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3216654 No.3216654 [Reply] [Original]

What will be the crypto that normies will be using in 10 years to buy coffee? What is the most practical and useful as a currency, as of today, and what actually has a chance of gaining mainstream appeal?

>> No.3216662


>> No.3216853
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>> No.3216864

OmiseGo. Not even shilling, as of right now is the best of what blockchain technology can bring about.

>> No.3216872 [DELETED] 

lightning network

>> No.3216883


>> No.3216893

ripple because it looks like a fidget spinner

>> No.3216905
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>> No.3216906

ripple is exclusively for banks and kikes not for normies

>> No.3216909

Does omisego scale long term or will it fail like bitcoin is right now

>> No.3216931


OMG will have it's own PoS system in which you stake your coins to confirm tx, as a result OMG holders will receive dividends based on the amount of transactiosn through the network.

Heard it was about $1.27 per OMG you have staked, but I heard that on here and im sure it's a fake.

>> No.3216947

IOTA probably

>> No.3217571

A coffee token created on the BNT network.
Screencap this, save it on a USB stick and bury it in your yard, dig up in 2027 and cry because you didn't go all in.

>> No.3217609
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i meant Bancor network, not BNT network

>> No.3217729

Can confirm it will be IOTA. Who ist going to Pay fees for buying a coffee?
Think about it

>> No.3217739


No need when systems like Kyber make all coin transfers extremely easy.

>> No.3217757


Usd will be a front. Crypto will be on the back end. You can't scare the sheep, they hate change.

>> No.3217764

Explain this to me please. So what is "staking" and how would I earn dividends through my 800 OMG?

>> No.3217771
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BNT in 2025 all you need
long tail user generated currencies - research that

>> No.3217780


You "stake" your OMG, meaning you put it into a contract in which it is locked for a duration of time, in which you cannot add or remove your OMG. The OMG you stake then act as a means for transactions to be verified on the blockchain. You receive dividends based on the amount of transactions that go through your staked coin. Im sure somone on here can explain it better than I

>> No.3217904

In what form would you receive dividends? More OMG? ETH?

>> No.3217920

Nice, just bought 100k Tether.

>> No.3217938



>> No.3217966

>in which you cannot add or remove your OMG

That doesn't sound good lol. Like a BotConnect scam 2.0

>> No.3217995

You wont be buying or selling anything in another 10 years.

>> No.3217996


That's why it's in a smart contract, i.e the whole idea behind the ethereum blockchain. The parameters of the code prevent any nuances like that.

>> No.3218044

nobody will be paying a fee of mining to buy coffee, people will continue using fiat.
Crypto won't be adopted beyond internet purchases and bank transfers anytime soon, anyone saying otherwise is detached from reality.

>> No.3218060


Once again, your comment goes to show really what little research you have done into this project.

>> No.3218090

But still having your money completely locked up isn't appealing. If normies do eventually go to crypto nobody is going to want something where they can't even access their funds and they have to rely on "staking" to get paid. Crypto is all about taking control of your money and being anonymous so why would normies switch to that. Also, their payouts per week/day will be decided by the price of OMG at that time.

If I'm missing something here I'd like you to explain it to me because I am thinking of investing in OMG but I'm skeptical

>> No.3218112

this nigga thinks a concept 90% of the world doesn't even know about will replace fiat in a few years.
Why should I keep crypto for my day to day life when I could as easily use my bank card or cash to pay for the same stuff without the added trouble of dealing with a cryptocurrency which I know nothing about and which is constantly fluctuating in value against fiat, what's the benefit, my bank charges me 2 dollars fee every 12 months to keep a debit card and manage my account. Why should I joe jhonson bother with crypto for my day to day life.

>> No.3218132


Once again, I'm not 100% sure on the mechanics behind the staking. Can you pull out your crpyto? Maybe I don't know. Im sure someone on here could explain it better.

An optimistic outlook, that is, if OMG takes off and becomes a major payment provider with hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars worth going through it daily, the dividend payout would be incentive enough for you keeping your crpyto staked, as the payout is directly correlated to the amount going through the blockchain

>> No.3218143


>> No.3218150

This nigga thinks a concept shit like the internet will replace traditional means in a few years.
Why should I go through the hassle of getting on the internet for my day to day uses when I can just read the newspaper or go to a real store.

>> No.3218162

listen to this dude

>> No.3218164

I have a very limited knowledge of this, but I don't think the price of OMG will affect the user. It's just for stokeholders who want dividends and "mining" fees from holding OMG and validating transactions. The actual user of the app won't have to worry about the price of OMG.

Correct me if i'm wrong.

>> No.3218182


Embrace change or be left behind.

>> No.3218213

>presented with facts
>gets the olympic gold in mental gymnastics

What you're doing right now with that comparation is called Fallacy.
Please explain what's the adventage of crypto over fiat in the scenario presented, Crypto has its adventages over fiat, and it's perhaps the future of currency, but that's longterm, we might be very old by the time it's adopted as a means to buy day to day goods and services.

>> No.3218246

With OmiseGo, you could potentially buy a cup of coffee with any currency of your choosing. Even an apple gift card, or airline miles.

>> No.3218264

>not a single chain of goods or services supplier takes cryptocurrency as means to purchase goods
>thinks suddently everyone including people who have absolutely no need for it will jump into crypto.

Wishful thinking and nothing else, Crypto currency won't be widely adopted overseas transactions and internet purchases anytime soon.

>> No.3218269


I'm confused at what facts you presented? What the $2 a year bank fee?

>> No.3218283

How often do would you get dividends? Could you stake your tokens every day and make bank?

>> No.3218284


It's being accepted at an exponential rate. Governments are getting involved, Fortune 500 business are getting involved. The United Nations just used crpyto on the ethereum blockchain to send resources to refuges for fuck sake. I don't understand what you're trying to present? You say it isn't being adopted but it CLEARLY is

>> No.3218308

Everyone arguing over their pro-fee coins without realizing that normies will all swarm to iota so that they can keep 100% of their coins when transferring them around.

>> No.3218365

Honestly normies and shop owners don't give two fucks about crypto. But zero fee transactions? That is literally increasing the margins of a shop owner by 2.5-3% versus a card transaction. If any crypto takes off, it will be something like Iota

>> No.3218435

that crypto has no benefit over fiat normies wanting to purchase day to day goods such as coffee, fuel, food at the grocery store, etc. Why would anyone bother exchanging their fiat for crypto and then using it for day to day purchases when the value constantly fluctuates.

>inb4 u assume I'm talking about OMG like it's the only viable option.
OMG has uses when you're abroad or want to use other different than the fiat currency of your country, how often do u feel like buying ur groceries with yens or apple gift cards? and how often do u just use ur god damn fiat and are happy with it.

>> No.3219279

I think people will generate value in a number of ways which will be represented in a vast ecosystem of different coins and tokens.

ARK will be means of exchange.

>> No.3220176

this needs to stop

>> No.3220283

This. IOTA is only 5% of my portfolio (majority in XMR) but it will be used for day to day transactions because of it's lightning fast speed and free transactions.

>> No.3221168


Shill omg to me. Whys it great? why should i drop 20btc in to?

>> No.3221220

I love this technology. It's intuitive and scalable and you don't pay a fee. IOTA rules.

>> No.3221287

>who is going to pay fees for buying a coffee
how about every person who's ever bought a coffee before? it's called sales tax

>> No.3221339

why would you pay a fee if you didn't have to?

>> No.3221378

XRP for micro and small purchase
Bitcoin for large retail purchases like cars and laptops

>> No.3221390


Simply put- they are an existing payment company with massive adoption of their PoS systems implementing all the expected benefits of a crypto transaction with all of the added bonuses/features the normies in the corporate world are shitting their pants for.

Do some due diligence and see what you think.
I feel strongly that you'll come to the same conclusion about the value of OMG that I have.

>> No.3221403

Also forgot to mention IOTA. Its down to IOTA and XRP for day to day

>> No.3222108


>> No.3222235

because getting rid of bank interchange fee's will boast business's profits by 1-3% of their total sales in credit cards. if a crypto can get to credit card tier speed and reliability there is huge incentive for merchants to adopt cryptos and offer a discount to users since it could significantly reduce their expenses.