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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3070690 No.3070690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

send the niggers back to Africa

>> No.3070701

Wrong board for this, but I agree 100%. Can't say I've ever had a positive experience with a darkie

>> No.3070708

hey there buddy i'd like to direct you to a little board called /pol/ (@ 4chan.org/pol )

you will fit in just fine there

>> No.3070711

Please DO NOT send "white" Americans back to Europe.

>> No.3070731

you know the first inhabitants of america were african americans right?

>> No.3070760

Planned Parenthood is taking care of the nigger problem. Spics are what we have to be concerned with, Bar entry and mass deport. Open more Planned Parenthood centers in spanish speaking areas.

>> No.3070769

everyone agrees with you but this is for pol.

>> No.3070772


>> No.3070784


>> No.3070786


Yeah, you have a point. But the real question is how do I profit from this?

>> No.3070793

Deport all non-whites from Europe.

>> No.3070800
File: 3 KB, 128x128, Chris_m-128x128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gibs me dat money cuckboi

>> No.3070821

the reason we didnt was because they would simply be sold back to slavery

we should have given them reservations like the indians so they could govern themselves and leave us alone

>> No.3070854

Obviously >>>/pol/ is fucking bored and has decided to come over and shit things up here. Welcome /pol/!
Now gtfo, assholes.

>> No.3070858
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But you'd let us in with open arms if we were "refugees".

>> No.3070877

Please do. We need their guns to kill lefties, the government and muzzies.

>> No.3070893

found the nigger

so many niggers in crypto, just like pyramid schemes.. make me think

>> No.3070909

Yeah well don't hurt yourself, dude. I'm starting to smell smoke over here lol...

>> No.3070923

Go back to /pol/ idiot