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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 300x300, bch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3126483 No.3126483 [Reply] [Original]

> 0.2

>> No.3126493

Nop, this gonna crash so hard after Whales stops their pump.

>> No.3126494

What will happen after 0.2 wall is reached?

>> No.3126511

I hope this pump lasts untill the burgers wake up, so all the alts go to red again.
Theres money to be made from stupidity.

>> No.3126517

Why are people saying BCC will kill crypto if it wins?

>> No.3126526

the post

>> No.3126535
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Because they want normies to think crypto is sane investment

>> No.3126558

0.2 exchanges like polo start to run out of bitch coin and 1.0 is with swinging distance. basically its the last set of weak hands to overcome

>> No.3126560


>> No.3126598


I think most of the iron hands are on board now

I'm not selling this fucking shit for my life, I learned my lesson trying to sell to accumulate and lost 0.3 BCC off of it. Could have sold the dip yesterday and bought, but it's still a gambling move despite their being overwhelming sell signals

Anyone who holds now will end up on top

>> No.3126610
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>> No.3126625


>> No.3126635


>> No.3126636


Sat down at 0.9 with my shitcoin money out of fomo and strapped (all) in at 0.15

The dip yesterday to 0.14 didn't even fucking faze me, this is already through the clouds and over the next month going beyond the stratosphere into the stars.

>> No.3126638

Is today the flippening?

>> No.3126642

Mini flippening with ETH this evening hopefully (when China wakes up).

>> No.3126644

> 0.205
it's mooning now, broke through the resistance

>> No.3126645

I literally did the same, you get used to the dips when you're in it for a while..

>> No.3126647

>t. Blockstream

>> No.3126654

shit coin
sell the news dump tonight before difficulty adjustment hits

screencap this

>> No.3126661

i think the next major milestone is $1000 usd. at that point normies might take it seriously.

>> No.3126676

Just like NEO at 6 USD eh, fuck off never again /biz/

>> No.3126678


Actually you may have a point. I have considered that being way more profitable than bitcoin may be bad at the start and create short term loss as miners obviously look to cash in on those mad profits. More volume at a higher price isn't conducive to maintaining said price, but it depends on what volume we see.

>> No.3126683

Over 50% volume from South Korea alone

>> No.3126688

i went all in at ~0.14 and i'm scared shitless

>> No.3126689

same bro i think the general consensus is that everyone has faith in this coin I will HODL

>> No.3126692

Hello /r/bitcoin

>> No.3126696


>at that point, BTC holders will probably FOMO all in as their realize the flippening is upon us



>> No.3126725

I want this whale to get rekt so hard

not buying in, sold mine

>> No.3126730


You are a damned fool

>> No.3126737

A war is being fought on Bittrex right now lol

>> No.3126739

bought in at .206 this morning so I expect this to be at .103 in no less than an hour.

>> No.3126749


>> No.3126766


>> No.3126767

Another missed moon, anon.

>> No.3126768
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Went in at 0.06 and never looking back. I had a feeling.

>> No.3126770


>> No.3126776

What utter bullshit

I have no faith at all in this shit coin, sold mine after the moment I got it.
Enjoy some profits, don't be the last to hold the bags.

/biz is not the world
The outside world of crypto doesn't give a damn about done altcoin with bitcoin in its name

>> No.3126849

/biz/ didn't give a shit about it either still they started riding the pump too then they all started spreading jihads propaganda and shilling like fuck.

Will be the same people that makes threads next week laughing at people still holding at bcc. You faggots don't have to LARP just because you hold a stake in a coin, if you think 4chan has actual real impact on the price of a coin with this much volume you're a fucking moron.

I'm in on the BCC pump too but I'm not roleplaying like a faggot, we all know BTC will win in the end and we're all waiting for the dump

>> No.3126925

That's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.3126966

Do you feel in charge?

>> No.3126972

i'm wondering what will happen to coinbase after the flip.

>> No.3126983

>be me
>get a bunch of free BCH because bitcoin hoarder
>dont even bother to claim them yet
>somehow theyre now worth almost 700 euro each

how the fuck do people NOT put money in bitcoin?
its literally free money raining down from the sky

>> No.3126993

our dark Lord rains the shekels upon us. hail Satan!

>> No.3126996
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>> No.3127006

Every $ BCH gained, is a $ BTC lost.

>> No.3127015

Expect a huge sell off at 1000USD guys.

Imma be taking profits and buying back in.

Won't be able to crash it on my own (obviously) but might make a dent and cause a chain reaction.

>> No.3127028

people are going to take their BCC and put it back into BTC..right?

which means its a really good time to buy BTC right now before it sky rockets to $5000, correct?

>> No.3127029


Let's see what happens at this 900USD resistance.

>> No.3127033

How profitable it is shorting BTC right now?

>> No.3127034

>Every $ BCH gained, is a $ BTC lost.

huh how so?

>> No.3127041

Are you BTC bag hodlers shaking right now ?

>> No.3127042

Yep. Once the market realizes the epic dump, Bitcoin will hit ath.

>> No.3127056

You don't get money out of thin air. You'll notice the value of BCH+BTC is near constant.

>> No.3127057

Expecting it at 1000USD.

Either an epic drop to ~ 0.15 or skyrocket to 1300USD, and by then God knows what might happen.

>> No.3127069

Holdin a comfy 53 bch bag

>> No.3127071


>> No.3127096


>> No.3127100

Who's buying this altcoin useless shit

>> No.3127104


>> No.3127106

Only 30 herr anon. Will i get at least a used camry?

>> No.3127108

melted like fucking butter

>> No.3127114


>> No.3127117
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Is kraken.com simulating technical difficulties?

>> No.3127125
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People who want to get rid of their BTC.

>> No.3127127

Just sold 50% of my stake.

My hatred of chinks just made me a shitload.

>> No.3127128


>BTC went up after fork
>BCH went up after fork

Im still not sure what youre talking about, anon.

>> No.3127136

It's insane. I want to move my cold storage BCH and nothing works. Fucking Kraken.

>> No.3127138

please give me 1 or 2 senpai or at least .05

>> No.3127159

anyone got some of dat BCC

any amount helps

BCC: 18Xyih9zy4t5JL7UrSSQjBeuEb9SgxTZDL

>> No.3127163

Sent ;)

>> No.3127168

Victory will be Bitcoins not segshitgones

>> No.3127170

@$900 WTF

>> No.3127177

Oops forgot to include u too. Sent ;)

>> No.3127183

wtf i'm rich now

>> No.3127185

It's just another pump after all.

>> No.3127190

Sell just below $1k y/n?

>> No.3127192

Sent ;)

>> No.3127195

What a fucking wild ride.
>be me, have 66 BTC because casino affiliate
>find out have 66 BCH now for whatever
>sell BCH at .07
>start reading about BCH and "flippening"
>buy 10 BTC of BCH at .08
>read some more crap on reddit and /biz/
>buy 16 BTC of BCH at .15 last night

Now holding 40 BTC, 210 BCH, 45 ETH. Thoughts?

>> No.3127198

wtf i'm twice as rich now

>> No.3127203

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.3127204

U rich nigga

>> No.3127209

sorry, 150 ETH (worth about $45K)

>> No.3127211


>> No.3127213

Which colour lambo?

>> No.3127217
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It's like the banks in the 20s: "Sorry, the door of the vault doesn't open. Come again tomorrow."

>> No.3127219

1000 in no time

>> No.3127223

still feels like magical internet credits though...really strange...

>> No.3127229

0.277 on bithump this is INSANE

>> No.3127235


>> No.3127237

Yea maybe take some profit now. Who knows what happen. Congrats tho

>> No.3127241

Nah, I'm a grown-up with houses and cottages and kids in private school...no lambo...kids are fucking expensive :)

>> No.3127249

I don't actually need the money right now...I'm just trying to cover my ass whichever side wins.

>> No.3127265

same question

>> No.3127271

How can I lock in my BCH gains if kraken doesn't work? I'm not verified for USDT on Bittrex.
Send to Bittrex, buy Monero?
Fuck this shit.

>> No.3127274

Its a good hedge. But the flippening wont bode well for crypto in general. If u dont need the money then hell yea ride this bitch out just better to err on the side of caution with this much movement and gaining that much value

>> No.3127278

>Be me
>Be a Pajeet
>Hold 0.0017BTC
>Receive free 0.0017BCH
>Have total of $8.5 worth of crypto now.

>> No.3127284


It would be a shame if you didn't help a poor honest hardworkin man out. BCC is all I need senpai - 12XKB6BjdmytUVvWWGogWVdpQm9fuQybCK

Why don't we celebrate this success :) I will never forget the potential gesture.

>> No.3127290
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>> No.3127298

Where did all the beggars come from?

>> No.3127300

wat do if it breaks 2.5 ? all hell will break lose

>> No.3127302

just used 100 usd to 'make' 8 usd , riding a wave for 10 minutes... monday its back to wagecuckin...

>> No.3127318


Sorry...I'm working on getting out of my rut. Just trying out my luck that's all, I don't rely on begging, I work. But hey, perhaps a cryptonaire can make me happy, why not, worth testing my luck :)

>> No.3127328

How do I lock in my BCH gains if kraken doesn't work.
It's literally enough to keep me neeting for a year or two.

>> No.3127340

Wew, shorted at 223 to go take a shower, come back and see this

>> No.3127347

Bcash dump = BTC jump.

>> No.3127351
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Feels so good to time the tip. Should I go back in?

>> No.3127385


kys faggot

Bitcoin Cash is gonna make noise this weekend, stay cucking your Bcoin.

>> No.3127398

No. Unless you can time a dead cat bounce after a 2d-long P&D, you're going to lose

>> No.3127412

this man knows what's up. btc.com switching to bcc rapidly now.

>> No.3127425

I OWN 43 Bcash, you fucking faggot.

Why did I hold? Because I love centralisation and Jihan's ballsack?

No, because I don't trust chinks, and it was obvious they would pump the coin.

Will dump hard at the height.

>> No.3127436

you could have dumped it all at .4 like the smart people did

>> No.3127445

No I couldn't I didn't have access to my coins at the time. I held through the bottom because I knew they woudl pump.

>> No.3127458
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All of the dumped money will be filtering into somewhere else tonight.

>> No.3127475

I know just what you mean.

>> No.3127503
File: 61 KB, 1440x575, 5151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I got 61 at an average price of .069. I took this screencap to remind myself of when BCC/BCH was at $300.

>> No.3127596


>> No.3127627

lmao that one miner can now literally print money by doing double spending

>> No.3127645

its like people on biz just invest without reading anything lmao theyll be crying when bcc past.3 by the end of the day
theyrer gonna shit a brick

>> No.3127657

Now we basically have 2 coins that are both called Bitcoin and they do pretty much the exact thing. Sometimes Crypto is a joke

>> No.3127658

I'm amazed at the support that keeps pushing back, surprised the $1,000 dump roof didn't put it into the floor.

>> No.3127665


You cannot trust anybody on biz. It's a snakepit full of scammers.

>> No.3127673


It's the game: Sell high, buy low, repeat.

>> No.3127769

haven't given a fuck about buttcoin in years since there were loads of threads on /g/, can somebody redpill me on it? Not that it makes a bit of difference

>> No.3127779

Afraid? Nah, I have the exact same amount of bitcoin and BCC.

>> No.3127795

>hurrdurr crypto isn't a sane investment

Literally one of the best-performing investments of the last decade.

>> No.3127833

So should I buy this or not? I keep hearing conflicting opinions about whether it's a pnd or not

>> No.3127850

no one knows desu. I bough a bit to hodl as insurance in case the next btc hard-fork goes sideways.

>> No.3127858

I am 4:4:2 BTC/BCH/Fiat right now

>> No.3127861
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>> No.3127869

Does anyone successfully claimed their BCC in Electrum wallet? I have some BTC stored inside before 1 Aug, so there should be some BCC in it.

>> No.3127881

That's 2:2:1 you dingus

>> No.3127896

Read this

>> No.3127899

I have. You need to get that electrum cash wallet version and then somewhere in the internet there is a shady reddit post that tells you how to connect it to the right nodes

>> No.3127901

How do you know he's Australian?

>> No.3127902

you can't pnd on a volume greater than bitcoin... go see 24h volume on coinmarketcap. it's officially not a pnd and the people spreading that meme are bamboozling you.

>> No.3127922

After you return to leddit, take some time to visit /r/heliumbags and end your life you dumb nigger

>> No.3127926


I've downloaded ElectronCash 2.9.2. When I run it, it automatically copies Electrum wallet's default_wallet file, and I can see my BTC transactions in it. Is this how am I supposed to see? But the nodes aren't connected yet. I might go and find those reddit post later.

>> No.3127939

You don't have to do that anymore. Newer version automatically connect you to the right nodes.

You clearly haven't read >>3127896. You're not supposed to use it on the same machine of your BTC wallet file

>> No.3127951

You should move all Bitcoin to a new wallet, then open electron cash and restore your Bitcoin wallet (that you just emptied) from it's seed. Hey Presto, you have your BCash. I recommend transferring your BCash from electron cash to coinomi though

>> No.3127961

Well, fuck... Nodes aren't connected and I quitted the app. Hopefully, things doesn't go wrong


>> No.3127974

I forgot to add, run electron cash on a different device

>> No.3127982


>> No.3127987

K thanks for the advice, guys.

>> No.3127993

fuck this shit. i sold at 0.2 and instantly it starts to moon

>> No.3127994

I hope you guys bought the dip we are in for another ride

>> No.3127997

The point is Electron Cash automatically read your BTC wallet file. Does it do anything malicious with it? No one knows. So it's better to be careful and use another machine or delete your BTC wallet first.

>> No.3128018

I rebought at 0.18 during the latest dip.

>> No.3128021

lel I would even send the BTC somewhere else before doing anything

>> No.3128043

Yes that would be better. I already moved my BTC and was only redeeming my BCH so didn't need to do that. Scrubbed the address after that.

>> No.3128066
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Bitcoin Crash Roger Ver paid shills are at full stream trying to infest /biz/ with their reddit faggotry.

Meanwhile in technical realities of life (@49:00)


>> No.3128071

Bitcoin cash will drop back in like 5 minutes like it did before, sell before its late.

>> No.3128125

Just look at btc right now it's falling as bch is rising. The flipping is already underway. By next week btc will be worthless. The jig is up now everyone knows segwit is just another kike scam.

>> No.3128127

saw this already, I've never thought that 8mb would slow down the network... I thought the debate was only about the hard drive costs.

In this case what core did makes sense.

>> No.3128229

Share pls senpai, anything helps

>> No.3128234

Sent ;)

>> No.3128262

Nah ive got 7.5 BCC and 5.3 Btc so Im cool with a flip.

>he has no bitcoin cash

>> No.3128270
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Based Anon could you spare one BCC or a half?


>> No.3128286
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>> No.3128287

$1000 in <4 hours screenshot this

>> No.3128295

What's with all the beggars ITT?

>> No.3128332

Holy shit i can't decide if I should sell now while I'm ahead

>> No.3128333

>poorfags will be poorfags

>> No.3128336


I got all my crypto from begging on biz and bitcointalk.

Never paid a penny myself.

t. >>3127278

>> No.3128363

Yes. Get rid of your bags while you can. If you think this is real, it isn't. This is Jihan+Ver.

>> No.3128370



$1000+ here we go!

>> No.3128381

Didn't receive ;-;

>> No.3128393

Sent ;)

>> No.3128400

y senpai

>> No.3128410


Not even Jihan and Ver don't have the kind of money pumping into this market man.

>> No.3128415

What do you monitor to check this?

>> No.3128416

>You'll notice the value of BCH+BTC is near constant.
>it's currently almost 5k total

>> No.3128428

>pump and dump with this volume
this is something else m9

>> No.3128440

We are doing around 10 block an hour. So the adjustment should be in about 12-14 hours.

About to get crazier

>> No.3128455
File: 101 KB, 602x413, main-qimg-1edb4ebf25f1a24d2bf1ab39cb792cb4-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thrusters engaged will reach atmosphere in t minus 6 hours cya at .7 losers

>> No.3128469
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they are afraid

>> No.3128479

I can smell the gains in the air boi. We are hitting $1500+ tonight. screenshot this.

>> No.3128499

dead af lmaoooo

They all say hes just a friend and how gross he is :(

>> No.3128513

NO, because I'm holding as many as I am BTC. Period.

>> No.3128577
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Trust in Jihan. If digits this goes to $2000

>> No.3128584

Accepting any satoshis por pavor :0

Bitcoin is the one true coin. Not buying into this shitcoin


>> No.3128588

anon what have you done

>> No.3128596
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also can't wait to see this chart in 12 hour after the next difficulty drop

>> No.3128616


When someone on biz acts this certain and indignant I always do the opposite.

>> No.3128645



>> No.3128649

id speaks the truth

when is take off?

>> No.3128653


Are you shilling this in every thread? I saw you put this on reddit as well

>> No.3128676

if it starts getting near 1:1 i sell my btc to bcc, until then im just gonna short it on the way up.

>> No.3128686

Difficulty adjustment for bitcoin cash is at block 479808

we are on block 479686 and you can see here

we get around 10 an hour or so.

>> No.3128697

> To the MO0N bb

>> No.3128705
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>> No.3128706

oh shit

>> No.3128712

what will be then?

>> No.3128745
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you can check on coinmarketcap. Currently almost 60% is from korea

>> No.3128766
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 24rW36VB_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By this time tomorrow BCC will have continued upward. It will reach .305, then tank shortly, as it has so far at .14, .198, and .225.

HODL until this point, then sell, and buy back on the dip for maximum gains before the next stall point. Please do not share this .305 point off this thread.

Screenshot this, then at this time tomorrow, when you look at your $BCC, follow CryptoLain on Twitter.

>> No.3128783

i dont know what the fuck is real anymore

>> No.3128785

difficulty lowers on bitcoin cash mining. making it even MORE profitable than it already is.

Calling $1500+ screenshot this

>> No.3128794

Nice ID ,I think BCC has pumped enough,im getting out while i can.

>> No.3128801

Don't you understand that by flipping hashpower to BCC, it evens out? Which would make BTC more profitable to mine? This is a seesaw.

>> No.3128817
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>> No.3128821

uh no, when mining power switches over and increases it will also increase the value of bcc even though the difficulty will raise again.

>> No.3128847
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better graph. looks like btc even went a little up since the start of the pump

>> No.3128883

Why do cashlets think their shitcoin will go up in value just because it's more profitable to mine? It just means miners will make more profit when dumping. It's profitable for miners, not traders.

>> No.3128943

ok dummy whatever you say

>> No.3128968

Nice argument cashlet

>> No.3128985

>Speculators speculating, thus increasing the price of BCH
>No big movement among miners actually happening
>BCH gonna take over BTC!

>> No.3129049

>antpool and btc top are about to open bcc pools.
>thinks tide won't turn after 2 of the top pools activate the bcc pools.

can't wait til tonight.

>> No.3129060
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>> No.3129099

your the only one arguing. the new bitcoin is better 8mb is better than 1mb. a hot chick is better than a fat pig and easier to feed, enjoy

>> No.3129106

>antpool and btc top are about to open bcc pools.
Do you have a link please? I would search myself but I'm busy atm

>> No.3129110


>> No.3129123
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Cheers my man. Also niiice ID

>> No.3129151
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>> No.3129173
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>> No.3129190

thanks for that proof again, just sold


staypoor, can't wait for the copying when we hit 1200+

>> No.3129194

>buy the rumor sell the news

I would get out boys

>> No.3129200


BCC going for the kill shot. nice.

Best to put bitcoin in the grave and run the whole crypto thing from Communist China

>> No.3129201

just like how everyone should have got out when it dipped to 650 last night? no thnx stay weakhanded

>> No.3129225

I bet this is your first investment and you have never actually invested in the real world outside of your little crypto-bubble. why do I even talk to people on this website anymore, you are all inexperienced as fuck and think you are smarter than everyone when the real investors are the only ones making real money here.

>> No.3129241

>I bet this is your first investment and you have never actually invested in the real world outside of your little crypto-bubble

Stay salty and poor

>> No.3129242

This is the level of cash brainlets. I don't feel bad about them losing their money to that chink con artist

>> No.3129260
File: 220 KB, 601x602, bitbean y u no crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold at 186 and went to bed
>wake up, below 150
huh, guess Í'm not that bad of a trader after all..
>go wagecuckin
>back home and its 215

>> No.3129264

Nice try Blockstream goy cocksucker :)

>> No.3129274

better get back in before the next difficulty drop and pools open up for bcc. tides are coming

>> No.3129335

so are we gonna see .3 tonight guys? I've made some gains from friday and sold at .22. But i just bought back in cuz i think this isn't stopping. It's so fucking nerve racking though. The price fluctuations make me sick to my stomach. I can't stop watching the charts.

>> No.3129340

Why is BCC booming?

>> No.3129370

all Korean buying, they're doing it on Dash, LTC, ETH as well

>> No.3129381


Those aren't moving.

>> No.3129383 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 423x114, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out for now. BTC please stop dropping.

>> No.3129388

if bitcoin is supposed to be 1 block every 10 minutes or 6 blocks an hour then wouldn't the difficulty go up?

>> No.3129414
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Just bought in. Godspeed bois.

>> No.3129452
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Well done, anon.

>> No.3129485
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Well damn

>> No.3129506

Take notes /biz/, this is how its done

>> No.3129514

Sold my 2.5472 BCC
About to transfer by BTC to Coinbase and cash out and buy a triple bear S&P etf

Its all gonna crash and I am going to bet against it all.

>> No.3129525

its been going down i dont well see 0.3

>> No.3129529
File: 13 KB, 598x228, wewlad_avalon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na, feeling comfy as fuck with the Avalon ICO on the 25th. Getting in at ICO price before the gooks use their auto-buy scripts is my only concern

>> No.3129535


because people are waking up to the fact that bitcoin core is corrupt and owned by the banks.

bitcoin is a lost cause.

>> No.3129538

Btcash is trash

>> No.3129584

>because people are waking up to the fact that bitcoin core is corrupt and owned by the banks.
>t. BCH holder

>> No.3129597
File: 62 KB, 1239x920, omgguyz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you at $1300+ when the difficulty drops in 10 hours

>> No.3129618

Core is corrupt as fuck though. I hate to link to reddit, but read this post and the top comment


>> No.3129621

if we make it to $1300 i'll buy you a golden toilet seat for your favorite shitting street, pajeet.

>> No.3129635

Your word means nothing, like your coin (Bcore)

>> No.3129646

oh, sorry. must be my accent.

>> No.3129689
File: 150 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-19-17-06-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sell?

>> No.3129698

We have toilets in every major city in india, idiot

>> No.3129700
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>> No.3129731

You should sell the Ethereum and buy BCH

>> No.3129743

then why do you shit on the street?

>> No.3129793

Why? Nothing indicates Ethereum going lower.
What's BCH?

>> No.3129829
File: 89 KB, 900x900, Agat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, im living in lithuania, here getting only 380 euros in month in job. now trying to make day trades. have 0.01 in bcc . maybe u can help me with beggining ? BCC 19BMRHxcr4zfTvfheYLWjee3VaJJJQ3YYr

>> No.3129837

retarded, eth will gain at least to 400 by october. its getting so much tech upgrades, like a new expansion pack of goodies

>> No.3129852

i don't. go fuck yourself.

>> No.3129857

Post a salary receipt.

>> No.3129862

fuck guys i'm scared that my bitcoin that i traded for for over 2 years will be worthless , is this really happening? it can't be fuck

>> No.3129873

103 blocks til the next difficulty adjustment and pools start opening up. better get that ass ready boi

>> No.3129891

What goes up, must come down. I've discarted all I had, I wouldn't recommend you doing it though. I did because I can afford to commit mistakes.
I'm going to double down in Ethereum. You got any info regarding those upgrades?

>> No.3129899


>> No.3129901

Enjoy your skeleton bags ;)

>> No.3129942
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translate with translate if u dont know lithauen, srry for mistakes

>> No.3129947

lol, Bitcoin is kill

>> No.3129967

wew lad, I wasn't expecting you to actually post a receipt. Unfortunately, I'm mostly playing with memestocks - so no risk, no reward (other than sick gains). I would like to help you but I can't.
How do you only make that cash though?

>> No.3129979

look up metropolis, scheduled in September
> anonymous transactions, same dev as zcash, makes monero irrelevant
> block reward reductions, now eth is deflationary
> raiden network, eth's version of lightning network
> allow apps to pay fees, instead of just users
> gas rework, to auto calculate gas
> so much more
and thats just metropolis, serenity and casper will have you fapping for weeks

>> No.3129987

>goes wagecuckinc
lol, i made 200bucks in a few hours of trading BCC yesterday.

why are you still working instead of day trading crypto?

>> No.3130001

kek yeah btc is dead, everyone is switching their btc for bch thats why it lost 60% market cap right o wait

>> No.3130008

I'll still put them at a sell order, if they fall to a certain point I'll sell about half (netting about 130k)

>> No.3130045

in lithuania all peoples get from job 350-450 euros, its difficult here.

>> No.3130058

Is the cost of living cheap though?

>> No.3130086

https://www.rimi.lt/rimi-pasiulymai/rimi-leidiniai/rimi-savaitinis-leidinys-nr-33-2017-kai-kuriu-pasiulymu-galite-nerasti-maziausiuose-rimi.html its link shop publication, prices like deutshland, but from job they getting +2000, we only 350-450. its need live in vilage for better life

>> No.3130102

patience, good things come to those who wait.

>> No.3130127

This is going to be $1200 in a few hours when difficulty adjusts. Weak hands in biz are going to regret not getting in earlier.

>> No.3130137


>Weak hands
>getting in earlier

200 IQ

>> No.3130141

will it rise again once south korea wakes up and difficulty adjusts?

>> No.3130155

typical biz "investor"

>> No.3130169

happens at block 479808 it's taking anywhere between 35min to an hour for 10 blocks

98 blocks to go at an average of 45 min
>only ~7.5 hours left

>> No.3130172
File: 117 KB, 500x419, iye31oX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be me
> $20,000 worth of ASICs
> Mining BCH since before the first block
> Stacking BCH by liquidating BTC
> Last buy @ $335
> Up 240% in a week, now mining BCH at 80% gainz over Segshitcoin

Segtards gonna lose it all, Bitfurygeorge has made several posts laughing while he liquidates his BCH, now that's cost him tens of thousands $.

Btc.com opening BCH mining, Antpool to follow, the rest will allow it or watch their earnings disappear.


>> No.3130194

o shti

>> No.3130214
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>mfw I cashed out at the top

>> No.3130216
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I love this shit, So much trading opportunities...

All of you are making money right?

>> No.3130220

When is readjustment?

>> No.3130227


[19:14:23] <gmaxwell> just pointing out, the algorithim is just busted.
[19:14:40] <gmaxwell> easily attackable in several profitable ways, plus will mistarget even without an attack
[19:14:44] <elkalamar> yeah i see your points, thanks for elaborating
[19:14:49] <gmaxwell> doesn't even do what the comment in the code says.
[19:14:51] <Aaaaand> one of the mining pools also pointed this out
[19:14:55] <Aaaaand> I think it was bixin
[19:15:14] <heirlymoe> for your scenario, it would take 2 blocks in a 24 hour period?
[19:15:24] <heirlymoe> ie 1 block for each 12 hour period, twice?
[19:15:25] <EagleTM> gmaxwell: if this is published widely price might tank?

>> No.3130246

What algo is that about?

>> No.3130257

is there a bitcoin cash exchange other than bittrex?

>> No.3130263

What is this from?

>> No.3130277

it's not a store of value, no matter how much of that shit you add to it. It might go up due to speculation, but don't expect it to stay there. I think it's found its actual value at around $300.

>> No.3130279
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>scared of btc shilling

Btc shills on suicide watch

>pic related.

>> No.3130283


>> No.3130301

[19:16:21] <gmaxwell> heirlymoe: no, the trigger all works with past blocks. it's a bit complicated to explain, but due to timewarp miners can trigger this without even slowing down block production.
[19:16:30] <heirlymoe> hmm thank you
[19:16:46] <heirlymoe> im thinking 1 block or 0 blocks in 12 hours it triggers it
[19:16:47] <gmaxwell> they just leav old timestamps on their blocks for a bit then jump up to normal time to trigger it, then jump back to trigger it again.
[19:17:26] <gmaxwell> heirlymoe: no, it actually triggers when the median of the last 11 block timestamps is 12+ hours later than the median of 11 delayed six blocks back.
[19:17:27] <Aaaaand> lol is the algo using the time they put on the blocks to determine the 12 hour window?
[19:17:43] <gmaxwell> Aaaaand: yes, medians of them but yes.
[19:17:52] <Aaaaand> lol
[19:18:09] <gmaxwell> so with the super centeralized hashrate distribution of bch in the last few weeks, one miner can do this even if the others try to stop them.
[19:18:29] <Cryptocide> tl;dr free bitcoins at will
[19:18:34] <gmaxwell> because it's pretty likely that even a minority miner can control the medians over 6 blocks.
[19:19:26] <gmaxwell> and of course, inflating the mining income is in the collective short term interests for all bch miners... (maybe you can argue that in the long term they're better off not doing things that might show weaknesses and lower it's value)
[19:19:47] <heirlymoe> im not sure the risk/reward is positive for the party trying to do that. if you make the blocks so slow to adjust the diff that way, then, people dont want to use your shit and the value becomes less. so you have more coins that are all worth less in aggregate?
[19:19:50] <heirlymoe> the mats dont add up.
[19:20:15] <elkalamar> i'm with heirlymoe
[19:20:29] <Aaaaand> I also don't think they will do it, doesn't change the fact that it a very poorly designed algo

>> No.3130329
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>> No.3130333
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omg guys better take this warning from neckbeard shillpants

>> No.3130341

I just want free BTC, so I'll wait for the next peak and sell. There's too much controversy around BCC atm

>> No.3130345
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>> No.3130350
File: 14 KB, 101x128, unhappybanker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, it's back to .19

>> No.3130359
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>> No.3130367


BCH to the moon, BTC to the dumpster.

>> No.3130380
File: 10 KB, 128x128, 1468965538145-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow its back to .2

>> No.3130382
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Jesus fucking Christ.

Welp I thought reversal was at .20
It's .19

>> No.3130394


They can't cope with the fact btc is failing and hardforking again as all the top pools will be switching to BCC as it's more profitable especially after the next adjustment soon

>> No.3130401

Dude, are you a n00b?

DO you think that coins just go "in the dumpster?"

Especially one with tons of institutional backing?

So the Koreans pumps an alt-coin. Who gives a fuck? Good for them. I took my profit at .227.

Thanks for the cash you fucking gooks.

>> No.3130408

single file poloniex machine learning cryptotrading bot https://github.com/nickwilliamsnewby/cryptochronolonic/blob/master/polearner.py

>> No.3130409

Raccoons go in the dumpster?

>> No.3130411
File: 35 KB, 128x128, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's moon tiem

>> No.3130415

ehh btc would want to do something about this wouldn't they... what will happen to the exchanges if btc becomes a dead turd, the majority of the trading pairs will be rendered useless.... So what do we do , sell off everything , including our alts, buy into bch, ride it out for a week while the exhanges crash and switch pairs to Bch/ ?? ... Fuck is going on guys? We're in real fucking trouble here...

>> No.3130416


More shill BS from a professional liar.

3 different unnamed miners, 3 pools, more being added tomorrow.

>muh centralization

Don't even make a factual argument cuz they clearly dont understand how EDA works

Cram your bullshit, core troll!

>> No.3130422
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I don't know anything about raccoons, but I nicknamed your mom's asshole as a cum dumpster. So...

>> No.3130423

At least one hour until moon time

>> No.3130426


Of course it's going to the dumpster. People are going to change their BTC for BCH and you'll soon see BTC in the lower 3000. Probably less than 2000 at the end of the week.

>> No.3130427



>> No.3130437
File: 35 KB, 128x128, download (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a technical Moon.

RSI on the floor, every one who wanted to sell already did so, every one is buying, and those who sold are buying again.

>> No.3130462

These niggers are on One minute candles holy shit.

>> No.3130478

3 Hour RSI is Neutral, 30 Min, 3 Min and one Min RSI are on the floor.

This should go up again, patience

>> No.3130489

Trade my btc for bch yes or no, please explain if yes or no
also what do with altcoin holdings
i'm not smart enough for this

>> No.3130490

>3 Hour RSI is Neutral, 30 Min, 3 Min and one Min RSI are on the floor.

How do you setup RSI, period? Default is 14, is that ok resolution for day trading?

>> No.3130507

are you on TradingView.com?

>> No.3130517
File: 35 KB, 128x128, download (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp i was wrong, we are headed for .18

>> No.3130584


Nope, should I be? I know charters go there to chart, but I don't know how to meme line so...

>> No.3130635

hodl you dumbfucks

>> No.3130638
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Real tiem high rest Graph with lots of tools.

I use MACD and RSI to buy and Sell, I'm on 3min candles to trade, but these fuckers are on 1 min.

But BCC has been fucking my shit up. I resisted the urge to trade it, but it just keeps deifying logic and reason.

>> No.3130688

if you guys are actually hodling and not just swing trading, i hope it's not with serious money. you are basically just handing your money to jihan at this point since he is mining 92% of the blocks (look up 51% attack if you're new and don't understand what i'm talking about).

you're taking a gigantic risk.

>> No.3130691

Yea... "anonymous transactions". On a public blockchain, sure... In addition they can freeze your account. Look it up.

I love ethereum put I would not put large amounts of cash in it because they can freeze your account. Not risking that

>> No.3130694


>> No.3130737

wait what? ethereum can freeze your account?

>> No.3130738
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initially started with $10,000

It wiped $5,000 clean.

Not I'm just trading $100 around on it. This was another Pump and dump.

And it will pump again.

>> No.3130740

south korea waking up soon too

>> No.3130745
File: 37 KB, 128x128, download (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woop wooop Next stop is .17

>> No.3130760
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tfw i bought at .215

>> No.3130772

the panic dip to 650 last night was crazy, Not going to lie i put in a sell at 700 got skipped and cancelled.

So glad I held out. This is all far from being over with it being more profitable and becoming even more profitable as difficulty drops again in 6 hours along with antpool and btc top opening up their bcc pools.

far from being over. hold for max gains

>> No.3130775
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I got it a .20 thinking that was the bottom.

This is so frustrating.

>> No.3130793

Newbie question, what are the "candle skipes"?

>> No.3130802

just wait and read up on actual happenings , it is already more profitable and will become even more so tonight. Major pools are opening up bcc pools even though they refused to before.

This is going to push into monday with a lot of waves both ways.

>> No.3130816
File: 228 KB, 1274x786, SELL UR OMG GOYIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The line sticking out of the Candle Body, it means extreme bearish or bullish price action.

Spikes at bottom mean people are quickly buying. Spikes at top means people are quickly selling.

>> No.3130823

Yup, happened multiple times before. You may think this is bullshit but I actually found such an address one time on the blockchain pointed out by another anon. I'm having a hardtimr finding it.

Also ethereum has a richlist. Good luck hiding your profits...

Monero has no such thing by the way. So your funds are hidden from everybody.

>> No.3130843

Wicks for green or tails for red

>> No.3130845
File: 33 KB, 128x128, download (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride to the Center of the Earth!!!!!

Good thing I didn't put any real money on this shit.

>> No.3130905

Thanks. When will OMG go back to the moon?

>> No.3130907
File: 356 KB, 1570x906, Prediction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Just a prediction, it may go like this.

>> No.3130957
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>> No.3130995

7 to 9 pm which time


>> No.3131009

It's definitely going back up now. Even according to the Keltner channel that was an outlier low.

>> No.3131011


Just check the average timing on the last 10 blocks https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/blocks

>> No.3131079

>all those panic sells

feels good to be in this with muh free fork coins

>> No.3131198
