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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3145077 No.3145077 [Reply] [Original]

That's it /biz/ I have 26 Bitcoin now and will quit my job tomorrow.

>> No.3145088

congrats anon.
You keeping them in btc, withdrawing to fiat or trying to gain more through alts?

>> No.3145089

Share how you got there.

>> No.3145108


why the fuck would you withdraw to fiat?

>> No.3145113

going to cash out a year buffer, then as I need. I can live 5 years of it as long as it wont crash to 100 dollars or so.

Sold Litecoin when it hit 0.02 the first time and made these 26 from an initial 10 using Bittrex and some ICOs. Never went all in btw, because I hate working so much that I didn't want to lose my stake.

>> No.3145121

>has his first 100k
>quits job
bro... idk if you're going to make it

>> No.3145135

Yo dude i got into cryptos 1 week ago. Rich kid here.

>private schools
>liberal gated community cucks
>always outsider like 4chan
>pretends to be hacker when teenager
>on the chans after boxy

I put 25 grand on DNT between 000078 and 00011

About 800% increase. I have been rich in one week guys. Thanks for the ride, cashing out.

>> No.3145138

>quitting job with only 100K in bank, potentially less after taxes
Anon I...

>> No.3145144

How long exactly do you plan on living with only 26 bitcoin. You are a fucking dumbass.

>> No.3145145

whatever, dont want to pretend as if i am actually doing stuff at work anymore

>> No.3145155

yeah a dumbass who will have at least 5 free years, with a shot at retiring completly if btc takes off

>> No.3145188

good for you OP, I have 8 btc and already cashed out 2 btc some weeks ago which I'm currently living off of, I made so much money this month that I hope I never have to wagecuck ever again

>> No.3145199

The only dumbass is you really. Take into consideration how much 20+ btc is worth in a 3rd world country. You can live off of it nicely class for 10-15 years. Besides why do you assume he won't be trading to make more BTC? You're never gonna make it kid, look outside the box for once.

>> No.3145227

Ask if u can work from home

>> No.3145245

thats nice, I like your attitude! I was too chicken myself, but I have resolved to live a more exciting life. They say the young should take risks.

>> No.3145269

>every person with 100k should quit their job and move to 3rd world country
>trading to make more BTC?
That's really the only valid argument here. If he's going to be trading to make even more then he might make it.

>> No.3145273

Are you planning to find some comfy freelance type work eventually while you're free for 5 year? If you could sustain yourself on btc gains and some nice gigs here and there that would be pretty chill.

>> No.3145279

Smart, conservative trades and he can build that up to 100 btc in a year or two.

>> No.3145295

It's easy to say that when everything has been going up for a few months, but I don't think it would be sustainable for a decade or something.

>> No.3145326

No job, no benefits. You're one crisis away from being poor again.

I feel dumber after reading this thread.

>> No.3145344

I am a truNEET and have no interest to work. Crypto is the first time I am having fun earning money.

I got a nice job, which is basically me sitting around, while trading crypto without them knowing and having decent co-workers. However even that makes me sick.

I even changed my Job to work part-time for them, it still wasn't enough. Maybe I really am the biggest leech.

>> No.3145358

at least I could escape for 5 years

>> No.3145363
File: 182 KB, 778x764, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I edited that picture so it works as a commercial for biz and cryptos. Please post this on other boards so our shitcoins will increase in price.

>> No.3145386

>not sustainable for a decade

lmao, i'd be surprised if this crypto craze keeps going on even for another month. we're currently experiencing the opportunity of a lifetime..

>> No.3145399

what's your job? what general area if u don't wanna say
Anyway do what you want of course, just wondering if you had any plans

>> No.3145431

it dude in northern europe, if I tell people they all say "but why quit, play it safe for a few more years". Each year lost is gone forever.

>> No.3145495

well you're gonna need some income after 5 years anyway, unless bitcoin goes to fucking pluto or something

>> No.3145517


can u help me on the rocketship to the moon


>> No.3145547

no, dont look for the handouts, look for the advice and know how to keep the one sharing entertained

>> No.3145568

Good luck, mate. I hope that is enough for you.

Money calls money (probably not OP) so...
BTC: 1Fpi2x5FQnSVUheQqpod2RFNtdP5DpbC2k

>> No.3145582

are you like actually actively trading during the day, or do you just buy a few shitcoins and set sells?
because I used to scalp multiple trades a day but ended up missing bigger rocketships than if I just held and traded once or twice a day

>> No.3145616

im more of a long con guy. I held my BCC until the spike the last few days and sold them all then.
Once it stabilizes I will buy my stake back, I hope it will stabilize lower.

I also throw some money at ICOs, but never too much, usally it turns out well. If you feel like a coin is good and wouldnt mind having it, then its a good pick. The real art is covering your investments, i.e even covering half your investment means that a coin could tank to half its buy in price and you are still good.

>> No.3145637

June called, they want their FUD back.

>> No.3145652

Remember. The lady at the tax office will usually only agree to accept bitcoin after you've shot and killed at least 3 of her coworkers.

>> No.3145713
File: 87 KB, 580x326, 635592620464938948-Jake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fudding, I want this ride to never end, but it just feels too good to be true. If I keep these gains up I'll be a millionaire in a couple of months.

>> No.3145729

begging should be a bannable offence

>> No.3145746

with covering you just mean sell part of it soon-ish?

>> No.3145779

sort of yeah, it always depends. On a huge bull rush I sometimes even take profit early on, like with bat. Then you got money to reinvest again, while still holding the coin you bought.

This works because I never go all in and therefore always have funds.

>> No.3145793

congrats anon!

>> No.3145806

How can I turn 1btc into 5?

>> No.3145847

slowly, just because you only got 1 btc, doesnt mean you should gamble it.

>> No.3145975
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Good to be back :)

>> No.3145995

How do you start in this business? Is there a /biz/ guide to make money I can get a link