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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3215330 No.3215330 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw understanding how awful the average normie is with money

>nights out
>new clothes
>muh iPhone
>leased cars
>not paying off credit cards
>eating out
>expensive weddings/vacations
>decorating homes/apartments
>not working 7days a week
>moving out meme

Seriously the amount of college educated millenials who have no idea how to manage finances is absurd

>> No.3215347

Enjoying life is overrated anyway.
Better be miserable and play vidya with an average account at the bank.

>> No.3215352

>decorating house is a bad use of money
There is nothing wrong with hanging a few paintings around your house, or putting one fresh coat of paint on the walls
Everything else on that list is fine, though I would suggest you have one day a week off

>> No.3215355

> have friends
Money can't buy that, damn. I wish I had friends, but I only have all these gainzzzz.

>> No.3215368

A night out like once every 3-4 weeks isn't a bad thing. But I agree with everything else.

People are kept dumb and lazy.

>> No.3215372

>moving out is a bad thing
>being a slave 7 days a week

Kek what good is money if you never spend it

>> No.3215398
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>Wagecucking 7 days a week is a virtue
>Gotta scrap up as much fiat as you can for that shiny grave
>No fun allowed, specially while you're young and healthy

Lmao. /noc/oiner general?

>> No.3215571


Does your mom know you're on 4chan?

>> No.3215599

>>leased cars
Not bad if youre rich

You own one good car (lambo)
And you drive a mid-high car and you get to drive new cars every year

>>decorating homes/apartments

Decorating is good for home value, but renovate first before decorating

>>>not working 7days a week

Haha wage cuck

>>>moving out meme

I've 250k in savings I can easily move out. Why do I stay? Free rent and comfy food and get to be with my family instead of being alone rotting my brain away and burning my money.

>> No.3215617

>free rent and food

Where do you fucking people live where your parents dont charge rent or make you buy your own food? I've never heard of this shit irl.

>> No.3215634

I hear it from children of immigrants, especially well to do Indians, here in the US

>> No.3215635


>> No.3215648

But dont they expect their children to slightly lighten the burden of their mortgage, especially when they're clearly doing well?

Just seems fucked up for parents to be slaving away at 50+ when their child could help them live at least a slightly more relaxed life.

>> No.3215662

no they want us to study

>> No.3215666

After that I mean. Once you graduate and get a proper job. Are there really people who still live with parents with no expenses?

>> No.3215668

I want to retire by 35.
I will work every fucking day to make that possible, then I only work when I feel like it and do what makes me happy. That's the dream at least

>> No.3215670


Its not just them m8. It spans all age groups back to the silent generation. Now those guys knows what it means to be poor and desperate. They passed it along to their kids and their kids passed it along but you always lose a certain amount of that knowledge. So generation X is better with money than the Millennials and generation Z will probably be better than them but Generation Z will be the new cycle when this economy crashes and burns.

>> No.3215679

there's a few. It's common in my family.
We only move out if we get married

>> No.3215687

My parents are retired with a good retirement plan. I forgot to mention I pay for the internet since I need it for my business.

My dad would never accept utility/mortagage money from me when I offered it 5 years ago.

It's an Asian thing, we stay with our family until we get married

>> No.3215689

It's only in America where people expect their children to pay rent.

It honestly seems so fucking retarded from a bong perspective since most the time the adults need the money way less than the children.

>> No.3215697

>Not making more than both your parents put together


>> No.3215705

>Not having a tower with your name on it in NY.

Are you even trying?

>> No.3215709

This very rarely happens

>> No.3215710

Well okay then. This is new and interesting to me.

>> No.3215717

The amount of idiots from high school I see posting pictures of bmws or Cadillacs that are clearly leased is embarrassing. They got their first job and think they're.

>> No.3215724

>nights out
twice a month i think is ok
>new clothes
hello no, just a pair of shoes every couple of years
>muh iPhone
>leased cars
renting a car is much better
>not paying off credit cards
>credit cards
>eating out
hell no
>expensive weddings/vacations
vacations are ok but only puttantours in eastern europe
>decorating homes/apartments
the most frugal way
>not working 7days a week
nigga 7 days are really a ton of time wasted.
>moving out meme

>> No.3215742

I guess it depends how well off you parents are though, if they're truly poor then yeah they might charge rent, but most the time it would just be "muh life lessons" with them not needing the money at all and not even thinking about renting the room out if you left.

>> No.3215743

funny is price of used luxury car alone is usually nothing compared to service and maintenance costs

>> No.3215773

What are you on about, I was charged rent from 16 and all of my friends that still live at home are charged rent too. I'm pretty sure that alongside Ireland we have the highest levels of independence in Europe.

>> No.3215789
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>finally get gf
>she has $100,000 in student loans
>constantly complaining its not fair
>$300 haircuts
>leased lexus
>luxury apartment
>eats out every meal

>> No.3215793

>not having a proper paying job so you can go out and partake in consumerism while still investing in cryptos and stocks

>> No.3215798

It's not normal, It's been been brought up multiple times before and it's just the claps which think it is with most people thinking it's absolutely retarded.

>> No.3215806

It is totally normal. Are you from a British family?

>> No.3215807


>> No.3215831

yeah. What I mean is it comes up occasionally on biz/4chan in general and it just seems to be the burgers which think it is. You're the exception to the rule

I did get charged negligible amounts of rent (10 bong) for muh life lessons but I can't think of anyone else who did

>> No.3215893


I still live at home and don't get charged rent. I have never heard of parents charging rent to children unless the family is in a really tough financial situation. I understand paying for some groceries and utilities, but rent is unheard of. I'm white and live in the US btw.

>> No.3215912

Are you a Northerner? More collectivist up there.

Guess it just depends on the way our parents choose to raise us. My parents put me to work from a young age and always expected me to pay my own way. Both styles have their benefits.

>> No.3215928

eating out is fun, you get to taste amazing food and have a laugh with family or friends. its the only expensive thing i do but it really adds to quality of life

>> No.3215942

>Tfw when I'm a /fit/fag and always Intermittent fasting

>> No.3215952

Horrible investment. Transportation is so fucking expensive in general. That's why i prefer to stay at home all day all week all year. Financial responsibility and shit.

>> No.3215969

East midlands.

>> No.3215984

Isn't that psuedoscience?

>> No.3215988

Hello neighbor

>> No.3215991

now you have $100,000 in student loans

>> No.3215993

You're thinking about a keto diet

>> No.3216019

No I'm thinking about intermittent fasting.

Does it even have any benefits besides appetite control? It seems like it doesn't do shit.

>> No.3216032

>Seriously the amount of college educated millenials who have no idea how to manage finances is absurd
Are you mad? Why bother saving virtual worthless centrally premined government fiat money when it's constantly inflated?!

>> No.3216043
File: 54 KB, 372x527, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you would read marx you would see that these are all traits of the bourgeoisie. They want to imitate the upper classes. Capitalism relies upon a lot of psycological trickery to function. The whole purpose of the middle class is to make the poor blame themselves for being poor while also scarring the shit out of the same middle class that is they don't engage in exploitative behaviour they too may end up poor.

>> No.3216060

>read marx
this meme will never catch on

>> No.3216075
File: 543 KB, 650x1114, IMG_3740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut the fuck up cunt

>> No.3216091

Ukraine no.1

>> No.3216118
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, spectacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like u
go to fucking scholar.google.com and do your own research

>> No.3216119

Yeah, I have worked ever since it was legal(15 in the US). My parents actually encourage me to live at home to stockpile the shit out of money. Maybe they saw my sister move out immediately and blow all of her savings within 4 years.

>> No.3216156


I once offered to pay to offset my families utility bill. My parents actually got angry at me for suggesting it, because they wanted rent, you know to teach me how "the real world" works. My parents are financially illiterate and declared bankruptcy twice, and mortgaged their home, twice. Something is very wrong with the way Americans seemingly attempt to shackle their kids to the same shitty fate they locked themselves to. Be very wary of parents trying to cannibalize you, I moved across the country with $500 and no job, never been happier in my life.

>> No.3216178

At least the normies get laid when they go out OP.

>> No.3216210

What sort of business is it if you don't mind?

>> No.3216230
File: 546 KB, 979x832, 1492086197231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fellow student is complaining about how he is always broke and can't afford to eat anything but shitty food
>i've personally seen him spend 100 euros a week on alcohol and going out

>fellow student mocks me for putting 80 euros into crypto (it's just internet money anon, i don't get it!)
>i know she spends hundreds of euros a month on make-up

>> No.3216237

>Just seems fucked up for parents to be slaving away at 50+
Most people who are intelligent enough to let their children live with them while saving have everything paid off by then, anon.

>> No.3216242

Any tips anon? Considering moving out too soon.

>> No.3216257

Get out desu

>> No.3216280

>Be very wary of parents trying to cannibalize you, I moved across the country with $500 and no job, never been happier in my life
I thought about doing this at one point, but I figured I'd just be bringing my problems elsewhere

>> No.3216303

This is why advertising and television target women primarily now, not because of muh cultural marxist destruction of the family, but because most are absolutely horrible with money and will blow it on dumb shit so they're perfect to market to.

>> No.3216309

>still live with my parents
>pay part of the utility bills
>youngest of several children
>only one who doesnt own a house
>most well liked of all my siblings because I keep to my self and have no kids.
>parents going to leave me the house.

Every one of them makes a lot of money and spends it as fast as they get it, pretty much people OP was talking about. They will be anticipating the check they get when the house is sold after my parents die. They are going to hate me.

>> No.3216314

thank... you are 100% correct. Make money, pursue a hobby you love and hang out with friends occasionally.

>> No.3216318

Yeah totally worth it
What a retard you are

>> No.3216321

>Still live with my parents

???? What the actual fuck

>> No.3216329

That's incredibly pathetic

>> No.3216340

Your siblings are pieces of shit if they just want a piece of the house when your parents die.

>> No.3216352

Why not both?

>> No.3216363

Better food, great roommates, no cockroaches, extremely low rent, inherit a house.

Pretty sure me and the sister I grew up with are the only non-materialists out of the lot. The rest are baby boomer generation.

>> No.3216365


How the fuck do you breed like rabbits while living with your parents?

>> No.3216390

Why that made me laugh

>> No.3216397

What the fuck dude. Are you a virgin?

You're 36 years old... move out holy shit

>> No.3216410

Why would I move out of my house? Whats wrong with you? Ill have enough money saved for retirement by the time they pass away, godwilling.

>> No.3216411


No, it's because, like it or not, women have 80% of buying power.

>> No.3216419

>You're 36 years old... move out holy shit
Why would he move out when he seems happy there?

>> No.3216431

>literally any one of those things
>"awful with money"
leasing might be inefficient, smoking is unhealthy, expensive weddings are a little pointless, but you sound like someone who is awful at life.

>> No.3216433

This board... holy shit

>> No.3216434


Sooo, you'll be a 45 year old retiree with no kids.

Atleast you'll have a free house as you die alone, along with 6million years of genetics.

>> No.3216438

"Buying power" is actually how much you spend which plays into what I already said. Its just called "buying power" to make people feel better about being idiots. True buying power is your actual wealth.

>> No.3216441

But what about your youth? Are you sure you're not wasting it? I can imagine that you won't be the healthiest individual if your work nonstop all the time and you miss out on your youth when you are at your healthiest.

>> No.3216451

REEE this is a violation of the code! YOU HAVE TO BE LIKE ME! VIRGIN! REEEEEEE!

haha fucking normies

>> No.3216452


By buying power, they mean who makes the decisions on what gets purchased, that, overwhelmingly is women, thats why most day to day shit is marketed to women.

>> No.3216458
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I expect Rembots to be on the market by then.

>> No.3216464


He'll die young, people that work 50+ a week are three times more likely to have a heart attack.

>> No.3216466

>women blow far more money on dumb shit and advertisers know this
I already said that though.

>> No.3216467

Yeah, misery loves company.

>> No.3216474
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no, please don't tell

>> No.3216493

Your parents went out and made a life for themselves. They got jobs, had kids, got some land, and made it a place of their own. You're excited to live in the empty husk they leave behind. You aren't taking initiative to go find something and make it yours. You're happy to just live in the shadow of others, and that is pathetic. Stop being a pussy and build your own life.

>> No.3216495

Am I on r9k?

Are you unironically suggesting that living on your own when you're past the age of thirty five is "misery"?

>> No.3216504

Keto has a lot of pseudoscience around it. People think it's some magic fat-burning state where you lose weight.

I've done keto and my take on it (anecdotal pseudo-science incoming) is that it's harder to eat lots of calories because your diet is more restricted, so you lose weight that way. As well, you don't feel hungry all the time because your body doesn't have to 'change gears' to burn fat rather than carbs for energy since it's already using fat for energy. I feel that the "changing gears" is what makes you feel like you're starving.

None of what I said is based on anything other than my personal experience.

>> No.3216506

it's far too late for him to learn lol. at this point it's like getting someone out of jail who has been a prisoner for 20 years. best case scenario is suicide.

>> No.3216514

Well, you better get rid of that dog!

>> No.3216515

>moving out is a meme for awful normies
>whoever disagrees must be a loser that hasn't moved out

Epic comeback bro, I guess you're not an sad loser trying to justify his boring life after all!

>> No.3216517

>Are you unironically suggesting that living on your own when you're past the age of thirty five is "misery"?
No, dummy, if you were capable of basic logic and reading comprehension, you'd understand that he's suggesting that the person's motive is misery. That misery doesn't necessarily have to be be born of any one thing—you inferred that for yourself, probably just to make this stupid post. The point here is that people lash out when you don't conform to their shitty way of doing things, even if your methods are superior in some respects.

For example, all of my in-laws lived at home until they could buy houses and nice vehicles in cash, and they're all practically retired at age 40-45. Meanwhile, retarded boomers try to hold their children back in an effort to "teach them about life".

>inb4 more intentionally missing the point and REEEEing and arguing about nothing

>> No.3216524

>it's harder to eat lots of calories because your diet is more restricted, so you lose weight that way

>> No.3216533

Actually, Im just glad Ill have a home after they pass. The other option would be to move in to a cockroach infested apartment complex. And what you are describing is pretty much every inherited estate in the world, and there are many of them. I am glad to preserve what they built, least it get get sold to someone less deserving. There is actually a guy across the street that did the exact thing I did, and they are pretty happy about it. So you can take your personal opinions on what success is and fuck off.

>> No.3216546

Why the fuck is the only other option a cockroach infested apartment?

You know you can move out and still inherit the house, right? What is your job?

>> No.3216565

That would be pretty fucking stupid and a complete waste of money. I would be looking at 800 dollars a month that could be invested, being invested in a landlords pocket. How did you manage to find /biz/ being that fucking dumb and bad at business? You bough Ripple at its all time high didnt you.

>> No.3216572

What is your job? How much do you make?

>> No.3216588

Thats irrelevant. Woudnt matter if I was making 120k working at bank, I would still be living where I am.

>> No.3216595

By that standard almost none of the board is going to make it

>> No.3216601

Why are you refusing to answer the question though? You're 36 years old I just want to know how much you're making and investing by living with your parents.

>> No.3216604

>not using a surrogate when you're a multimillionaire
Saves money longrun and no chance of losing your children.

>> No.3216616


goy up

>> No.3216617

Enjoy shared debt.

>> No.3216619

He lives practically free you dingus, doesn't matter if he makes 5 bucks a day picking oranges. He's got it better than most.

>> No.3216623

>being so basic that rent confuses him
>also 800 is a lot for him
quality of life isn't a waste of money, little man. money is worthless if you don't know how to spend it.

>> No.3216624

>trying to explain to standard ameriburger whose family have lived in the country for generations and whose parents are "live in the moment" druggies who have almost nothing in retirement savings and expect social security to carry them all the way to the grave

>> No.3216635
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Those little dogs are expensive as fuck. Boarding is $100 a night and they have all these health problems because they are severely inbred. They also shit and piss everywhere because they are shit dogs so you have to pay stanley steamer to come in every month.

>> No.3216641

Because its none of your business. I never get in to specifics about my life on the internet. You want that go back to facebook.
>money is worthless if you don't know how to spend it.
>800 dollars a month is worth wasting

You should take your own advice.

>> No.3216644

Its probably a better and happier life being a normie

>>emotional fulfillment from social relationships
>>well adjusted
>>high self esteem
>>gets laid often

Compared to being an insufferable spiteful neet, and this is coming from a depressed wagecuck anon

Its better to be happy OP...its too bad ill never be happy

>> No.3216645

this post triggered me more than all the shitcoin shilling on their board
>nights out
these can be pretty fun, and can get you laid when you don't have a gf (not that an >>>/r9k/ frogposter can know anything about that)
>new clothes
new clothes look good and can also make people respect/admire you more. why would you want to look like a tramp anyway?
>muh iPhone
overpriced but it's decent tech, and it's only a little more expensive than other similar smartphones at this point
>leased cars
can't comment on this one cos I don't drive but it doesn't seem that much worse than buying a car
>not paying off credit cards
I agree that this is pretty dumb
>eating out
good food is great, and not having to cook it is even better. try something other than tendies for once
>expensive weddings/vacations
no clue why you'd group those two together, but both can be really fun. people don't get married often so they can usually afford to spend on that, and vacations are just generally great
>decorating homes/apartments
this also looks nice and isn't really a waste of money since you can sell that shit later (sometimes at a profit)
pretty big waste but people are addicted to it I guess
>working 7 days a week
lmao wagecuck enjoy being tired and grumpy all the time while your boss who works 3 days a week makes 10x more than you
>moving out
there are a lot of reasons for this, the most obvious being that you dont want to be a burden on your parents your whole life. house parties and living with your SO are also good reasons but I doubt you'll ever need a house for those
what good is money if you never spend it
inb4 normie

>> No.3216649

not worth it. being 65 with money is not as good as being 25 being poor. you are only young once enjoy it while you can.

>> No.3216657

>take your own advice
>"money is worthless if you don't know how to spend it
highest level of education: middle school

>> No.3216666

Coming from a guy who thinks rent is a good investment.

>> No.3216676

>Because its none of your business. I never get in to specifics about my life on the internet.


You're probably a fucking neet or a minimum wage employee since you refuse to answer how much money you make at 36 years old and make $800 seem like a lot of money.

>> No.3216677

nono you are forgetting the part where they take the income of their intellectually compliant beta provider cucks of husbands and "manage the household"

this for normies is "just the way things are" and if you disagree with it you are a loser fag

>> No.3216705

i said rent confuses you. you might as well argue that buying food is a waste of money. you're going around in circles to justify a shitty life. your entire point is that relative to "other" people you make better use of your money, but on the other hand you think moving away from mommy means being around cockroaches. this isn't about money at all, you just never grew up.

>> No.3216733

No one said rent was a good investment.

Not everything in life is suppose to be an investment. Otherwise when are you allowed to enjoy yourself in life? Or are you just suppose to get buried with $100 000 000 after living off rice and beans, riding a Rusty bike everywhere and cutting your own hair for 80 years ?

>> No.3216769

Thats a nice sideboob.

>> No.3216778
File: 675 KB, 2300x1594, 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hardly even spend money at all. Just food, rent, internet and some minor things.

>try to avoid giving money to jews
>realize jews are everywhere
>miserliness grows and grows
>tfw I'm becoming the jew

>> No.3216791

For all these people thinking it is wrong to keep living with your parents:

"The problem is not them problem, the problem is your perception on the problem"

>> No.3216819

It's not wrong it's just really sad. I've honestly never met or heard of anyone IRL who was over 25 and still lived with parents that wasn't a total manchild.

>> No.3216826

I fine nothing confusing about rent but prey tell me how its not a waste of money since Im obviously confused.

Only takes 1 tenant in a building to infest the entire place with roaches. I happen to know how many people live and what disgusting slobs they are. You could be living right next door to one.

>Living on your own = instant life fulfillment.
Perhaps your parents were shit, but mine are actually pretty great people. Juding by your post and since I dont know you, I only have that to go off of, I can assume you are a person with really bad spending habits. Thing is, I lost pretty much all my envy a decade ago. Cant tell you how or why, but I dont have that trait. I dont get swayed by commercials, I dont want that guys car, I dont want to fuck that guys wife. I dont spend my money on junk. I have almost everything I need and I enjoy my self just fine. I buy tools and keep my self busy investing, doing constructive projects outside work and the occasional video game So moneys main value to me is security. I dont make much but I have more money than most people I know. My entire life I was always the person people went to when they needed to borrow. Now they are adults, they all have mortgages and I have a free house. You may be trying to push your lifestyle on to me but your getting as much effect as trying to convince a fish to live on land.

>> No.3216854

I'm 21 years old with $40k saved/invested. To me the small amount of rent I pay is definitely worth not only the freedom but also the ability to live much closer to work.

You really sound like you have low testosterone, id get it checked.

>> No.3216887

You could have doubled that if you didnt have rent. So what freedom do you have that I do not? What, you can fuck bimbos at home? They have motels for that. You pay rent for what I get for free.

>> No.3216892

Nobody said you need to want the best, but you should want something. You're living at the whim of others. Just because those others are nice, generous people that wouldn't fuck you over, doesn't change the fact that you are relying on them. You're happy living in their shadow, as long as you can tinker with your projects.

You don't rely on yourself. That is a feminine trait. Where is your sense of adventure, boy?

>> No.3216912

>could invest an extra $800
retards really coming out of the woodwork ITT

>> No.3216919

And don't say
>Why should I pay rent when I am justthrowing money at a landlord
because if you truly do have more money than your peers then you can get a home loan and eventually own the thing you're paying into

>> No.3216921

Sounds like a waste of money. let me guess, you are the type of person who blows a months salary to sit on a dirty beach because thats what adults do when they go on vacation.

>> No.3216923

There is no need for adventure in our Jewish controlled society goy. Get back to work.

>> No.3216932

forget that guy
how about me
24 years old, $72500 salary

>> No.3216934

Why the fuck would I get a house loan when Im already inheriting a house?

>> No.3216944

It really says a lot when people on a business board are violently triggered by someone who employs the absolute most basic strategies to increase his capital

>> No.3216959

Crabs in a bucket.

>> No.3216965

>only takes
this would apply to neighborhoods and cities too. you don't know how anyone lives to be honest, you're a shut in.

>fine nothing confusing
and yet you clearly do. your concept of spending is measured by the quality of "investment" while you yourself live like a poor idiot.
if the argument is about you compared to others, you have only shown that you possess less and do less. that's effectively worse. if the argument is just about your own quality of life as you see it, it's fine to rely on your parents for a roof over your head but it says your priorities are not in housing, raising a family, or relocation. so where are they? you made some edgy point and are defending it with no anchor to keep you grounded.

rent is a small price to pay for independence/authority over your living space, if nothing else. as an "investment" it forces you to grow up a little and take responsibility, but you're also freely able to invite people over. these things don't have to matter to you, just like nothing you do matters to adults with a brain. you can live like you're poor or like you did when you were 12 and be happy, but you will always lose an argument over how much "better" you are with money if your entire argument is that you are behind everyone else in life - that moving forward, doing shit is wasteful.

>> No.3216970

I feel like im on /adv/ or /fa/. I wonder why any of these people are even here when they dont understand basic economics.

>> No.3216971

>confining your employment prospects to a small radius around the location of your parents' home is a good way to increase capital

>> No.3216972

$800/month is probably around 15% of your post-tax income. If he makes as much as you, that's 15% he's increasing his bottom line.
>false dichotomy
wow u r so smart tell us more

>> No.3216977

You are so fucking triggered. The guy is set for life and you are the eternal wagecuck. Deal with it.

>> No.3216981

Because it'd be yours, and when you do inherit the house you can just sell it and put the money towards paying off your own house

>> No.3216994

I could have tripled it if I cancelled my gym membership, stop going out with my friends.

I could have quadrupled it if I worked every single hour of freetime I had. What the fuck is your point you idiot. By this logic you should never ever spend money at all.

>what freedom do you have
I live very close to work, don't have to deal with my parents.

>> No.3217001

he's so triggered that he's writing essays
>I choose to live at home and bank what I'd otherwise spend on additional living expenses

>> No.3217009

That's the dumbest shit I've read today. You will be poor your entire life and you deserve it.

>> No.3217010

>hurrr if u make 1 choice you must take that to its extreme and apply it without regard for context therefore i am right and you are wrong
wow you are legitimately fucking retarded
do you want a gold star or something? ok you win the internet argument
just fuck off, go to another thread

>> No.3217012

>$800/month is probably around 15% of your post-tax income.
Nah I only get about $2400/month cash that I'd have to live off of, because this allows me to max out a 401k and IRA and ESPP

>> No.3217016

That sounds terrible.

It will be mine already. I could sell it down the line and move out to the country but thats speculative.

You could retire 10 years earlier and actually enjoy living.

>> No.3217021

I enjoy living right now though

>> No.3217027

>it's not possible to do both
>if you do x you are not truly living hur dur
>that is why I make poor choices

>> No.3217047

he's doing something that anyone can do if they forfeit any personal motivations. what's the actual argument? he's clearly not set for life because he is relying on his parents. when his parents die he will be living like everyone else but 20-50 years later.

i don't think you understand what triggered means.

>> No.3217057

>Money can't buy friends

Hello, how are you? Wanna hang out?

>> No.3217068

So do I. Well we are agreed, you joy paying rent because you can do, stuff, and have the personal satisfaction of doing so. And ill enjoy minimizing my outgoings and maximizing my gains for no other reason than because I enjoy it.

>> No.3217070

Have enough rent money saved up for 3 months plus 500 on top of that in case something goes wrong. Find a cheap place to rent on craigslist or at a local community college go to the flyer board and see of there are any ads. Finding a min wage job is actually really easy so tough it out until you can move to a better one. If rent is about 700 or less you can work a min wage job or two to pay it and have money to waste or save

>> No.3217071

Again, you're relying on it to be given to you, rather than finding one on your own and attaining it through work you did. How could you possibly be happy knowing everything in your life is being provided for you by others. The food you eat isn't yours. You have no authority in your own home. You have no progeny.

>> No.3217092

Its called not being white trash and having a decent family that has integrity

>> No.3217094

can't max gains if you spend time socializing on /biz/ about how poor you are.

>> No.3217107

And? Personal satisfaction is a pretty poor argument. Your post reminds me of a character from Anne of Green Gables. Oldmaid teacher that worked hard her whole life for the personal satisfaction of not owing her relatives anything. She ended up old and bitter.

>> No.3217110

>letting your children leech off of you instead of getting anywhere in life on their own

>> No.3217133

Triggered is you getting butthurt that this guy isn't blowing money on dumb shit.

>> No.3217138

But you can, 24/7 thanks to crypto!

>white trash
>owning a house

Anon, please think before you post.

>> No.3217151

Southern California baby.

almost everyone lives with their parents till they are 30 here.

>> No.3217188

you're the one who needs to announce how other people spend their money on "dumb shit." this thread started because someone wanted to call out random nameless people for having things that he didn't.

storing money indefinitely is the same as blowing it on random things you don't actually need. so you don't have an argument there. i've only asked where the other guys priorities are in life, because at 36 he lives like he's 12. nobody else wants to live like that, so it's not "better"

>> No.3217221
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>storing money indefinitely is the same as blowing it on random things you don't actually need.


>> No.3217236

Dying with $500 million is just as useless as dying with nothing at all

>> No.3217237

$ input
nothing output

>> No.3217245

>I arbitrarily sabotage my children's socioeconomic mobility because muh principles

>> No.3217255

>Dying with $500 million is just as useless as dying with nothing at all
Do you also think having children is for stupid people?

>> No.3217257

I sure am glad you guys are here. Someone has to by the peaks.

>> No.3217262

Not just personal satisfaction. Being in control of the variables of your own life. All it takes is another person to fuck up and your current life is ruined as a result.

>> No.3217274

Laugh all you want but it's literally the calvinist philosophy on which USA were built.
Only after the jews arrived that they became a degenerate and hedonistic country.

>> No.3217279

>cost of food/housing sabotages mobility
never had a chance in the first place. also it's just as much "muh principles" to expect parents to share with their children.

>> No.3217287
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I did it last semester during college last semester, so it might just be mental. The first couple hours of the day were rough, but I just persevered through it. At around 1-2pm everyday I felt literally godly, like any problem was simple, and I was hyperaware of everything.

>> No.3217291

>36 year old manchild lives with his parents and has a $1500 blockfolio
Cannot make this shit up Lmao

>> No.3217296

i imagine youer some1 wh never slls

>> No.3217306

How the fuck do you think it doesn't go the other way as well?

The same could be said for children helping their parents live a more relaxed life for raising them.

>> No.3217317

>also it's just as much "muh principles" to expect parents to share with their children.
one of these things is not like the other
thread is full of retards

>> No.3217324

No, not really. I have capital and can adjust if a situation turns on me. Thats the good thing about investing and not wasting your money, security. Your house, it can burn down, your economy it can collapse, your wife, she can get pregnant by nigger. If you have capital, you can adjust and continue forward, if you have all your money invested a BMW, you are gong to be at someones mercy.

>> No.3217328

no you're a retard though.

>> No.3217336

kek. spuds are richer than krauts yet the latter work like dogs.

>> No.3217341

>parents should sacrifice their own enjoyment of life indefinitely because it's the right thing to do

>children should NOT help their parents once they're fully capable to do so
Hell, not even help their parents but at least cover their own damn costs or free up the house

>> No.3217345

better a 'retard' with greater social mobility which I will pass on to my children than a shitskin or a white trash loser on 4chan who can't into basic economics

>> No.3217353
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just before I read the thread, let ne just say that I think money should be spent and not accumulated for the sake of just accumulating more.

Spemding money on your health and living condition is, in the end, the use of money.

Be clever and gather money, but don't forget to also use it for those things while alive

>> No.3217356
File: 633 KB, 536x486, constitution libertarians in 50 years race constitution demographic displacement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your mediocre existence
even if you're vaguely well off, I can tell with that attitude that you're just lower or middle class, something which is disappearing
your antiquated ideas no longer apply
I don't care about you and neither does anyone else, I'm just telling the truth

>> No.3217358

>36 living with parents single poor
>can "adjust"
>continue forward
really makes you think.

>> No.3217370

>For example, all of my in-laws lived at home until they could buy houses and nice vehicles in cash, and they're all practically retired at age 40-45. Meanwhile, retarded boomers try to hold their children back in an effort to "teach them about life".

all you have are your false dichotomies and other shitty logic and rationalizations

>> No.3217372

Yeah I bet you're really high class royalty posting on /biz/ lol

I'm just showing how your logic is fucking retarded if you believe once parents have kids their lives are locked away for ever slaving to provide even for 30+ year old "kids"

>> No.3217381

a bong perspective ? lol I'm going to start saying that. "yo check it out from the bong perspective though..."

>> No.3217390

so is it social mobility or socioeconomic mobility? can you help me understand how you "pass on" these qualities by giving someone free food?

there isn't a culture/race in the world that doesn't share workload in the family as a standard. you sound bitter about it, but you won't be able to explain why it's wrong. there are ineffective ways on either side of how you deal with your kids, obviously. not exclusive to white trash or blacks to give some responsibility to kids though.

>> No.3217391

Agreed. They must have some idea that I have to be home by 10 and take out the trash or ill get grounded. They are projecting their poor childhoods on to me. But thats okay.

I never said I was poor, I just dont make much money because I have always adopted the idea of doing what I want and preserving what I have. So far I have yet to regret a thing.

>> No.3217394

>I'm just showing how your logic is fucking retarded if you believe once parents have kids their lives are locked away for ever slaving to provide even for 30+ year old "kids"

Why do you think they're 'slaving away'? It is glaringly obvious that you come from a working class background.

>m-muh principles
>o-only tough love will teach my children to succeed
t. pleb

>> No.3217405

You're a larping manchild refusing to tell us how much he makes or what his job even is

>> No.3217409
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>> No.3217416
File: 34 KB, 420x420, smartpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOUs already trading at 3x ICO.

>mfw I hold over 300k
>mfw you cucks are late as always
>mfw you'll buy my bags at x10 and then it'l crash

>> No.3217418
File: 656 KB, 975x2639, income 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Agreed. They must have some idea that I have to be home by 10 and take out the trash or ill get grounded. They are projecting their poor childhoods on to me. But thats okay.
It's like they can't comprehend the idea of an estate or generational wealth. I guess these people are a sad byproduct of the times we live in. And look at how they lash out at others who don't share their delusions.

>> No.3217419

you're mentioning false dichotomies in defense of a guy who thinks you either live with your parents or get attacked by cockroaches. when his parents are gone it's going to be an invitation to all the cockroaches in the world.

some anecdote about "boomers" doesn't make for a logical argument. if you're getting close to your 40s while being dependent on your parents, you are extremely inefficient with money.

>> No.3217422

What background do you come from?

>> No.3217427

>i never said i was poor, i just don't make much money

>m-muh principles
>w-w-white trash mobility

>> No.3217430

only in USA and maybe a few other very privileged places is it possible to live such a luxurious life almost entirely on credit. If you li

>> No.3217432

>more false dichotomies

>if you live at home you must be 'dependent'
>when his parents die he's going to suffer a worse fate than mine! (why? inb4 assumptions and non-sequiturs)
>his parents must be slaving away to support their loser of a child who live at home still!
nice facebook-tier memes you insufferable retard
just fuck off lol

>> No.3217434

Probably millennials and communists and dont believe that land should be owned or wealth transferred. Yes, then Bernie can gib them all the stuff they want!

I am gong to enjoy and take advantage of my white privilege.

>> No.3217438

>I want my son to be just like me. He can make his own way—I had to! I didn't work all these years to just give it away to some freeloader! Once he's 18, he's outta here!
t. cletus

>> No.3217448

I'm getting a leased car, because I want to drive a brand new car.
I currently own one and guess what? Instant depreciation, repairs and I'm driving an older model.
Getting a car on lease, for 3 years I'll have a newly manufactured car so I don't have to pay for MOT, and won't need any repairs. Its also under warranty from the company.
Even if I got a PCP deal, my equity at the end of it is subtracted versus the projected depreciation, and it is much much cheaper to lease.
Car leasing is great if you get a good deal and know what you're doing OP.

>> No.3217451
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>> No.3217452


>> No.3217459

>it's facebook tier meme to say that one day he won't have parents to house/feed/take care of him

nice logic btw lol

>> No.3217462
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, Jim-in-Lecture-Circuit-Pt-2-jim-halpert-4204271-1280-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mother of god.

First I thought this is a troll thread. But no. This thread is full of insufferable spiteful neets who pat each other on the back by living like pathetic losers.

Well done guys ,spend your youth working 7days a week and living shitty for early retirement. Not worth the trade.

>> No.3217467

>250k in savings
How'd you manage that?

>> No.3217468

Yeah. My mother was a stay at home mom and my father is retired. And ill let you in on something, now that you mention it. My father is actually relieved that I want the house. The other option was the house he payed off to get sold at action so it could be chopped up between the kids. The whole thing started because he gave me his guns so none of the other kids could get them.

>> No.3217475

>it's facebook tier meme to say that one day he won't have parents to house/feed/take care of him
herein lies the problem, you're either not arguing in good faith, or you have a very low IQ

>if i keep setting up straw men over and over, i'll win!

>> No.3217486

Nah i lost 17 pounds in 1.5 months with fasted cardio and bodyweight exercises. eating literally makes you weak. I notice when I eat im less concentrated and sleepy in a partial itis.

Its not even real fasting it's just timing your meal so you're empty as long as possible.

Its the default mode of our ancestors,they hunt in the day time and eat at night. I feel more tight and focused when I'm not digesting food as I work.

Read Dr. Jason Fung "Obesity Code"

>> No.3217490

>Well done guys ,spend your youth working 7days a week and living shitty for early retirement. Not worth the trade.
>too stupid to separate humor from the underlying concepts
>takes memes at face value
>lashes out against alternative viewpoints

It's like a Reddit convention in here. Good thing you fucking retards can't downvote here.

>> No.3217507

Anywhere but murica.

>b-but its for their own good

If you bring a kid to this world you pay for his shit, unless you are a nigger/white trash

>> No.3217508

How the fuck are you making less strawmen?

You and the 36 year old keep saying "you must be really poor and working class" ad hominems...

>> No.3217509

All fucking commies must fucking hang

>> No.3217517

You're actually the byproduct of the times we live in. Used to be that men worked for what they had, and were proud to owe nobody nothing. Only in the modern time could you get away with leeching off your friends and family simply because you want to do whatever you want. That kind of attitude used to lead to begging in the streets and accepting whatever scant christian charity came your way.

>> No.3217525
File: 397 KB, 1280x885, 1500216197473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If parents are so worried about their children "leeching" off them, why even bother having kids then? If you have a child, be prepared to support them your entire life in one way or another, you brought them into this world with no other reason than "I felt like it".

>> No.3217530

At what point does it stop though? Are parents just suppose to pay for everything until they finally die at work?

At what age does a kid become an adult? 20, 30, 40?

>> No.3217536
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>Eating literally makes you weak. I notice when I eat I'm less concentrated and sleep in a partial itis

That's your insulin sensitivity mate

>> No.3217537

>if i just mention IQ i sound like i know what i'm talking about!
you don't even have an argument. you referenced some anecdote about living with parents so you can retire in your 40s. that has nothing to do with finances. that's restating a negative quality as a net positive one with no underlying evidence. it also admits that rent is a significant amount of money to you, which implies poor as shit.

>> No.3217538

Actually, no, that's a poorfag's mentality. Wealthy people have zero problem with nepotism, "Keep it in the family, as they say.

Perhaps not coincidentally most people were very poor back then.

>> No.3217539

Yeah dude it's pretty simple shit, when you eat blood is diverted to your stomach to facilitate digestion. Less blood to the brain and muscles = less energy to focus and perform.

>> No.3217541

Also, this thread is full of poorfag abandoned sad children who think they have a choice on where to spend their wagecuck money.

>> No.3217544

>ad hominems
something you find insulting isn't an ad hominem, you hopeless moron

I'd have to be using the attack on your character as a basis for my argument. No, I'm just pointing out, as an aside, that it's obvious that your entire worldview is informed by your low caste and shitty peers


and I say it's a strawman because you and others are constantly missing the point, whether intentionally or not, and then making non-arguments based on your own misrepresentation of the situation
>if you live at home you must be a loser
>nice facebook meme
>it's facebook tier meme to say that one day he won't have parents to house/feed/take care of him
ah, yes, that was the issue... oh, wait

I mean seriously, you are all fucking retarded. If everyone had to post with their standardized test scores attached to their ID, I guarantee that most of you would have fucked off by now

>> No.3217545

I'm In the suburbs , I go downtown to party and either get a hotel or find a chick who has a place downtown if it comes to that.

I do web consulting and I also run a 'save the date' or 'event registration and guestbook and gallery's web services for all sorts of events. It's a comfy side business

>> No.3217549

And yet some of the richest and most powerful people in the world inherited their wealth built over generations. Why are you even working, why are you even investing when everything you own is going to get sold to the highest bidder so your shitty kids you kicked out soon as they turned 18 can pay their credit card bills.

>> No.3217552

this means that the grandparents pay for all the parents shit.

>> No.3217566

>it also admits that rent is a significant amount of money to you, which implies poor as shit
nice non-sequitur lol
>I can just make things up and call it logic
>omg he mentioned IQ I'll attack him for that
t. nigger/Cletus

see also

>> No.3217567

why are you so emotional? think with your head for once. sometimes people need to grow up and not depend on their parents for everything.

>> No.3217575

still no argument. mentioning IQ randomly is high school discourse.

>> No.3217578

>y u mad tho
anything else in your arsenal?

>> No.3217584
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ah, he used the word discourse and maintained an air of smug condescension

>> No.3217598

Yes, I can see now why some people think renting is a good use of their money. They have no pride, or love of the things they buy, they just get them because thats what the TV and society told them to do. You will move every 5 years, you will buy a new car every time you pay off the one you have, you will continue to chase material goods and be dead inside.You will be one of those people whos first and last question is, how much does it pay? I feel bad for some of you.

>> No.3217612

I'm absolutely disgusted at the amount of brown people living at home.

No wonder so many Asian men have negative levels of self esteem and are always compensating.

>> No.3217621

>they have no pride

>said the 36 year old still living with his parents

What am I reading

>> No.3217639

>i'm mad

>rambling some fantasy about how other people live
you literally live with your parents at 36

>> No.3217645

And that's what I fixed with IF
Makes sense IF dnamazing if not for improving self control and craving control

>> No.3217650

You guys shiuld see how shit the other 4chan boards are

>people spending hundreds on meal prep services because they claim they don't have time to cook while simultaneously shitposting

>Half the board spends $100+/month on supplements that don't do shit, but they refuse to just buy a real steroid cycle for less money

>they spend $1500 computer
>only shitposting dbs watching weeb shit

>This whole fucking board

>Bagholding flavor of the month shitcoins instead of just buying and hodl BTC

>> No.3217653

Moved out right after high school. Own my home. Own a business with multiple employees. Age 30.

I've trained, been friends with and hired many young Asian men. They literally lack all confidence. I think it's bred into them. The only self esteem they have is generated by a new Subaru WRX.

>> No.3217667

Two people with this 36 age.

I think that is telling.

>> No.3217674

And that ends with that generation wealth finally falling the hands of a hedonistic manchild that only does what he wants and contributes nothing of value to anyone.

If they're smart the parents give the children a strong education and a stable upbringing, and then when they're adults let them earn their own way. Then when that wealth passes, the child will have a sense of responsibility.

>> No.3217679

LEAVE NOW, SAVE YOUR BANK ACCOUNT AND YOURSELF....after you fuck of course ;)

>> No.3217692

This, real white families always stay together and will never push members away from the home. If anything the home isnt big enough because any and all family is welcome

>> No.3217695

No shit.

I've LITERALLY never seen or heard of a person IRL who's 25+ and lives with their parents who wasn't either a coddled manchild with no social skills, a total loser layabout, or a lazy faggot with a meme degree.

Indians and Asians do it but they all seem to have deep psychological issues as a result of their controlling parents.

>> No.3217714
File: 255 KB, 532x465, 1492896319606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>nights out
>>new clothes
>>muh iPhone
>>leased cars
>>not paying off credit cards
>>eating out
>>expensive weddings/vacations
>>decorating homes/apartments
>>not working 7days a week
Really can't see the point in working for such low wages in some dead end job. It's soul destroying.
>>moving out meme

>> No.3217734

I can be your friend, we can talk about your gainzzzz

>> No.3217740

>parents do love me enough to live at home and be a crypto neet

>> No.3217751

What a cancerous pile of human shit. You garbage who are not even able to comprehend something as simple as delayed gratification for early retirement should just end yourselves.

Holy fuck this cockroach infestation reached some epic levels.

>> No.3217759

>Bagholding flavor of the month shitcoins instead of just buying and hodl BTC

B-but I wanna get in on them quick gains ;_;

>> No.3217761


I make more than both my parents because my father passed away and my non-college educated mother has been working her ass off to support us.

Ive been really succesful in my work lately so I hope that in a few years she doesnt have to worry about money anymore.

>> No.3217781


not just millennials, you are also describing basically 98.85% of the population

buying new car and spend 50% or more of your monthly into rent are the dumbest

>> No.3217862

This is the only non-retarded way.

>> No.3217867

Ask yourself this: What brings you to shame someone that's living happily?

>> No.3217870

Amen brother, all these minorities who hate their children throwing them out on the street at 16 are way too sour in this thread

>> No.3217883

Bitcoin has only gone x4 since January though, I've made x20 by trading alts since March.

>> No.3217896

Homecooked food, good company, easy future.

Indeed I do have a fantasy life.

>> No.3217898

>living at home is a matter of pride
Here's the problem: this is an ego thing for you, and you're doing everything within your power to rationalize the disconnect between your shitty worldview and reality. You desperately want to ignore the fact that you're ruled by emotions and the whims and petty judgments of your similarly-inferior peers. When someone makes an assertion, you proceed to post things like this—memes for low-class manchildren who spend a lot of time on Facebook. When someone points that out, you people immediately revert to what you'd have us believe is cold, hard logic (kek). If I talk about estates, you'll retort with something about NEET LARPing. If I point out something like this >>3216972 >>3217012, suddenly this somehow proves that, lo and behold, I am still inferior to you, because reasons

Essentially, in your mind, it's absolutely impossible for anything other than your own worldview to be valid—or, another view is indeed valid, it's not without significant faults or concessions which render it inferior to your own in many ways. You can't even approach this discussion in good faith because of this burning desire to maintain your current beliefs at all costs, much less contribute anything meaningful.

tl;dr: You are closed minded and doomed to a mediocre existence. I hope you don't have a lot of children—I don't want there to be a massive uprising when burger flipper jobs are replaced by machines :^)

>great grandparents came to US, difficult life
>grandparents worked in factories (Ford), hired teenagers to tend to retail store they inherited, slowly invest
>mother is ophthalmologist, father manages business
>still own ~3/4ths of businesses in town, everything from self-storage to gas stations, a diner, rental properties, etc
>trust funds but still work; one now doing surgical rotations, one drives a truck (owner-operator), eldest runs his own (mostly wine) distribution chain

>> No.3217913

That he's lying

>> No.3217924

ran out of characters, but to close it up,
>mfw plebs are kicking their kids out or charging them rent to "teach them a lesson", meanwhile my family are renting to those kids who were kicked out
>mfw their worldview has been inherited from a time of unprecedented growth and is now harmful
>mfw you losers will continue rationalizing your failings for all eternity and will pass this sick mindset on to your children
I suppose this is like when an abused child subsequently abuses his own children. I think it comes down to inferior genetics, desu—you people will never learn nor change.

anyway I'm out, enjoy squabbling amongst yourselves and wasting time on this worthless thread full of bottom feeders

>> No.3217927

Take care you put in the same effort to keeping the business as your father did. You dont want to be part of the tread that leads to your children bankrupting them.

>> No.3217940

Why do you want to believe that?

>> No.3217953

Your family literally owns a town and you think you can talk down to us? You won a lottery at birth and nothing more. Nothing makes you special, and circumstances constantly change.

>> No.3217970

oh, one more thing I couldn't include due to the char limit:
>got into software development with no degree through a friend of a family friend
>making more than most CS grads in the area
>You won a lottery at birth and nothing more
This is how the stupids rationalize this kind of thing.
"I'm going to kick my kids out to teach them a lesson!"
"That guy over there? He was just LUCKY! It was LUCK!"

t o p k e k
fuck you, you deserve to wallow in your mediocrity forever

>> No.3217974

Those are some sour grapes you have there.

>> No.3218000

Oh wow I feel humbled by having royalty bless us here on 4chan

>> No.3218011

I wouldn't want what either of you have. You're both immature and weak. You were handed everything in your lives and pat yourselves on the back for how much better you are than those wagecucks. You haven't earned anything on your own. You're parasites.

>> No.3218020

>I don't have friends, a girlfiend, any meaningful relationships or really a life at all, but at least I have money to spend on anime and video games

>> No.3218033
File: 61 KB, 930x700, 1 percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it only counts as hard work if you're poor

>> No.3218062

>hey, where can we score some weed? We need to smoke up this weekend.
lmao it's so out of place

>> No.3218067

I was more talking about the other guy. You're more of an entitled jackass

>> No.3218094

Yeah, who the fuck says some gay sounding shit like that.

>> No.3218095


Ask yourself this you mouth breathing recessed chin goblin should we "shame" people who are happy smoking meth or beating it to cuck porn?

It's called having a standard of living. If you aren't legitimately disgusted by people who choose to live a sub standard life then your probably heading the same way as they are.

>> No.3218109

Goddamn I hate those people. They are everywhere
What really irritates me is how they always hate their job and are never making enough money. When they see me working the first thing they ask me, how much money do you make doing that. I always lie to them and shoot low so they lose interest.

And on the otherside, I ask someone thats on the job how its going, 9/10 people will say "ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE!" Fuck you, if you dont like it, do something else or reevaluate your life.

>> No.3218110

lol your obviously not making 120k then. Thats way more than enough to afford mortgage live comfortably and still save 50,000usd plus a year.

>> No.3218115

>muh lottery
He had a 100% chance to be born into his situation as someone with different genetics would not be him. True lasting wealth is built by successive generations improving on the foundations the previous created.

>> No.3218122

homeless people live for free too YA DINGUSAURUSREX. thats some hella retard logic right there bud

>> No.3218142

This. I can't even imagine my parents expecting payment for anything they do for the family.
I've had other middle class (white American) college friends complain about how they work 30 hours a week at a minimum wage job just to pay their parents (who could easily afford to provide for them) for rent, for food, for utilities, etc, meanwhile Pajeet's parents are recent immigrants with minimum wage jobs who live in a one bedroom apartment with their 3 kids who get fully supported until the day they buy a house. Then Pajeet becomes an engineer or doctor who helps keep Indian-American at the top of Wikipedia's "Average salary by ethnicity" list, while the white girls become Starbucks baristas with their art degrees. And making the kids pay doesn't even teach "self reliance" or anything like that, because the white people end up voting for Bernie Sanders anyway. And holy fuck, I just realized how shit modern day (((white culture))) is.

>> No.3218175

>I hear it from children of immigrants, especially well to do Indians, here in the US

So many people ITT have no concept of this, which is why it's so obvious that so many of them come from mediocrity. It's not like these Indian kids, for example, are just spoiled—they're expected to help with the family business, to go to school, to marry well, etc.

>> No.3218183

Only america dude

I hear most people who aren't well off, live with their families in Europe too

>> No.3218185

If your enjoyment of life is determined by eating out with a nice hairstyle and you can't fathom someone else deriving similar levels of happiness without that, there's likely some deep problems in your character you want to address rather than lash out at anons on 4chan.

>> No.3218187

>just because you make a lot of money means you have to waste it
Nice meme.

>> No.3218207

My parents are decent human beings and love me so they support me fully. They know I'm looking to move when the market in our city isn't so fucked up or when I find someone to settle down, in the meantime they just ask me for help around the house, drive them places at time, and contribute something to the bills.

I hope you live in supportive families or make your own, anons.

>> No.3218208

im white af and my parents dont charge me rent or food, because its an insignificant amount of money for them to ask

>> No.3218226

>working for someone else
Pants on head retarded. The "wagecuck" meme from /r9k/ makes no sense there because these guys lack the agency to get out of their room, but it's absolutely appropriate here. If you're not an entrepreneur, then someone else is getting the worth of your labor.

>> No.3218230

Where were you guys an hour ago?
>backup has arrived
Seems like those naysayers have left
>tfw wasting my Saturday shitposting in a thread like this on /biz/

>> No.3218243

I was here 2 hours ago. Check my ID you idiot.

>> No.3218255

>you idiot
shots fired

>> No.3218291

this is the most amerifat thing i have ever read in my fucking life, take care of your fucking body and you can be living the same lifestyle literally until the day you die

>> No.3218301

Driving through the nice parts of Nice with my 10/10 girlfriend, which is apparently a fantasy because according to some anons living at your parents' makes you an impotent loser.

>> No.3218350

I guess everyone has different definitions of "wasting money".

>> No.3218362

>there is no superior and inferior, only different

>> No.3218376

Im not that invested in this thread

>> No.3218394

Cooking yourself and sharing it is even better.
>tfw everyone congratulates you for the meal

>> No.3218445

Credit cards are literally 2% free money for every transaction. Also boost your credit so you can get a cheap business loan down the line.

Stay poor

>> No.3218473

Always a good sign your currency is worthless when they start giving it away.

>> No.3218477


>> No.3218493

Credit cards giving instant cash back or whatever they are calling it these days. Been seeing it a lot recently. Kinda like how anyone could get a mortgage before the housing market crashed in 2008.

>> No.3218544

What's the problem with this? It's an incentive for people to rack up debt

>> No.3218555

Credit card rewards have existed forever Lmao stop pretending to be some wise oldmoney sage

>> No.3218604

Yes, they have. Not not every credit card shilled free money if you will just use them. I used to see it every so often but its almost the default now. Tells me something is up.

>> No.3218634

what is your point?

>> No.3218686

Yeah. Everyone I know has credit card debt nowadays. It's more of a psychological thing and people justify large purchases because 'they get 2% cash back" haha.

Financial institutions are making a killing right now. My $BAC stock has more than doubled in just over a year and a half.

>> No.3218687

Already made my point. The dollars value has fallen so much the banks are giving it away. New monetary system is over due, stockmarket is overdue for a crash, global debt is higher than amount of money in the world. Things could get really bad soon. I hope you keep supplies.

>> No.3218695

Lel short the market then fag

>> No.3218696

zerohedge pls

>> No.3218719

Who gives a fuck

If normies have to pay interest that subsidizes our free rewards.

>> No.3218721

Already got my money off the stock market and shorting is to much risk for me.

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

>> No.3218742

People have been saying "the sky is falling" for decades now. It's not happening.

I've seen at least 15 big "stock market falling" prediction threads on biz over the last two years. Hasn't happened.

>> No.3218750

But the sky fell less than a decade ago anon.

>> No.3218812

And then it quickly recovered. There was no loss unless you sold during a market correction for some reason.

>> No.3218821

It never recovered.

>> No.3218836

If your parents are allowing you to live at home for more than a couple years after you get your first real job, then they are literally allowing you to stay a child mentally. A lot of people don't realize it though. This is why we have 40 year old men running around in fucking Ed Hardy shirts. Then they get mad at us for not wanting to take the risks of being a parent and getting married etc. The problem with america now is that due to the terrible economy and post-industrialism literally no one gives a fuck about principles or morals anymore.

>> No.3218853

more antiquated bullshit
>i-it's the economy
>muh morals and principles
kicking your kid out is not some highly principled thing anon
and the country is becoming mestizo/african/arabic, which explains most of the negative trends

>> No.3218886

White guilt destroyed Western society. Screencap this lol

>> No.3218889



Enjoy your tin foil hat.

The long term view of the world is bright. Technology will get better, people will live longer, there will be less wars, etc.

Come out of Orwell's dystopia and wake up

>> No.3218903
File: 493 KB, 1266x1516, black wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Huxley's Dystopia now

>> No.3218911
File: 338 KB, 3065x1581, 1500226382692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>credit returned to normal by 2012
>markets recovered by 2012
>unemployment literally at a record low

Ah yes

>> No.3218935

If you look at the recovery you will see it was the worst recovery we ever had. Long term is not looking that great either. Islam invading Europe, Goarge Soros funding SJWs and Fake KKK groups to start a civil war in the US. Its all tumbling downhill.

Markets are artificially inflated with QE money which has stifled growth. Unemployment numbers are fake.

>> No.3218957

Remember this thread though, when you are in the soup line. And think about how you could have secured your future but you listened to the Fed tell you everything was fine, while your economy was filling with smoke around you.

>> No.3218998

Why are you always so condescending you fucking faggot

That's just fearmongering bs ive heard from Maloney drones a trillion times before.

>> No.3219076

Hes just trying to save you.

>> No.3219089

BTW, The Fed literally came out and said the economy will never crash in our life time again. Which means its flying in to a mountain as we speak.

>> No.3219137

>they are literally allowing you to stay a child mentally
fine with me
the things I'm "supposed to do" is a shitty garbage life that I want no part of, and I'd rather be miserable than suffer the generic hell laid out for me

>> No.3219191
File: 53 KB, 352x499, NOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Independent thought detected

>> No.3219200
File: 526 KB, 1239x886, DXY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh, don't look now USDmarines

>> No.3219216



Just cause we pay them trillions of dollars in taxes, doesn't mean they care.

>> No.3219243


Google what you just said right now. There are multiple big money shorting the market at premium right now.

Your ignorance of your own economy is rather entertaining.

>> No.3219293

Watching normalfags get triggered when someone dares to go against mainstream kike mentality is fucking hilarious. Crabs in a bucket

>> No.3219520

Can confirm, nagging people interrupting your /biz/ness is a drag on any kind of lifestyle except cuckery.
I moved out 4 years ago and have had the time of my life, not to mention QTs everywhere and nobody to steal my weed or snacks.
I DO eat beans and rice mostly, but I treat myself once in a while to buffet and beer. Move out and never be NEET again.

>> No.3219610

Why are you angry? Because he didn't choose to live his life the same way as you? Or because you are jealous that things are easy for him?

>> No.3219723

Some people just don't want kids, do you understand that?