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File: 21 KB, 1819x610, iota_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3196150 No.3196150 [Reply] [Original]

Literally the most important coin and only thing on the charts with a serious future and you guys don't even have a thread about it. Instead you squabble over the latest pump n dumps like true amateurs.

You are not going to make it.

>> No.3196184
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Long-term investments are the comfiest way to make money in crypto.

>> No.3196191
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>Circulating Supply
>2,779,530,283 MIOTA

might as well buy fucking ripple

>> No.3196193

sorry i dont see any future for this, and because of that i am not invested. just my opinion

>> No.3196199

All smart people are are merely hodling, nothing to talk about

>> No.3196214

Literal shitcoin get this shit away from our board

>> No.3196228

>not understanding that percentage gains are what matters

>> No.3196237

This guy gets it.

Enjoy your shitcoins, the rest of you.

>> No.3196261


how much is it up since live trading started 10% 20% its a bad performance within 3months

>> No.3196277

The massive supply is EXACTLY why percentage gains are going to be unimportant.

Enjoy your shitcoin

>> No.3196282

Dash is also a great coin, there's no thread about those two coins for a reason

>> No.3196283
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>> No.3196305

Iota does not exist to buy and hold like gold you dummy
Its meant for instant and free transactions and always changing hands
You can't do that with fuck all circulating supply

>> No.3196313

>Iota does not exist to buy and hold like gold you dummy

Then what the fuck is the point of investing in it?

>> No.3196318

>haha my coin is good and yours is bad because I said so! xD

>> No.3196320

Are you stupid? If the price of one miota gains 50% then your holdings gain 50%...

>> No.3196341

gz nice buy.

Dash is also up 130% sine iota crossed 0.4
or monero or BTC....

nothing special if it comes to a performance compare.

>> No.3196367

Zero fee and no miners with infinite scaling is nothing special?

>> No.3196376

Do you even understand how much money needs to pour in to make it move by 50%? At the current market cap it would need about 1.5 billion dollars. Have fun waiting for them.

>> No.3196381

will this be mooning anytime soon?

>> No.3196384

Literally being this retarded

Because it will be $10 in the future

>> No.3196393

>most important coin
Just another complex scam.
I don't buy Iota's promise of being a fee-less system at all.

>> No.3196397

Just look at all the retard fud itt

>> No.3196408

Their entire idea of a fee-less system assumes that everyone does the Proof of Work for their own transactions aka everyone provides computational power to the network proportional to their usage of the network. However, I if you take that assumption for what it's worth, normal blockchains essentially have zero transaction fees too.

>> No.3196416

Not on Bittrex, so who cares?

>> No.3196417

>in the future

You mean in like 5 years? There are coins that go up 10x in less than a month and you want me to wait that much, lmao.

>> No.3196436

It has grown by 1bil just this month
How about you use it and find out?

>> No.3196443

Also, it offers entirely new attack angles:
Essentially, an attacker doesn't have to outpower the entire honest computational power of the network, but just the honest computational power of the network actively making transactions at any given time. They could just wait for a drop in transaction throughput at off-peak hours and then launch an attack that can overpower the honest input flow.
Sorry if I sound like I'm putting Iota down too much. Don't get me wrong, Iota is an extremely interesting technology and I'm excited for its potential, I just think there's way too much misinformation and hype spreading around.

>> No.3196453
File: 178 KB, 720x1280, screenshot_20170818-165811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy works for (or possibly owns) bitfinex. He has confirmed he is working with a US exchange to integrate Iota.

>> No.3196457

zero fee tx are also possible on LTC, I tried a Ligthning transaction today on a LTC testnet once a channel is oppen you can send satoshis through the channel paying nothing and its also instant with the benefit to pay at merchants stores websites across the web and real btw using BTC adoption level. So that point isnt worth that much now.

But the tangle is a great thing to transfer daylie data thats actually a very great usecase

>> No.3196465

The PoW is very small, comparable to hashcash, and is only there to prevent sybil attacks

>> No.3196471

Likely Binance.

>> No.3196483

>huur other coins gain more so this coin is shit!
Idgaf about literal no use no future shit coins that are pumped and dumped by whales
Diversify and look into the long term stupid nigger. Enjoy being poor

>> No.3196489

This is why they use a coordinator until the network is large enough

>> No.3196504

and what happens to those coins a month later?

You probably have quite the pink wojak collection by now

>> No.3196519


i think you point at iota, with a daylie volume of only around 20mio$ its easy to pump that as a coin that has >200Mio$

>> No.3196530
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I don't understand how the network will be protected as it grows. The value of the network grows with O(n2 ) while Iota's proof of work done only scales linearly as opposed to most other proof of work systems which scale with the value of the network. It seems that attacks only become more likely as the network grows.

>> No.3196545

You faggots prolly do not have the brainpower needed to dig how revolutionary the tangle network is

>> No.3196584

Coin isn't even 2 months old and it surpassed LTC. Wait till it gets on the big exchanges.

>> No.3196613

Lmao at all the summerfags critiquing the supply of a coin. This is the future. get in now, cock suckers

>> No.3196644

Iota PoW does not scale. It is a flat amount only used to prevent sybil attacks via transaction spam (google hashcash). This was the original use for PoW before bitcoin came around. Right now iota uses a coordinator which protects the network from attacks. Some will say it's centralization but every node validates that the coo is not breaking protocol and printing coins. Once the network has sufficient volume of transactions the coo will be removed and the tangle will run on it's own

>> No.3196663

Literally up over 500% since july...

>> No.3197060

-no fucking blockchain to download
-zero fees
-dedicated team
-the 81-character seed is all for a successful backup
-tangle technology open source (afaik)
-"Teething troubles"(its still in development: you need to "reattach the tangle" sometimes a lot of times till a transaction is successful)



>> No.3197090

I can't wait till we start talking about miners like they are some sort of archaic relic of the past.

>> No.3197225

One thing I'm curious about and sorry that this is a bit of a dumb question: assuming I hold this long term to the point where they can standardize protocol, give machines the chips, and essentially implement on a large scale; at that point, who am I going to sell my bags to? Why would someone want to load up on this currency for machines? Would I sell it for cheaper than the market price since it is still above the green line for me as an early investor? Can someone help me work this out?

>> No.3197716

Yeah, why would someone want to hold this? What's the incentive to have a large amount of this other than to sell it to another "investor"? It's a better network but you could just hold ripple and buy some iota on demand.

>> No.3197731

Sorry, not ripple. Eth. You could just hold Eth.

>> No.3198073
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He's the Chief Technology Officer for Bitfinex.