place. The fact you fags think you have any sort of merit proves how delusional you are.
>comparing your piece of shit coin to bitcoin
Heres something to think about you fags. Have you ever considered that the reason that bitcoin is popular is because it was a milestone at the time? BTC is basically the pong of video games. Its only purpose was to kick star the crypto currency market. Right now, we are like the NES era. Comparing DGB to BTC is like comparing Contra to Pong. Stop thinking because you do everything the first major milestone coin did, you are on the same level as them. Why do you think Vitalik's coin is so popular? Its an advancement. We only gave bitcoin a pass because it was the first you dumb fucktard
>still justifies wallet
Just look at ARK's wallet already. Your wallet is a piece of shit that looks like it was written for windows 95. Again, stop comparing your piece of shit coin the first crypto currency. Youre supposed to be an advancement to pong, not a pong sequel.
>know nothing about the market
I know way more than you do. The fact you had no idea what block speed was and that there were no coins faster than digicrap.

>FAQ bot
oh yeah. Im so glad that all the money going towards jared is being spent on an faq robot instead of improving the wallet. great investment :^)

>no argument

You are going on and on about how the competition is a big deal. Why not explain why dgb will beat the SEVENTY other coins that were ranked above it? Why not explain why jared didnt put october 2nd in their roadmap if its such a big deal?

>> No.3228090

bloody if it wasnt because i did my research and i know for facts that it has its superior features than most coins out there, and i use it myself as well (super fast), i wouldnt be so sure to buy them and became a bagholder here.

i can only imagine people who are still holding hundreds or millions of them. damn, that burn

>> No.3228118
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Btw, the autist im arguing with probably could not explain why DGB's source code is technically going to double their blockchain speed every two years. Only the myriad fag could explain why, and from what i recall, dgb did some ghetto ass forced coding to make it happen.

Also, every single coin under the sun has segwit activated. And even if ARK doesnt, it still has a fast speed that DGB.

And since DGB's developers are unknown, for all we know, could just be neets living with mommy, would you honestly trust your money with them to fix the speed

Also. Every two years?! Are you shitting mean? that means we have to wait 2 years from now just for DGB to be the same speed as ARK, and then pray 4 years from now it will be faster and that no other coin will come out with superior tech? Does that make sense to you?


And again, the only other thing DGB has going for it besides speed is Digusing (which isnt even out yet and has been done before) and an internet browser. ARK literally has much more to it thats already out and price is just going to compound every minute. Anyone who tells you to buy DGB instead of ARK while it has the same market cap, is literally telling you to throw away money. And finally, what does an internet browser have to do with currency? Lets see how the autists of autists DdFPGH1m explains:

>> No.3228170
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>I've seen the reults
No you haven't
>seventy other coins
Its the only public blockchain in the field? What have you been looking at.
>Wallet is shitty
It literally meets the industry standard, so its not shitty. Other coins have better wallets though. Byteballs' wallet is miles better for example.
>Emma cost all the money
Are you on the dev or something?

At this point FUDfag you're claiming inside info to cover for no arguments. Really sad.

>> No.3228173

>superior features
There is none. All you have is speed and security, which has been outdone.
If you literally put it all into ARK, you wouldnt even be a bagholder anymore since the market caps are currently equivalent.

But youre probably as delusional as >>3227868

>> No.3228177

lmao at digicucks.

>> No.3228192

>Can't explain scaling
Its in the FAQ, which you don't seem to have read. Blocksize doubles every 2 years. 2X transaction per block every 24months. You don't need special knowledge to see how that works.

>> No.3228201

>ARK is better
I hold ARK, too, and think it has an awesome future.

>> No.3228331
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>this much denial

here are all the other tech dgb will have to go against. Care to explain how dgb is going to beat them? Ill give you that DGB was not in fact ranked in the contest, they were number 72 as finalists. So fine, do an autistic celebration for that
>only other blockchain
does not matter for the competition. Only the tech.

no mention of dgb accept people praying citi will boost them, which i wouldnt count on since there was no mention of this in the roadmap nor tweets except meeting with people from signapore in june.
>industry standard
Yes. Its shitty. I dont care if its industry standard. It still looks like a piece of crap.

>does not think emma costs money
Ohh gee. this is so hard to figure out! Hmmm, well, if you work as a developer for a company, you get payed everyday. So all the days being spent programming emma instead of making a better wallet means you must be getting payed for it. Or does that make me an insider for thinking that?
Yes. Ive read the FAQ too. But you are not a programmer. You have not actually read the github source code and can explain how DGB works. All you can do is spout buzzwords. And again, i explained why 2 years is bad as
>Also. Every two years?! Are you shitting mean? that means we have to wait 2 years from now just for DGB to be the same speed as ARK, and then pray 4 years from now it will be faster and that no other coin will come out with superior tech? Does that make sense to you?
No you dont. You are damage controlling because anyone dumb enough to defend DGB is too retarded for ARK.

Anyway, i have 130k worth of ARK and looking forward to making a million by christmas. Have fun with that 1 k investment in DGB you have there. Just dont tell people to sink their money in your piece of shit coin instead of ark, please.

>> No.3228474

It has solved the scaling problem already, increases blocksize every two years automatically and would - right now - be able to handle BTC-like transaction-volumes without blowing up the transaction costs to disproportionate amounts.

>It lost the contest
What they did not win was a peer contest among the contestants, meaning they are not as popular among their competitors as the winners were. The results will come out in oct.

>how shitty and basic wallet
No offence - but it works.
Why does it need to be shiny?

>Its value is that of the same as Doge coin
Dogecoin has no development right now whatsoever and is at 1/7th of the price of DGB and not future prospects.
DGB is an active coin in development with half the market cap of Dogecoin.

Right now, DGB is a investment to take into consideration. The anticipation of oct 2nd should get the price up to ~700ish levels again, I guess. If they announce big partnerships, I think it could even see four digits as a solid floor after october and steady improvements over the next half a year.

The fact that many people hate the coin might be because of it was the first altcoin that saw major shilling and nocoiner-attention in the media (mind the mentioning on tv in the US). On twitter, you see people still hating the coin after shilling it back in june even today.

>> No.3228515
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>Ill give you that DGB was not in fact ranked in the contest, they were number 72 as finalists.

You do realize that the participants were first divided into groups depending on where they would participate in the contest?
You do realize that after this, they were listed in an alphabetical order?

>> No.3228606


you forget the time point here, bloody ARK wasnt even near the popularity back in June/July please

but ya, even then you admit that the features are good, i didnt say a shit about others wont outperform them.

>> No.3228776
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>internet browser
You mean BRAVE, which integrates with BAT?

Still no arguments. Your FUD is weak.

>> No.3228822
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DGB has the best memes, and it's also the best crypto for transferring

also i love the little robot guy

>> No.3229658
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Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye

>> No.3229675

i loled