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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 1280x720, NNNE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3196556 No.3196556 [Reply] [Original]

>missed neo when it was $0.03
>missed again when it was $7

don't miss this time when it's $40. wave 5 incoming anytime now.

>> No.3196583

it better fucking be anon, my 60% of portfolio is in it. thanks to cryptoking shilling from yesterday

>> No.3196607

The chinese are already bored of it.
But just imagine the XMR moon when they start buying it.
You already saw what happened when it was added to a Korean exchange.

>> No.3196632

There will be so many wojacks after neo hits 100+

>> No.3196805

If you missed it at $0.03 and then again at $7 - buying at $40 is stupid.
I bet at the time on passing up NEO you were buying another coin that you missed low.

Stop chasing busses that have already passed. Pick up some new coins and wait for 1000% gains. Not 20% gains.


>> No.3197343

Literally the most stupid thing I see posted here.
You'd rather give up an almost certain 50-100%, to put into possible longshots?
Makes more sense to put a majority in Neo and the rest in what you've listed kek.

>> No.3197408

NEO is getting far more than 20% soon, buddy.

also suggesting block cat, lmao.

>> No.3197455

These stupid FOMO "oh no muh gains!" crying is such autistic bullshit

Will EVER top the crystalized salt of missing Bitcoin at $0.05. That price is FOREVER burned somewhere deep into my neurons and I will die knowing I missed that. I saw the /g/ threads, man. I have to live with that. The initial innocent project threads.
>You guys ever see this Bitcoin thing? Looks cool, left my pc mining for a month, now.
I'll never get over it.

>> No.3197562

NEO at 25 cents is going to be awfully close. too bad you were too busy crying about missing BTC to get it. not that I did, my best NEO buy was $3.

>> No.3197587

No coin will ever go from $0.05 to $4000. Period.

>> No.3197590

lol don't tell that to the ETH fags

>> No.3197605

No point in buying this shit at $40, might as well go into omisego before they announce all their news or plasma is finished. Best bet right now on some nice gains

>> No.3197627

dude u were shortsighted when btc at $0.05 was within your grasp, and you are still shortsighted now.

>> No.3197652

BTC was new technology
This is not

>> No.3197655


>> No.3197660

When will they announce their news?

>> No.3197661

I guess that's why Ethereum is still under 100$
oh wait

>> No.3197682

90% of biz has been there

>> No.3197698

Talk to me when Ethereum is even half of Bitcoin's worth

90% of /biz/ were Dogecoin faggots, so fuck them

>> No.3197709

First set is before end of August and next is sometime in september. They have a bunch going for them go read up on it. Don't rely on this retarded ass place

>> No.3197722

Never say never. BTC has obvious tech issues and will one day die a slow death due to scaling. It won't be ETH though, but probably some small scale tech focused coin like Navcoin

>> No.3197746

Don't think about the past anymore. Move forward. We can still make money in this

>> No.3197749
File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy OMG cuz they have news coming out soon

>> No.3197759

Plasma will allow eth to do billions of transactions a second. You better bow down to that alien headed fucked before it's finished if you want gains.

>> No.3197768

>tfw didn't miss $7
>tfw loaded up when it dipped to $5
>tfw put some gains into $4 omg

>> No.3197774

why will it go up?

>> No.3197790

have you done any research at all about the tech behind NEO?

>> No.3197791

Nice just bought 10^5

>> No.3197799

more powers to you

>> No.3197802

Give proof of wave 5. What reason does neo have for another wave? you have no proof retard

>> No.3197806

And how do you know this retard? You're speculating and making up your own damn numbers with 0 proof. fucking retard bag holder confirmed

>> No.3197808
File: 163 KB, 484x585, Screenshot_20170823-230201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure hope this coin drops to $4 before the News comes out.

I'm amazed it hasn't by now.

>> No.3197822

do you know how many retards told me they wouldn't buy ANS at $7 because they were waiting for it to drop to $1? and they acted like super smart wolf of wallstreet day traders about it too. lmao

>> No.3197830

As a shill, the burden of proof is on you.

>> No.3197841
File: 45 KB, 519x591, 1499275419437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as the person who wants to make money, you should be doing your own research.

i could spoon feed everything to you, but i'd rather just watch you post pink wojaks as we shoot to another ATH.

>> No.3197847

Can you explain to me why these fucking retards keep saying "wait for the next wave tonight!~" Where is their fucking proof that another pump is coming? bunch of fucking retards on this thread making shit up

>> No.3197866

no idea. take their words with a grain of salt. nobody knows when the next wave will happen, but it will definitely happen between now and the end of September.

>> No.3197879
File: 36 KB, 309x377, 1488867534744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I won't pump your shitcoin pajeet.

>> No.3197887

Where's your proof???? you're one of those retards aren't you lmao

>> No.3197891

Neo will be listed on Bithumb...

>> No.3197899

are you seriously calling NEO a pajeet coin
stay poor, lmao

>> No.3197911

I will answer your question if you answer mine first:

Do you own any NEOs, and if so how many

>> No.3197935

You neoshills never have anything to say for your shitcoin.

>> No.3197954

ICOs are starting next month including one of the strongest ICOs of the year (RPX) and they only take NEO as payment.

I don't know when the next moon mission will be but it will happen soon enough. No meme lines are needed to see this.

>> No.3197960

are you retards not even look at charts these days?

1st wave - 48k sats to 540k sats
correction - 250k sats

3rd wave - 0.014 btc
correction - 750k sats

wave 5 will be over 30% of 0.014 AT LEAST and it's sitting at 968k sats right now.

thats 53% minimum increase from the current price.

stay poor faggots.

>> No.3197967

No I do not own any NEO's, nor do I own any altcoins. And your answer is not subjective to my answer so why the fuck does my answer matter to you anyways retard? Just answer my question. Wheres your fucking proof that it will pump up from now to end of september? and why september retard? You're obviously a NEO holder and that's the only fucking reason why you're trying to hype this shit up. You have no proof. You're horrible at this game

>> No.3197999

Instead of giving me your shit math pattern analysis, why don't you give me some concrete proof as to WHY it will go up at least 53% from the current price? Are you fucking retarded? I can look at the charts and your "proof" is not even proof. It's mere speculation. Show me actual concrete proof that there will be another pump and you'll make me a believer. Not your shit math analysis of "patterns" of waves

>> No.3198007

"Old" coins, their 5 minutes of fame has come and gone months ago
We all know this is a scam

>> No.3198010
File: 66 KB, 543x549, 1498602094980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> blockcat

>> No.3198013

>He didn't make tons of money off of selling hundreds of thousands of mined dogecoin
do you intentionally go out of your way to miss every free money opportunity?

>> No.3198015

n-nice 3x like you promised g-guys

>> No.3198035

ok? What kind of reason is that for a next big wave? Are you retarded?

>> No.3198040

if you have no patience, NEO isn't for you.
we ANS holders are some of the most patient people you will find in this space. it is our greatest strength, and why we get our fat gains.

>> No.3198041

my god you're fucking moron. do you want me to bring you a picture from the future? what concrete proof are u talking about? lmao

this is a pattern analysis and it's a tried and tested method. wave 5 will come and i don't give a single fuck if u believe it or not.

>> No.3198051

Holding since june actually

>> No.3198061

then don't post some gay "n-nice 3x" post like you're a moon boy faggot

>> No.3198067

are (YOU) fucking retarded? Your pattern analysis went into SATS. and you skipped wave 2 and 4 because why? Your pattern analysis goes in odds for waves? You're literally retarded and have no experience in this shit. Show me a REAL pattern analysis retard

>> No.3198070
File: 794 KB, 1248x718, oldfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in

>> No.3198081

what do you think corrections stand for? omg i'm literally dealing with kids here.

>> No.3198104

Where was the last correction retard? You're saying a 1.5% decrease is a correction? Your analysis of these charts are FUCKING retarded

>> No.3198122

I pray to god that I can live one day of the GAS dividends.
>1500NEO - Will I make it?

>> No.3198135

You're retarded because gas dividends are stated to reduce by ~1% every year meaning there WILL BE NO MORE GAS DIVIDENDS IN A COUPLE YEARS RETARD. AKA NEO IS A FUCKING SCAM.

>> No.3198137
File: 444 KB, 593x492, 999911111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ANS / NEO haters missed the moon mission from $7 to $50.

I don't expect you to want to get on the next moon mission from $40 to $400.

Because to do that, you would have to admit your mistake for not getting on at $7 :).

Don't let your emotions get in the way of good investments, though.

>> No.3198144

>3rd wave - 0.014 btc
>correction - 750k sats

it's 54% idiot. it's already on wave 5 but you're too blind to see it. do your own analysis then. when it goes to 0.02 btc it'll be too late tho

>> No.3198160

Where the fuck are you getting these numbers from? You're literally retarded. This is your last chance anon to prove me wrong:

Tell me the difference between ETH and NEO.

>> No.3198163
File: 38 KB, 340x255, 1502473974144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly, it will take more than a couple years for all the gas to be mined.

Second, even when all the gas is mined, NEO holders will STILL get sick dividends by getting part of the fees spent to use the system :).

Sounds like you need to do more research.

>> No.3198177


>> No.3198187

>Where the fuck are you getting these numbers from?

ok you're officialy retarded. i'm not gonna waste my time responding to you anymore.

i don't care what you do. but it's clear that you're gonna stay poor no matter what.

>> No.3198265

Then why do you even care about this thread? No, seriously, why do you care? Invest in the coins you like and let others do the same. It's really not that hard....

>> No.3198278

>He's right you know.jpg

Crypto is 90 percent mass crowd psychology - there are no fundamentals, only how something is perceived by the group at large. Most idiots will simply point to prior patterns, instead of refuting them you should follow them. The herd mentality is the name of the game in crypto for the moment.

>> No.3198311


>analyzes waves in btc units
>analyzes correction in sat units in hopes of confusing smart guy
>can't even explain difference between ETH and NEO so resorts to personal attacks

retard bag holder confirmed

>> No.3198328

as if you know the difference between ETH and NEO? lol

>> No.3198348

Instead of informing me what the difference is, you redirect the question at me. my assumption is that neo is just another shit coin that got shilled by the masses YET AGAIN. now prove me wrong and tell me the difference retard #2

>> No.3198366

why should I educate you? are you gonna pay me?

NEO has already proven itself with the recent moon mission from $7 to $50. the fact that there are idiots like you still treating it like a pajeet scam coin is mind boggling.

>> No.3198378

I will eat my cock if NEO doesnt end up being a $500 coin by 2020

>> No.3198382

once again, another retard that deflects the real question that needs to be answered because they don't have the answer to it.

case closed. neo is just another shit coin

>> No.3198390

good. please think that. people like you need to stay poor.

>> No.3198394

i know i said i wont respond anymore but i can't believe how retarded u really are.

sat is a "btc unit" u know. i wrote 0.014 btc becuz i didn't want to write 1.4M sats. 750k sats is also 0.0075 btc in case you don't know.

u're not even capable of understanding this and think i'm doing some kind of trick to confuse you and i'm sitting here talking about chart patterns with you.

dude stay away from neo please. we don't need dumbfucks like you getting rich over our most beloved coin.

>> No.3198411

>keeps changing subject because he doesn't actually know the difference between neo and eth.

>gets mad for being called out for giving inconsistent units in pattern analysis.

retard confirmed for sure now

>> No.3198420

i know right. this guy is just sad. he should go in the medical books as an acute case of "no neo syndrome".

>> No.3198424

Hahahahaha you neotards crack me up. Still can't answer my question "because you don't need to". People that actually believe in NEO instead of sheeple like you would actually have an answer to my question

>> No.3198484

t. ethtrader

>> No.3198508

I don't actually own any coins except for btc you retard. I'm literally asking what the difference between neo and eth is, and NONE of you can answer me

>> No.3198537

i always wonder what would happen if we put all neofags into one room and leave them there for 5 mins. i'm sure they would all suck eachothers dicks.

>> No.3198551

I have 100 Neo. Is that lambo tier or lambo sticker in my coffee mug tier?

>> No.3198564

40k when we reach 400, nothing to sneeze at bro

>> No.3198566
File: 62 KB, 410x499, britney-spears-hit-me-baby-one-more-time-video-GC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello my friend :D
still <3 you

>> No.3198570

omg i remember that picture <3

>> No.3198576

skill < LOVE :)

>> No.3198595

For NEO, dBFT and support for multiple, more common programming languages to create smart contracts are two differences. The multi language support is a big one.

>> No.3198650

Fuck me I was there for the $7 Neos

I'm buying a hundo just now

>> No.3198668

same bro :)

>> No.3198681

same here lol. it's like i want NEOs even more now that they are 7x more expensive.

>> No.3198694

I love NEO!

>> No.3198822

The price went up and down from $5 to $10. Several chances to double your NEOs if you timed it right.

>> No.3198862

I enjoy watching how walls are breaking down :)

>> No.3199024
File: 229 KB, 627x720, 1502647104768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey babe. whens the neo holder tropical party?

>> No.3199032

once we hit $400

>> No.3199071

is is stupid to buy now NEO at current price?

>> No.3199079

was it stupid to buy eth at $40? many people thought so

>> No.3199224

Not a hater, just new.
I want to jump on the moon mission and print money by holding, should I wait for another dip to 35-30$?

>> No.3199372

you can try. i would buy anything < 900k

>> No.3199445

Youre new arent you.

>> No.3199586


didnt eth have like 20+ announced, quality, western dev ICO's at that stage