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File: 61 KB, 1303x263, bitcoin-cash-bcc-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3125272 No.3125272 [Reply] [Original]

You do realize if BCH manages to overtake BTC then normies will lose faith in cryptos because 'a new btc can show up and you lose all your money'? Lets hope BCH dies
S to split on BCH

>> No.3125276


>> No.3125280

A nocoiner's/BTC holder's cope.

>> No.3125290

Great, then we could stop this charade of gambling and progress the technology

>> No.3125295

I am holding ETH, but if BTC falls, and with BTC i mean the original chain from 2009, then all the market will go down with it

>> No.3125303

I don't give a fuck. If you invested all of your money in BTC, then that's your problem.

>> No.3125306

Exactly what I was thinking, if BCH wins then crypto failed us....

I think this pump is caused by pure greed and and of course a little help from jihan

>> No.3125338

dont worry i got my sell order all set

>> No.3125344

Yup i think no one would want BTC to fall anyway

>> No.3125363
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Yeah but you do realise I'd this happens I'll have 100 Bitcoins and you'll be holding meme coins right?

Keep your BTC goy, it's the king right?

>> No.3125376

I agree, BCH is better IMO but BTC should stay on top

>> No.3125392

people lost money because of the greed in dumping BCC, not because of the fork. The ability to even make a fork is part of the design of bitcoin, even if BCC doesn't take off, it's a GOOD thing that people can choose to use the better chain for them. And it's not like normalfags will even accumulate unless they're big institutions since most of the whales are the ones who bought and mined early and they should rightfully have a bigger vote in my opinion. This is one of the things BTC was made to endure and the existence of forks shows that there's people willing to fight for what they think is right for bitcoin, but I don't expect you to understand that

>> No.3125393
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Alternatively, investors grow hesistant about BitCoin and seek out alts, and I make bank.

>> No.3125396


no serious big boy wall streeter would invest in btc if a gang of chimped out autistic gooks having a sperg out is all it took to bring it down

>> No.3125426

tears of corecuck

>> No.3125427

I'd love nothing more than to keep the crypto space the way it is now. Once big money types get in you'll be making 5-8% returns each year and calling that winning. Idiots.

>> No.3125499

How does BCH overtaking BTC cause anyone to lose money? When the chain forked everyone had an equal amount of BCH and BTC. Even if BTC goes to zero and flips with BCH nobody has lost a single satoshi.

>> No.3125515

>the normies
how is this only true for normies?

Proof of work is a disaster on all fronts

>> No.3125520

Alts priced in BTC
Everyone jumping from BTC to BCH
BTC goes down
All alts go down wig it

Fuckin gooks man I don't give shit what's better tech or for scaling or whatever cunts just need to just stop fuckimg with my alts

>> No.3125522
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jihan is backing BCC, he switched an ant pool over to mine BCC today.... it's now 60% more profitable to mine than BTC, and difficulty change later today will make it 120% more profitable... watch BTC drop by $500 or more mid Saturday.

>> No.3125527

except bitcoin cash is the old bitcoin.

just because americans fell victim to propaganda, again.. doesn't mean the rest of the world will lose faith in crypto.

most americans are too stupid to use crypto and wont be able to use it until it's on facebook.

>> No.3125530

What about people that entered the market after the chain split, genius?

>> No.3125540


Nobody cares about the alts except for ETH. BCH and BTC are where it's at. As long they both maintain a reasonable combined value it doesn't matter which one wins or loses.

>> No.3125543

Fuck you I care about the alts it's how I raise money to buy more BTC and ETH

>> No.3125544

except every person who held bitcoins received the same amount of BCH as BTC, nobody lost value until they sold it themselves.

>> No.3125546


It's a free market. They can choose not to buy BTC or BCH if they can't handle market risk.

>> No.3125556


If you mainly use the alts for trading you should welcome the increased volatility.

>> No.3125577

You guys piss me off man, the minute this shit started pumping you all jumped on jihads little bandwagon to try overtake btc just to gain a quick buck.

Fucking 1 week ago everyone was in agreeance it was a fucking money grabbing chink scam coin.

Supporting this hostile takeover attempt is majorly fucking detrimental to bitcoin as a whole.. you might think you're getting rich now but your gains aren't shit until its transferred to real bitcoin then fiat and if this shit actually happens it going to crumble any of the real investment money and the btc price and gateways to fiat the whole crypto scene will be made to look a fucking joke

BTC is the real bitcoin and will come out on top otherwise its all over

>> No.3125601

i think that if btc/bcc drop in value, some percentage of it will flow into other cryptos.
cryptocurrency as a whole can stand on its own.
i dont know what will come out on top though.

>> No.3125603

>your gains aren't shit until its transferred to real bitcoin
what do you mean? BCH is the real bitcoin

>> No.3125605


kek. I've been on the big block bandwagon for awhile.

censorship and paid shills are red flags for me, can't support anything that uses those tactics.

blockstream is attempting to fundamentally change bitcoin to a chain that banks (lightning hub centers) use to settle debts. if everything goes their way, they will bring central banking to the bitcoin blockchain.

if you want them to succeed because it will make your bitcoin's price increase, you're a cuck who deserves to be beheaded by ISIS.

>> No.3125610

Damn that's some real FUD right there. Impressive.

>> No.3125655

>blockstream is attempting to fundamentally change bitcoin to a chain that banks (lightning hub centers) use to settle debts.

t. dumb btc nigger

You realize you can run your own LN hub with your own coins, right? And that in that way, you can monetize full nodes and thus protect the network from centralization?

Of course not. Because you're a dumb nigger who wants to P&D shitcoins.

>> No.3125656

>everyone was in agreeance

That's all in your head.

>Supporting this hostile takeover attempt is majorly fucking detrimental to bitcoin as a whole.. you might think you're getting rich now but your gains aren't shit until its transferred to real bitcoin then fiat and if this shit actually happens it going to crumble any of the real investment money and the btc price and gateways to fiat the whole crypto scene will be made to look a fucking joke

Money is money. There's no playing "nice" in business. Cryptocurrency is a fucking joke to begin with. The concept of mining crypto is beyond retarded. It's like something straight out of a MMORPG. You're expecting BTC to grow in value but do you think the gov't would ever allow competition with its own currency?

>> No.3125664



>> No.3125673

It's not even fud just go look at the archive here a week ago and peoples opinions on bitcoin cash. I expect this shit on reddit but i thought 4chan would be a bit more realist. It's a fucking joke, peoples greed is going to destroy this whole thing.

I've been in on bitcoin cash too since 0.08 only to secure the money i already have left in crypto but i'm smart enough to know that shit actually has to stop otherwise the whole crypto scene is going to fucking die worse than the mtgox crash and could take years again to recover just cause of some autistic ugly chinky throwing a tantrum and a bunch of retards who can't afford real bitcoins thinking they can buy them at 1/10 the price. Your alt coin is fucking measured against BTC the more it pumps the more fud is put into investment money in real btc and the minute the plug is pulled it'll be a rush to cash out and all the gateways will disappear and you'll be left with fucking nothing.

>> No.3125767
File: 70 KB, 243x200, 3mLydMU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose all your money
Everyone holding BTC got BCH 1:1 at the time of the hard fork. Take your double-digit IQ back to Plebbit.

>> No.3125784

Didn't even read this but I know for 100% certain you didn't talk about how btc will not offer any onchain scaling solutions and how you will be forced to use "their" LN nodes

>> No.3125791
File: 46 KB, 1257x394, IMG_5660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3125793

You do realize it is completely impracticable for a single user to run their own node and nobody would use it anyway right? No ofcourse not because you're a stupid ltc kike faggot.

>> No.3125841

It's already mid Saturday

>> No.3125850


except when it costs 50 dollars to open your own lightning channel, nobody is going to pay that to connect to you, instead you're going to have to join Bank of Jew's lightning hub where Amazon.com is already chilling at and then you can buy your fleshlight. but wait, in wont be feasible to the average user to store his money in his own wallet because of the insane blockchain fees that come with a 1mb blockchain. he'll have to keep his bitcoin off chain.

you're an idiot who lacks foresight.

>> No.3125891

Maybe if theymos was a mod of biz they could stand a chance

>> No.3126058


Balls of steel keeping all that BCC on an exchange

>> No.3126190

(you don't need balls when you have inspect element)

>> No.3126281

I don't care about normalfags and I hope BTC gets destroyed.

>> No.3126303

This, forks are a good thing, fuck stagnation

>> No.3126304

Holy fuck!

If I had that much not sure if id be playing the crypto game to begin with.

>> No.3126310

Not a "new btc"
> if you had bitcoin before August 1st and didn't touch it, then you're ok.
> people who didn't hold their bitcoins like they were told to are the only ones who lost money

>> No.3126328

When do you plan to sell?

>> No.3126334

what if you bought bitcoin after august 1st? fuck those people, right?

>> No.3126337

How many coins should I have to be able to run a node?

>> No.3126338
File: 598 KB, 500x480, 8bb698a43ef4767ebb2cd3901a9e91c49ced8fbd8e4d9bd1f6d678870d648c87.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mid Saturday in USA is still 10 hours away.

>> No.3126340


>> No.3126355

How can we save alt from the flipenning ? I have a long pos on iota at 0.99, I'm liquidated at 0.09, am I fucked ?

>> No.3126356

Christ, I just woke up and my balance is up 5k
It's my birthday tomorrow too.

>> No.3126383

Happy birthday

>> No.3126399
File: 41 KB, 543x521, 1469177231375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Everyone here should already have realized, that the money makers won't allow bitcoin to become the world currency until they have full control. The technology of blockchain is great and cryptocurrency is allowed because they need it as a testbed. In the end it's all still a scam and there's going to be a big bubble and a lot of people who thought they gonna be millionaires are going to loose money because they were too greedy. Everyone who believes different fell for the pictures of flourishing gardens the industry is trying to get in everyone's head.

>> No.3126407

Midday UTC, not USA! That's less than 2 hours!

>> No.3126429

Will this be the run to 0.2? It sure looks like it..

>> No.3126431

1hr 40 minutes left.
It is currently 57% more profitable to mine on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

thank you brother.

>> No.3126444

What is small cap equity investing
What is high yield bond investing
What is VC investing

>> No.3126451

Blockchains or something like them are the fucking future

>> No.3126527
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>faith in cryptos

>> No.3126529

There is nothing to changing the peg when the flippening arrives.
I hope you bought on the floor!
True Bitcoin will win every single time.
And with onchain smart contracts on the way things are about to get a whole lot comfier

>> No.3126533

Good. More chance to accumulate long term holds

>> No.3127147

anybody got some of dat

BCC 18Xyih9zy4t5JL7UrSSQjBeuEb9SgxTZDL

>> No.3127598

Still not realizing that nowadays crypto work just like that, eh?
Hoard one crypto, inflate its price, sell, invest in another crypto and repeat. End of the story.

There's money to be gained.
Just shut the fuck off with all the hyppie stuff about fighting muh centralized system.
By investing in crypto we are simply profiting some, while feeding of criminals throughout the world, looking only for fiat.

>> No.3127618

Orrrr they learn that's how bitcoin changes protocol and keeps decentralization tard and if they lost their money shouldn't of invested if u don't do research

>> No.3127674

He means it's not real, he just edited the webpage elements

>> No.3127724

This was the most obviuos pump in crypto history. I can't believe people are buying into this, it's literally a controlled currency

>> No.3127781

OP how the fuck is that a bad thing? If too many normies get involved this shit is gonna become like the stock market. IE no more easy money. Thank god BCC is taking it's rightful place as king.

>> No.3127808

pump and dump but over a 2 trillion in volume stfu dumb

forking is how bitcoin changes protocal while staying decentralized if an investor loses all thier money in btc because of flippening i dont feel bad they should know what theyre investing

>> No.3128015



You're either shills or cucks

>> No.3128070

>people don't know about the lightning network decentralization
>people don't know about the Jewish owned company controlling all bitcoin devs
>people are still buying a centralized coin that's supposed to be decentralized
/Biz/ is just a bunch of normies that are too lazy to learn about the things they buy.
I hope you all lose your fucking money.

>> No.3128146

>lose money
Crypto has jews all over it, but its being unregulated also means there's money to get from it.
Don't shill against it, anon.
We are just raising pennies on the side of some heavy duty arab funding terrorists and organized crime.
Hell, isis is still wiring funds through BTC.

>> No.3128261

t. federal reserve

>> No.3128360

Help a BCCpoorfag out

>> No.3128382

Not people on coinbase. Which would be normies. They still don't even support it and they ate one of the only ways to "buy in" for an American.

>> No.3128590

Too bad that people are too dumb to realize that Bcash becoming an equal to btc will undermine and destroy cryptocurrency as we know it.
If you wanna get rich stop supporting bch

>> No.3128659
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>> No.3128679


You're right we're scared of scaring off normies who are the whole reason we're banking on our cryptos one day being worth hundreds of thousands