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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3193705 No.3193705 [Reply] [Original]

What's the fastest way to turn $50k into $500k? I need the money by the end of the month or I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.3193715

buy stox. 10x by sunday.

>> No.3193722

Don't bribe me with your life. I don't give a fuck ayyy lmaooo. Mommys little brainlet.

>> No.3193728 [DELETED] 

Buy bnb 10x next year guaranteed

>> No.3193733

I need it by next month, not next year.

>> No.3193734

10x is definitely possible in crypto, not within this time period, tho.

>> No.3193741

Buy ootm calls on Gamestop. Will moon in 3 hours

>> No.3193742


>> No.3193766

I came to /biz/ after a year and saw that all threads were about crypto. I complained then.

Thanks for reminding me that it never was any better.

Ask yourself, if there was a way to multiply per 10 money, why would the richest people on Earth not do it?

Just kill yourself and save that month of uncertainty.

>> No.3193788

daytrading crypto.
high risk high profit.

>> No.3193811
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KEK, just make it quick mate. Here, I posted this in another thread.

>> No.3193837

Win a roulette spin--> 100k
roll it again---> 200k
roll it again --> 400k
roll it again---> 0k

>> No.3193970

Plan and successfully carry out a heist for something with a very high value. Ain't gonna happen any other way.

>> No.3194016

>has $50k
>going to kill himself

Kill yourself

>> No.3194099

Maybe he's in a shitload of debt to the mafia and they're gonna cripple him or something.

>> No.3194117

XSPEC will be $9 in 2 weeks. screen cap this

>> No.3194143

that scares the shit out of me

>> No.3194144

buy 50k worth in drugs like coke or mdma and go sell in clubs
Easy money

>> No.3194185

What? Why? Because death is that easy?

>> No.3194349

Use $1k for some escort and cocaine, you'll be fine after.

>> No.3194381

>thinking anons care about your life

>> No.3194566

Get in LSK we're mooning, rebrand on Sept.

>> No.3194596

All-in DGB. Duh.

>> No.3194626

I already bought about a million DGB back in May, but then I never sold it at its peak and I'm still holding most of it. That's part of the reason why I want to kill myself.

>> No.3195048
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>> No.3195091

what are some good daytrading coins?

>> No.3195170

x10 within a month puuuh

i did x15 since march

>> No.3195995

I'm going to try it with an oven bag next time, since helium kept leaking out of the side of the CPAP mask. Be sure to buy the helium tank from a welding supply store -- you don't want to bother with an 80/20 helium/air mixture.

>> No.3196010

yo guys
Is the word "pajeet" offensive?

Can i call like thos other people outside this board?

i like this word actually

>> No.3196018

Buy Sia while it's low. It won't x10 in a month but I expect x3.

>> No.3196021

Buy Lisk (LSK) now, its gonna blow up, gonna 10x like NEO did

>> No.3196022

invest in doge

>> No.3196028

No, it's definitely not offensive. Try using it in the next email to your IT guy.