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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 421 KB, 736x1160, sxTpuwW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3183526 No.3183526 [Reply] [Original]

I am the anon who shilled it here yesterday at 10-13sat. It already hit 90sat today. We are on coinmarketcap and in friday you will see new website, wallet, craptopia listing and info about cloud technology and masternodes. You can still jump in for 60sat for x10 shortterm gains. Good luck anons

>> No.3183939

no, i posted this for the first time yesterday as a quick tip to biz and you dumped all your fuckin neet bucks into it for a quick flip and now you can't stop shilling it, we had a thread up like an hour ago. can you stop it, please? delete this thread

>> No.3184436

I quite literally just bought 100k


>> No.3184454


Fantastic, just purchased 100,000

>> No.3185522

see ya tommorow at 180sat

>> No.3185535

dogshit looking site.

>> No.3185554

it's just a JPG you fag. their site will be released this friday

>> No.3185569
File: 10 KB, 554x64, Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 18.37.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I bought 2M

>> No.3185576

Also the logo is dogshit. Looks like they spent 10 min in paint.

>> No.3185580
File: 382 KB, 1317x608, WGC4eIu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. We are already on coinmarketcap https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/xtd-coin/

on friday there will be website, wallet, masternodes and cloud technology info and craptopia listing. I just want to make my fellow /bizbrothers rich

btw this is how site gonna look like

>> No.3185590

Their logo looks like it was made on 2006 Adobe Flash, their design is as concrete as Newgrounds' least watched submissions. This is a prodigy of bitbeans but just a little bit shittier. Good luck to you on your venture.

>> No.3185598

>bought at 10 sats

>> No.3185605
File: 4 KB, 516x52, 3HMNdyc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also I bought 2M

>> No.3185619

logo and that shitty announcement on bitcoingarden forum made in pait was to accumulate before final announcement. Smart money is everything under 100sat. Master nodes are worth 300-500sat in this case

>> No.3185628


that is their cookie-cutter website, no twitter attached to the twitter link, no facebook either. The roadmap is literally a bullet list with no prior information. There are no faces to attach to this project, if you put money in this you are better off throwing it in a fire.

>> No.3185648

Every project has to start somewhere. So what if devs havent polished the marketing side of it?

>> No.3185653

site is xtb.io
that one that you post is not ready yet

>> No.3185690

Yes, It does. but compared to this coin, there are tons of other vaporware coins on the market. The only difference is the proof behind their motive. You see the devs backgrounds and what they want to accomplish, their white papers, their roadmap is detailed. Every vaporware start up ICO at leasts puts the time into it's background / motives / problems to solve in great detail to entice investors. This coin just has red flags all over, not to mention it's shit design. the design is shit, did i mention that?