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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3114490 No.3114490 [Reply] [Original]

Help me get to $100k by 8pm EST and I'll reward the best advice with 1 NEO.

>> No.3114550

all in dgb

>> No.3114562

Dubs confirm

>> No.3114577

Buy ZRX from Liqui (recent ICO, currently about x3 the original price however once it hits major exchanges it will EASILY go x10. Also /biz/ is going ape shit over it)

Buy more BTC after the spike is over, always a safe bet.

Buy DGB, apparently there is news of a rebranding later today which is leading into awards it is winning from Citibank in early September. It pumped hard in the past and dropped, but it looks like people were accumulating ever since for this moment.

Hope you reach your goal senpai.

>> No.3114582

BAT just leaving it's dip. Good time to buy still.

>> No.3114587

>no litecoin
>kek m8

>> No.3114591

^ double dubs, the /biz/ gods have spoken

DGB is the answer

>> No.3114592

Binance gonna go up another 20% today when the chinks get back into it

>> No.3114599
File: 21 KB, 235x214, F9AF902F-2E05-4BBF-93B7-9E5C83F401D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that BNB shits been climbing like a mofo

>> No.3114607

DGB hype is building. And look at the chart. DGB does have a great entry point right now around 300 sats. Then, potentially 20x, 30x your money. A lot of people are all in.

>> No.3114614

Place 10k in Stox and hold until 26th get out at the top

Place 10k in BNB and hodl

Follow my advise and you will be way over 100k

NEO address:

>> No.3114619

Get the fuck out of NEO and buy BNB

>> No.3114640


bcc is gonna pump again you can get 100k easy af

>> No.3114655

BNB or Monaco or ReddCoin :)

>> No.3114681


Seriously, just put 1 BTC in and it could be 5-10 by late September.

>> No.3114696
File: 95 KB, 599x428, damnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our portfolios are very similar so you can trust me.

My best advice is to not rush it today, but rather try to time the lowest dip on SAFEX (should be nearing it).

Also wait for byteball to go to $300, buy some, sell a week later when it hits $500 again.

>> No.3114732

Put all your shit into BCC except Neo, strat and USD.

Wait 32 hrs. Fuck your deadline.

>> No.3114742


>> No.3114743

Get more BCC. It's more like a bet and i know you got balls to go deeper.


>> No.3114775

How is your phone so big?

>> No.3114835


I honestly think that this level of DGB shilling is bagholders from the pump a few days ago. It looks like a slow bleed still. May eventually be worthwhile but not today.


I'm going to buy some BNB ($5k).


I'm also going to buy some more BCC ($5k).

LongShot App

Let's see what happens.

>> No.3114842

Shop it to look like 100k

>> No.3114854

I'm terrible at photoshop unfortunately

>> No.3114892

> Get to 100k
> Already all-in BCH
Nigga, you're already going to 200k.

>> No.3114894

i lost 40 on ZRX.
am poorfag and newfag and listened to some people on here give me bad advice.
should i buy BCC, BNB, or leave it in ETH?
thanks guys

>> No.3114952

IFT on cryptopia

>> No.3114991
File: 382 KB, 1080x2727, 1503069626481_601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done. 1 NEO, please.


>> No.3115102

>no ARK

>> No.3115172


>> No.3115619


I put $10k into BNB and I'm down 13% already. Well played guys.

BCC is keeping me afloat.

>> No.3115643

Just hold until the 24th

>> No.3115881

Buy ZRX. :)

>> No.3115909
File: 339 KB, 1080x2727, 1503078309924_180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little closer but BNB is killing me

>> No.3116189

Go and pump XST

>> No.3116553
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>> No.3117787

"It is currently 22% more profitable to mine on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain."

add 50% on to that number with the difficulty reduction tomorrow and 25% when the price hits .2. soon we HAVE to buy bcc because btc won't be able to send a single transaction.

>> No.3118347
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A little closer

>> No.3118908
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Feels like I'm really making some progress despite NEO shitting the bed

>> No.3119000



>> No.3119181
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closing in

>> No.3119240

Honestly, I think the best advice is just to hold your stuff and let it keep growing. I know that sounds lame, but BCC is rising nicely and you have a solid portfolio. You should break 100k if the trend keeps up.

>> No.3119263

And I wouldn't sell the NEO at such a price just to break 100k since it'll probably recover long term and I'm thinking about this for more than just an afternoon. Soon you'll be thinking how to get 200k...

>> No.3119283

What exactly will occur on the 24th?

>> No.3119290

Get some dct buy now and then sell at at 35 or 36, this is a good 11% flip


>> No.3119303

So, here's my NEO address if you decide that my obvious advice was worth it. Either way, congrats OP.


>> No.3119444


The no-fee period will end on Binance and bnb will be needed for 50% discount on fees

>> No.3119684

But how big is that site's userbase for it to influence demand of bnb

t. a concerned anon

>> No.3119706

The coin is only usable on Binance

>> No.3119947
File: 341 KB, 1080x2727, 1503096240052_911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was an interesting couple of minutes

NEO went up by almost the same amount that BCC went down

goes to show being diversified is a good thing

>> No.3119969

not bad

>> No.3119983

anon u owe me neo i told u bcc

>> No.3119984

I didn't even notice your IOC
If you're not at a loss, sell the ANT and buy in IOC while it's low. This dip is probably the bottom, what with a 2btc buy wall right now

>> No.3119992
File: 9 KB, 258x206, nocoinersbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>didn't go all in on ETH at ICO

if you want money, make gutsy moves

>> No.3120714

I'm glad that worked out for you but you can find countless examples of people who went all in to other cryptos and things didn't pan out. That being said, well done.