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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 1100x907, TAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3165095 No.3165095 [Reply] [Original]

Finally get a decent job and look at this shit, 34k in taxes and half of that is going to welfare. Australia is the least business friendly nation on earth surely. How much are you paying?

>> No.3165133

I'm on centrelink, thanks for the money

>> No.3165148

Thank you for your contribution

>> No.3165170

>muh businesses
>muh GDP
>muh economy
Daily reminder that most CEOs are diabolically evil and should be lined up against the wall.

>> No.3165174

>tfw bought into crypto with centrelink
>tfw at 60k aud just 2 months in
>tfw still on centrelink
Thanks mate!

>> No.3165184

>earn 1500€ monthly
>500 go to state

This is a midclass salary where I live.

>> No.3165199

Taxes in France are definitely high.
You spend you time paying tax or filling paperwork.

The best country in the world for the ratio life quality/taxes paid is probably Switzerland.

>> No.3165208

>"level of Australian Government gross debt, This year: $501 billion"
Fuck lol

>> No.3165211

Enjoy Muhammad's cock.

>> No.3165213
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Lol you paid $1400 for the privilege of your government spending more than it earns.

I can't say its any better in burgerville, but if we were sent these sorts of forms during tax season there'd be riots every April 16th. What in the everloving fuck are you Aussies doing?

>> No.3165222
File: 141 KB, 439x290, 1474603925646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 1,427$ position is the one you really should be concerned with

>> No.3165223

Enjoy Pedro's cock.

>> No.3165229


>> No.3165247

Move to North..

t. northern neighbours

>> No.3165268

Pedro enjoys my cock.

>> No.3165302

living in this shitty country is waay too expensive fuck 'stralya

>> No.3165307

Literally everyone I know who has been on Centrelink was gaming the system in some way.

>> No.3165322

i live in the UK and there has been a marked increase in beggers and drug addled zombies roaming the streets after a decade of austerity driven policy. happy to pay more welfare tax if it means the city i was born in doesnt become completely inhospitable to me. i don't have faith that the capitalist class is going to help solve the problem

>> No.3165323

agreed, Australia fucking sucks. Why the fuck do we have to pay for aged care welfare but also pay for our own super for the future.

>> No.3165355

cuz boomers

>> No.3165367

>be European
>pay for Muhammad's 7 children
>be American
>pay for Jerome's 7 children he abandoned

>> No.3165374

Got to make you depressed to see the amount of money going to welfare.

>> No.3165412
File: 279 KB, 700x468, it_got_worse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because boomers thought the gravy train would never end. This should be a fucking wakeup call for the current generations. Start saving and planning now, because as much as we bitch and complain about the current system, we're going to have even less in the future. There is no magic money bubble that's going to save us as a society.

This is especially important in those countries that think importing millions of low-skill workers that immediately jump on the welfare train will solve all their problems.

>> No.3165423

i dont understand this boomers hate meme.
are you actively thinking about how you are going to effect future generations?

>> No.3165455

>Be Bulgarian
>Make $50,000/y
>Net $43,500/y
I'm comfy here

>> No.3165463

Exactly right, we're getting double fucked,

>> No.3165481

>Bulgarian here
>Thanks for taking good care of our gypsies, just sent 100k. Sorry they ate the swans in London's lakes.

>> No.3165517
File: 60 KB, 434x434, THISCANNOTCONTINUE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate boomers as a group. They did pretty good for themselves. But they weren't perfect, and left some messes for later generations to clean up. I hate that those that came after actively refuse to learn from the boomer's mistakes, and in many cases double down because "muh social conscience."

>> No.3165544
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, delet this jacob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be European
>do your absolute best in life, get a job that pays well
>50% of your income is taxed
>a large chunk is used to pay for Muhammad and his 7 children
>you can't afford the endlessly increasing housing prices, while lazy fucks get free money and housing
>get blown up by a well fed radical extremist

>> No.3165638
File: 577 KB, 893x895, 6c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's okay, because everyone around you will tell you how good of a person you are. Just keep an eye out for the Truck of Peace sneaking around the corner and you'll never have to think for yourself again.

>> No.3165656
File: 129 KB, 572x845, A3eygcX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia isnt the worst by far
Here in Austria income is getting taxed at 50%
+20% tax on all goods (except groceries who have 10% and cars who have 36%-50%)
100€ a year taxes for owning a dog
20€ a month for government tv (you are FORCED to pay this)
high property taxes
investment taxes

Etc etc
Also your government at least tries to be somewhat transparent by sending you this latter. That would never happen over here. In fact, our governments try to hide everything as much as they can.
If you want stats on welfare usage, crime you have to wait for one of our political parties to make a request. And unlike the USA we don't keep track of races. So politicians can always say that """austrians""" (aka musshits with an austrian passport) are almost as criminal as asylum seekers.

>> No.3165687
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>> No.3165705
File: 29 KB, 521x533, eggman4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how does BTC help me to bypass any of this crap?
I swear to god, anyone who isn't a libertarian/ancap these days is either a leech or a hopeless retard

>> No.3165731

Same shit happens here in America with the blacks and Mexicans.

>> No.3165734

Capital gains tax is 30% in finland. No i dont pay taxes on cryptoprofits. Only withdraw fiat via atms with ripping 6.75% fee, wich still is better than 30%..

>> No.3165768

offset ur losses with mad gainz

>> No.3165778

How much money do you make with crypto?
I thought BTC atms have a pretty small withdraw limits

>> No.3165801
File: 779 KB, 787x485, 1496903714362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of weird logic is that
>bro you gotta pay income tax bro but if you just work bro twice as much bro its like you dont have to pay any income taxes since you will be earning twice as much bro XDDDD

>> No.3166662


Why can't burgers have a break down like this?

Stupidity of the average ameriburger set aside.

>> No.3166687


>be European
>pay for Muhammad's 7 children
>be American
>don't give a fuck about father's rights or children's actual wellbeing


>> No.3166704

>local bitcoin atm does instant cash withdrawals up 5k
>10k but you need to wait for 3 confirmations
>atm texts you verification code to tell you it's confirmed
>10k fiat withdrawn with not tax

>> No.3166716
File: 952 KB, 480x270, powertothepeople.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your overlords need you compliant. If we saw how much actually goes to paying off debt interest or to lazy nigs, we'd be burning cities to the ground.

Honestly, I'm shocked that Australia does something this enlightened.

>> No.3166752


Why not start a bill to get this going?

People need more government transparency.

>> No.3166811

Government debt last year: 420
this year: 501

Well this is gonna be interesting.

>> No.3166896

>pay taxes so the government can do things for society
>they go and borrow extra money anyway

Why do we even bother to pay taxes?

>> No.3166994

100k, i paid more in tax tgan the average fucking australian salary. Study, work hard so the government can fuck you in the ass
Needto start a business and hide my money in tge fucking caymans

>> No.3167005

Because its all a ponzi scheme

>> No.3167017

As a Frenchman, I wish you were right. It's worse than that in reality. Effective tax rate is closer to 70% if you have a decent job. Roughly 2/5 of your income is taken out of your paycheck before you see it, to pay for social security. As if there's still going to be government pensions 20 years from now, much less 40 or 60.

>> No.3167041
File: 486 KB, 475x347, skellington.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than half of my taxes go directly to pensioners, these lazy cunts only paid like 1/5th of the benefits they're receiving right now so the younger generation has to cover it.
I'm sick of living in a socialist welfare state

>> No.3167051

how did a /biz/tard NEET get a job paying 135k in Australia? Related to a politician I bet

>> No.3167083

This is why im not putting a penny into a retirement fund
Too bad by the time I'm old the state pension age will be 90

>> No.3167090

here in california i give nearly 50% of all my earnings to welfare niggers and wetbacks who cant get jobs because theyre too busy drinking kool aid and milking the system

>> No.3167097

Where does it say hes earning 135k

>> No.3167152

I fucking hate welfware, what a joke.

So is capital gains tax. Hurr, you pay money to the government for making a profitable trade. Then you use that money to buy a house/groceries/car - guess what? You're taxed on that purchase too.

>> No.3167178
File: 91 KB, 772x589, 1502321345140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the people who would be affected by this bill are the ones who would have to pass it.

It's the same reason Congress passes a bill every year giving themselves a pay raise, and why Congress is exempt from Obamacare. The system is completely rigged in favor of those currently in power.

Luckily the current generation (Gen Z) has been raised, not by their inattentive parents, but by the internet, which is about as close to a libertarian utopia as you can get. (Though big corporations with government help are starting to crack down on that.) A lot of GenZers have tasted true freedom of thought and expression, and see any attempt to squash it as anathema. (Like Google's attempts to crush dissent or demonetize conservative youtube channels.)

If we can hold off the leaching millenials and waves of economic migrants, we can hopefully turn this shit around before the economic collapse smacks us back to the dark ages.

>> No.3167212

To pay that much tax you'd have to have a base taxable income of 130-140k. Pretty high by Aus standards, unheard of on this NEET-filled board

>> No.3167264

something would be done about it if people saw the breakdown in that kind of format. there are probably americans here right now who think OP had to pay a fairly high percentage of their tax as a direct handout to banks for middle-manning their debt (as interest expense). If they saw how much higher that was in the US they might complain or think about it

>> No.3167315

In Canada it's just come out that some people are paying over 50% in income tax alone.

Taxed when you earn
Taxed when you spend
Taxed where you live
Taxed till the end

literal slavery

>> No.3167490


>> No.3167653

Are tax havens a meme or can they be made to work?

>> No.3167830

Neet is the only way

>> No.3167848

Great healthcare system you have there. At least our politicians illegally drain money from government hijacked private businesses to fund ours.

>> No.3167967
File: 2.76 MB, 4288x2848, vanessas-law-canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in Canada the true north, strong and free we only have to pay capital gains tax on 50% of our total earning.

This means the effective tax rate on $100,000 is only 8.30%. On 1mil it's only 23% imagine rates like that in EU. Plus when your get capital gains or dividends you don't have to pay in to any pension plan shit or anything like that.

Also we have TFSA's which are investment vehicles that you can contribute $5,500 every year. They allow you to trade in anyway you'd like just like a normal account except you're exempt from all tax on any of your gains. Might sound like a small amount but it builds up very nicely over the years.

>> No.3168088

Why the fuck is eskimoville so fucking cool

Good job leafy you just won a thirdworlder over, see you in a couple years

>> No.3168735

>before economic collapse
>implying baby boomers wont collapse everything on their way out or make everything that benefits them permanent
You want to pretend that democrats are the ones fucking us up but all old people are leaches on working class and they will never give up their entitlements regardless if the are democrats or republicans and they will justify it by saying they earned it by paying social security even though social security is in massive debt and the money is no longer going into saving and instead going to pay off retired fucks who didnt save a damn cent in their lives.

>> No.3169522

Who did this survey. Maybe the future isn't over

>> No.3169737

IIRC, it's just general census data from the election. Same place that people go to to find which racial group voted for who. This one was every 18yo and under who were eligible to vote.

>> No.3169948
File: 205 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-22-21-12-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all fags. I'm so unlucky to be Belgian....number 1 in taxes.

>> No.3169974

40% here. It's as if they don't want me to make it.

>> No.3170323

I actually live in belgium, it's not really what they make it out to be.

Your tax is high if you earn a lot. The more you earn the more tax. Then there is tax on everything else except...

There is no tax earned by investing or speculating on the stock market. NONE, maybe like a very very small one of 0.5%. That's literally it.

As for crypto... if you hold for longer then a year there is no speculative tax albeit they might say you used your money irresponsibly and have to pay 33% of your gainz.

Either way...

Belgium is extremely corrupt and people give close to no shits if your pirate, avoid tax rules, ...

The point is, do not work hard for money here. It does NOT work. Acquire money and invest it in things which has close to no tax at all.

On the positive side: Free healthcare (70% reimbursed or something), cheap schooling, ...

It's a social welfare state for sure but corruption is rampant so plentiful off opportunities.

We also have a lot of purchasing power in Europe.

>> No.3170362

You must be brain dead. It's your precious libertarian ideals which are restricting the Internet. With no regulations on telecoms they're free to suppress anything they don't like. Net neutrality is not something that would exist in a libertarian "paradise". Corporations would just slowly over the years merge and merge until every industry is controlled by a monopoly which wouldn't give a single fuck about anyone but the greed of their few lucky shareholder. Hint you wouldn't be one of them.

>> No.3170450
File: 562 KB, 1080x1920, eggman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are as retarded as it gets
You know that noone would use an internet provider that does censorship?

>lucky shareholder

Oh, you've been brainwashed
Also that "monopoly under no regulations" myth has been completely debunked 2408740824 times
Whats creating monopolies IS actually regulations. How many internet provider are there? how many banks are there?

>> No.3170473

>corruption off the chart = opportunities

what is wrong with people. Politicians should be brought out into the street and be subject to a firing squad of acid.

>> No.3170500
File: 349 KB, 638x480, yeah_no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're conflating libertarianism with crony capitalism.

It's regulations that are currently strangling innovation. Every single level of government needs its cut before you can lay cable. First you need a survey, then you need to pay the county in order to dig or connect to poles, then you've got to pay the extra taxes to the state for utility usage, then you've got to pay for lobbyists in Washington to combat the congressmen already bought by the big utilities, etc etc.

Besides, my example was never about strangling innovation, it was about the general public's ability to communicate ideas without having to first pass through the temple gates of the media empires. Fuck off with your nonsensical rambling.

>> No.3170536


>> No.3170599
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Won't you support this single mother for the rest of her life, goyim? I'm sure her children will grow up to be doctors who will work for next to nothing to ensure you're kept healthy in your middle age. Beyond age 70, well, medical care is expensive, but we can at least promise a peaceful death.

>> No.3170625


this is awesome.

i would love to see this in europe as well. just a fucking "thank you tax payer, here is a breakdown how your money was spent."

also breakdown into natives/immigrants.

>> No.3170633
File: 151 KB, 840x1180, IMG_20170413_224226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be german
> holiday job
> Lumber mill
> minimum wage

Got 1180 and netto around 1080 euro, i could doge to pay in welfare, the company askes id i dont want to

>become 18
>again holiday job
> big company
> Good paying
> make extra hours, max 40
> forbiddwn to do more
Fuck germany
I got payed 2900 euro and tax and welfare studf was 1400 euro, i can get back the income tax in the end of the year, around 300 euro but still. Looked up how much private healthcare costs here, private premium is cheaper then the gov one. My first goal is to move to nz and doge taxes

>> No.3171496

OK guys let's talk free market.

Did any of you ever played monopoly? Yea?

So what happened, you bought a bunch of shit and in the mean time stole money of other people. You get rich by bankrupting the rest. At the end you have a monopoly and charge ridiculous rates for somebody to land on it.

Pure free market always results in monopolies. It's only natural. And monopolies are fucking bad. Really bad.

For consumers that is. What we need is restrictions on monopolies and BIG companies not restrictions on new start ups.

But currently big companies/monopolies lobby for more regulation for starters to keep their monopolies.

Which is also natural. A government is needed. But money always interferes with its intended function ending in it becoming privatized.

Capitalism and the free market works if you can keep the monopolies out and strongly encourage competition.

>> No.3171690

>Pure free market always results in monopolies

Monopoly has rules.

>> No.3171792

>lets talk about the free market
>hurrdurr super simplified board game

You must have an awful low IQ or are a troll

>> No.3171913

Actually the game was invented as a criticism towards capitalism

>> No.3171938

You can thank Harper for that shit.

Trudeau doing his best to find other "market mechanisms" to suck income from Canadians

>> No.3172006

UK based. I brought in £8.5k before tax last month (good quarterly bonus) and ended up with just over £4k after tax. This is why people become conservatives/republicans.

>> No.3172046

Yet you have some of the highest standard of living in the world.
Really jogs my noggin

>> No.3172179

prosperity in the western world has been on a sharp incline since the industrial revolution. we still live off of that, but it suddenly stopped in the last decades... really activates my almonds

>> No.3172563

Welfare is dygenic, enjoy the abbos - your children and grandchildren will also be paying to create more... until they eat you all.

>> No.3172661

I suspect you don't understand what the game is trying to tell you anon. At the end one player owns almost all money and has multiple properties where he charges draconic prices.

A monopoly in a sector can do the same since you have no choice but to pay since there are no alternatives

Monopoly has a lot more to it then you think it has

>> No.3172711


In real life you can do the same once you have a monopoly on X you can charge whatever you want.

Monopoly shows how destructive monopoly's are to the environment. But seems like you missed the point of the game entirely.

>> No.3172808

I swear to god, aussies should've exterminated every single abbo when they had the chance. Truly the most disgusting creatures I've ever laid eyes on.

>> No.3172839

Why do anti libertarians completely ignore the fact that it is possible to prevent monopolies? You niggers don't understand it's possible to go half way, it's either all or nothing.

>> No.3172948

Lol I've been putting half my welfare checks into BTC since 2015. It's now worth 250K AUD and I don't have to declare any of it on my taxes. Thanks for the financing wagecuck faggot

>> No.3173066

>Be American
>Get shot
>Spend entire life savings on medical bills because insurance didnt cover everything.

>> No.3173126

Wtf are you trying to strawman here retarded nigger. I said capitalism works if you prevent monopolies from forming or you put heavy regulations on them. Are you mentally challenged or something?

>> No.3173189
File: 644 KB, 592x898, img_0950[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone clarify the tax laws on cryptocurrency?

I understand that there is capital gains tax on profits made but is there any additional tax on trades made between different cryptos on an exchange?

>> No.3173223
File: 84 KB, 850x400, 1452969214851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavy regulations

Are the main enabler of monopolies lobbying for regulations which in the end prevent smaller companies being formed/competing