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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 400x400, neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3100184 No.3100184 [Reply] [Original]


Is it dip, because of BTC moon, or its crash, because hype is over?

>> No.3100381


>> No.3100389
File: 60 KB, 810x297, rJhmuva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3100411

Pop goes the bubble...

>> No.3100415

Hype is over lad.
I hope you bought at 7 like the rest of us.

>> No.3100468

thats why trading in bitcoins is silly.
you just doubled your volatility

>> No.3100513

wtf? THEY'RE speculating about their own coins value?
holy shit, get the fuck out now, major red flag

>> No.3100540

Whales are trying to spook weak fags to giving up their ticket to lambo land.

>> No.3100579

only retarded people will sell
>are you retarded?
>btw: shit is photoshopped

>> No.3100662

i'll sit on my accumulating gas thanks

>> No.3100831

don't tell them I accumulated thousands totday...We even gave them the chance to buy low but nobody did....we tolld everyone when we were pushing the price down and they sold anyway...we posted sell sell sell post but added this article "https://thenextweb.com/contributors/2017/08/17/heres-neo-plans-top-ethereum-bitcoin/#.tnw_SFDICtsd" but they still sold...how stupid is that?

>> No.3100877

Never trust a chink. Literally trying to pump the value of their own coin kekekek

>> No.3100912

SELL. It's a SCAM. Literally armor trimming of the cryptocurrency world. You give these people your BTC and they will RUN with it. This technology already exists, it's called ETH, known to be safe and not a scam already. We don't need two ETH, especially if one is a fucking scam. CYA AT 10$ IDIOTS.

>> No.3101022

It's kill, close position and move onto something that might actually reap you profit in the foreseeable future. Not saying it's a bad project, not at all. However, it is bearish (or will go sideways) for quite some time.

>> No.3101093

I remember when I first bought ETH in March everyone here was saying it was a russian scam but >>3100389 isn't a good look. Speculating on the value of their own coin lol Is there a link to this?

>> No.3101116

ETH 10 Transactions per second
NEO 10000 Transactions per second

>> No.3101318

this... dev's shouldn't worry about the price of the coin, only on the progress of the coin's functionality and technicals. expect a chink dump if it goes any higher.

>> No.3101333

None of you people even know who that person is.

>> No.3101344
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Thats the SIA dev philosophy. Aren't they doing just great.

>> No.3101345

If you sell now you're retarded, it's gonna hover around $30-50 until another major announcement happens

>> No.3101353

>its a scam because I say it's a scam

no it isn't, and it doesn't work like Ethereum.

>> No.3102061
File: 130 KB, 1512x472, NEOMOONMISSION3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3102097

have 150 NEO sitting in my wallet generating free NEO

feels good man

>> No.3102234
File: 4 KB, 183x275, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't unit test the core codebase

Sometimes stupid things are still profitable. Can anyone explain why the developer (1) claims that the current core codebase is not able to be unit tested?

>> No.3102248

>hurr dur i work in tech so i can disparage these programmers who accomplished more in life already than i ever will

>> No.3102289

lol, so much haters for NEO because they have sold their coins or missed the raise (not a pump)
Now they are waiting for NEO to get cheaper, because they dont have money thanks to their great investing strategies, but it wont, soon it will go up again and it should pass BCC easily in next 6 months when it comes to market capitalisation


>> No.3102318

They are more accomplished than me, I agree. I can still question why they did something that to me appears stupid.

Do you have an answer why they did it? Or are you just going to meme

>> No.3102335
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>> No.3102378

>Has the Neo logo next to his name
>This somehow makes him an important person
Link to this and who he is or it's all bullshit as usual

>> No.3102466

> we are not using proper isolation / dependency injection / mocking techniques in these tests. To do that would require larger reworks of the base code which is a change for a later date in discussion with the core team, at the moment we are just aiming to get some basic coverage going.

I'm going to post this in every NEO thread to remind people what a sham it is. Up until yesterday they had literally no unit tests , lmao. They're now trying to add them retroactively, which defeats the whole purpose of testing.

NEO is going to fucking implode and you are crazy if you don't sell now.

>> No.3102490

>They're now trying to add them retroactively, which defeats the whole purpose of testing.
Thats not try, while test driven design >>>> whatever else shit they did, adding unit tests later on is not useless. It still helps detecting regressions and can possibly reveal bugs.

>> No.3102568

Sure its not useless, but it leaves open the possibility that there are thousands of undetected defincies in the code. In fact, it's almost a certainty.

There is now 2 billion dollars sitting on code that has never been tested.

>> No.3102589


>> No.3102628

Whereas with ETH we know for certain there are code deficiencies lol

>> No.3102637

You're generating Gas, but that's okay anon you tried.

>have 100 in neon

>> No.3102648

Its the gradual decline. Its not a crash because of BTC. Look at the chart, The hype is over.

BTW, Sold my NEO and bough BCH.

>> No.3102665

Another idiot who has no idea how good the dividend is.

It's why the volume is down. People are staking NEO.

>> No.3102684

>buying BCH after a pump

No they arent. Most people are way too lazy to bother with this kind of stuff.

>> No.3102706

well that's the beauty part, anon :)
to stake NEO, all you have to do is send it to an address you control.
there's no stupid wallets to download and sync and keep on all night, etc.
shame you no NEOs could not recognize something so elegant and beautiful :)

>> No.3102708

Is he hacking or engineering? I've found that the former is leaner in duos or solo projects. Hacking being where you know what's possible with the architecture and programming language so you just write it and try to kill it till it doesn't die (is good enough). Engineering being where you correograph every step then do it and test it. That generally works better in teams but the overhead will just kill solo developers who get off on actually making something.

If the Eric is a hacker, it makes sense. Neo growing so quickly that they need to transition to an engineered approach also makes sense.

My 2 cents based on experience working with virtuoso types and technical diploma types.

>> No.3102734

If it isn't designed from the ground up with testing in mind (TDD), modifying the code base to support things like dependency injection is hard and takes time.

>> No.3102757

It's been brought up back in the antshares day and has been unit tested by community devs. It's somewhere in the old subreddit.

>> No.3102762

>Engineering being where you correograph every step then do it and test it. That generally works better in teams but the overhead will just kill solo developers who get off on actually making something.
Thats why you do TDD. You first write the unit tests and basically write down whatever high level code you want to be able to write.

And then you implement it. Theres very little overhead, you can just go and hack unit tests, but at the end you have a system that has been designed from a usability point of view, has no "excess features" that turned out to be useless AND has a high test coverage preventing regressions.

t. Software engineer working for a space agency

>> No.3103128


>> No.3103151

there is no rush to fucking buy it. it's clearly stable around the 0.01 BTC region, and it's gonna stay there until more developments come out. that's a damn good spot for an investment to be in if you ask me. meanwhile i'm just generating GAS and having a good time :)

>> No.3103538

Redpill on me on Neo, what does it have going for it?

>> No.3103548

it's partnering with Microsoft and the Chinese government

>> No.3103549

>chinese ethereum

That is the only answer you will ever get

>> No.3103761

investors and partnerships potential.

>> No.3103769

and funny how it seems to be coming true, faggot

>> No.3103791

Thanks, I will look

>> No.3103921

how salty are you?

>> No.3103959
File: 23 KB, 480x417, 1502639103480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


noneo gonna get absolutely btfo again in the coming months. gonna be fantastic

>> No.3104041
File: 39 KB, 540x540, t2i6z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought got a good deal at 950k but seems to be going lower

>> No.3104183

He's a city of zion dev.

>> No.3105269

>think its a good time to buy back in
>increase NEO by 50% since ATH
>it goes even lower
n-nice coin

>> No.3105573

Shit guys time to panic sell....even the whales are selling....get ouuuuut! I wanna buy your neo ;)

>> No.3105581

Hes a community developer. Not a member of OnChain

>> No.3105583
File: 194 KB, 1340x904, whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whales are cashing out...so should you!

>> No.3105590

Were you expecting it go up as soon as you bought it? Did you think you 'called the bottom'? You're not as good at trading as you think you are. Retard

>> No.3105612

2K makes you a whale? really? I just bought 9K - does that make me one?

>> No.3105614

>1855 NEO

>> No.3105633

soon you will sell it to me...

>> No.3105637


Nice! Just bought 100k.

>> No.3105972

I can see you all panic selling...thank you

>> No.3105983

>thy didn't learn anything from eth

>> No.3106064

those aren't whales. those are panicking weak handed faggots

>> No.3106112

those are sell walls...they just got pulled...see it rise in a few minutes...

>> No.3106137

new sell wall...they try to push it below 38