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3202586 No.3202586 [Reply] [Original]

I'm projecting ETH level

>> No.3202619

>eth(omg) will never be worth anything
>waah its $300, why didnt i buy eth(omg) at $8

>> No.3202638

every coin has been compared with eth, no one did what eth has done so stop it with this bullshit.

>> No.3202643

I think at a 1,000
Tenx at maybe 200 a share
Neo at 3 thousand
Eth at 5k
Bitcoin at 19k

>> No.3202655

Lol what logic. You just went full retard

>> No.3202662

GO is completely different from eth, eth in the crypto world is like MAC and Bitcoin is WINDOW. Go tokens aren't meant to be sold 1000$ each, you guys are crazy and don't understand anything about crypto.

>> No.3202664

god this board is such shit

>> No.3202676

I would switch neo and ethereum, just off the amount of coins and the momentum neo is going to be moving with during what I think is thegolden age of crypto for the next two ...It's only begun

>> No.3202727

40% ETH
25% NEO
10% OMG

g..going long bois

>> No.3202915
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In a year?
Pessimistic outlook: 125$
conservative: 250$
realistic: 500$
optimistic: 700$

>> No.3202960

I don't honesly know why I still visit,

>> No.3203735

I screencapped this to remind you how foolish you were

>> No.3203775

It will double for sure IF the news are as good as they have implied, best realistic valuation $50. BUT $700 in a year? hell no.

>> No.3203901
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>> No.3203922

why not buy now? do you really think you will get it cheaper ?

>> No.3203941

I need to buy more fuck fuck fuck

>> No.3203950

Dammit I wish I could tell you guys what I know but it would be so obvious it came from me....

Fuck... You guys just have absolutely no idea how big this is. You really, really don't.

This guy's estimates?

>optimistic: 700$

For my team this is our pessimistic outlook.

>> No.3203973

What's the point of this constant "news soon" news soon" "news soon" shit they're pulling?

>> No.3203975

nice larp

>> No.3203979

In one year?
100$ honestly

>> No.3203995


Oh god please stop, my penor's hurting.

>> No.3203998
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700 per OMG would bring it over BTC's market cap.

One could dream I suppose

>> No.3204007

It's not getting any cheaper. Buy now. I'm in with 11BTC already and it's 2/3 of my portfolio.

I would love to see that but everytime I see this shill without any proves, It lowers my expectations.

>> No.3204013
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>Bitcoin at 19k

>> No.3204021

Realistically OMG will hit $12 by the end of the year. I would just sell everything now.

>> No.3204083

lol yeah because BTC's market cap is going to sit still for a year

>> No.3204147

OMG is just stringing its holders along with all these empty promises, that's why I sold everything a while ago at 220K.

>> No.3204178


at this point its gonna be disappointing, doesn't even matter whats the news

>> No.3204212

Just sell at a loss now, or end up bag holding.

>> No.3204250

Fudders out in full force? time to buy the fuck up boys.

>> No.3204254

I hope you are right I'm all in and holding till I'm rich.

>> No.3204288

im tempted to buy 200 right now
should I buy?
palm beach research says buy up to $6 right now its at $8 though
but who cares if it really goes up to 100+

>> No.3204295

I hope it goes sub 180k soon

>> No.3204296

How much of a bump do you think the August news will give?
I have bills to pay anon I'll need to cut bags but I don't want to cut so much

>> No.3204299
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yes. this baby is coiled and ready to pop.

>> No.3204312
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I'm no TA voodoo but even I can recognise patterns when I see them.

>> No.3204326

TA is just a meme, fellas. OMG is in free fall due to fake promises.

>> No.3204343

It's going to blow up the moment I go to work and can't track whales.

>> No.3204359


that indian dude from palm beach said its gonna moon
what do biz?

>> No.3204370

just have paitence

>> No.3204382

fuck it im blowing my last cashola on omg now
this bitch better outperform bitcoin
I dont want yet another shitcoin that just drags my portfolio down

>> No.3204393

weak hands tend to have the loudest mouths

>> No.3204402

buy and forget you fag.

>> No.3204409

ite lads, im going to work. see you on the other side hopefully

>> No.3204412

Just say words mr. Rich man

>> No.3204420

[larping intensifies]

>> No.3204637

Alri Vitalik

>> No.3204645
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Nice FUD ITT, people who get out of OMG before at least end of september deserve to miss out on some gains

>> No.3204680



>> No.3204684


>> No.3204695

>/biz/ 700$

so in reality 7$

>> No.3204702

i'd say between 7 and 14 buxx end of year

>> No.3204705

Ah, the classic DGB tactic.

>> No.3204841

OK I've decided to throw you guys a scrap.

I'm gonna be as vague as possible but if you aren't retarded you should get it pretty quick:

There are three notable news releases planned: Each piece is bigger than the one before
it all dwarfed by the mid-September announcement. The announcement will not be made by Omise at all.

>> No.3204850


>> No.3204854

NICE! just bought 100k more

>> No.3204885
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>How much?
>All of it

>> No.3204895

I want to believe so bad. 17k omg here so either way ill be feeling pretty good.

I do sort of believe though because the team is smart and there is no way they would create so much hype for something small.

>> No.3204972
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Read shirts.. read skateboard.. read the news, There is a reason half of them have shirts with nothing on them... Not a conspiracy.

>> No.3205017
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1426858342702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you're more than good mate. You just need to hold.

>Tfw only 282

>> No.3205032

Don't worry mate, 300 here. At least we will be able to afford a nice steak dinner.

>> No.3205037

OMG is going to start an Apple related fork?

>> No.3205044

>tfw only 180 OMG
A-am I gonna make it, guys?

>> No.3205076


just yolo-bought 169
tfw puny bags

>> No.3205098

Pfft you can afford steak?! I'm sitting here with 22.29 hoping i won't cry too hard when i could be rich

>> No.3205126
File: 120 KB, 1136x646, Screen Shot 2017-08-25 at 10.34.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was meant by this?

>> No.3205142

Shaking weak hands to catch bags.

>> No.3205164

They didnt create any big hype. As always the community created all the hype with messed up rumours. They just said some news are coming, they didnt say it will blow our minds

>> No.3205178

Just a reminder to you faggot deluded OmiseGoys that this conference has revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.

Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $7.50 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone.

Once it shoots through the $6 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all OmiseGoys. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing bittrex.

The $3 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in OMG will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to bittrex to salvage some self respect.

The price WILL tank at this point to sub $1, and most probably sub ICO levels.

From that day forward the deluded OmiseGoys wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages.

Deluded OmiseGoys will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto.

I warned you OmiseGoys. There's still time to get out. Sell NOW.

Don't be deluded, don't be an OmiseGoy.

>> No.3205209

kek, really, just copying that other fud thread? come on man, if you're gonna fud at least put some effort in it.

>> No.3205234

fresh biz pasta

>> No.3205241
File: 19 KB, 499x492, 1450811565871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just bought 100 more

>> No.3205270

Has any hint been given by the team?

>> No.3205365

Shot I just realised in that picture with the skateboard and vitalik, they're all wearing stuff with logos of their own products or plain clothes

No branding, no mercy of any other company not even clothing or shoe companies

And yet they've got an apple sticker on display in full

>> No.3205476

Now answering that question would be a dead giveaway.

>> No.3205491

THIS is the hint guys

>> No.3205513


email me what it is or i kms

>> No.3205518

are you steve jobs

>> No.3205524


>> No.3205527

The skate brand Element is also on full show, does that mean they are now in partnership with element too?? I'm guessing not. Look at the skateboard design, there is a big dark circle.... now put yourself into the mind of some skater.. "man you know what, I got an apple sticker that would look sick right there".
I could be wrong but I grew up with a skater little brother and this is exactly the shit him and his little friends would do.

>> No.3205530


>> No.3205571

how much do you think it'll drop? I sold at 198 to accumulate more.

>> No.3205724

>for my team
get OUT

>> No.3206092


>> No.3206118

next support is .182. really depends on how high bitcoin goes, its definitely hitting 4500 today/this weekend but time will tell whether its going to stabilize around 4500 or shoot past it based on psychological.

>> No.3206272
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nice copy pasta m8, just bought 100k more

>> No.3206446


why do brits put a motherfucking "r" in the word ass?

>> No.3206527

An ERC20 token's mcap cannot exceed Ethereum's.

>> No.3206539

>A software cannot be more expensive than the PC that runs it
Never used corporate software have you?

>> No.3206610

First, this >>3206539
Second, OMG wont exceed Ethereum
>but Ethereum will be several thousand in a year

>> No.3206696

I can't guess a number because it's crypto, it could be anything, but out of ALL crypto this one I am most optimistic about for a year's worth of holding. ZRX is a close second, I have to see how Obsidian performs in a month or so. OMG is firmly planted at first place for safe bet.

>> No.3206766

There is no reason for this to be true
Market cap is not the magic figure you think it is.

>> No.3206770

OMG will run on it's own blockchain soon

does nobody research the basics?????

>> No.3206833

This is a perfect example of how to shill a coin and get people to believe you

>> No.3206942

If this coins overtakes Etheruem's value, I just

I don't know how hard I will shitpost the Etheruem crowd lol

>> No.3206983


>What is Iota?

>> No.3207294

All this talk of them working with Apple. Did anyone consider that Apple might just be BUYING them?

>> No.3207313


>> No.3207823

You are the Omisemarines.

>> No.3207833

50 to 100

>> No.3207862

Guys, this guy is a larping faggot ignore him. And I'm balls deep in OMG at the moment, but I seriously doubt someone from the team is posting on an anonymous anime message board.

All I know is, I wish I had more OMG as this one I believe will be big.

>> No.3207920

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.3207961

He's a larping faggot, but let's be fair, he didn't say he was from THE team.

He said he's part of a team -- as in, some type of crypto trading team.

Regardless, he's a larping faggot.
>I hold over 1k OMG so I don't give a fuck

>> No.3208018

Is it actually a sticker or is it part of the design? it looks part of the design of the skateboard

>> No.3208029

wtf I hate ARK now

>> No.3208189

Can anyone comment on the dividends offered through OMG?

What do you have to do to obtain dividends in the future. I know with NEO you have to get them off exchanges, is it the same with OMG?