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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3217219 No.3217219 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 21 years old and never graduated highschool
>tfw no drivers license and also unemployed
>parents are angry and want to kick me out for being a lazy fuck and we constantly argue and fight
>too brainlet to understand cryptocurrencies in any capacity so I feel like id get scammed or ripped off in some way

I live in Ontario Canada. Is there any way to fix my life? Is finishing highschool and going to university an option at all?

>> No.3217229

how can I help

>> No.3217256

Yes finish high school. And get a job. You can do it. Then move out

>> No.3217269

Advices or something

Is my life still salvageable? I feel so behind the curve. My resume is pretty much blank what should I do

>> No.3217280
File: 739 KB, 1920x1080, biz-guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just follow the biz guide to riches

>> No.3217288

You cant work or dwell on the past anon, you can however work and try to shape your future. Remember that.

>> No.3217302

Similar circumstances here, not quite as NEET but still can't get my head around crypto. So far I understand some have real world applications which gives more clout (as far as I'm concerned) but I still don't know what to be looking for or even properly understand a 'white paper' any help appreciated.

Also any thoughts on CIVIC coin?

>> No.3217315

get a drivers licence, get a job, any fucking job it doesn't matter, the idea is getting a better job next, this is the system.

>> No.3217319

Life is all about networking OP. Finish high school, volunteer, get a job. Put meet people and show them you have something to offer, and they may hire you or recommend you to a friend who is hiring.

>> No.3217337

Life is a risk boy get into crypros get scamed lose your initial investment you'll finance us and you will also learn alot theres no money better spent that the money you lose for being an idiot

>> No.3217360

Thank you anon

Can you help me on advice to form an actionable plan I can put into action?

I understand networking in theory but how would I do it in my position as a neet

>> No.3217406

Don't know about Canada but:
>Set goals in life. Start torrenting useful shit instead of porn, f.e. books on self discipline first, then self development. Continue this throughout all phases.
1.Find job. Go door to door if needed. Work and save up. Whenever possible, move to another one with better wage.
2. if you into cryptos, torrent some step by steps, you can go to udemy or smth, they have courses for 10bucks from time to time.
3. realize what do you actually want to achieve and start specializing, (i mean job, cryptos, etc) try many things, if possible jobs, and find ones you like most and pay well.
4. Do opposite to what /biz/ says (its rule of thumb, doesnt apply exactly here)

>> No.3217428

get a drivers licence, get any job.

>> No.3217446

Putting a plan together is simple. We all are neets here, so we all more or less know what the fuck you are going through.

Get your shit together, understand life is short. As said before, if you dont know how to land connections, torrent/buy a book about how to motherfucking land connections. There is like million of ways.

>> No.3217471

Why bother? Fuck people, fuck kissing ass. Get rich with and live like a baron.

>> No.3217480

>Is there any way to fix my life?
Go to college/uni
Find rich overseas chinese girl
Make her your gf
Marry her

We had some cuk on /biz a year ago from Australia who did exactly that

>> No.3217496

Because of human psychology. Without actual occupation and contribution to society, humans become more and more pessimistic. In other words, you either do shit daily, or you will spend your life miserable.
No money will solve that. No riches, no bitches no admiration.

>> No.3217514

Had one actually. Was exchange in my uni, fucked her and from this shy girl she became a fucking backpack.

>> No.3217528

You could probably get gibs over not getting your grade 12.

You shouldn't have any trouble getting a shit job at something like walmart, no place bothers to check if you graduated highschool, you might want to get your ged tho

>> No.3217613

Your shit is fucked - your only option is to join the military

>> No.3217656

Sort your shit out now while you're still young so you don't end up with a noose around your neck at 30.

>> No.3217713
File: 929 KB, 674x565, Water Filter Salesman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do something for your parents, take care of them as they have taken care of you. Always be the better man and cherish them while you can.

Driver license can wait, and your problem with crypto seems more to be a confidence issue rather than a lack of understanding.

In time, go back to school like the others have said and sort your shit out, planning ahead for the future.

t. 23 yo highschool dropout NEET without a drivers license, living alone because my parents are gone, and making profits off crypto without knowing a single thing about it

>> No.3217737

Thank you

>> No.3217779

We share some parallels, and I hope you sort yourself out, mate.

>no GED
>Working at Walmart on overnights for a decade
>browse /biz/ because this shit is fascinating
>tfw I won't have the balls or the capital to start investing in anything
>tfw not buying bitcoin when it was $7 on the advice of a friend at the time wad probably the biggest mistake of my 20s

Maybe next life things will be better.

>> No.3217815

If you're a good for nothing high school dropout, don't argue with your parents you manchild. Keep the house clean and do as asked if you want to live a comfy life where there's no threat of getting kicked out.

You sound like you don't contribute shit to the household and still expect everything to be to your liking. No. Once you have a job and your own place you can be like that. Until then you are Alice from The Brady Bunch.

>> No.3217829

>tfw 21 years old and never graduated
idk how education works in the US but surely there is a way for you to get a propper education
>tfw no drivers license and also unemployed
Get a wagecuck job for now, drivers license isn't a must.
>parents are angry and want to kick me out for being a lazy fuck and we constantly argue and fight
Put up with it, try to postpone you being kicked out till you can support yourself.
>too brainlet to understand cryptocurrencies in any capacity so I feel like id get scammed or ripped off in some way
Lurk /biz/ (lurk, don't actually listen to /biz/), try to understand the blockchain technology and the basics of supply & demand