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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3058045 No.3058045 [Reply] [Original]

> want to get into crypto
> have no fucking idea where to start, what to do and what's happening

How do I stop being a stupid low IQ shmuck and get onto the train while it's still in the station?

>> No.3058048
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If you need to ask this question there is no hope for you

>> No.3058052

Buy a pass

>> No.3058062
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Thanks for being open with me anon and giving it to me straight.

A what

>> No.3058065

go to coinbase/gdax - buy bitcoin - if u want alts transfer bitcoin to bittrex or poloniex.

>> No.3058066


>> No.3058068

god fucking damn how do you even get by day by day?

do you ask people in real life to spoon feed you on topics you arent well versed in?
be a fucking adult, its your money, its your future, and do your own fucking research.

its really not fucking hard in the slightest. plenty of NEETs post here and are swimming in growth, just by literally existing in this fledgling market.

make a coinbase, make a bittrex. buy btc on coinbase, send to bittrex and buy solid coins.
only buy solid coins, and do not fucking sell until atleast 2018, personally i wont sell for 12 months cause im an americuck and i dont want to get assraped by capital gains

>> No.3058072
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youtube aantonop

>> No.3058073

Go to Gemini, get verified. Wire money in. Buy ETH or BTC, and get your own wallet. Don't listen to shills without doing research on the altcoin you're buying.

>> No.3058078

>He doesnt know about /biz/ pass

>> No.3058125

>do you ask people in real life to spoon feed you on topics you arent well versed in?

Yes? This might be a shock to you but that's how most people learn, by asking questions to those who know the answers

>> No.3058139

faggot retard theres this thing called the internet you're on it right now. You fucking piece of shit

they are supposed to teach you how to find information in school, thats what all those research papers and essays are for.

>> No.3058146

If you do this , you are going to get manipulated.
There no better way to say it, if you let people explain things from their perspective and don't allow yourself the opportunity to form your own opinions, you WILL get manipulated and be nothing more than a sheep.

Do your own research and find your own sources to fact check. Ask others for their opinions but don't start that way because you know nothing and its very easy to convince somebody of something they know nothing about if you seem like you know your shit.

>> No.3058163

Doesn't change the fact that ASKING is still a perfectly valid natural human way of learning things faggot
Just because you're too chickenshit to actually interact with another human being in order to gain information doesn't make ASKING some sort of weird alien thing to do

>> No.3058170


>> No.3058176

I'm not saying 100% believe everyone but really there's nothing wrong with asking for help getting started
If anything I think it's best to go into your research with some information before because then you can see if what you'be been told checks out

>> No.3058179

either lurk or join one of the 1000 paid slack channels

>> No.3058180

refer to

imagine if OP actually just asked /biz/ and listened to what seemed like sound logic
for instance, the other day that thread on bitbean sprouting vs dash masternode ownership
the math very clearly works out that sprouting beans is -technically- more cost effective than it would be to own a dash masternode
however, anybody who actually purchases the equivalent of a dash masternode in bitbean is actually the biggest fucking idiot in the entire world

>> No.3058191
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Hey very noob here. I just placed my first order for altcoins on binance, and my order still hasn't been filled.. Should it take this long? Do I cancel and try again before the price on the coin rises any more?

>> No.3058220

my advice
if you're going to buy something, just always buy it at the lowest asking price.
unless you think you're going to be the master of daytrading, paying a couple more cents for the lot is really going to make 0 difference in the long run, but it will assure that you fulfill your order.

by all means if you think you are TA god and can predict the market, then place lower buys than the best buy, and higher sells than the best sell.

>> No.3058255

It didn't actually allow me to set a price at all, so I'm assuming it was set to the lowest asking price by default. That was 20 minutes ago though and the value just keeps going up and my order isn't filling at all.

>> No.3058278

what the fuck, go read a book, watch a video, fucking do something to learn what you're putting your $ into

>> No.3058294

so i went on binance, and i can see your order anon
some dude put up a 7.5 ETH wall ahead of you, for a better price.
you set your price for the bids, not the asks.
buy from people selling if you want it, instead of putting in an order to buy and hoping someone sells to you.

>> No.3058306

nvm the wall is now 27.8 ETH
you are never getting your order filled until it crashes

>> No.3058326

Lurk forums, research and get a little skin in the game. If you want steady small gains then put your money in btc and eth otherwise play the shitcoin game. Best advise, hold and dont daytrade. Also dont be afraid to walk away from a shitty coin

>> No.3058334


What the fuck? Is there no way for me to buy this coin then?

>> No.3058540

Alt coins are trash dude pls spit out the alt coin pill already. Literally textbook pump and dumps except LTC and Eth