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3157289 No.3157289 [Reply] [Original]

The angel of death is upon us.

>> No.3157316
File: 307 KB, 1440x1855, Screenshot_20170821-205013_1503341443701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The angel of death killed himself "upgrading" the eda of BCH

Jihan has proved to be a huge failure as everything.

>> No.3157332

You keep posting this in every BCH thread. You must be worried your buttcoin 21 club is about to collapse and you will have to go back to being a non-NEET.

>> No.3157366

So in 30 hours BTC will have high difficulty with 50% hash and no adjustments for 2016 blocks.

BCC/BCH will have 50% hash power with a difficulty of 3.5 X 7% = 24.5% of the original chain.

It looks like BTC is fucked to me.

>> No.3157391

tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. everything that is said to happen will happen tomorrow. you shills are all the same.

>> No.3157401

>BCC/BCH will have 50% hash power with a difficulty of 3.5 X 7% = 24.5% of the original chain.
>It looks like BTC is fucked to me.

Only if BCH/BTC is and stays above 0.245.

>> No.3157409

>corecuck gets btfo
>resorts to lefty arguments
did you vote hillary?

>> No.3157435

Jihan the great, bls gib green candles

>> No.3157449

no cunt, i went all in on bch and i'm growing impatient. you fucking dildos give me a timeframe and never stick to it. die.

>> No.3157451

the original coin is worth more. the hash rate will bleed into btc for a while. what i'm curious about is what the difficulty adjustments are going to be like after that and when bch will be more profitable than btc again.

it looks like fight is going to be long and drawn out.

>> No.3157458

You deserve to lose your money.

>> No.3157461
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>> No.3157488


>> No.3157528

You already had lots of chances to make money off BCC this month. It's your own fault if you were late to the party.

>> No.3157540

you don't know what i do with my free time.

>> No.3157543


>20 days ago

Lol you big chinese cock suckers are so stupid

>> No.3157630

difficulty will jump to 330% of current if you can read charts

>> No.3157692

Meanwhile im sitting comfy in monero watching the world burn.

Enjoy your shitcoins butters.

>> No.3157700
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>> No.3157867

Or BTC goes down.

The chinese have the power to do both, at any rate, even if I disagree with them, I'm holding BCC now

>> No.3157893
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>> No.3158087

the fire rises!

>> No.3158208

You know that's the same thing right?...
If BTC goes down in fiat but BCH stays, the BCH/BTC ratio goes up

>> No.3158287

yes, the result is the same. I'm just saying that instead of bumping BCC, they could just dump a ton of BTC (which the chinese also have been hoarding for a long time for sure)