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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3208134 No.3208134 [Reply] [Original]

What's going on here anons?


>> No.3208146

should have used litecoin ron

>> No.3208147
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>> No.3208156

Same as always FUDder. If you have no clue about the tech, then don't pretend you do.

>> No.3208161

been waiting almost 24 hours for a fucking fraction of a bitcoin to move to another exchange so i can get those sweet moons

im going to killmyself

>> No.3208178

So tell me what's going on then? Lol

>> No.3208236

50% is retards who send btc without a fee so the transaction never gets picked up by a miner, 20% is people who put to small of a fee so their transaction will be picked up when the blockchain cools down, and 30% is just normal transactions waiting to get confirmed.

>> No.3208250


While you are right that BCH put a dent into the current mining power, looking at the backlog is nonsense.
You can set your own tx fees in nearly every wallet under advanced options.
This is what you should currently use / how long your tx will take:


As you can see, majority of those backlog tx are just spam ones of people sending like 1 sat with 0tx fees to make the network look even more bloated.
They might get confirmed / mined if a miner doesn't mind doing it for free but probably will just drop out of the mem pool after 2 weeks.

Now I don't mind if you complain about the currently high fees because they are truly too high.
But don't post a random backlog number because that number is fake and bs (it doesn't mean your tx queues at the end).
Also don't complain about long transfer times. It was you who set the the tx fee too low for the current tx fee prices. You can only blame yourself for that.

>> No.3208278

>been waiting a day and a half with a $4.50 miner fee

Only death can know peace from this evil.

>> No.3208366

OK thanks for clarifying

>> No.3208375

It's what happens when neckbeards take over. They choose obscure optimisations over usability.

> Brought to you by SegWit (TM)

>> No.3208434

>What's going on here anons?

A shitcoin's death spiral

>> No.3208503


>> No.3209072


Cheap Jew you didn't even make it $4.99

>> No.3209162

you have to pay the troll toll if you want to get in dat boi's soul

>> No.3209278

we are good: https://blockchain.info/charts/mempool-size?timespan=1year

>> No.3209352

just looking through the transcations you can see these chink faggot fanboys who are putting in transactions of like 5 cents

lolled when my recaptcha was just chopsticks

>> No.3210100
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>Now I don't mind if you complain about the currently high fees because they are truly too high.
>don't complain about long transfer times. It was you who set the the tx fee too low for the current tx fee prices.

>> No.3210106

It does this shit all the time. This is why buttcoin is wack

>> No.3210110

oh litecoin with the same chinese miners lol
>vertcoin is the future anon