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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 109 KB, 640x640, Alina Li.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3121836 No.3121836 [Reply] [Original]

She's graduating next year with a Master's in Electrical Engineering: 3.9 GPA, fluent in English, etc
However, she's been looking all over and can't seem to find ANY jobs that are related to her major that accept non-citizens. She's really worried she's going to get deported back to China. (thus, pic related)

Any advice or suggestions?

>> No.3121841

Marry her?

>> No.3121852

marry her, do a prenup, tell her its not srs, do it not for the reason that she is gf but also ur friend

>> No.3121854


That's honestly what we're seriously discussing but that's kind of a last resort

>> No.3121860

Surprised that no ece jobs, even tho she is f1. She still has opt. Is it good uni?

>> No.3121863

Look into software jobs as a dev or QA

>> No.3121870

why tho? literally easiest way. Low key, get the legal papers, do the real thing down the track if it gets comfortable. Doesn't have to be a big deal.

>> No.3121876
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, 1502691951921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one here is going to be sympathetic of your gfs plight my man


is this either shitty b8 or you're actually retarded enough to come here for advice

>> No.3121881

She could always get a tattoo of a gun on her hip and fo porn....

>> No.3121885

If you love her and she's mad cool to you
Just marry her.

>> No.3121889

California State University,

she's also debating going to a UC maybe for her Doctorate but that might overkill?

>> No.3121895

STEM degree gets 2 year STEM OPT extension : 1+2 = 3 years of OPT. she surely can find something. i saw one chinese woman fluent in english getting hired by google with bs degree. did she ever do internship?

>> No.3121905

she's trying to trap you by not looking for a job, don't get trapped OP.

>> No.3121913

Don't. phd should be runaway place. it will literally driver her insane.
not the best, but surely she can get something. try harder. not just socal or bay, but elsewhere. try texas, perhaps.

>> No.3121917


If you don't wanna marry her...

I'll take one for the team and marry her for you.

>> No.3121923

this. honestly.
are you a nu-male by any chance? 90% of wmaf ive seen are such.but if she is pic-related, perhaps not. they certianly were not pic-related, but more of before-plastic-surgery level uggos with autists

>> No.3121931


OP Im thinking this is your only option if youre not going to marry her.

>> No.3121934

Left or center?

>> No.3121937

Alina Li, obviously.

>> No.3121955

Is there a way for her to do some kind of volunteer internship or something to undercut competition? I know a lot of Indians that do that right?

>> No.3121961

Alright I'll bite

That's a pornstar, so you're memeing about her being your wife getting deported since she can't get an H-1B even though she's a porn veteran? Or are you saying your gf looks like her? Retard btw

>> No.3122003


>> No.3122033

>fuck mid
>kill right
>marry left

>> No.3122054


>> No.3122088

yes. even all the whiteys do the same for non-STEM.
but she is about to graduate tho? too bad

>> No.3122128

LOL left is pornstar Evelyn Lin who I know in real life btw. Small world.

>> No.3122134

This seems like the best incentive for businesses right? That's the whole controversy that people are getting mad and wanting to remove H1B all together?

>> No.3122151

how long have you been a jiz mopper?

>> No.3122176

great bant friendo, I dont know her in that capacity. Knew her before the porn, which I must say I was not surprised by

>> No.3122181

Campus' main whore?

>> No.3122206

Yeah she went to San Diego State if I recall correctly. My gf whos asian introduced me, cuz apparently all asians know each other in California. Chick was batshit insane

>> No.3122253
File: 55 KB, 222x305, IMG_0162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is she?

Does anyone have a horny Pepe to add to my collection?

>> No.3123030

Apply to IBM/Oracle/Accenture
Those shitholes jump at a chance to underpay HB1 slaves

>> No.3123068

youre going to lose 70% of your gains. Asian women are fucking vicious in divorce court

>> No.3123107


I'll look into those, we live near Intel which is 99% Indian yet require citizenship -..-

>> No.3123168

PhDfag here.
Don't get a PhD unless you seriously want to do research for your job; might fall into the trap of over-qualification for non-research jobs otherwise

>> No.3124242

H1B was cool until the fucking pajeets ruined it.

>> No.3124262

An economy that focuses on immigration is never a good thing, h1b is the product of hyper-capitalism and its an insult to any country