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File: 764 KB, 2506x934, JEWBLOCKSTREAM2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3164651 No.3164651 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw fudders where defending $BTC and would say nothing would happen to it.
>mfw transactions are getting alredy eternal as $BCC hashrate going for the 40% while btc going down hill fast as hell.
>mfw when is reflectin on the prices.
>mfw when in asiatic exchanges prices are alredy 800+ again (https://www.bithumb.com/))
>mfw $BCC shillers were right all along.

Is this the beginning of the flip lads? are we seeing history?


>> No.3164671
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>> No.3164682
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>> No.3164684


the more you read about BTC/BCC, the more you realise that BCC is the future

now is not too late, buy now before youre buying at $4k per coin

>> No.3164698

The problem is I can't even move my bitcoins from cold wallet. 7 hours waiting for the transaction to confirm.

Bitcoin is going srsly useless, can't even send it to the exchange ffs

>> No.3164703
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>> No.3164719

I don't believe you.

>> No.3164731

Don't worry, you may believe proves:

>> No.3164770

any thoughts on how long a BCH transaction takes between bittrex and non-shit tier exchanges?

>> No.3164776

the bcash difficulty will be rising soon


>> No.3164780

blocks are being mined at like 20 something per hour
so pretty fast

>> No.3164794

Do you think that Jihan etc will pump up the price of BCH so that miners stay mining BCH?

I think that as soon as the miners start to switch back to BTC, Jihan and company will push the price up.

>> No.3164807
File: 56 KB, 597x519, nyoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent yesterday from bittrex to bithumb to sell BCC there for a highest price just before recovery, sigh...

It was 1 min 13 seconds for me. No idea about the time right now, if you find some website saying it link plox.

>> No.3164818

Yeah, so? I'm sure your "facts" are a mixture of truth, half-truth and outright bullshit. It's your interpretation that I don't trust. Cause I don't don't trust you. Cause you're a piece of shit. Capisce?

>> No.3164820

You can bet your black asshole he will.

>> No.3164826

i remember you from last night. you need to take your pills.

>> No.3164827

I wipe my ass every time I shit and I wash it every time I shower
it's not that black.
I mean, I guess inside it's probably very dark because no light dares to enter

>> No.3164831

> People still believe one autistic chink has the control over BCH.

>> No.3164833

jesus you weak handed fucks... please gtfo of crypto and my precious BTC, fucktards like you dont deserve the future...

>> No.3164839

oh wait, I hadn't checked the price in a while
it's already gone up from 0.16 to 0.185

It would need to be at 0.23 or around there, said someone last night.
Hopefully it will.

>> No.3164851
File: 1.64 MB, 380x285, 1497552998769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm losing the battle and my btc are gonna be worth shit.
>I'm butthurt
>Here /biz/, take my buttpain and do something about it

In case you wanna keep educating yourself instead of believing me:



Both with bibliography and sources to check.

>Ohh hurr durrr I dont care about bibiliography and sources hurrr I wont believe anything even if I've got the proves in front of my eyes slapping me in the face durrr hurr

>> No.3164855

yeah tonight's the night man.

>> No.3164865

At this point BTC will retarget in 2.49 days. Even when the difficulty adjusts it will not be very different from the difficulty now as it is very close to the end of the 2016 blocks readjustment period. The problem for the BTC chain is that it must now keep this difficulty for another 2016 blocks with ever lengthening block times creeping in. The BCH chain is set to retarget in 2.8 days. This next difficulty adjustment will still be well below that of the BTC chain. By this time the BCH chain is already longer and racing ahead. In all likelihood if the BTC chain makes it to the next difficulty adjustment, it will never see another difficulty adjustment ever again.

>> No.3164866

Wasn't talking to you, but thanks for sharing.

>> No.3164879

If only someone had the foresight to re-target the difficulty after each block was mined.

>> No.3164880

I don't really believe you either.

>> No.3164893

Dont believe me then. Enjoy being a bagholder

>> No.3164896

it isn't even called BCC you autist shill

>> No.3164901

Your numbers are not correct, BCH will retarget in 15 hours.
BTC in 1 day and 16 hours.
But the rest is accurate, BTC will mean money lost for the miners that continue mining it.
The same way the miners were losing money mining BCH before. (Unless they kept their coins)

>> No.3164904
File: 153 KB, 800x593, 1497565226226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean you don't believe proves or sources.

>> No.3164909
File: 4 KB, 268x104, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all false, see http://fork.lol/pow/retarget for actual data

>> No.3164914

dude, it's not "proves"
You use proves like: "This proves I was right"
But if you just use it as a noun, you should use "proof"
like: "You mean you don't believe proofs or sources"

>> No.3164916

Why the flying fuck do you think we care what you believe you unimportant shit?

>> No.3164919
File: 12 KB, 463x292, bcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How people like you could survive so much time?

>> No.3164922

Ok I sure won't believe you. No matter how many times you repeat the script. I don't fucking buy it.

>> No.3164923

>mfw when

>> No.3164930

I wasn't really talking to you.

>> No.3164931

Thank you, my data was a little old

>> No.3164933

BCH will probably become the official ticker since BCC already stands for Bitconnect, Bittrex is one of the only exchanges using BCC for Bitcoin Cash

>> No.3164939

What the fuck do you think I care who you were talking to you little solipsistic shit?

>> No.3164944
File: 196 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170822-120802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Bcc being more profitable to mine will come to an end in less than 15 hours.

>> No.3164952

When the difficulty adjusts it won't adjust by much, and neither will BTCs

>> No.3164956

just a copy paste here for al the doomthinkers..

"This is by design, but not surprisingly, it's completely exploitable. I believe when blocks are further than 30 minutes apart, on average, for 12 blocks, then the difficulty drops by 20%. I might be off with the numbers, so you might have to adjust them a little, but this is how the miners exploit it:
When the difficulty resets, the miners wait 30 minutes after each new BCH block is found to start mining (they can mine on BTC in the meantime). After 12 blocks the difficulty will start to drop, by 20 blocks the difficulty will have dropped by 80%, at this point the miners can focus on BCH full time and mine the remaining ~2000 blocks in a single day. Then when difficulty resets, just repeat. Each cycle the miners pull in 25,200 BCH. Knowing this won't last they'll want to sell as soon as possible, which at the current value ($650) is about 16.4 million USD of downward pressure on the market.
At the time I'm writing this, the current BCH mining rush has already taken it's price down from > $900 to ~$650. The miners are getting rich off all the BCH investors and don't have to worry about destroying it in the process because they can fallback to mining BTC."

>> No.3164959

Yeah I agree BTC will probably become the official ticker since BTC is currently a dead kike coin.

>> No.3164962

it is currently mining at 6x normal speed, you are incorrect to say it won't change by much.

please stop lying anon, i'm concerned about your karma.

>> No.3164966
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>> No.3164967

Oh hey it is you. Cool I got a fan I guess.

>> No.3164982

You're right, it might change about 40-50%, what I meant was BCH will still be more profitable

>> No.3165008

All you got going for you is utter stupidity and arrogance, but don't worry your arrogance is positively correlated to the fiat value of your btc bags and will soon crash to nil.

>> No.3165013

Except, the whole network has to be coordinated for that to happen.
Which means a lot of people agree on it, which would be visible and not harmless for their own profits.
The more famers, less likely it is to happen.

The risk still exists.
The thing I don't understand is why don't they adjust difficulty every 6 blocks?

>> No.3165029

Bcc difficulty adjustment Retarget is at +300% if that is not much what is? Also its only 72% more profitable to mine at the moment so after this retarget btc will be more profitable

>> No.3165035

Dude bcc difficulty retarget is at 300%

>> No.3165046

My bad. I'll stop posting now

>> No.3165048

Time will tell. Won't it, cream puff?

Of course, when these predictions fail to come true, you will of course be nowhere to be found.

>> No.3165119

>cream puff
cream puff she says. adorable.

>> No.3165194

>tfw you have no BTC left, put everything in NEO >12% down
>Still have BCC from split

>> No.3165217


>> No.3165773
File: 602 KB, 1280x985, tumblr_os48b70Rcn1w4nwgoo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 12 days BCH will crash down to .05 and BTC will break $5k

Screenshot this.

>> No.3165790

>>mfw when is reflectin on the prices.
But it isn't reflecting on the prices.
If that were an issue, we should see a massive price reduction in BTC of people desperately trying to get rid of their coins, but instead shit is expensive as hell.

>> No.3165802

This. It's inevitable. If the whales thought Bcash had any chance at all of dethroning the king then BTC would've dumped, not dipped and immediately recovered.

>> No.3165829

>Screenshot this.
I did however save the pic you posted and demand you tell me the source.

>am I a cuck for wanting to get my gf to let me take /out/ pics of her to brag with them on the intertubes?

>> No.3165870

>tfw just chilling with Ether
Yeah no, I'd rather miss out on this BTC and BCH bullshit than.

>> No.3166110
File: 208 KB, 1331x1575, Screenshot_20170822-144401_1503405950451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pls stop