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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 1933x1680, xby_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3200215 No.3200215 [Reply] [Original]

XtraBYtes Testing network is amazing so far. Look at these experimental features being tested Right Now!

> "the final fees system will be very different and will possibly even have some trust factors involved, which would result in free transactions between friends and things like that."

> The network with be able to handle a payment transaction for multiple addresses, all with the same fee. Amazing for exchanges: they will send all withdrawals at the same time, lowering costs for everyone!

> "Network is so fast as hell. I asked myself is it possible network can be so fast? There is no way to spam this network. It is going like turbo jet with extra fuel for moon. To be honest I can't describe this situation i am so happy can be tester of this network. "

> How to avoid DDoS? "It is also important to note that a security feature was being tested and if a transaction was less that the normal fee, the fee doubled and this is to fight transaction spam of 1 XBY"

> "We will continue to add people while we work our way up to the full 512 nodes and at that point, some major testing will occur. "

I've been reading a lot the ANN and the Slack. They are looking for testers, and the test network is already working and test coins are being produced: http://testnet.xtrabytes.global/index.php

More info:
- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1864397.msg21166841#msg21166841
- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1864397.msg21173731#msg21173731

>> No.3200347

People want to be poor?

>> No.3200750
File: 1.70 MB, 512x384, facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, nothing substantial has been made, there is no prototype, no public repo, nothing but more lies and hot air from that scammer CCR

We'll continue to put our money in promising ICO's that nearly guarantee big returns

>> No.3200804

Did you read the intro?

There's actually a Test network that is working and will be soon be deployed! to the moooon!

>> No.3200824

Yes, any chump can claim he has a "test network" that he is making. Sure, a test network where he tests all of the features that are sure to come...sometime next century.

Meanwhile, coins that havent even ICO'd yet have working prototypes. XBY literally has nothing but empty promises and a toxic community.

fuck off xby is such a dead meme already

>> No.3200864

Isn't that retard still running the project? Oh yeah he is. As long as he is in charge the project is doomed to failure. Same old bullshit snake oil, move along

>> No.3201204

CCRevo is dong well these months. Give him a try!

>> No.3201815
File: 17 KB, 480x360, waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 40k in case xby really moons

>> No.3201951

You can see the transactions retard

>> No.3202406

Whoever wrote this talk like a pajeet. I will not buy this coin.

>> No.3202807

Just wait until the testnet is finished before shilling, /biz/ doesn't like to buy low

>> No.3202924

>do the oppsite what /biz/ says
Just bought 100k

>> No.3202933

>Whoever wrote this talk like a pajeet.

>> No.3202942

fucking hell this trash is still getting shilled. why the fuck didn't you faggots get out of this scam during the pump

>> No.3202943


>> No.3203112
File: 108 KB, 864x588, xbytn - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-totally a scam guys

>> No.3203120

why are you blocking over test net addresses LOL

get back in the test chat and help borz instead of trying to shill on biz

>> No.3203138

To prevent further envy from being generated by high amounts of xby

> nice, just bought 100k
> nice, just bought 10000k

>> No.3203545

The test net is doing great.

We do nit need ti go to the moon. Just a 100% increase in price is a huge profit.

>> No.3203565

ANd the price is going up....

>> No.3203676

The person is probably part of the testing team, and he does not want to revelate the addresses because they are associated to members for testing purposes.

>> No.3204089

xby better than eos confirmed

>> No.3204771


>> No.3205057

XtraBYtes will allow users to plug in their own applications, written in their own Programming Languages.

This will be huge!

>> No.3205080

dear Sir can buy
on YoBiT

>> No.3205233

Yobit XBYs are underpriced because the wallet is old and users cannot withdraw / deposit directly.

It is a great opportunity to buy cheap.

>> No.3205291

its great opportunity to never get coins out.......
trust me i waited 2 month on one coin and ended up selling at loss.

>> No.3205685

buy on Cryptopia newfags

>> No.3206232

bought on yobit 'cause yoshit's cheap
does it drag the price down?

will transfer to cryptopia
if the cucks do the 1 minute update job

>> No.3206288

you really think they will fix wallet ?
poor you. itsd yobit.
20% or more wallets there are not working.
on top of that some that are online... actually not working at all too.
lost deposit once....failed to withdraw some shitcoins... on "working" wallets.

>> No.3206429

yobit is fucking trash. trash. good luck with that wallet maintenance your coins might be locked there for a while.

>> No.3206496
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yobit will never fix the wallet, want to know why?

>XBY transaction fee has always been 100 XBY
>Yobit never charged this when you withdrew (it was something ridiculously low like 0.01 XBY)
>That 100 XBY for each withdrawal was still being paid...by Yobit
>Each transaction they lost 100 XBY from their reserve (aka the wallet where all XBY tokens for all users are stored)
>Eventually they realised that they didn't have enough XBY to cover all users so they stopped withdrawals before people noticed
>The only way for Yobit to fix the situation is to buy XBY on other exchanges to cover the amount they lost, and they are never going to do this

If you have XBY on Yobit it's not XBY, it's basically an IOU from Yobit that you will never be able to withdraw from the site.

>> No.3206697

Waw I hope you are wrong

>> No.3206745

IF this is the case, Yobit should eventually recoup the lost amount from XBY buy & sell fees.

>> No.3206773

Yeah sure if they were trying to run a legitimate exchange. More likely they will just forget about it.

>> No.3206802

Who cares Yobit holding XBY not fixing the wallet, you can still buy/sell , the point is XBY super profitable !!!

>> No.3206803

bruh . . . . .

>> No.3206886

holy fucktards thats the new record for down arrows in a logo. these guys are telling you to your face. I count 4 down arrows making one big down arrrow. an honest shitcoin dumper beats a lying ass shitcoin dumper anyday

>> No.3206995

i'm australian and it looks like a good logo to me

>> No.3207045

You dont like logo? how about money?

>> No.3207056
File: 183 KB, 720x376, 1503422730605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a red pill if true. YoShit will buy the coins elsewhere if the coin's tech works

>> No.3207202

Doubt they will b/c they are probably too mad at their own fuckup

>> No.3207256

Their loss. XBY ANN is popping off right now with latest testnet news https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1864397.msg21188433#msg21188433
http://testnet.xtrabytes.global/index.php explorer

>> No.3207466

>100 XBY fee
damn this coin basically have hardcoded anti-moon. thanks for info.

>> No.3207574

Fee was lowered to 50 XBY and it will be lowered even more.

The supply is too big (650 million), so it was cheap for a while. A 100 XBY fee was OK for months.

However, STATIC nodes will lock millions of coins, so the supply will be even lower and scarcity will increase, so the price will only grow because scarcity is not set only by whales of by the market, but by the Static node owners thenselves, who want the best for the coins they have. They cannot spend those coins without breaking their master node.

>> No.3208299

soooo.....$0.024406 per coin
1.2203$ per transaction.

you know... i rather use doge.