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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3188690 No.3188690 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about actual business and not shill coins?

>be 21
>started cleaning business after reading about cleaning bro who did it on here
>currently have a set of nursing facilities owned by one organization that I clean for 2000 dollars a month each
>currently clean 4 facilities

Right now I'm making 96k a year in revenue.

Anyone else have some businesses they have making money

pic related only non porn pic on my computer.

>> No.3188735

My friend makes 60k$ at affliate marketing monthly. After taxes. He is 19.

>> No.3188758

That's actually wild.

What's he actually doing to generate all that traffic though, what's the site itself?

Also just to get this thread going I'll bring up a friend of mine who makes a couple of grand a week buying and reselling cars from people.

Doesn't but beater's, he usually buys relatively new cars from people who are in a rush to sell and then sells them for an intermediate between their hypothetical value and what the buyer sold to him for.

Requires a crap load of initial capital to work and patience but he's made it a decently lucrative endeavor.

>> No.3189803

Not a business owner but bumping because I want to be.

>> No.3189893

watching this thread closely

>> No.3189916

How do you guys end up starting your own businesses? Do you just make a website, register with the IRS and have friends/family be your first customers?

>> No.3189918
File: 33 KB, 800x600, Silly draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, I want to be making 60k a month at 19 wtf

>> No.3189929

What should I invest in to prepare for the coming downturn besides precious metals? Both equities and bonds will go down, so going from 90/10 to 60/40 or whatever doesn't really change anything.

>> No.3190043

i started an etsy a month ago selling 3d printed stuff that i design or rip off from other people. been going pretty good so far. its nice having something that can always be worked on and improved.

>> No.3190365

are you selling geek-related stuff?

>> No.3190724

The secret to self employment is much like investing -- diversification.

> be me
> musician, artist
> 5 years mechanic, carpentry
> freelance 3d a/v work

When I'm not playing in my own band, I'm playing for someone else. When I'm not performing, I'm recording at the studio -- or doing artwork for a release, booking a show or promoting.

I wagecucked the past 10 years, working farmer's markets, on houses, in shops -- I buy/sell on eBay/craigslist. I even sold weed for a little.

Even so -- I've made about a months income doing crypto in August, hoping I can keep the trend alive and break out.

>> No.3190842


>> No.3190925

I'm going into my 5th year of business. I'll be happy to answer what questions I can, and I'm interested in seeing what others are doing.
I skipped the website and am registered with both the state and feds. Cost about $200, all things told, to register with the state dept of commerce. The process is easy and your biggest initial expense will likely be insurance assuming you already have any equipment or inventory squared away prior to kicking off.
It took me 3 years before I was able to quit my PT jobs

>> No.3190996

Very good advice. You will be very, very busy making ends meet at the beginning unless you have an extensive network of people with money that are interested in your products and/or services. I find that you need to be a social butterfly type, get out there and not be afraid of talking to random strangers about literally anything. I close a lot of deals because people say that they are comfortable with me, and I'm far from the cheapest guy in my market.

>> No.3191041

There was a guy on the bodybuilder.com forums that dropshipped, then got into product selling on amazon. He was a millionaire at 23, but he died of a sudden heart condition, even though he appeared healthy.

>> No.3191061

i just went solo

3 years fulltime model


>> No.3191524

Indeed. I'm over here in the beginning phases of building my own empire that started with only a few hundred dollars in the bank. Currently, I only work for about 1/3 of the year and my business does well over 300k in revenue and climbing.
I will be buying my third investment property soon. There are deals almost everywhere if you aren't an anti-social anon, but you really don't make money until everything is paid off or you own more than 10 properties (as I have been told). I missed out on an awesome deal on a multi-family dwelling for $30k with interest free owner financing not too long ago. The best way to find deals like this? Go for a walk. See that old man mowing his own grass on the property he's lived on for the last 40 years? His kids are probably assholes, and if you're a cool anon who will offer to help him out for free, bullshit with him, and be around when he needs a hand you will find yourself in interesting situations. You might find yourself with a newer car you couldn't afford otherwise because you got cut an amazing deal just for being nice, or a house that you bought for half the market rate with 0 down and 0% interest because the house was bought and paid for for far less than what it's being sold to you for. You'll find yourself with a small fortune in tools, valuables, collectibles, or what not. Old people that despise their children because their children took all the spoils from their parents and aren't around to help them, or whatever, get mighty spiteful and will hook the neighborhood kid up in 99% of cases.
I used to go to war with some of these old people because I would offer to do the work for free and they would try and force me to take payment. I used to always tell them that I can't be a blessing to them if they pay me, it took me a long time that they were simply trying to return the favor in their own way as money and property are far less valuable to the beholder in their "final days", so to speak.

>> No.3191742

Hate to quote myself, but this is a sustainable business model for some of you NEETs out there. This is how I've stumbled across the investment properties that I already have, the one I'm getting, and I have a few that are in the wings. I have walked into every single property with A LOT of equity, and the one old guy simply stopped paying his taxes so I could creep in early and buy it for a song so that his kids couldn't even hire a lawyer to harass me over an otherwise legal deal while beating the shit out of a boatload of other taxes and fees. He lived there another two years rent free before moving into the most expensive apartment he could find so he could squander more of his wealth before he passed. The woman I'm buying this other property off is doing a similar deal because her daughters are money grubbing whores.
The trick is that you have to genuinely want to do these things out of the goodness of your heart. They will insist on paying you; try to avoid taking payment at all costs unless you absolutely need it or it was well earned. Drive them to doctors appointments, take out their trash, help with the dishes, cook them a hot meal.
These are the folks that are sitting on small gold mines of wealth whom are trying to squander it because their children don't give a fuck about them. Many of them are just as slighted with the world as a lot of people on 4chan are, and they understand that the world we live in today is a very different place than they grew up in. The only thing they have to lose is dying before they spend all their money as to not give their asshole children anything.
I've walked into 500k in equity so far by doing this, and it could have been more if I didn't resist it so much in the beginning just because it was how I was raised.
Just food for thought for you guys.

>> No.3191823

My biggest issue with starting buy and sell or flipping projects is my crippling student debt. I have around 100k debt which I can manage fine and will pay it off within 6 years or so, but I am weary about saving to make large purchases for flipping cars/houses/etc instead of paying as much as I can to get rid of the debt quicker. I have had some small projects, I have some success with Fiverr, crypto, and making nick-nacks on Etsy but I think the real money to be made requires a bit more starting capital than I have. I hope to own a brick and mortar business someday, but that's not until I settle down somewhere and have debts paid off.

>> No.3191948

Everything i know his IQ is 137 and he is on MENSA and doing sweeptakes and started from 0$

>> No.3192041

thats pretty gay desu

>> No.3192059

what's your degree in and what do you do, if you don't mind my asking?
I'm full of ideas and offering my services for free today. How much money do you want to make a day, a month, or a year, and how much can you afford to spend up front (every business has it's start-up costs)?
I can show you how to make money off anything. My posts above illustrate how to get into properties with next to nothing and no risk. It takes some work and a lot of time, but I assure you that start-up capital will be the last of your concerns.

>> No.3192079

I know this is a retard question, but how do I network from the ground up?

>> No.3192085

Degree in aerospace engineering working in the automotive industry. I'm not trying to get rich quick, any form of supplemental income is nice. I want to do these things more for experience, networking, and building a strong history of entrepreneurship.

I want to be able to do these projects in the evening to supplement my current job, so crafts or sales are more appealing to services unless they can be done in the evening and don't involve kneepads. I can probably spend 1-3k in start-up costs if they could easily be liquidated if things don't go well.

>> No.3192288

Yea man, it's a really happy time going over on a Saturday, throwing ribs on the smoker, cutting grass, taking out trash, doing a few dishes, and sitting down with a few beers playing Skyrim for an 85 year old who is getting into it while sitting around shooting the shit like you would with your friends your age. I enjoy it, I enjoy learning from them, I don't always make out and I don't care. While most of my other friends are up to their eyeballs in debt, specifically student loans, I'm sitting here with a few measly credits in shit I wanted to learn for self enrichment, with a lot more in the bank and assets. I do just about everything differently than most people I know who are stuck in the rat race and have found it to be very rewarding.

>> No.3192422

I quoted myself above by accident, meant to quote the guy that said it was gay.
Anyway, AE is probably one of the best degrees to have because it applies very broadly across the engineering spectrum by working closely with ME, EE, SE, and physicists to scratch the surface.
I hear making home made drones is fairly affordable. Design one with a fixed wing and VTOL capabilities that increases flight time to altitude ratio and efficiency.
Do you rent, own, or live with the parents? A lot of my suggestions will depend on this.

>> No.3192607

That is a good idea, I really need to get better with electronics though. I rent currently but I have a large yard, fully equipped workshop, and I don't pay additionally for utilities.

>> No.3192618

I feel like affiliate marketing is a meme at this point . The ship has long sailed and now its saturated as hell

>> No.3192627

kill yourself.

>> No.3192700

How do you make the first move? Just make small talk when they're outside or something?

>> No.3193307

Are you American or European?

>> No.3193333

I don't understand what exactly are they giving you. Their entire homes in their will?

>> No.3193397

I make money at home and want to register a business, but I don't want to use my home address for my business address. Is there some other option I can use, like a post office box address? Or am I being paranoid for no reason?

>> No.3193466

Thank you so much for starting this thread OP. I'm 20, really looking for something good to make money on. We need more threads.
>96k a year
Fuckin noice. Do you do the cleaning yourself? How much do you work for your 8grand a month?
how does he do

Does anybody on here find success with drop shipping? that's what I really want to get into. I just want to be able to make $$ on my laptop and I don't have the capital to make meaningful gains on crypto. I literally have 40 something dollars worth of CAT, that's my whole crypto portfolio. I need something else to make money, but I want to stay on my laptop.

>> No.3193579

> be me
> be 21
> bill $12K/m @40 hours per week for programming
> live at parents house

I worked in Silicon Valley for a year and networked with people from my home country. Now I am their programmer guy and I have pipeline of work for the next two years.

> time to hire salarymen and start making that passive income from leads while others work for me

>> No.3193619

How can one be good at several things when I can't get good at a single one.

>> No.3193645

Also I forgot this
> kissless virgin

>> No.3194983


>> No.3195056

here i am to support your claim of being nice.

i have lived rent free for 3 years taking care of a old ladys property

i just clean the pool and thats it

she pays the electricy water internet and everything.

she doesnt want to rent them out and she is taking her damn sweet time to sell em.


>> No.3195197

American. PAfag

>> No.3195225

Maybe she isn't being forward about it, and maybe it won't end up the way I think it might, but it sounds like you might find yourself in a very advantageous position in the near future. Living rent free isn't too bad for a start, can't say I've explored that option.

>> No.3195292

That's a shitty business. Lie when buying, lie when selling. I couldn't do it.

>> No.3195306

Anyone here have experience with Ecommerce?

Was thinking of launching a Tshirt/merch biz through shopify. I know its kinda saturated but i have some niches i think could do well because i have some ideas on where to advertise.

I keep putting it off though....really should get to work on some designs today but this crypto shit doesnt let me think lol

>> No.3195340

T-shirt e-commerce is so oversaturated that it's a meme at this point.
Why don't you do something else like design posters or wall-hangings?

>> No.3195368

No. Not in the will because families will fight it. I've had it happen three ways now.
1) they let it go up for taxes and let me know
2) they hire real estate attorney, property never hits market, and they finance transaction.
3.) No kids and no skin off their backs, and have even ponied up the initial cash to get everything going while telling me exactly what dollar amount to offer through traditional means. This one pissed his realtor off real good because my offer was a quarter of the homes value, and has been the only time I've dealt with a realtor.
I let them set the terms, and I don't ask but will drop hints on my interest in investment properties. Inheriting shit also comes with a big tax, so I avoid that at all costs.

>> No.3195406

Is it really impossible to make $ off of tshirts now?
>tfw just wanted to open a tee spring campaign and let $ roll in.

What about drop shipping?
I just want some low involvement way I can make $ and travel at the same time.

>> No.3195410

freelancefag here
make 6 grand a month working from home
on my way to crack six figures next year

>> No.3195415

buy BNB

>> No.3195437

Yup. See the old person mowing their grass or doing something their doctor would stroke out over, and be nice and help. I don't ask for shit and adamantly refuse to take anything, but I don't always win that battle. Give them your phone number and wait for the calls. This is a poor mans long game strategy.

>> No.3195439

well it was gonna be more like a merch store based on certain niches.

Id also add coffee mugs, phone cases, etc.
The goal is to have good branding and make it feel like a semi luxury brand even though the prices are decent.

Tshirt business is oversaturated but the problem is a lot of it is websites with a ridiculously large inventory and a cheap feel......Like an online tshirt walmart. Im more interested in trying to create a brand around something specific that people are passionate about

>> No.3195455

Drop shipping is also very competitive and has an extremely low profit margin. It isn't very hands-free as you still need to build an inventory and make sure things are in-stock. Easy money isn't real. Right now I'm looking into becoming a mobile notary public, it is cheap to become one, pays ~40-50 a job, and I can do multiple jobs after work for some easy extra cash.

>> No.3195472

This seems more feasible. Don't fall in love with a certain theme though - use Google analytics to see what is becoming popular and whore yourself out to those themes. It's shitty and hollow-feeling, but it's how you make money.

>> No.3195510

Check out storage units, many of them will lease commercial addresses with an affordable lease. I run my landscape business from a storage unit where they handle my mail for me and offer me a room in their office as needed by appointment. Some places are renting office space, too, but I do most of my office work from home. It really depends on what you are trying to do.

>> No.3195549

yupp thanks anon.

I was planning to start a few, some based on stuff im into and know pretty well and some just based on stuff thats popular and i think will sell.

>> No.3195581

Quote whoring myself intentionally this time, but I want to add another thought to this. There is a place called StorExpress in Delmont PA. I, and several other businesses, operate out of there. Electric, and internet is paid for and the units are climate controlled. I only use office space when meeting big ticket clients. I work up all of my plans on SketchUp, meet them in an office room, and use the projector to go over my plans. Looks professional, is cheap, and works for my clientele for that business, but it is not often I need a conference room. I can usually send plans via email, or just do print outs.

>> No.3195605

Life hack here:
Find old electric guitar players, they know how to do soldering and all that shit. You will probably need to find a software engineer to help with controls, but I am sure that you can find one under contingency if you play your cards right.

>> No.3195666

I actually wasn't thinking much, my housemate programs robots and his brother is an electrical engineer so we've already got the manpower. I'm just not sure if the margin will be very great, we could build a solid drone for around 4-500$, but I doubt we could sell it for more than $700 after probably 15 man-hours or so.

>> No.3195760

This is why you outsource to a border town in mexico. Master degree holders earn far less than american minimum wage.

>> No.3195798

I started by cutting one lawn at a time for $5 profit margin to make a name. Now I am about the most expensive person in my area. Think about it. You will spend money on trial and error, and you'll lose your ass off a few times, but if you keep at it you will find yourself rolling in cash in a few years. I didn't offer you lottery winnings, lol.

>> No.3195864

Or you make the design and sell it to an established company.
Don't outsource, get creative. Get on twitch and get someone to write your scripts, find a guitar player that can solder up your boards because he does it with his amps, use your EE buddy to help calculate power consumption vs storage... etc.
People act like this stuff is so hard, but it's not. And there are tons of drone that sell for thousands of dollars, not just $700. I remember the first time I double my cost and how scared I was, then I got the job. Now I double all of my costs and have work out the ass. Competitiveness isn't always about just the price.

>> No.3195941

So you drop subtle hinta about your interest in properties and they just sell you their homes? Wtf anon, are you some kind of genius

>> No.3195974

What specifically do you do? I want to get into programming but beyond like selling remodeled webpages(which doesn't take that much skill to begin with) and SaaS I'm not sure what else would make money.

Just Fiver and stuff?

>> No.3196061

My bad

>> No.3196142

144 IQ, but not my idea. This was an old mans idea that I have perfected over the years. Like I said, my services are free today. I got lots of ideas for business models and inventions, and I gave an invention idea away to another anon already. Frankly, I've been looking for help to get another invention of mine into the prototype phase, but sadly enough that is not a thing I'm willing to ask an anon for without a lot of paperwork proceeding the job.
However, like all business ventures, there is not a 100% success rate.
I'm just a nice dude overall. I help old fucks, give anons ideas for jack diddly, pick up hitch-hikers, and all kinds of shit more. I'm even in on the legal weed business in PA although I am still hashing out a bunch of shit and not profiting yet.

>> No.3196216

I knew what you meant, but yes. That's about it. Eventually this convo comes up:
>old fuck: so what are your plans in life
>this fuck: investment properties, a few businesses, maybe sell an idea or two
>old fuck: hrmm... that sounds dank, son
two months later
>old fuck: yo, son, I got this shit if you're cool. here's the deal. XYZ
>this fuck: yo, that sounds like money to me
>old fuck: yup
>this fuck: yup
It's like trying to get laid, you got to get them to ask you. Lay the cards down and let the chips fall where they may. You might lose some time, but you will never lose money.

>> No.3196480

It's a great idea. It's like Aristotle Onasis said. You gotta hang out with the right people. But this is even better.
I'll drop something back, if you partner up with like minded people, ambitionless in the sense that they are not greedy, you can make good business. Seize the means of production. I myself am investing all my salary along with 3 more pals who live with their parents so they don't need to spend their wages for a living. That's 3 wages included mine all in crypto every month. Good luck anon.

>> No.3196566

Depends on your business, but in most states it's as easy as getting an EIN from the IRS, filing articles of incorporation or organization (if going corporate or llc,) and opening a bank account in your companies name. That simple.

/Founded my LLC 8 weeks ago
/Haven't turned a profit yet, but at least I ain't lost nothin'

>> No.3196578

nice! sounds like a plan!

>> No.3196650

I want to get into crypto but am almost computer illiterate. I do other things with my life and don't spend much time in front of any screen from entertainment. I'm doing very well for myself, and that is because I do have a lot of like minded people around me. That is why I told one anon to walk around, and I told you to find old electric guitar players or hardcore pc gamers that know some code. One of the biggest PC nerds I know was a Navy SEAL, he got me into Gloria Victus and Insurgency. These folks are everywhere, networking is the problem for all these antisocial people that don't know their neighbors names anymore.
Take the ideas and run man. Never be satisfied. Try to make every conversation you have with anyone have some substance behind it. Always look for another angle in everything you do. I'm not around often, but I'm always willing to help. Good luck to you, too.
Anyway, like another anon said at the top, diversify. Diversify, diversify, diversify.
OH. Lots of libraries have basically what amounts to free 3d printers if you look.

>> No.3196675

I do web application programming in Go. It's a niche, but because niche people are hard to find I'm paid relatively well.

I have my own company and work as an individual contractor. I transitioned from making plain websites to doing SaaS in Go about three years ago. Tried my own things but didn't turn out well.

If you want money, try to become good in a niche and speak business. By speaking business you suddenly look like an investment to a company rather than an expense.

Like, I pay off technical debt and replace it with reliable code. Buying from me reduces errors in code, decreases time it takes to develop new features and makes new hires more productive and their code more reliable.

Technically it's all just about writing tests and having a CI pipeline, but none of the companies I've worked for so far have had any. The business people seem to buy because they think this is some sort of knowledge only available to people who have been in Silicon Valley.

>> No.3197047

I don't need an actual physical office or space or anything. All of my communications and "meetings" with others will be purely internet based. I do everything at home, but like I said, I'd prefer keeping my home address at least kind of hidden.

>> No.3197061


I gross 600k doing specialized IT.

>> No.3197102

>build an inventory
You don't keep an inventory. The people you are selling for keep the inventory, and handle fulfillment.

>> No.3197135

Studying EE, proficient in developing in C, web-based languages and all in between. Know my networks and distributed computing. Am 20 y/o.

What's my future gonna look like, /biz/?

>> No.3197142
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Me and my family have an aristocratic heritage, and I currently help around at my uncles castle and its gardens in the weekends. Mowing the law, fixing things and whatnot. I've been doing this for a couple of months now, and he insisted on paying me last month.This post >>3191524 and other posts by this anon made me think, and I'll reach out to other owners of large properties whether they need any help around their estate. It's genius really, yet so simple. Wouldn't mind growing the estate a bit.

>> No.3197179

I'm really fucking pumped to start an online SaaS company or do contracting or something. I'm a programmer.
Problem is that I'm going into my final year of college and I'm really really fucking tempted to quit because I don't ever even want to use my degree and be a wagecuck. Building business sounds much much more satisfying and rewarding to me.

>> No.3197184

You made it nigga.
> be you
> 65k salary minimum
> mid sized city
> move into an apartment after graduation
> live with significant other
> move into the suburbs after 2 years
> have 2 children
> a golden retriever
> 2 cars
> a mountain of debt and mortgage (that will be paid off)
> mow your lawn, clean the house, and run errands on the weekends
> shop at costco
> half of your salary is taxed and jamal uses it on junk food

>> No.3197217

cuck wage

>> No.3197276

How many times has an old person died during your friendship with them?

>> No.3197414

>be 20
>type court transcripts from home
>paid per 100 words typed
>take on as much work as humanly possible
>get through 150,000 words a fortnight
>62k a year sitting at home stoned in my pyjamas

>> No.3197943
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, IMG_1362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started a CPA firm and real estate brokerage.

I'm making $210k per year after taxes with the CPA firm and $120k from Real Estate. What is interesting me lately is the idea of a cryptocurrency brokerage, but that's just a silly thought for now.

>> No.3198053

how much/month ?

>> No.3198084

was probably using shady Chinese bathtub made chemicals as supplements

>> No.3198353

Any good ressource to start learning GO?

>> No.3198367

Bump, coz it's a fuckin interesting thread. Would like to see more of this.

>> No.3198368

what is it exactly?

>> No.3198404

>Math Bsc
> Comp sci minor
> Made ok money in crypto ( USD 70k)

Any ideas on what I can sell/offer to people in Dubai/Paris?

>> No.3198535
File: 285 KB, 1600x1200, HOLYSH1ITTT LADS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit boys GTFO IN HERE!
ITS HAPPENING --- TOR ONION about altcoins just instructed its soldiers to pump Avalon. GTFO IN HERE


>> No.3198661

Jesus, you might be a genius. Old people are probably desperate for someone who isn't a millenial university fucker (and helps out around the place). Every time I talk to an older person they seem to be impressed I wasn't an Obama cock sucker. It wouldn't have taken much to win them over.


>> No.3199129

What service do you use. Considering this. I don't wanna steal your job anon, this is our sekrit club

>> No.3199257

good one mate, just reminded me i gotta figure out how to persist yarn cache in docker volumes. i gotta milk the green man A$AP

>> No.3199370

We probs aren't in the same country anyway

But just one of the big few transcription companies

Go to any court's website, find out which company does their transcripts and contact them.

>> No.3199450

How did you start?
What are the hours like?
That's 8 grand a month total?
How many people work for you?

>> No.3199527


>> No.3199531

Oh my god you're so dumb

>> No.3199983

how do you find notary jobs?

>> No.3200043

100% guaranteed he doesn't just have "a" site. online marketers create multiple streams of income due to the nature of the business. Trends come and go regularly online both in niches and in IM/SEO methods. What works today may not work tomorrow, what works tomorrow probably wont work 5 years from now, so it's an ever evolving portfolio

There's also various methods to make money online from affiliate sales to google adsense to creating your own digital products. If hes making that kind of money I'm willing to bet hes not tied to a single method

Source: I'm a (much less successful than that guy) internet marketer

>> No.3200053


Nice. You basically fuck old women for their wealth.

>> No.3200089

Buy omisego metal and ripple you fucking poor faggot

>> No.3200100

What kind of education do you have, wg at status/capital did you have prior to both, and could you explain the process of beginning both for me if you don't mind?

I'm extremely interested in this, and would appreciate your guidance. Also that other old guy helper anon, you're a great resource to talk to. I have a little bit of capital, but I fucked myself in my degree anons, but I know of a couple ideas I have to make it work. I got a fucking psych science degree after switching from pharmacy during a mental breakdown mid junior year and got 5150'd for a period. About a year and a half later I'm snapping out of it as I walk up the stage during my graduation thinking "what the fuck was I doing".

I'm trying to make up for what will amount for a useless degree most likely. I don't want to be a tired cliche...

>> No.3200108

>Source: I'm a (much less successful than that guy) internet marketer

can you give a quick rundown of what do you do?

Do you whore yourself in the social media?

>> No.3201292

Is college a scam?
>be me
>getting both highschool diploma and associates degree 4 free
worth it?

>> No.3201510

Whoa whoa wait did you say Go? I've been programming seriously in that for a couple of years now. How do you find business? Is it on public freelance sites, or do you advertise and SEO your services on your site?

>> No.3201512

I am running a t-shirt business doing well, about 10 orders per day, 20$ profit each. One thing I will tell you is do not put your eggs in one basket. It is much more effective to have multiple niches and then focus on the ones more successful. Also the word niche fucking sucks, look for fanbases you can 'exploit'.

>> No.3201939

free bump for the 2nd actual business thread i've seen today

>> No.3202707

invest in cobalt BAR and also graphite/graphene possibly/lithium BSM.. regarding demand in battery business.. read it on hotcopper.
thank me later

>> No.3203151

How do I into court transcripsts? Looking for a work from home option. Do inbred a degree? Certification?

>> No.3203437


sorry phoneposting

>> No.3204336

There's a gitbook called Building Web Apps with Go by codegangsta. It's a bit dated but gives an overview. Best practices when it comes to web apps can be learned through Ruby on Rails book by Michael Hartl.

Earlier in the thread I revealed it's through IRL connections I made in Silicon Valley. Though, a few years ago I used to do go through forums such as Sythe, reddit and some local tech forums to find programming gigs. Sometimes got scammed, sometimes got (little) money. Freelance sites deemed to be way too competitive. Though in general, clients through IRL connections are way better than the ones found online, but require investment in networking (which cannot be done in backwoods) and basic social skills. Patrick McKenzie has good stuff about dealing with the borderline Aspergers to get more money out of clients.