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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3202998 No.3202998 [Reply] [Original]


I told my dad about crypto earlier in the year and he put in about 5k. An hour ago he told me he needed to withdraw HALF of the total amount in order to pay off my mom's credit card bill.



That's $20,000

It hurts me physically because I know that $20,000 will be worth $500,000 this time next year.

>> No.3203004

you deserve it

im laughing at your pain

stupid cunt this is what you get for telling people

>> No.3203013

It's his money, let him do what he wants.

If you want to be a saint about it, give him the $20k out of your own gains and keep his money invested. Give him his 500k next year.

>> No.3203016
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>mom's credit card bill is $20,000

>> No.3203020

Stop being a faggot. It's his money, not yours.

>> No.3203022

He put his own money in not yours you cuck. Invest your own. Also what kind of pikey family are you to rely on crypto as a source of income. This is teenage bullshit

>> No.3203026

What is his money in?

>> No.3203029

That's not even your money faggot. Give it to him.

>> No.3203030
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Also this

>> No.3203031

Right before the btc crash, that's smart

>> No.3203042

So your dad 8x his money, now he wants to do smart shit like paying off debt and you're freaking out?

Get a grip pajeet. Its not like he's pulling out, since that's HALF.

>> No.3203068

If I didn't tell him then I'd only have a fraction of that amount.

Please don't remind me anon

I am giving it to him. The issue is he could take the money out of his stock portfolio and hardly put a dent in it.

I was managing it for him. NEO, OMG, CVC, DNT and XMR.

You really think there's going to be a crash? I hope to God you're right. He has a few hundred thousand dollars coming in soon from a relative which he said he'd replenish it with. I'm just scared the market will grow substantially in the time it takes.

>> No.3203071

Tell him this:

>or at least get a payment plan where you pay a small amount over per month over a longer time

This way, your dad will signal you stupid ass mom that he wont bail her stupidity out that easily. If he bails her out like that, she s just gonna keep fucking up the whole family's finances until you are all poor as fuck.

Also, if you do some calculations, you'll probably get a payment plan where the interest rates on her bills are smaller than your crypto gains. Your family will make gains and bail her out at the same time.

There are always better solutions to all problems than the first most obvious idea you come up with. Use your heads.

There, you're welcome. Please take a screenshot of this thread and show it to your dad.

If this idea helped, plz tip eth:
(i only need 0.0015 to finish a tx i need to do)

>> No.3203081

Is it BTC you have? If so GET OUT NOW Bitcoin has been toxic as fuck since August 1st. Put your money into ether

>> No.3203093

You're dad is a cuck

>> No.3203099

No I'm staying away from Bitcoin. I was using Ether as my base, so basically trading between other cryptos trying to increase our holdings of ETH.

Thanks for the advice anon, but he seems to be pretty adamant about paying it off in full straight away.

>> No.3203192

He's not adamant. He just doing what every dad does: tries to keep up the looks of being smarter and stronger than their offspring.

You need to step up your own game to face his "adamantness".

Tell him: Father, you are fucking up the family business here. I am dissapointed in you. Oh well, I guess I knew the day would come when my old man would go senile...

>> No.3203612

Tell your dad he will have to withdraw everything in that cash since forgot he has to pay taxes.

But taxes are for cucks!

Yes but the IRS has been tracking you since 2015. YOU WILL GET PROSECUTED.


>> No.3203627

Women are physical, mental, and financial gains goblins. What's new?

>> No.3203963

Tell him you got hacked and then keep all of it

>> No.3204050

>years to track BTC
>ETH still safe

>> No.3204361

I already told him about the tax implications but he doesn't seem to care.

>> No.3204377

hope her wet hole is worth it

>> No.3205409
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>> No.3205586

this lmao. who lets their credit card bill get up to 20,000. the interest alone would kill you.

>> No.3205639

Don't get married. Longest running scam in the world.

>> No.3206742

I thought i saw where the IRS was investigating 15k Coinbase users, coinbase last i heard was getting about 30k new customers a DAY.

>> No.3206868

>who lets their credit card bill get up to 20,000

Women lack future time orientation. Meaning they make decision without being able to see any long term effects.

>> No.3206951

it's post like these that serve reminders as to why i will never get married

>> No.3207830
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Give it to him - he will be very thankful you did this for him, maybe even proud of you if you're lucky. Think of it this way: he gave his neet kid 5k for internet money investment, and his neet kid was successful! Now he wants to use your success to help him and your mom - but whose success was it? It was yours, neet! You saved the family! And guess what - next year you'll have enough to say 'fuck you, dad' - and the ability to if you want to - since you already helped him over a year ago and his life is drastically different because of your success. Then you get to change your life drastically with the money that your dad gave you.

If you can think about the money being worth twice as much in a year - imagine the emotional debt your dad has to you being worth 10x in a year. Even longer term - the money you earn next year will be worth more than you can imagine in the next few years.

Give your dad this and be surprised at what you will be given in return.