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File: 191 KB, 1195x752, block.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3146997 No.3146997 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, I told you a week ago to buy BlockCAT during the ICO.

If you didn't see the post, BlockCAT will deliver software to create Drag and Drop Smart Contracts (visual programming). Simple contracts can be made by anyone, more complex contracts can also be made and then audited by the BlockCAT team for security loopholes. They already have an Alpha.

You could get 1 CAT for around $1 during the ICO (300 CAT to 1 ETH). Current price is $3.30. 3x ROI...and it hasn't even hit major exchanges yet. If you want some, you can pick it up from EtherDelta before it really blows up.

Good team, good whitepaper, good alpha, tiny marketcap. This is something Ethereuem, and more specifically Blockchain in general, needs for it to truly start scaling and achieve mass adoption. $30m marketcap - you'd be crazy not to buy in.

>> No.3147069

I did buy

Too bad i only bought 2.5eth worth

Pretty comfy gains tho

Not sure if i should buy more

>> No.3147113

Put $2000 into the ICO.
The KIA dealership awaits me!

>> No.3147125

I didn't buy because all my ETH is tied up in ZRX. :(

>> No.3147129

Sitting comfy not selling til $20

>> No.3147173

Hello fellow catstronaut
It's been a blessing opening Blockfolio today

>> No.3147191

Weird, I don't remember posting this

>> No.3147198

Whats total supply and stuff? I cant work out market cap

>> No.3147215

I was the other anon shilling this.
Working out rather nicely hey?
Still massively undervalued though

>> No.3147224

It's sold out right now lol

>> No.3147225

That's the beauty of it. The devs haven't announced yet.
People cal ulated out that it's provably lile 7 or 8 million which would give it enormous growing potential!

>> No.3147227

I think about 6 or 7 mil cat sold at the ico

>> No.3147234

thanks for posting that OP, put in 3k at the ICO. in hindsight shoud have put in even more, could tell right away it was a winner

>> No.3147247

I was sitting there staring at the ICO buy in and thought "nah, I'll let my ZRX ride"
Which still sounds like a good plan. But I should have bought SOME cat.

Oh well. I put my last 3 free ETH into to ODN ICO, we'll see how that goes.

>> No.3147274

What the hell is this etherdelta site? that order book makes no sense

>> No.3147286

Guys, just stop and think for a minute.

We have here TOP project that has valuation at current price (4.46USD pre CAT) aprox 40mio USD. You honestly think this wont be at least 200mio?

Hodl til 20USD.


>> No.3147328


7 year warranty mahfuckers!

>> No.3147332

Thanks for the positive comments guys, expected a few trolls and it all looks like we're doing good! Supply is around 9.2m I believe, it says on the block explorer (coinmarketcap page).

My next ICO tip is Ammbr...!

>> No.3147348
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Lol this isn't even on big exchanges yet, imagine how many people don't even know how to use ED.

To all the CAT ICO buyers, congratulations, you're all about to get rich of off a meme.

t. 3000 cat holder feeling mighty comfy in my cat onezi

>> No.3147361

Don't you think it's a bit early to jump ship already. I'm still expecting a lot from Blockcat and it also serves an amazing service for Ethereum which also vouches for more longlivity.

>> No.3147384


Nope I'm not jumping ship until the market cap is $500m...so hopefully by the end of the year, especially as Segwit activation should bring in a ton of new money into cryptocurrencies. I'm just saying my next tip, that's all!

>> No.3147433

Okay I was just asking since it sounded like you were already ready to reinvest the cat gains into EMBR. I'le hold of for now from EMBR since CAT already is the majority of my portfolio now.

See you on the moon my friend!

>> No.3147434

It does, my fellow anon, it really does. I don't have any free ETH to put into Obsidian tho, and I'm seriously considering selling my ZRX bags because of this

>> No.3147462

ZRX is definitely not 'bags' territory, desu.

>> No.3147488
File: 104 KB, 775x719, 1434278656946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't buy CAT when it was only $3.76

>> No.3147532

I called them that because I have no ETH to play with right now, but the reason I keep them is because I think I'll have quite a bit more play money later. How high do you think it can go?

>> No.3147545


I think it'll hit $1, even out at about 70 cents. After exchanges start actually using it it'll just go up. Honestly maybe even $2.

>> No.3147552

Bought at ICO but so disappointed I only bought 900. Not too late though as anything now before it hits the big exchanges is gains.

>> No.3147554

it's really picking up some pace, did not expect this from just EtherDelt lol

>> No.3147561


What model Kia you buying bro?

>> No.3147581

Will you sell at 1$, or hope for even more? I too think 1$ is possible, 2$ might be closer to wishful thinking, but we'll see.

>> No.3147589

I bought ZRX instead of CAT - I only had enough to buy one. Tell me I made the right call.

>> No.3147592

Take that Lamborghini!

>> No.3147595

Optima Hybrid, eco and all. Or Ceed GT...

>> No.3147597

How does an ICO work?
You put your money there and receive tokens when it's over?
Why would something enter an ICO on the first instead of the last?
Having your money stuck sucks when you could be investing in other shit.

And what if the ICO ends, you get your tokens, but no exchange accepts it yet?
How are you going to convert back your gains to BTC?

>> No.3147602

God damn shut the fuck up.

>> No.3147607

I will sell most at $1. Only because I have a lot of student loans (40k) that I'm trying to pay off and crypto is my one hope. After I'm cashed out I'll buy back in and regret the lost opportunities but be happy I'm not in debt anymore.

If I wasn't selling out I'd sell half at $1 and hold the rest.

>> No.3147622

Lots of small exchanges will accept tokens. Generally, you just need to DYOR, it's easy to distinguish the good from the bad. If it's an ETH ICO, you send ETH to the ICO address. There are usually incentives, such as 40% extra if you buy in week 1, 30% week 2 etc.

ICOs tend to be the funding that allows the development team to create a product. However, sometimes there are special ICOs that come along (like CAT), that already have a product and need additional capital to grow and the ICO to raise the profile of the token.

>> No.3147623

I just want to learn.
I've never invested on ICOs before because most seemed uninteresting and I'm kinda old-fashioned for this new stuff.
But now I've been seeing some actually good ones and I'm curious.
Why the hostility?

>> No.3147633

You a regular /biz/bro? I saw some anon in pretty much the same situation on another thread or two. Good luck, man

>> No.3147634

This is not the place to ask questions and get a kind response. Try Reddit if you want a legit, thoughtful response to your questions, rather than nastiness

>> No.3147637

Thank you for the explanation.
I'm excited about Enigma.
Do you have any opinion on it?

>> No.3147646

If I sold all my DNT (~10k dnt) and bought CAT with it, would that be a big mistake? It's already almost 4x ICO price, but it seems like a legitimate product, moreso than dnt is. DNT does seem like more of a meme than a useful token.

I'm here 24/7, even during work. I'm absolutely obsessed with getting this loan off my back and won't stop til it's done.
Then I'm going to become a millionaire.

>> No.3147650

It's 4chan, that's pretty usual around here, don't take it seriously. Most people on biz are actually pretty alright compared to other boards

>> No.3147660

Don't buy right now. It's very, very high because there's such an undersupply. Wait for a dip

>> No.3147690

thanks a lot anons that shilled CAT , I managed to get in right before sale ended ,now i wished i bought more

>> No.3147691

I think I'm going to hold my DNT until around 30 cents, then sell it to buy into the ODN ICO. I consider CAT a missed opportunity at this point because of my limited funds (most of my money is sticking in ZRX long term)

>> No.3147699

Yeah, it's good to know when the ship has left and not FOMO buy. Smart move, I think

>> No.3147719

It was just over 9 million in the end, but that is still lower than most coins out there.

>> No.3147721

What do you think about ODN? It looks good to me but I'm not sure if anyone actually cares about the tech.

>> No.3147732

The ones you buy are the bottom of the red list on "order book". The green part is just people waiting to buy should the price dip..

>> No.3147746

Yeah, I've been looking into it. Seems like it could definitely go somewhere, but I don't know if people would abandon Wickr for it. Enjin ICO looks interesting too, IMO

>> No.3147850

Good job OP, I was the the other person posting during the BlockCAT ICO and the first few days after. I kept regretting my posts after though, because I felt like other people were stealing my BlockCAT.

>> No.3147885

Does anyone here think MNE was a good hold?

>muh shhhhh keep it a secret
>muh shit coin that generates more shit coins

Blockcat is literally like a tiny bit more complex MNE, but still COMPLETELY useless.

buy this coin if you enjoy pissing away money, faggots.

>> No.3147988

Pure salt. There are already some smart contracts on the Alpha. There will be more soon, and the coins practical use will be seen. The monentization of smart contracts is not useless you turd.

Of course you wouldn't buy BlockCAT if you weren't smart enough to realize monentizing smart contracts is what all developers want to do.

>> No.3148013

Buy before CAT moons! Bittrex is soon, the price will explode!

>> No.3148484

No mate i shiled blockcat

>> No.3149132
File: 85 KB, 480x454, 1421180194771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im up 300%... time to sell?

>> No.3149178

It's going to be listed on Bittrex Monday... I'll gladly liquidate you now

>> No.3149180

Where the FUCK do I find the token address when I'm trying to pull this coin out of etherdelta?

>> No.3149192



>> No.3149194


>> No.3149261


>> No.3149385

do you also know when coinmarketcap will show the marketcap and circulating supply for the coin?

>> No.3149599


No that string is right, thats the blockcat address. The name is cat and the hex value is 18.

>> No.3149607
File: 1.87 MB, 331x197, 1494903812348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I saw the price and I bought at ICO

>> No.3149704

im ok with my 900 cat.

>> No.3150165


Nobody honestly gives a fuck about the idea lol. Invest in the jockey, not the horse and then flip the coin before it fails.

>> No.3150182

it is just a guess because BlockCAT is in talks specifically with Bittrex as well as others to get listed. Apparently Bittrex is listing 6 new coins on Monday. Not sure about it all,but I am pretty confident that Bittrex will take on BlockCAT soon enough anyway.

>> No.3150269

This is shill coin

>> No.3150370

What coin isn't?

>> No.3150427

do the millionaire mentality NOW. and ignore the loan. your capital expanding is the most important thing if you ever want to be a millionaire.

>> No.3150471

I don't think i can really become a millionaire anon. I only have 20k, 17 of which is in zrx. Where do I even go from here?

>> No.3150490

20k is not bad. just think 2020 ;-) if you can make a x10 x20 until then. not bad money

>> No.3150515

Maybe. I just got lucky with zrx though. I don't even have capital to do anything else while I'm holding it

>> No.3150801

Was going to but since i found other icos and i pack the money to invest in a fifth i had to cut that out

Still a real good coin

>> No.3150938
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These are the exchanges. English and chinese.

>> No.3150983
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>> No.3151016

I mean, each time a coin hits a new good exchange it reaches a new all time high. The floor is going to be nice and high for anyone that buys in before.

>> No.3151027

nice just bought 5eth

>> No.3151058

Can someone point me to where I can buy this?

>> No.3151064

Etherdelta, look up some vids on YouTube if you can't figure it out

>> No.3151107

Etherdelta is intimidating at first, but once you import your eth wallet, transfer it to the exchange wallet, you simply make a buy order from the bottom of the red list on "order book" and just make sure you have enough left for the transaction fee.

Anyone else watch that fucking video of that british guy buying Veristaseum where only about 15 seconds of the middle of his videos is important? It's like an etherdelta rite of passage I think.

>> No.3151115

god i had the noose halfway tied before i got thru it

>> No.3151128

I totally watch that video! He had a soothing voice

>> No.3151187

I like the way the British say Verastaseum, but fuck do they have a bad habit of complicating their explanations.

>> No.3151204

hi anon, wanted to thx you.
how long do you plan on holding it yourself?

>> No.3151232


1337 CAT holder reporting in ( yes 1337 units) I plan on holding to $10, which i believe is a good price target for everyone.

>> No.3151273
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My personal goal.

>> No.3151316

With only 75% of the coin in circulation, $20 blockcat implies a market cap of $135,000,000. This would just bring it below the current top #50 coin on coinmarket cap. This is more dependent on a mature project though.

>> No.3151549

Missed so many moon missions because I didn't want to touch etherdelta. I guess I will have to sign up now

>> No.3152460
File: 252 KB, 544x678, goodpark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 eth sell wall @ 0,0088 -
>what does he know

>> No.3152559

recap of the token sale:
very promising news indeed.
>When we started planning our sale, we had two goals. The first was a fair evaluation of the company. We’ve seen other companies complete behind-closed-doors deals to sell off large percentages of their tokens before the sale begins at huge discounts, artificially inflating the value of their marketcap at the expense of their dedicated fans and buyers. We were offered these same deals, and we declined them. CAT was to be firmly in the hands of our users and the people who believed in what we are building. The second was a widespread distribution of tokens, so we could truly build smart contracts for everyone, not just a handful who control and manipulate the supply.

>> No.3152735

Pushing the price lower to accumulate probably

>> No.3152835
File: 1.05 MB, 1088x691, 1501090661519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting comfy with my 1 ETH in the ICO. I am a poorfag, but I'm willing to ride the wave to riches, or at least a couple months off my mortgage.

I'll keep an eye on your next tip as well.

>> No.3152842

I haven't bought in, but this is going to double digits 100%


>> No.3152871

fuck i knew i should have jumped on board, but baka this logo seemed childish so i changed my mind

>> No.3152891

this is bullshit, yes you SHOULD be an expert before making smart contracts. ethereum is just the platform of scams i guess

>> No.3152897

maybe you could get in now. at least the price is going down a bit. (dont take this as an investment fjlasdjflkasdkf u k what a meme)

>> No.3152912

No if it has a shit logo it will moon - check district0x.

>> No.3152926

I really wish this shit was added to a normal exchange quicker. What's taking them so long ffs.

>> No.3153680

9 mill initial market cap,
wtf lol

>> No.3153716

I hope you guys bought the dip from those idiots putting on a sale at 0.008

>> No.3153757

lets hope they did

>> No.3153766

Agrello though

>> No.3153814

jfc this Etherdelta thing is a mess. Coin looks promising though so I guess I will dedicate my afternoon to figuring out how to use.

>> No.3153904


blockcat can literally pull a DNT / 0x, aka 20-25x gains once it gets added to a decent exchange, the initial marketcap / supply is just so low even though they got a functioning product

the same with agrello, very low supply, very low marketcap, tokens hasn't been released yet, but its def a must have for atleast 5x gains

>> No.3153924

Whats the fucking marketcap?

>> No.3153939

no one knows yet, but it was 9 million at ICO, so its probably around 25-30 million now considering the price

>> No.3153943

About 32 million at present.

>> No.3153976

meh overpriced at 32 million market cap

>> No.3154249

Etherdelta wasn't as terrible to figure out as I first suspected. Bought 10 ethereum worth of cats, thanks for the tip OP.

>> No.3154309

dnt went from 30 million to 150 million within a week or two

its def possible to profit greatly even now