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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 500x500, opengraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3085428 No.3085428 [Reply] [Original]

Is Bitcoin going to go back down (to under $3k) or not? Why's it taking so long?

>> No.3085462

After every peak before it has gone down over 80 percent. I think it will go below $2,000

>> No.3085485

>you know the one.jpg

>> No.3085492

Well if you compare the price to the hashrate of the network you would see that btc should currently be priced at around 2000$.

The network hashrate grows about 10% every month so 3k/BTC hashrate value should be hit in like 5 months.

This means Btc has 5 months time to hit 3k with less chance reaching 3k each day.

We are currently at a price that should exist in 8-9 months assuming minimum value then.

>> No.3085497

it's coming down, take it easy

>> No.3085502

It's horribly relevant since I'm waiting to actually get into the market. To buy BTC with USD.

>> No.3085505

Yeah, it went to 600 after hitting 3k the first time this summer, remember?

>> No.3085517

Bitcoin has been "crashing" every single day for the past 2 weeks. Haven't you seen the daily threads by the board's idiot?

>> No.3085536

Calm down cunt, some of us are waiting anxiously to jump in

>> No.3085563

I member, u member?

>> No.3085566


you dont need to be a genius to look at the charts and say, this doesn't seem right

you think BTC will have an exponential grow forever? check the timeline,
this price now is not sustainable,

its not idiotic just common sense

>> No.3085582

that wasn't the peak since it has kept going up shitlord

>> No.3085630

>its not idiotic just common sense
Look here: http://www.bitcoinblockhalf.com

The value of the newly created coins is $7,033,306 every day.

If there are more than $7,033,306 pumped into bitcoin each day then the value rises. Thats 2.5 billion in a year. Bank of america alone made 83.701 billion last year.

Fuck your common sense

>> No.3085632

People were saying this sort of stuff when BTC were a $100 each.
It's sustainable for as long as people think they can make money with it, that's pretty much forever.
The price could be 100k, people will just be dealing in ever smaller pieces

>> No.3085839

As long as people can't make a ton of money by cashing out immediately, sure.

We're in that zone, people have doubled their money in a month, and Bitcoin isn't money, yet.

People are going to sell off.

>> No.3085854

Get rekt

>> No.3085871

neo-/biz/ everyone

>> No.3085928


By that logic Bitcoin should have never gone down before. Even when it was $250 there was far more than $7 million buying into Bitcoin each day.

>> No.3085967
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>slip into coma last week
>wake up today
>bitcoin not at $5000


>> No.3085983

>ignoring demand

Are you willfully stupid or just a kike dickhole?

>> No.3086043
File: 433 KB, 2144x1068, hashratecompare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a price/hashrate comparison

Demand in Bitcoin... I've bought so many things with BTC if anything then demand is increasing.

>> No.3086072

>Dipping to $1800 is "going up" from $3k

Sure thing, buddy.

>> No.3086073

now look at LTC's hashrate increases last month compared to the price.

>> No.3086089

>immediately resorts to insulting when called out


>> No.3086137

Bitcoin ATM's are all over the place. All over the world.

>> No.3086146

BCC/BCH (CASH) also good

>> No.3086290

>not sustainable
>not sustainable
>not sustainable
>not sustainable
>not sustainable
>not sustainable

Retards gonna retard I guess.

>> No.3086295

You and every other normie investor.

>> No.3086332

>you can build a skyscraper forever, so long as people want it to go higher, it will never collapse

>> No.3086372

>>Most retarded comment of the day.jpg

Party hats

>> No.3086394
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>you can't build a skycrapper forever therefore you can't build one at all

>> No.3086409
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>TIL market prices are subject to gravity and the structural integrity of building materials.

>> No.3086421

unless... 9/11.....

>> No.3086488

Lmfao. That's really dumb.

>> No.3086704


why do you think party hats are a good analogy?

>> No.3086741

Please no I bought at 4k

>> No.3086770

Biggest chuckle I've had all day. Hopefully bitcoins don't melt at what temperature was it again?

We've seen complete dickheads on this board preach it can't maintain these prices since we broke off from /g. I would literally want to kill myself if I had been preaching this for the last 5 years and never made a dime.

>> No.3087301


>> No.3087346
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>> No.3088511


>> No.3088772
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Does it seem right now?

Lmao don't you guys get tired of being wrong all the time?

>> No.3088813
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good time to short BTC

>> No.3088832

>people trying to predict BTCs future based on stock history

lmao I love it when first year economic majors do this

>> No.3088856
File: 52 KB, 1065x528, 2017-08-16-11:46:42-761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin is actually pretty easy to predict long-term

the problem is that /biz/ never fucking zooms out because they are trying to make 5% gains a day by basically gambling on micro movements

>> No.3088874

It will get back to 0 because it is a shit coin that wasn't intended to get this big, and because it is a plain and simple bubble.
t. coiner with a triple digit IQ

>> No.3088877

Probably below $4000 tonight, no lower than $3500 over the next week.

>> No.3088903
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>normalfags see bitcoin mooning
>want to get it
>normalfags buy and it goes back up
wow that was hard

>> No.3088908

>fitting arbitrary levels loosely based on an irrelevant number series to historical data.

Now you've dun goofed anon.

>b-b-but muh shameful misunderstanding of calculus and statistics

>> No.3088923

srs question from a srs retard

if I dont own any btc or eth right now, which should I buy to use to pay for altcoins?
does it matter?

>> No.3088925

>Fibonacci and 50% retracements
>irrelevant numbers
wew lad

>> No.3088935
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hmm... it's above 4300, are you sure you actually meant "under 3k" instead of "under 4.3k"?

>> No.3088954

Buy bitcoin then buy altcoins with bitcoin

>> No.3088956

>b-b-but muh shameful misunderstanding of calculus and statistics


>> No.3088960

>see something repeated 10000000x throughout nature and human history based on the golden ratio; use this to your advantage


>hurr durr life is soooo random

pick one

>> No.3089002

>see something repeated 10000000x throughout nature and human history based on the golden ratio; use this to your advantage

Lmao. Thanks for reminding me how full the market is of dunning-kruger idiots like yourself.

>> No.3089029

what crypto wallet do anons use?

>> No.3089050

I feel so fucking cucked. Used my debit card to place an order to buy some more at 3.2k with a company named Simplex like a day before it spiked. Motherfuckers asked me for some verification bullshit and cancelled my order two days later on the basis that "price rates have significantly changed".
dishonest pieces of shit

>> No.3089057
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I can guarantee you have no fucking idea about statistics.

>> No.3089061

And I can tell you're a liberal urban postmodernist faggot because you refuse to follow what history and your own two eyes tell you

>> No.3089066

pls show scientific proof that fibonacci levels are a profitable trading strategy

>> No.3089095

Straight from wikipedia

>> No.3089100
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>> No.3089108

A fixed supply, not inflationary like yellencoin or runescape gp

>> No.3089114

i just keep it on coinbase

>> No.3089122

>33.3% transaction fee

>> No.3089123

Yet somehow I'm 6 months away from being a master in physics.

I know "fibonacci retracement" and "golden ratio" might sound cool or something in your feeble brains, that doesn't mean it has any scientific merit. Trying to predict the movement of a stochastic system by setting % levels based on a number series is pants on head fucking retarded. Deal with it.


>> No.3089128

You idiots keep forgetting that btc niw has much more liquidity and a much stronger backbone then it did the last few times it crashed. I would love to have a dip below 3k but the chances are slim to none

>> No.3089146

>stochastic system
wew lad

>> No.3089149

>Yet somehow I'm 6 months away from being a master in physics.

Wow. I'm sure your expertise in physics has a great bearing on your understanding of financial markets. Isn't the first thing you are supposed to learn in grad school that you you are an expert in your field and your field only?

>> No.3089155
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I sold my BTC for BCC and ETH.

>> No.3089180

There is no upcoming event I'm aware of which would drop the total crypto market cap by 25%. Money is flowing in, that's fueling news stories about the rise of crypto... which encourages more money to come in.

>> No.3089204
File: 15 KB, 375x305, OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to be an expert in bullshit systems to disprove the validity of said systems

Still waiting for that explanation on what magical property of the fibonacci series (or any series for that matter) makes financial markets follow % levels based on it. Take your time.

>> No.3089207

Have you even read it? It's literally nothing.
>This does indicate that a fairly sophisticated automated trading system
based on a pattern learning algorithm like for example an adaptive neural
network could be trained on input Fibonacci sequences along with addi-
tional input vectors comprising of some common technical indicators like
the EMA cross-overs, to pick up recurring patterns in the historical price
data with plausible predictive utility. However more numerical tests are
obviously required to know the practical value of such predictions.

>> No.3089308

>you need to be an expert in bullshit systems to disprove the validity of said systems

I never said that. I was just pointing out that an unrelated degree has no bearing on your 'expertise' whatsoever. YOU were the only one here claiming that you have some expert credentials because you are a fucking physics grad student.

>> No.3089362
File: 2.41 MB, 2951x9000, Nocoiners Obliterated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All around me are familiar faacessssss

>> No.3089400

nice image

>> No.3089456

Whales believe and follow them, so it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.3089465

That's because a high price attracts more miners.

You're own chart shows this as the price moves first

>> No.3089502

Protip: it's not

>> No.3089562

Physics is literally about using math and statistics to model all sorts of complicated systems. Plenty of physicists go on to work in finance and other areas. I think you can guess why.

I can say fibonacci retracement is bullshit for the same reason I can say homeopathy or astrology is bullshit: It's physically impossible.

>> No.3089781

you are the living embodiment of the physics student stereotype, well done

>> No.3090124

>still no proof that fibonacci strategy works
stay mad kiddo

>> No.3090143

>it only counts as a peak if it satisfies my conditions

>> No.3090182
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>> No.3090196


>> No.3090205

It went up to 3000 and down to 1800. But it's "not a peak" because it didn't satisfy dude's pre-condition of going down by 80%.

>> No.3090248

t clearly wasn't a peak because it has kept going up. If it went down and stayed down it was a peak.

We have no idea if it's at the peak now, although personally I expect it is. And every time before it has gone down well over 50 percent.

>> No.3090423

>kys forever

>> No.3090486

Kill yourself normal fag

>> No.3090495


So Bitcoin has never had a peak then, because it always resumed going up

>> No.3090738

No need to get insecure friend.

>> No.3090910

clif high and his awwooooo computer said that it was going to continue up. it's not crashing for a while

>> No.3090936

Astrology is bullshit and fools a lot of people. Markets are people.
>fib retracement could well work

>> No.3091604

It "works" in the way that it makes the user wait for a retracement before moving in, instead of going full fomo.

>> No.3092802
File: 14 KB, 456x586, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to cash out $38
>$25 fee

wtf is this shit? why didn't you tell me coinbase was shit /biz/?

>> No.3092810

>buying only $25

Jesus christ, do not get into crypto kid

>> No.3093392

That's why I stopped checking this board.

You guys are so fucking dumb.

>> No.3093414

Yeah just keep pissing 13-15% down a black hole in (((fees))) every time you want out:^)

>> No.3093524

t. increasingly nervous man

>> No.3093879

Stop using coinbase and stop being poor. Don't you need that money for rice and beans?

>> No.3093894

Cryptos will drain your life away. It's not worth it for pennies.

>> No.3093907
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>famous unsustainable

>> No.3093938

I would buy the fuck out of $2000

>> No.3093967

ledger nano s

>> No.3093973
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>> No.3093987

I don't know why this is so hard for people to get. It's the exact same case with Amazon, Tesla, Apple, and all the other stocks that normie twats buy despite being overpriced. They know what it is therefore it's a safe investment.
These guys get it and everyone else is really overthinking it.

>> No.3093994

Everyone thinks Bitcoin is going to 10k, so it will.

Then it'll crash and floor at 4k before starting up again.

>> No.3094005

hash doesn't increase the price, price increases the hash.

in what case would someone adding power to the network drive up the price of bitcoin? that's retarded. if price goes up, that drives up the profitability of adding hash, that's why people add it, to make money.

>> No.3094047


You are right, don't listen to confirmation bias faggots in a bull market. It will crash below 2000, and the alts will go down even more, biz is gonna bleed hard.

>> No.3094111

topwork anon
fucken saved

>> No.3094122

Dude I have a master's in physics and I don't think this market is a stochastic system. The existance of supports and resistances disproves that claim. I have no experience with fibonaccis, though. Might be bullshit or not, I won't pass judgement.

>> No.3094130


Shhhhh don't anger the autists

>> No.3094162

Yeah then how do you explain the amount of bullshit that skyrockets and makes a lot of money? This isn't science bro, it's alchemy. The expectations of people shape reality. Welcome to the social sciences!

>> No.3094186
File: 243 KB, 1820x1481, btc8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin will go down, and it will go down big, and it will do so exactly when the people currently controlling its price stop propping it up. the only question left is.. why? if you can figure that out before everyone else does, you stand to make a lot of money by betting with them.

>> No.3094194

I hope so. I'll just buy two more BTC and watch it grow to 100k 6 months later

>> No.3094217
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>muh TA
>works every time when I retroactively fit a pattern to a chart

>> No.3094293

crypto propaganda. Wow, this board is ludicrous.
When this crypto fad drops, its going to disappear faster than afroman

>> No.3094377


>every nocoiner since 2010

>> No.3094632
File: 53 KB, 142x186, Screen Shot 2016-12-07 at 9.14.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the crypto fad drops

>> No.3094666

I like it anon, I might use that to trigger some redditors later

>> No.3094678

You're retarded.

Electrum is a sexy bitch.

>> No.3094799

how much is the fee for transfering btc to a private address??

>> No.3094855
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>> No.3094907

If you made a profit, get out now. This will go down as the worlds greatest ponzi scheme, ever.

Who the fuck would work for fiat currency to purchase a digital currency, only to hope that it would convert BACK to fiat currency and not drop to zero. Keep following the meme coin into poverty

>> No.3094928


DUDE just buy it now. even if it dips to 3500 its going to moon to 5k then 10k .

Just buy now.

>> No.3094937

It's a flat $25 fee to withdraw, just invest more each paycheck and withdraw when you have real gainz. $38 isn't what you're looking for in crypto.

>> No.3094966

bitcoin is sucking shitcoin dry

>> No.3094986

its not a fad
its something that people have been working on longer than you have been alive

>> No.3094999

maybe it never will drop then. fug.

>> No.3095020

>Not working for a digital currency directly
Go to bed grampa, it's past 7pm!

>> No.3095033


Do you not see the inherent value in having a coin like this?

Do you know what the fuck the inflation rate is for most currencies manipulated by their respective country's banks? They can literally print money indefinitely and throw your salary to shit.

Cryptocurrency is like holding precious metals, except these increase in value substantially and you've got more working options for payout.

>> No.3095038

>not a food analogy
ya blew it

>> No.3095047

>longer than you have been alive
im older than 8, and you must have been into pokemon and minecraft a few years ago to fall for this non-asset.
pokemon-because you believe in imaginary assets with rarity stressed on it
minecraft-because you think digital mining is actual work that creates wealth

again, why would you bust your ass at a job, to turn around and purchase a digital coin with no value, other than one of speculation. At the very least you can wear gold or silver.

>> No.3095063

oh im sorry fag
i guess all these idea are over your head
not suprised

>> No.3095073

heres the secret to why biz always loses in. game of investing: too impatient. ltc will win in the end

>> No.3095079

>Not working for a digital currency directly
where do you work?
>inherent value
Gold, yes. Digital currency has none
>inflation rate
a hedge on inflation is investing

again, why would you WORK FOR FIAT money to purchase fake digital money and hope....just hope that it will increase in value, IN RELATION TO FIAT money that you think is bullshit.

Its like wishing for more bullshit.

>> No.3095087


>> No.3095092

>"gold has inherent value" meme again

C'mon son.

>> No.3095095

I hope so

>> No.3095096

no counter argument, therefore I will call you a fag and live in my bitcoin bubble. There will be a bitcoin depression, followed by a flatline. Good luck trying to go to sleep tonight.

>> No.3095098

>nocoiner detected

bitcoin is "better gold than gold"

(1) dont need vaults and security guards to protect it

(2) can move it to the other side of the world in minutes for $1

(3) can verify holdings instantaneously rather than expensive auditing process

etc. etc.

$6T market cap of gold will go to $100B and the market cap of BTC will go to $6T+

BTC price will hit $100k in the next 1-2 years and $300k in 3-5

>> No.3095106

when bit coin goes to zero, what will you do with it? at the least, you can use gold as a rare metal, jewelry, etc.

Tell me again about inherent value.

>> No.3095111

im not your teacher fag

>> No.3095127

it got a long way to go till zero
when the internet has one final node
how does it work?

>> No.3095137

I seriously hope you are the last person on earth to work at your job for fiat money and purchase digital currency, only to wake up and see that it loses 20% of its value, then slowly you come to this board to hear the echo chamber of how it will soon go to 100K.

You buy more with the hopes it will at 2-3K, then it goes to 300, after that you will develop some serious mental issues.

Remember me in the future.

>> No.3095141

i run my own company you stupid troll LMAO

>> No.3095149
File: 428 KB, 3174x2160, eric andre and his slow descent into madness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems a little tense in here. you guys want some water pizza?

>> No.3095154

>it got a long way to go till zero
not really, by zero, I mean the actual value in USD that it is valued at. When no one is willing to buy cryptos anymore, it will go the way of the other failed cryptos.

You might as well invest in rare comic books, at the very least you can read them when no one in the world wants them and values them at less than the price of tissue to wipe their ass with.

>> No.3095167

LOL kiddo
pogs are hot

>> No.3095173

The entire fiat currency system is a ponzi scheme. Only the ones who prints them get to use its entire value before trickling down do you.

I rather get into a ponzi scheme earlier than everyone else than to cuck myself with one ponzi that has been established for a century and hope I can profit from that.

>> No.3095177

>i run my own company
I run a company, charge customers in fiat, pay tax. then pay another tax to convert fiat into crypto, only to hope it goes up in value compared to fiat....brilliant

How is the imaginary dragon dildo company doing these days?

>> No.3095183

i never said i did that once fag

>> No.3095193

yer an idiot
i run a company yes
ive mad crypto with hardware and crypto and trading
you are an d bag LMAO a dumb one LOLOL have fun being poor

>> No.3095201

AGAIN, you have to work...WORK at a job, show up every day and WORK for fiat money. The fiat ponzi scheme that you so call it.
Only then do you BUY, crypto coins, and hope that in a week, month, or year, someone else will be willing to work his or her ass off and pay MORE than you did for it.

Lets hope this ponzi scheme of crypto goes on for a decent run, before people wise up.

>> No.3095209

lol at this fag who thinks people who own crypto dont have work LOL

>> No.3095210

It is true. It has as much value as people place on it.

Besides, the majority of the market is built on money from thin air. People make gains from alts and other stable currencies and throw it into more stable currencies for safer keeping, the most popular of course BTC.

We have a serious crash coming. Not only is BTC now bloated and being pumped, anons will start to try seriously cashing out in a year or two. That'll be interesting

>> No.3095222

haha dont put all you have on it dumb shit but it can go a long long way away from where it is

>> No.3095229

>dont have work
learn to read thoroughly.

Im saying you have work, and spend your cash (that you can use on everyday goods and is mandated to be used as legal tender), for something that can at anytime turn into dogecoin or something that will have zero value in a days time. Good luck

>> No.3095231

>not just buying shit directly with BTC
Why are you making me respond to you the second time?

>> No.3095244

the dot com bubble meme is fucking clueless... do you idiots even know how off that is? im not your teacher
look it up
lots more money was in that and it was far less VALUABLE

>> No.3095261

yer a fucking idiot lol have fun kiddo telling me how to be not poor like you LOL
im not at risk LOLOLOLOL yer a self righteous lil snowflake who needs a raise

>> No.3095266

>buying shit directly with BTC
that is impossible, all persons who run a legitamite business will accept bitcoin on the BASIS that is has a dollar value.

Once the dollar value of said bitcoin drops, they will ask for MORE bitcoin for items.

Prices are set in dollars and converted into bitcoin prices.

>> No.3095272

New-coiner starter kit:

>Bubble chart
>muh tulips
>it could go down to zero!
>ponzi scheme!

>> No.3095277

thank you sir
forgot to bring mine

>> No.3095284

>im not at risk
I never said you were at risk, you did.

You might be at risk if you have too much invested in a digital currency bubble, if you are relying on that money to be around for housing or other life altering expenses, then you most definitively are at risk.

>> No.3095300


>> No.3095301

>in a digital currency bubble, if you are relying on that money to be around for housing or o
lol yer just looking for an idiot to fight with on the internet
lets circle jerk about it

>> No.3095317

pretty soon your dollars are going to be good for starting fires and not much else

you know the chinese etc have been offloading treasuries for a few years now

think of this not as a BTC pump but as a dollar dump. it is both, because BTC is replacing gold, but most people are missing half the picture.

dollar is headed. BTC is headed to about 3 lambos. the BTC:dollar ratio is headed for actual infinity, but about $300k in present day dollars

>> No.3095334

we arent all off the deep end

>> No.3095341

You have to start thinking "off the deep end" dude. that's how you are able to see and predict the future. BTC is going to $300k. it's gonna happen.

>> No.3095343

I seriously hope you have your home paid off before you "invest" in a cryptobubble.
What is the point of paying interest on a mortgage if you have the cash on hand to pay the principal and immediately save in the long term, minus a year end tax credit to the IRS.

>> No.3095360

you dont have worry about me :)
worry about you
im set

>> No.3095365

yeah, just read that a little bit ago. its admittedly a tad over my head, but what i understand seems to check out. the question 'why' still stands. yesterday i was on the goldman sachs train, now im all aboard the bcc express. big things are going to happen this weekend imo with the difficulty adjustment, and i think the btc manipulation is the lead up stage to a hostile takeover of bitcoin wealth.

i dropped out of btc a few days ago when it peaked at 4400 and i put it all into bcc earlier today.

>> No.3095370

>that's how you are able to see an
haha or you will eat your dick i hope
i wont watch it though
even if it is on some shit tv chan

>> No.3095382

Your argument is that the Chinese people are selling treasuries and that bitcoin will go up.

So if next year the Chinese purchase more treasuries and bitcoin loses 90% of its value, you argument will mean what.

Fiat currencies all fail in the long run, true, but at the very least, our current fiat system is set up so that persons HAVE to accept the dollar for a debt, if not that debt will be considered null.

Crypto is based on what the next sucker will pay, and there is no shortage of suckers.

When one bitcoin is worth 1 dollar, you could offer someone 10,000 bitcoins for a new Honda Accord and they would laugh in your face.

>> No.3095385

good link
tether has been sketchy as fuck for long time

>> No.3095393

>So if next year the Chinese purchase more treasuries and bitcoin loses 90% of its value, you argument will mean what.
>Fiat currencies all fail in the long run, true, but at the very least, our current fiat system is set up so that persons HAVE to accept the dollar for a debt, if not that debt will be considered null.
>Crypto is based on what the next s
you a such a mad no coiner LOL why is that?
why are you even here?

>> No.3095394

two questions

Do you own a home outright, no mortgage

How much is your bitcoin worth today in actual USD

>> No.3095399

if bcc supporters are using this loophole to crash btc, that would be a fucking incredible art of war move

but it shouldn't be that surprising, there are a lot of geniuses in crypto

as of right now I'm sticking with the theory this is just to make a shit ton of money in a bull market

but honestly that fits everything I've noticed about the current market conditions, the anemic corrections, the weird price floor stability, the dramatic pumps of millions of dollars, etc

>> No.3095418

hey dumb cunt
how much money is your bank account?
Whats your address?
are you a fucking self righteous idiot or WHAT LMFAO
hang yourself kid

>> No.3095421

>why are you even here?
To understand why someone, in todays world would work for a USD, get their pay, and then convert it to a crypto currency.

This is going to go down in 10 years time as the worlds greatest pyramid schemes.
They are going to read about this in history books.

I came into this board only to hear a giant echo chamber of crypto is great, and "what is the next great coin" like its the equivalent of a digital playing card

>> No.3095432

Too late to buy bitcoin?

I can either transfer money into a coinbase wallet and buy on gdax in a week or buy now on coinbase but risk being locked in at a price. What is the fuckin advice for this?

>> No.3095436

you just want a dumb fight and you dont know how to hedge funds and make money
not my fault
but my lul

>> No.3095440

if you think deep enough none of those have value.

>> No.3095445

it's a straight up exit scam waiting to happen

they even tell you that directly in their T&C

it's basically margin on margin when combined with an exchange and it's why bitcoin just saw the most massive gain ever without any decent correction

trust me, I've seen some amazing things in bitcoin's history but the last few weeks are quite literally too good to be true

>> No.3095446

Im not asking for your social, all I asked was if you own a home and how much you are willing to risk on digital currency

I assume you live with parents, or rent. Im leaning to live at home with parents.

Crypto, im guessing you have less than 4K

>> No.3095457

guess away kiddo lol

>> No.3095460

>if bcc supporters are using this loophole to crash btc, that would be a fucking incredible art of war move
took the words right out of my mouth. let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. if im right, this has been in the works for a long time, and its going to be a fucking slaughter.

>> No.3095465

You're a retard
There is a finite number of bitcoins and the interest is growing, therefore the price will go up

>> No.3095468

yea ive seen the "WE ARE TELLING YOU ITS AN EXIT SCAM" thing
fucked up
stay away
least they are honest about it

>> No.3095469

>how to hedge funds and make money
you are not that bright, if you own bitcoin and think USD are a scam, why would you care what the bitcoin converts into.

If USD are bullshit and you have no use for them, would you care if your bitcoin was worth less than a dollar tomorrow?

>> No.3095481

>f you own bitcoin and think
you are now saying that i said things i never said and you have been boring for a while now
go read up newfag

>> No.3095482

before reading this, keep in mind that the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. you don't necessarily want to do what "makes sense"

ok. so whats the deal with BTC / BCC?

core / blockstream are run by the CIA/MI6. their main funders are AXA and Mosaic Ventures, former owned by former bilderberger, latter a MI6 front. what are they up to?

first, small blockers/segwit. the idea is to make onchain transactions expensive and force people into "lightning networks" which basically means you pay some Visa2.0 company instead of getting peer to peer uncontrollable transactions. major (but not only) value proposition of bitcoin destroyed.

second, take note of the fact that vitalik didn't do shit to develop ethereum. microsoft employees wrote the code and put vitalik as a front guy. note that ethereum is mostly hot air, no actual use cases yet has the whole fortune 500. PoS is not secure. they are pretending that private chains
with low hash are immutable / secure. all kinds of retard tier shit spewing left and right, yet this shitcoin was pumped regardless. no one with any sense is buying it for value, most people with money actually have sense, ergo people are buying it for other reasons (artificially create a competitor to bitcoin)

third, currency requires a network effect. this is very valuable. there can really only be one goto currency. if it is bitcoin, it won't be the dollar anymore. to try to stave off the arrival of this day, now you see why shitcoins like ethereum are being pumped so hard

fourth, segwit activation and the medium article on pumping. the BTC chain can collapse overnight any day now. image the scenario: (1) 20% hash power moves BTC > BCC (2) BTC blocks slow down 25%, mem pools blooms, exponential increase in tx fees, price drop from uncertainty (3) BTC price down BCC price up > more miners move > (2) is exacerbated > (3) is exacerbated ..... self-sustaining cycle that drives BTC=0 BCC=10k

>> No.3095489

>hedge funds
also, here is definition
plural noun: hedge funds
a limited partnership of investors that uses high risk methods, such as investing with borrowed money, in hopes of realizing large capital gains.

>> No.3095503


knowing that BTC chain can collapse at any moment, the US/UK intelligence agencies are investing heavily in propping up the BTC price to keep the chain from collapsing.

why? because BCC already has effectively unlimited scaling. unlimited blocks can become a world reserve currency, whereas segwit chain can not.

so the moment the rush out of BTC into BCC starts, is the moment you have a serious threat to the dollar as world reserve currency.

when you see this start, make sure you hold plenty of BCC and very few dollars. shit is going to go bananas on a worldwide scale very quickly thereafter. dethronement of the dollar can happen within 6 months - 2 years of the BTC chain getting spiked and BCC chain taking over. the ramifications of such an event are far beyond 99% of /biz/ comprehension

>> No.3095506

stop failing to look smart by failing to correct me LOL
hedging your funds *or your bets*
not a hedge fund you dumb shit LOL

>> No.3095508
File: 290 KB, 322x295, loll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>" the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."

As someone who has studied and made a career studying, applying, and working with solvents I don't think you understand what the word means.

>> No.3095512


what's also interesting is that goldman sachs definitely knew this was happening when they set their $4800 price target with a correction to $2.2k.

Assuming it even gets there, what did they expect to happen at $4800? Tether exits? Miners move to BCC? Regulators step in?

>> No.3095535

>goldman sachs
i dont have time for your "goldman sachs meme"
learn about you talk about
i dont have time for you

>> No.3095536

>*or your bets*
if you are betting, you are not investing.

You are basically wagering that the next simpleton will pay more for your digital currency than you did.

Imaging how great the people who purchased bitcoin at 3 dollars and sold this week, no imagine buying in at 3000 and being stuck at 3 dollars.

Thats a bet I will never take. Id rather buy a powerball ticket

>> No.3095549

investing is always a bet you stupid cuck
get a grip

>> No.3095575

btc crashing or what?

>> No.3095599

I don't really see how that's a relevant response to a pretty sincere question

We have to assume that GS has intimate knowledge of the tether game (irregardless of BCC's role). So they knew that the shtick couldn't continue indefinitely, fake tethers propping up the price of btc. So what did they forecast would cause the downfall? I think that''s a pretty interesting question.

major redpill. I agree with all the points you made (especially the role of ethereum, which I've postulated about too) but not the timescale.


>> No.3095601

see, that could very well be true. but all this manipulation is doing for me is showing me that btc is inherently flawed in that it can be manipulated so easily by an entity with a vested interest. not to mention how transparent it is; like they dont have to care that what theyre doing is plainly obvious.

and then the crash sachs is predicting. surely theyd be in on whatever is going on if that's the case. why would they crash btc if they know thatd result in a transfer to a a coin they cant control?

now, if theyre the ones manipulating btc to keep it from crashing to avoid a transition to bcc, why arent they crashing bcc at the same time? it should be much easier to control the price of a currency valued much lower. but look at the bcc price chart. it's as stable as can be. that tells me that this has to be related. it makes too much sense for it not to be.

>> No.3095613


>better start changing my forks to chopsticks

very extreme scenery but it actually makes sense.
Don't forget about ether and lite. BCC is not the only alternative, and after that collapse why would you go back to something with similar roots?

>> No.3095634

ethereum was premined, it''s dead in the water as a global currency

litecoin is alright

>> No.3095646

>investing is always a bet
No its not, good investments are measured and payoff accordingly.
The day the dollar is worthless is the day the internet turns off, then what will your bitcoins be worth during Armageddon?

>> No.3095650

this forum is all *IM NEW TO THIS* tin foil hat chain tonight
kinda is every time i look at it
if you want to learn about this
dont look on the sewer of the internet for info

>> No.3095679

Welcome to 4chan biz, where people try to pump up the new crypto, fake news the fuck out of it trying to make it go up, in hopes to sell it for the schill dollar for the end goal.

Most are like you

>> No.3095687

Is bitcoin going to dip again or is it safe to buy?

>> No.3095701


If Armageddon comes the only good investments are weapons, food, medical supplies, and shelter. Everything else is worthless. Gold definitely wont be worth shit

>> No.3095713

you know, a couple days ago some anon made a thread here telling people to load up on $DCTH. i laughed my ass off and went off on how worthless that stock is, how it's going either reverse split 75:1 or getting delisted this week and that anyone buying it is a moron and op is just trying to pump up the price to help cut his losses for when he dumps before their deadline. $DCTH shot up 40% today.

im not trying to tell you to do anything. maybe im wrong. or maybe come monday youll be wishing you listened to me just like i wish i wasnt such a pompous, dismissive asshole to that other guy.

>> No.3095716

> but all this manipulation is doing for me is showing me that btc is inherently flawed

the flaw isn't with bitcoin. the flaw is you have a central bank which can print dollars willy nilly. as long as the dollar is the standard, the manipulation potential is extreme.

at the same time you have to take note that this, while massive, is a finite source of manipulation

the feds have been pumping the stock market, bond market, etc. too. is it "fundamentally flawed" to be able to have ownership in companies, ie stocks? no. but price discovery in a market with arbitrary fiat printing is flawed.

use your language correctly. the flaw is the federal reserve, not bitcoin.

>and then the crash sachs is predicting. surely theyd be in on whatever is going on if that's the case. why would they crash btc if they know thatd result in a transfer to a a coin they cant control?

they don't want to spike bitcoin to zero. BCC supporters do. goldman sachs / CIA / MI6 / VISA types want a very diversified crypto ecosphere with lots of "competitors" and no clear frontrunner for dollar dethronement.

don't confuse a modest correct prediction by GS with a total spiking of the BTC chain that real bitcoiners are planning (ie BTC = $0 + BCC > moon is the goal of bitcoiners whereas goldman wants BTC down 25% and a variety of shitcoins to surge)

>> No.3095725

I've actually seen a lot of more seasoned crypto investors start poking their heads out asking questions in the past day or so because in a world where pattern recognition is key, there is clearly some atypical shit going on

>> No.3095746

>whereas goldman wants BTC down 25% and a variety of shitcoins to surge)
well, then i guess everybody would win. if that's the fallback option to what im thinking will happen, i wont be upset. i wont be quite as stinking rich, but i wont be upset.

>> No.3095784

depends on what you mean by winning.

if we get a crypto as reserve currency you get a $10T+ market cap.

if we linger in the variety of shitcoin situation, you might see $300B or $400B and then an eventual collapse of the ecosphere

do you want 3000x gains or 2x-5x gains? is giving up 3000x for 2x-5x "winning" if it comes at the cost of keeping goldman sachs bankers in charge of the world?

>> No.3095805

honestly? im beyond psyched with the 18% return on my 401k over the past year. 2-5x gains with everything else proceeding as normal sounds like a dream come true to me. i dont have any fantasies about upending the established world order, im just trying to build some wealth for a comfy, early retirement. and like i said, ill obviously take 3000x over 2-5x, but i wont be upset either way.

>> No.3095829

>so long
How the fuck would BTC ever be able to go down with all this media attention?
Nearly ATH and both normies and conglomerates are willing to buy high in hope for another 4k multiplier.

All of you fucking assholes shilling hodl, hodl, and these faggots out there will mostly buy fractions and forget about them.
The market needs highs and lows to create new funds and attract new users, yet this fucking stagnation was caused by you little shits asking to hold for when the end times will come and BTC will be the only non-inflation spiked currency acceptable.

>> No.3095836

It's okay anon. I was in that thread, the guy you thought was OP. Made a killing. Glad you at least were honest about it, family. Shit happens, look for the next train.

>> No.3095842


>> No.3095886

good for you man. i fucked with delcath maybe two months back, bought at .08 and sold at .17. got super hyped on it but thankfully didnt buy back in and watched it tank shortly after (not really a penny stock guy). this was at the beginning of the period where it was up like 80% a day for 3 days straight. couldnt believe it.

told my coworker about it (he's a robinhood penny stock addict) and has been long tens of thousands of shares since buying in around .27. every day i have to listen to him talk about how its going to go up to 2 bucks a share soon, giving me shit for my dozens of TSLA shares that only recently climbed out of the huge hole they'd been in since the beginning of july.

i was a bit bitter since i have to listen to this delcath shit every day and i keep telling him hes a moron for holding penny stocks. glad it paid off for you though. sorry i was such a dick.

>> No.3095903

2x-5x is purely hypothetical in this scenario too, no more likely than -90%

what is the value of a crypto if not as a stable reserve with low tx fees?

none really. without cheaper txs than visa and without a path to stable store of wealth, i'd put the true value of crypto at $0 to $5B max, or 95%+ loss

you might do well to time the market and get out at 2x before then, but probably not.

>> No.3095930
File: 42 KB, 1504x863, thisisfine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks at this,
>everything is fine, absolutely normal,
it will even make a loop

>> No.3095948

i made 63% on btc in the last ~18 days since the fork, not counting my 'free' bcc. bought at 2700 and sold right at 4400 after seeing more and more shady trading and watching it bounce off 4050 a few times throwing red flags. im no moon addict and totally fine with taking a 'modest' gain on a short term investment, if you can call that modest. thanks for the perspective though, appreciate the discussion.

>> No.3095956

Never short BTC you fool

>> No.3095969

will stay high as long as that north korean cunt keeps fucking around

>> No.3096031

Dont sweat it. Don't be so hard on yourself. It didn't even phase me because I am still confident in the investment.

For now it's definitely a swing trade, but with the news coming Friday, I don't know. Maybe get in now or miss out to moon. It's a gamble still but one with more odds in your favor.

>> No.3096104

Yeah it's fine.
Most crypto traders aren't panicky faggots, we're are locked in for the long haul.
It could drop to 1k, I'd just buy more

>> No.3096107

is this a joke?

>> No.3096323

My thoughts exactly

>> No.3096410

Here in the US tech companies, and that includes credit card providers, are trying to starve anyone who thinks two X chromosomes make you female by removing their ability to transact via the internet. If Patreon, Paypal, GoFundMe and every other hugbox alienates half the country, and crypto has lower transaction fees, then expect President Trump to be accepting bitcoin for his re-election campaign.

>> No.3096524

Good choice. There's going be a lot of angry Wojacks in late August or early September.

>> No.3096657



This is you right now.

>> No.3096686


Surely, you cannot be this fucking retarded.


>> No.3096718

think you need a break from the solvents matey