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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3118214 No.3118214 [Reply] [Original]

I'm being audited by the irs for my massive bitcoin gains. Why'd I ever get into this? I'm literally fucked. What's a nice gun I can buy with bitcoin to kill myself?

>> No.3118262

how much are we talking?

>> No.3118271

Pay what you owe and get it over with.

>> No.3118288


>> No.3118294


>> No.3118306


>> No.3118310


>> No.3118313


>> No.3118319


>> No.3118335

Dis rite hur

>> No.3118346

I will never understand why you people wont just pay the fucking tax when your wealth just 10x or more

>> No.3118358


>> No.3118377


>> No.3118378


>> No.3118391


>> No.3118403


>> No.3118406


>> No.3118412
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Get you a glock 20 and roll a big fat one before you off yourself

>> No.3118413


>> No.3118418


>> No.3118431


>> No.3118432


>> No.3118435


>> No.3118442

seriously though OP just pay it

hopefully you used a ledger so all your transactions are accounted for, right?

>> No.3118447


>> No.3118467

*smack lips*

>> No.3118469

Hahahha OP is a dumbfuck, I bet he didn't even record all of his transactions.
The taxman is gonna rob him blind and leave him to die in the streets hahahahhahahahaha

>> No.3118474 [DELETED] 

this (in sorring for this ing incorrectly. I tped This instead of this. I sorry i sorry pls)

>> No.3118487

because taxes are theft.

>> No.3118495

what's "irs"?

>> No.3118511

Ignore them

>> No.3118518
File: 40 KB, 598x346, 1488530673754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mufuggen bix nood

>> No.3118672


>> No.3118681

when you sell your e$p on yobit to become rich daddy the sirs at irs comes for tax (because they also want to go lamb land)

>> No.3118764
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>> No.3118801

use your gains to hire mercenaries and prepare for a siege, anon. Don't let the commies rob you.

>> No.3118819

No one ever told me you have to keep track of shit like this, doing so seemed way too time consuming and tedious. I just started buying the coins and making money, now the IRS is knocking on my door. Will probably kill them before I off myself.

>> No.3118842

I made around 100k from selling ETH on Coinbase. But I have a bunch of other random transactions that equal to about 2-3k. Does that shit really matter? They're from other exchanges so I don't know how to get all the records for it.

>> No.3118858


>> No.3118869

Based on where you buy, the exchange might be able to give you this info. Bittrex and Coinbase do this for a few shekels I think

>> No.3118962

They are interested in every single crypto/fiat (btc/usd) trade..not so much crypto/crypto (dgb/btc) trade. If made more than 1 withdrawal to fiat check/deposit best bet may be to get a tax attorney, lots of "claims" from people online say they got charged with "structuring" from irs. (I'm sure most is bullshit, but better be safe)

>> No.3118990

Structuring? Why would that matter when I already withdrew all the cash to my bank account? I'm talking about figuring out how much I owe them. What tool should I use on Coinbase for that?

>> No.3119110


>> No.3119164

I was shitting my panties when I was thinking about this too, but I think you should be good if you take the csv file they give you from your full history of transactions

>> No.3119325

Yeah I downloaded everything but man they are hard to read.

>> No.3119355

As far as I know, you can probably hire a CPA to do it for you? Aside from that I'd say that there are probably a few websites out there that are probably dedicated to doing your taxes with bitcoin.

If you do find out how to actually work out this stuff with the IRS, please come back here and let us know how to deal with them.

>> No.3119363

Could you throw some at a poorfag? Shit man, I'm earning 300 bucks a month.

>> No.3119460

I second this. Im barely scrapping by. If youre gonna off yourself at least fill my wallet senpai :) 1FFL7sb29Kvei4dEKthMCuE8R7AwooqiY3

>> No.3119653

Still lurking.

>> No.3119743

beggar fags will die first

>> No.3119814


You can thank me later.

>> No.3119884
File: 48 KB, 1024x512, 1502761798014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of making a new thread, i thought i would ask this question here. i've been holding ethereum since i bought in at $18 but i want to try to participate in an ICO. What are the legal ramifications of participating in an ICO? from what i've gathered, it is illegal for anyone within the US to participate in an ICO. Is that really the case? and if so, who can legally participate in an ICO? do i really have to wait until after the ICO has finished and the coin gets listed on a marketplace? that could possibly be a blessing though since coins usually dump a little once they reach an exchange

>> No.3119990


Panic sold on coinbase and then bought in 24 hours later during noob crash in june

2 months later a letter to my state health authority "Federal sources say you may have other sources of income.... "

>NEET health insurance state subsidy says you must report any income

>Been plowing savings into crypto

Go into talk with rep. Tell her I was living on savings, turning savings into investment., Sold large amount, then reinvested.

No questions asked. No documents, no proof, no anything. Didn't even want to see it. Seemed glad I came in and said anything.

I kept spreadsheets of total investments and running value. But since I reinvested the money it is not income and so as far as I know I will not pay capital gains tax.

If and when I do cash out and pay taxes on the unearned income, I can easily determine a profit figure based on amount invested (total) and percentage net profit (at time of sale) on the whole thing.

If and only if they audit will I be bothered to supply the reams of transactions from all the exchanges I've ever been on and they are not going to do that since I'll have a simple spreadsheet with a plausible rationale and be paying the proper proportion on the unearned income.

I am sure they are going to flag you if your numbers don't add up or they think you are hiding something.

>> No.3120011

Because it's complicated as fuck, seriously no one just bought fucking bitcoin. They bought shitloads of alts.

>> No.3120023


The SEC determination left the door open for sanctioning your gains if you used the tokens to provide a dividend

>> No.3120065

sorry but i'm a retard, what does that mean exactly? is it better to just buy the coin once it has been listed on an exchange then? thank you for your response m8

>> No.3120077

>all these muh taxes threads lately
Is this some kind of scheme to scare away the normies?

>> No.3120088
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>1 post by this id
stop bumping the thread you fucking niggers, hes larping

>> No.3120102

>giving your social security
How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.3120111



Somebody gotta pay for el fucking muro, wero


>> No.3120145

>hodl coin for at least 1 year
>taxfree gains


>> No.3120151

No one here pays taxes on crypto. Stop shitposting.

>> No.3120529


>> No.3120565


I really dunno what I'm talking about.

>> No.3120587

kek. at least you're honest. thanks for not giving me misinformation at least

>> No.3120669


>> No.3121141

>But since I reinvested the money it is not income and so as far as I know I will not pay capital gains tax.

Holy fuck is /biz/ this retarded?

>> No.3122078

why even live

>> No.3122167


>> No.3122242

Hey man,

Is worth paying attention to. ANYTHING you made over a per annum period is taxable, regardless of whether you reinvested it.

They treat it like any other business: If you made any money over a period, it's "capital gains", regardless of whether it's reinvested, because they see it as

>Hmm, he started with 10K now he's got 100K, that's a profit of 90K

Regardless of whether you cashed in or not.

Fuck taxation regardless.