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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3218764 No.3218764 [Reply] [Original]

Is it over?

>> No.3218776
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yup. sell your NEOs and gtfo

>> No.3218783

It's only just begun

>> No.3218790

Hasnt even had its first ico. Makes gains from the lisk rebranding then jump back into neo.

>> No.3218802
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I sold at $40

>> No.3218807



and you will be rich

>> No.3218810

No, XMR and NEO are going to share top 5 status next year. Being passed by XMR means nothing.

>> No.3218823

That said, if it gets passed by anything that isn't XMR, FCT, Tezos or REAL, I'm going o panic.

>> No.3218828
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So heavy. So very heavy.

>> No.3218830
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I want to make this perfectly clear.
If you think NEO is "done" and headed for a slow bleed down to $10, sell your NEOs and try to find another moon mission. And under no circumstances should you buy back into NEO unless it hits whatever low number you think it will descend to.

>> No.3218884

I'll never understand how retards on this board think that something that went from $5 to $50 in a week and is staying at a steady $40 is done. Are you all okay?

>ITT: faggots who bought at ATH

>> No.3218912

Yes, now gow away

>> No.3218993

If you took our advice you bought when it was cheap asf... Also anons how many do you goys have...and are you accumulating gas from your neo? I have 500

>> No.3219015

I hope so. This 'Chinese Ethereum' will end as one of the largest crypto scams in history and damage the reputation of cryptos.

>Trusting chinks
>not even once

>> No.3219019

500 is a great amount bro. You get about 1 gas a week with it.

Just have some spare BTC for buying dips and wait this out. Idiots are chasing moon missions while forgetting about this little gem ;)

>> No.3219296

Smartest man here

>> No.3219312


>> No.3219332

>salty no neos

>> No.3219334
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>> No.3219341
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I pity anyone who still has investments in Neo, especially those who bought at $50-60. Any sane person would tell you to move on to new coins and get much higher gains. I have already gotten 200% interest on my money that I pulled out from Neo.

>> No.3219349

Hi sorry, posting on my phone, i was being sarcastic lol

>> No.3219355

What did you buy after NEO? I'm sitting on NEO gains too...

>> No.3219362

what did you buy after NEO? asking for a friend.

>> No.3219388
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I went in on OMG right after the Neo moon and now I'm investing most of it into RADS. If you want to be safe and spread it out, I would invest the rest of it into AdEx for even more short term gain.

>> No.3219403

just another RADS shill

>> No.3219439

In all honesty, NEO has a pretty nice looking dip coming out of the middle of Aug 23rd.

That said, its going to dip a bit more. Then, the big event will start building up and it will probably double. Then after the dust settles, probably correct and consolidate at around 60 or so

>> No.3219464

no, it's clearly found its floor already. this is accumulation time.

>> No.3219489

I'm going to have to concur actual. Peeking at the 1hr since the 24th looks like solid support at 850,000~880,000.

If that holds a bit more I'll probably buy in and hodl till RPX

>> No.3219501


Stop posting this bitch

>> No.3219595
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make me

>> No.3220254

Take it you are hodlin as well, given those fat suitcases?

>> No.3220261

oh yes, my $6 bags oh so heavy :(

>> No.3220831
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