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3220462 No.3220462 [Reply] [Original]

There are 2 types of gainers in crypto world

1. early adopters so called whales
2. extremely lucky 1% lottery winner who bought low

others are contributors to these 2 types of gainers

>> No.3220474

that's why i only buy ico's now

>> No.3220483
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3.The people that follow /biz/ guide to riches.

>> No.3220486

this game is so hard to lose that these kinds of posts must be from people who have never bought bitcoin.

>> No.3220491

i am up money but it's because i bought those cute little ANS.

same here. from now on im playing it super safe and only buying ICOs and possibly very under the radar coins

>> No.3220501
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>> No.3220549

Is this true anon? Was thinking about dropping 6k

>> No.3220589

No I can tell you I doubled my money in a couple of months. Nothings concrete until I sell but thats where I stand at the moment

>> No.3220592

3. bagholder investors who make 1 - 5% profit by waiting weeks to break even, wondering why they even bother, hopelessly waiting for other bags to rise

>> No.3220596

don't do that
the market is always against normies
when you buy, the market goes down
when you sell, the market goes up

this is not coincidence

not a single market has more manipulators than crypto

>> No.3220615

3. people who can read.

>> No.3220621

Thanks, I think I'll keep my money

>> No.3220655

>crypto up tens of thousands of % in the past few years
>most people lost money
You're an idiot who's acting like the market as a whole isn't up.

>> No.3220663
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there are people like you pretending most of the people are gainers in crypto which is insanely wrong
the money doesn't come from thin air for the gainers
hug gains come from huge loss
there are always both parties in a market

probably you are one of the loser who is desperately shilling crypto in order to sell your bags

>> No.3220695


I haven't had a chance to invest in any ICO's yet.

A lot of ICO coin will go lower than ICO on exchange before steadily gaining above ICO price.

I've made a good 5x on my investment just passively holding some coins and moving around every few months.

>> No.3220716
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>> No.3220735

>huge gains in a market that's had a huge bullrun came from huge losses
poorfag with no investment knowledge or experience detected

>> No.3220744
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keep doing it and eventually broke

>> No.3220759
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>> No.3220790

OP is right that most traders have either already lost, or will lose either due to a) bad trades, or b) being left in the dust when BTC skyrockets (ie, will have made money, but less than if they had just bought BTC on day one and forgot about it).

>> No.3220827

That's why ALT/USD ratio doesn't matter, only ALT/BTC does. If your shitcoins can't outperform BTC (and on a long enough timeline, none of them can), then you've lost, even if you made money in USD terms, because you'll have taken disproportionate amount of risk with your money for smaller gain.

>> No.3220859

Fucking retarded. Just buy a bunch of the more popular coins and watch them grow. It's easier than gardening. Every month but July, I've made massive gains compared to what any normal person can do on the stock market.

>> No.3220942

Do you think these gains just come from thin air? Someone had to lose that money. The crypto market is a zero sum game.

>> No.3220973


I'm literally up +175% in last month.

Wageslaving so I don't have much time to analyze everything but with following simple trends I did it very well.

You really have to be a braindead retard to lose money in crypto. That or buying Siacoin and DGB level shitcoins.

>> No.3220998

prices can go up without anyone involved losing money. if you buy btc right now from someone who bought at 1$ they won't be taking 4000 dollars from them because they still have 1 btc which is worth exactly what they paid for. The value actually came from somewhere else in the economy, probably fiat slightly losing it's buying power. So everyone else NOT in crypto is losing money.

>> No.3221007

you still have 1 btc*

>> No.3221034


I started last week. I'm up 20% since yesterday.

>> No.3221273

If it were a zero sum game, then market caps would be stable because total market value can't change if it's zero sum. If you're interested enough to come on here and post this, then you should do yourself a favour and do some in-depth reading on how financial markets work. Investopedia is a good site. There's a whole world out there to learn about.

>> No.3221317

There are 2 types of traders on /biz/

1. The mutual gainers. They try to make legitimate predictions and willingly share information so everyone can enjoy gains together
2. Predators. These are the pump and dumpers. They see crypto as a zero-sum game and are literally trying to steal money from fellow /biz/ posters.

>> No.3221330

Total market value changes when people put outside money into it. It's still zero sum.

>> No.3221346
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Please God, let the scam return sites stay up and working for the next 6 weeks so I at least break even.

>> No.3221377

Is 2013 early adopter?

>> No.3221385

I double majored in Finance and Economics, I have a pretty good idea of how markets work. Crypto is zero sum and that does not at all imply market caps would be stable, I've never even heard anyone suggest that when arguing for whether something is zero sum or not.

>> No.3221467
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>That or buying Siacoin and DGB level shitcoins

>> No.3221474

it is possible for a coins value to increase based on it's merits alone or what services it provides, and not on random people pumping it up all the time. These type of slow gains are completely off your radar tho, right?

>> No.3221520

>double majored in finance and marketing
>doesn't grasp basics
What diploma mill did you attend?

>> No.3221545

Congrats on the degree, faggot. I have a PhD in Womens Studies from Harvard. Is this a new thing now where autists get their jollies typing the phrase "zero sum" over and over again? Go ahead and reply to me with the phrase zero sum somewhere in your post. I know you want to.

>> No.3221560

Third one
> buys FOTM shitcoin
> get rich
> rinse and repeat
> wow 3000% gainz in one month

>> No.3221588
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>> No.3221597


I wish that more people got this very simple and easy-to-understand concept that would help drive all of their trading in a more profitable direction. People don't realize that 9 out of 10 times they would have made better $ gains if they had never traded their bitcoin for an alt in the first place.

>> No.3221613

alternatively you could invest in both and hedge against market instability

>> No.3221636

Who said marketing? Nice reading comprehension. But it was Boston University and I graduated magna cum laude while barely trying. Not sure if a top 40 worldwide school counts as a diploma mill.

Lul did I trigger you because I don't care about your advice to read Investopedia? Your awful understanding of the market actually made me laugh out loud. I hope you remember my comment when you lose all your money on garbage trades.

>> No.3221639


> I buy eth at 10
>I sell at 30
>20 profit, feels good
>someone buys at 30, can sell at 50
> we both made money

No one lost money, bag holders of eth at 420 maybe, but those people are a small minority. Price goes up because more people want to buy ETH, not because more people lose money

>> No.3221669


My previous post assumed we weren't speaking about a diversified portfolio.
I consider my non-btc long-term holds as somewhat of a hedge against bitcoin. However, it's important to remember (not necessarily directed directly at you - but more for the broader readership here) that you never want to put more into something than you're willing to lose and the crypto markets could go to shit at any time. Make sure you hold other investments as well. Remember - money you're not spending should be put to work for you, not collecting dust.

>> No.3221670

>Lul did I trigger you because I don't care about your advice to read Investopedia?
>so stupid he can't even figure out IDs

>> No.3221679

You're the type of person who is going to lose.
Realize that the whole crypto is a game of chairs.
Your paper profits are meaningless.

It's one of these cases where it's much harder knowing when to exit rather than when to enter.

>> No.3221798

Check again, the IDs I linked were correct you absolute fucking retard. I'm just going to assume that you're trolling and not actually that stupid.

>but those people are a small minority
Great, glad you can admit that your profits came from the pockets of other people and you did not just generate wealth out of nothing. What would happen if everyone wanted to cash out? Everyone puts in 1k and somehow takes out 2k? No.

>> No.3221836

Do you have a guide for september?

>> No.3221852

what about miners?

>> No.3221888
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>playing it super safe
>buying ICOs

>> No.3221909

You have the best bones

>> No.3221975


>> No.3222059
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>John Nash is who again

>> No.3222377

>talk about profit in terms of fiat, which is printed out of thin air at the govt whim
>"uhh guys crypto is zero sum you're stealing money from others!!"
The fiat valuation of crypto is a drop in the giant ponzi bucket that is the petrodollar economy.

>> No.3223466

I made 6btc with Sia. GG noobs.

>> No.3223496

>Buying ICOs in 2017 is buying low
There needs to be a serious shakeout, this level of stupidity can't sustain a proper market. Bring on the crash.

>> No.3223516

i started in january with $5k, now i have $330k

>> No.3223537
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you'd have to be a special kind of stupid to not be

>> No.3223539

I have a lot of Bitcoin. Only bitcoin because th rest are scams.

Your argument is old and boring op, I'd still buy bitcoin now.

You could always buy some overhyped scamcoin like ops pic that is guaranteed to replace bitcoin real soon though.

>> No.3223544

I made 7x times my base investment sitting on 50k and I'm not an early adopter and I don't think I have been particularly lucky. Just doing my homework and avoiding FOMO. You should do the same OP.

>> No.3223553

I hope you mean BCH and not BTC.

>> No.3223589

How the fuck do you lose money in crypto? I make bad decision after bad decision and I still go up about 5% every week.

>> No.3223774
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I feel sorry for you. Bitcoin holders have an infinite amount of shit popping up claiming to overtake it so you have to end up tuning it out. You're almost guaranteed to miss anything that could actually kill BTC (well BTC will kill itself but Monero will replace it). If you were honest about Bitcoin's drawbacks though you would be looking for something that is actually fungible. Be honest, bitcoin will never be fungible.