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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 256x256, images (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3150282 No.3150282 [Reply] [Original]

Do not send any eth to their address! It's a scam!

>> No.3150291

nice bought 100k

>> No.3150293
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>> No.3150300
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>> No.3150308


Comfy life awaits.

>> No.3150311

Holy shit

>> No.3150314
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>> No.3150320

Thanks for giving me a larger slice at the crowdsale based hackers

>> No.3150329


>> No.3150331
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>> No.3150333

Did this actually happen? I was going to throw some ETH in this and ultimately decided not to

>> No.3150340


>> No.3150353

Why does this shit happen the very minute that ETH starts to finally break away from the slump?

>> No.3150354

RIP top pajeetcoin prospect

>> No.3150359
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>> No.3150368
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Now I don't feel so bad about their fucking privileged whitelist form.


>> No.3150371

Yes it did. People started saying it was a scam in slack, then they shut down all the channels.

>> No.3150374
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>> No.3150379
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enigma you are pathetic

>> No.3150387

Looks to me like some cunt has just called himself "Enigma MOD" on telegram and begun an intense FUD campaign desu. Never seen him in the telegram group before and I've been quite active there.

Will be satisfying if they got hacked though because they're a smug bunch of bastards. 0.60 ICO price and a privileged buyers list, fuck them honestly

>> No.3150395

I really hope this doesnt happen to obsidian
T.ico particpater

>> No.3150403

Also, this throws into so much doubt that spreadsheet that got "leaked" the other day. Be very fucking sceptical of any of the ICOs listed on that, especially the high rated ones. Who the fuck would give away what appears to be such a goldmine of information like that?? You got rushed /biz/

>> No.3150409

nah obsidian team are security pros

>> No.3150411

>It's another fake hack episode

>> No.3150426
File: 84 KB, 631x852, feels awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad I was taking a break from everything, was looking forward to get some.
>watching some movie
>phone vibrates
>new email
>enigma presale starts
>hmm k check it later whatever.jpg
>checking webpage
>no webpage is up
>let's check /biz/raelis
>see this thread

nice, dodged a bullet, right?

>> No.3150435

This project is finished. even if everyone posted their skin color no one will ever believe in this wild west it wasnt the devs pulling something.

Most likely what happened is they did get hacked by some pajeet scammer.

Sucks to be them. they were about to have millions.

>> No.3150436

it was just from some dude's youtube channel lmao and it wasn't leaked it was always public

>> No.3150445


uh link this sheet dude

>> No.3150448
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>> No.3150454
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damn scammers workign hard.

someone threw 100 eth at that address.

Im all for the gains. but this could make some an heros tonight

>> No.3150465


The devs will be furious that some hacker ran off with the money that they were planning to run off with

>> No.3150468

They announced the ico would be sept 11th, you have to be retarded to send ETH today

>> No.3150498

When this shit starts happening on a regular I think it's time to pull out of crypto

SEC is gonna come down hard

>> No.3150512
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I feel the same way Anon, makes me sad and angry

>> No.3150513

Wait. Fuck guys.

Does that mean the whitelist was a scam too?

They have our name and emails.

>> No.3150517


>> No.3150519


Yeah big brother bout to come down hard on the ICO scene, good riddance I say.

>> No.3150534

These hackers literally have identifying information on you hahahahahahahaha

>> No.3150547

one for 100 too.. rip

>> No.3150558

Damn someone got fucked hard

>> No.3150561

The emails keep coming

>> No.3150578

No the white list was most likely legit. This hack just happened. Looks like they broke into guy's account and I'm guessing he used the same password for everything like an idiot.

I still want to invest but these people need to get better at security. They're MIT graduates for god's sake.

>> No.3150584


>> No.3150598

shit like this is honestly gonna force the feds to come down hard.

>> No.3150604

teams been locked out of their admin access on slack as well. how can they stop this lol

>> No.3150607

Hope vitalik kills the scammers address

>> No.3150610

follow along here: were on our way to half a mil boys


>> No.3150617

yeah no it's not his responsibility, enigma devs should have been more careful

>> No.3150623
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>> No.3150646


>> No.3150655
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How can I stop this transaction

>> No.3150665
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>> No.3150677
File: 563 KB, 446x1000, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decentraland ICO was a shitshow, Propy is niche and not worth it. 0x was a good idea with a great team, also it's been more than 7 months they were out there building something and they have pulled one of the most decent ICOs ever.
Red Pulse and Chain link sound like uber bullshit, but I may be wrong there.
That spreadsheet isn't nothing special unless you are a clueless faggot that can't do his homework.

>> No.3150681


>> No.3150695
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>> No.3150703

Isn't being secure the whole purpose of Enigma?

What a big failure that was...

Projects like 0x, Obsidian, and Kyber will prosper because of situations like this

>> No.3150710
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>> No.3150716

its .4 eth faggot. consider yourself lucky.

there is a dude that just wasted 30k.

yours is a nothing burger.

>> No.3150720

>nigger gets lucky with a few ICOs and decide to become a crypto guru
>idiots think his picks are legit


>> No.3150726

thanks senpai
i screenshotted this as well since i knew it'd get shoa'd after it was shared here

>> No.3150752
File: 73 KB, 460x562, remember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought so. I read other posts of other anons about the spreadsheet but this was the first time I actually seen it and read it.
Some days I can't believe I'm making decent money with crypto, then this kind of shit passes by and I'm sure part of that money is coming from these retards.
Oh well.

>> No.3150768
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youre a fucking idiot. look at the picture again dumbshit

>> No.3150777

Why are there ETH payments less than $100,000? It was pretty clear that the presale was for the rich. As for the rich, that's fucking rough.

>> No.3150782

Of course it is, crypto is 100% a ponzi, as long as you get out before it collapses its aight.

>> No.3150793

I see transactions and receivers, where are you inferring transaction amounts on that. jerkface.

>> No.3150794
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>> No.3150799

didn't they ask for private keys too?

>> No.3150809

People are still sending lol

it's all these 80 iq pakis you see joining the telegram/slack channels just hoping to make a buck without understanding anything

>> No.3150811

No just email, slack username, and amount you want to invest.

>> No.3150814

Fuck man, F

>> No.3150821

No so if "they" did you better switch that wallet.

>> No.3150828

No. Maybe I got the legit version? This was like 8 hours ago. Asked for telegram name, slack name, and email.

>> No.3150840
File: 113 KB, 1266x878, Screen Shot 2017-08-20 at 11.12.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o boy

>> No.3150848

ah I just saw a screenshot from an anon earlier showing that ((they)) did.

>> No.3150863
File: 437 KB, 1061x1417, ripnigma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long live enigma

>> No.3150868

Con is a fag btw

>> No.3150933



>> No.3150977

Bitcoin Cash(Crash) is dying, Bitcoin is fine

>> No.3150985


Se how nicely our dubs sum up

>> No.3150997

Bit Coin Crap.

>> No.3151034


>> No.3151038
File: 55 KB, 640x631, 1494476239192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this. They got their just deserts for their underhanded secret registration faggotry.

>> No.3151048

nigger is a data scientist so i'll trust his word more than biz shills

>> No.3151065
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Fun part is that people still is sending ETH to that address.

>> No.3151083

well someone just tried logging into my facebook. i wonder why facebook out of all of the things they could try with my email. I guess its time for a new email address

>> No.3151101

I can't fucking believe the contract name is literally "Fake_Phishing"

>> No.3151106

Fucking hilarious, isn't it? The guy doesn't give a fuck, he just made a quick half million dollars off retards.

>> No.3151138
File: 289 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170821-074221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1337 haxors

Pic related

>> No.3151142

Check the tokens on the ETH Address

>> No.3151183

oh my god.... this is terrible. i hope this guy or group gets caught.

>> No.3151196

Lol, are you from reddit? I do kinda feel sorry for these dumb saps though.. just trying to make some money. I mean, I was salty as shit over not getting into the whitelist, imagine the salt of these people?

>> No.3151207

I feel bad for 100 eth dude. he just wasted over 30k.

thats a bad night

>> No.3151210

This doesn't just hurt the people who got scammed.
Do you think the 4000% gainers will keep happening if people are too scared or critical to invest?

>> No.3151217

Check out his wallet, he still has $2.9 million in it, he'll be fine.

It's true, this is gonna have a ripple effect.

>> No.3151236

I hope nobody kill themselves

>> No.3151255

Looks like someone was really upset he didn't make the whitelist.

>> No.3151262
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>> No.3151275

You know what they say, don't fuck with the internet.

>> No.3151281

If people got scared of investing into ICOs they would buy overpriced bags directly from exchanges

>> No.3151303

those guys will forever be known as the ones that got hacked and fucked by their piers.

nothing will happen. Shit going 4000% will keep going 4000% because that happens when people get it on exchanges after missing the ICO. Maybe MIT super intelligent dudes will get better with securing their shit.

>> No.3151311

maybe, but this is actually a small amount compared to other recent ICO mishaps and hacks that people pretty much have already forgotten about

coindash hack- $7 million
veritaseum hack- $8.4 million
rexmls incorrect address- $2 million
parity multisig hack - $30 million
probably some more im missing, and this was just in like the past two months

this hack is gonna be what 500k? nothing compared to those others

>> No.3151314

No way will this 400% after this. These americunts will either be killed by sore losers (mhu freedoms!) Or quickly be forced out of business.

>> No.3151323

Good point. And man, $30 million? That hacker must have shit themselves in joy.

>> No.3151346

ohh yeah, Enigma dudes are dead or the butt of the joke for the rest of their natural lives. I'm sorry for them, but I would like to know what the fuck happened and who really fucked up.

>> No.3151358

I'm betting they got keylogged and didn't have 2 factor authentication on their accounts.

>> No.3151359

How can you get so easily scammed people!!! Over 1000 Ether's already sent to this address!! That's incredible! Think before you act, there are so many scam's now that you should be always in alert mode.....but. Because of you price of crypto than fall. Because of your stupidity there appear news that crypto got hacked and price start to fall............

>> No.3151399

dude, you need to learn proper english and sentence structure. You don't want other anons on your favourite gook finger painting drawings board to laugh at you, don't you?

>> No.3151444

So is all of their credibility pretty much gone?

>muh MIT education

>> No.3151477

This goes for every single one laughing at Slavs running ICOs.
Only sad thing is people that had a couple of ethers and got fucked, whales and the rest can suck it.

>> No.3151521

do you think people will still invest after that shit-show?

>> No.3151542

Honestly, some probably still will. But obviously the hype is pretty dead now so it won't moon like it was going to.

>> No.3151546

coindash lost $7 mil in their hack and its up over 300%

>> No.3151575

>people are still sending thousands of dollars

At $467,682 now..

>> No.3151654

Sadly this

It was going to moon 100,000% like ans, strat, now it will probably only do like 50,000%

>> No.3151666
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Lol, "ignore the scammers" indeed.

>> No.3151673

50k%? I think you're going too far. Some better alternatives are already done/coming

>> No.3151674
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>> No.3151691

Such as? It was an american team full of MIT guys, it was supposed to be our jupiter ticket, now theres nothing else except 1 ico i wont mention.

>> No.3151695

>implying they dont plan to sell it for monero ASAP

>> No.3151770

Enjoy living on zero ground when we live in sky cities

>> No.3151773

this show american get dumber if you want real education go to indian institute of technology

>> No.3151776

Why are there still people sending eth to the address baka

>> No.3151780

Honestly people will forget by the time the actual ICO happens. Coindash still went up 3x and they fucked up even worse.

>> No.3151791

It always looked shady.i don't know how anyone could trust this. Red pulse is trash too. That nigger is stupid

>> No.3151802

What's funny is that I saw these emails and basically said "Oh, that's weird as fuck. That's a pretty sudden presale. But I plan to keep my money in 0x until their actual token sale next month, so I don't mind missing this."
And then this happens
Thank fucking god my shit is all in an actually decent coin
I'm still probably gonna grab the token sale - maybe not put in as much as I originally wanted to, but I've still never seen a coin go for less than the token sale price, so lmao.

>> No.3151822

Honestly, the nigger actually has good picks. I watched his stream so that I could copy/paste his documents, after he removed them from being public, and the way he gathers information is completely legit. Does it on stream and everything, will take requests for projects, marks everything he researches on an easily understood point scale
Even if he is retarded and this is some insane conspiracy theory in the making, I've legit learned some pretty good researching tactics, and methods of deciding which coins are better than others (and no you fucks, looking at the team and just going 'oh look they don't have an art degree' isn't research)
He's still a nigger though

>> No.3151844

Did you sign up directly to enigma for the email?

>> No.3151849

They just had a section on their site where you put in your email and your 'estimated' intended buy amount (in USD) so they could gauge shit, and then that was it. They planned to send you emails regarding the situation.
You could completely lie about how much you intended to spend, but it's not like they could force you to stick to it.

>> No.3151857

subscribed a while ago. I don't use that email on anything important and the two or three things I do I use 2fa. Not worried about it.

>> No.3151934

Whats his Youtube name?

>> No.3151952
File: 45 KB, 1078x197, Screenshot_2017-08-21-14-07-09-713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha ha

>> No.3151983

The irony.

>> No.3152015

Ironically, HackingTheSystem