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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3188699 No.3188699 [Reply] [Original]

Who is here just to get rich enough to tell their parents to fuckoff?

>> No.3188713

Actually I would like some spare cash to help my mom out.

>> No.3188714
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Who isn't?

>> No.3188725

This. I love my parent(s).

>> No.3188734

Why would I tell my parents to fuck off? They've done a lot for me and I really appreciate them.

>> No.3188736

I'm literally doing this cryptoshit to buy my parents a lambo

>> No.3188743

sounds like OP has mommy and daddy issues.
here at /biz/ we're all well adjusted adults

>> No.3188752

i wanna get a few million so i have enough to tell my parents they'll never have to worry about money for the rest of their lives. They do pretty alright for themselves but i want them to be comfy as fuck. I already told them im gonna buy a nice brownstone in Park slope in NYC and keep a floor just for them.

Fuck you anon. Be grateful for your parents. Your probably a shitty little cunt. Unless your Dad was fucking you or they were beating you savagely; thats different.

>> No.3188756

>not paying for your parents retirement before your own
bad OP

>> No.3188778

>he doesn't appreciate the fact that millions of years of evolution brought him consciousness and a body through the fact that your parents fucked
>he can't look past the possibility that your parents were as immature as he is being right now when they had you
>he thinks his parents are out to get him

There's no way you're over the age of 18

>> No.3188781

Love of my parents is a big part of why I'm trying to change my fortune

>> No.3188788

Found the faggot with teenage angst.

Planning on renovating my mom's house, top to bottom while she's travelling on my dime.

>> No.3188886

Quints get

Fuck.. Cooldown

>> No.3188924
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>> No.3188951

but no cigar

>> No.3188979
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If my parents could stop worrying about my future and if I could offer them few nice things...

>> No.3188980

>that feel when my parents are about to retire on a combined pension of over $10k per month with enormous life insurance policies

>> No.3189052
File: 92 KB, 412x351, sadpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad hits me and my brother and always yells at us.

I just want to be normal and have a normal life so im trying to trade crypto and build a community for crypto people (discord). I want to provide value to the world and just be normal man.

Shit is so sad because everyone keeps telling me my idea is shit and my site and discord suck and that I should quit but honest to god FUCK those haters, even my dad purposely trys to limit me by cutting off access to my internet and other stuff so I have to go to fast food places to work and stay there overnight all the time.

We are ALL going to make it brahs we just need to work hard man, whenever your sad just remember the end goal and fuck the people trying to bring you down man. Never give up. Change, adapt, and evolve, but never give up fellow anons.

>> No.3189099

I just want to make 30k CAD for my autistic brothers therapy dog ;-;

>> No.3189143

>Appreciate and love my parents.
>Going through college to become a civil engineer.
>Barely got into cryptocurrencies and bought $30 of etherium.

It's a start, right? I just want to make my parents happy, since I have no one else in my life.

>> No.3189145

What's your discord anon?

>> No.3189153

This, fuck you OP have some respect.

>> No.3189161

>>3189052 you need to eat dog poop trust me

>> No.3189171
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I truly hope the discord provides value to you, I made it because I couldn't find any good ways to talk about CryptoCurrency without pump and dump schemes or stuff, we have 500 people so far. Thank you so much man.

>> No.3189193

I love my parents because I was not raised by degenerates and am not a pussy who can't handle their criticism.

>> No.3189203

Hit him back.

>> No.3189297

There's not a single day in which I don't wish that my father was dead.
But my mom is the nicest and most loveable person ever, so if I got rich I'd definitely help them both for her sake (even if I'd much rather hire a hitman).

That's a pointless discussion though, since it's extremely unlikely that I'll be anything other than poor (thanks to my father).

>> No.3189305

I actually want to be rich to help my father come to the countryside where I live and buy a house for us. Respect your elders OP. You only have them.

>> No.3189435

i've tried but he just pins me to the ground cause hes stronger so i started going to the gym a month ago

>> No.3189471

Yeah I have good parents too. I'm glad I wasn't too much of a shit to them as a teenager.

>> No.3189520

I want my parents to be proud of me. That involves being self-sufficient.

And everytime I hear of some need in my local community like my church or someone sick/injured I wish I had that Lambo money so I could write them a check and help them.

>> No.3189555
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>tfw people have such shitty parents that their life revolves around giving said parents a huge ass middle finger.


>> No.3190092

I want to help both of them but I want to remain in a safe distance from both, just coming by for the occasional coffee and cake. They're separated since I was a toddler and although they've done their best they have been quite toxic. I don't blame them tho, it's not like they've done it on porpuse. Most probably they didn't know any better. However, in my country we have an expression which translates to "hell is full of good intentions".

>> No.3190097

Right. OP have some respect for the woman that carried you 9 months in her belly u fucking degenerate

>> No.3190145

But she didn't do it for him.
She did it for herself.
Parents don't endure the pain of having kids to do a favor to them. They do it because they want to have children.
I thnk you should be grateful for the things that they did for you specifically, not the things they did for themselves that also ended up benefitting you.

>> No.3190175

once i got 100k i will probably buy my mother a house. sucks being a poorfag on a 3rd world country

>> No.3190187

Almost. I want to make bank, split it 50/50 with my parents and then move on my own merry way

>> No.3190235

I have a made $1 million in crypto this year, thats about 20 times my annual salary.
Im 25 and still living parents.

My parents don't know any of this, I occasionally speak to them about crypto but never really talk about actually owning any.

They have $100k left on their mortgage and are currently paying interest only because they were recently unemployed around the same time. (Good news tho, they both just got jobs this month).

I want to pay off their mortgage but how do I say that to them? "Hey parents im a secret millionaire"?

Anyone any suggestions?

>> No.3190259

take them out to a nice dinner
give them a cheque for remainder of the mortgage
tell them about your gainz

>> No.3190290

I'm here because I'm destitute and have fallen on hard times and I want to take care of my mother and alleviate her suffering as much as possible while I can still can. My "dad" can fuck right off though, worthless deadbeat piece of shit.

Sorry bro, I know all too well what it's like to have a shitty dad. Kick that faggot right square in the balls, then tell him he's lucky it wasn't in the throat and he's lucky to have a son like you. Also, interestingly enough I saw your pic here>>3189171 in another thread. I'll probably be stopping by tomorrow or soon as I am new to this stuff and could use some help.

>tfw "raised" (if you can even call it that) by a massive degenerate


Damn man
>tfw can relate
Except the hitman part, you're just wasting money and time there.

Nah it doesn't work like that. The way I look at it some people deserve respect and some don't.

>> No.3190585

dont force your parents to take your money if they dont want to

>> No.3190705

Why is the American family unit like this? They're so fucking selfish, or their children are entitled brats who don't appreciate the sacrifices they made so you can be a NEET to trade NEET bucks on the internet.

What I would do is get my mom to retire early so she and my father can travel the world and enjoy the rest of their lives together. My dad is retired and 10 years older than my mom. They're not getting younger, and as immigrants busted their fucking ass for their children.

So no. I will not be telling them to fuck off, but letting them know they did good.

T. First generation American.

>> No.3190760


Shhh.... don't type so loud or your parents will honor kill you you spoiled brat. Why are you on 4chan anyway? You should be doing chores or being at church.

>> No.3190785

Fuck, you are a good son. I wish I could be millionaire to do this, and spend the rest of my life doing what I want.

>> No.3190813

This. OP is underage

>> No.3190841
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Trying to earn enough money through crypto so I can help them with the house building fees (half of it isn't even complete and then we will also have to furnish it). My father keeps telling me that he owns the house and I am more like renting the room which tends to be costly for him. Also my mom makes sure to call me useless whenever she's mad.

>> No.3190851

yess we are

go back to /b/ you retard

>> No.3190859

>waaa mommy made me take out the trash

grow up you sad sacks

>> No.3190988

Fuck are you talking about? Your response makes zero sense.

Did that pink hair dye and Chasity belt do you in?

>> No.3191000

I bet your're swede

>> No.3191024
File: 318 KB, 682x1024, bailey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna make enough money so i can leave my religous moms house and become a cute cd slut and maybe a camwhore or something

>> No.3191072

thanks man