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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3052949 No.3052949 [Reply] [Original]

Copied from a previous post:
>While you faggots are losing your shit over a minor traffic accident the REAL happening is unfolding in world financial markets. On Thursday stock markets were down 2%, then on Friday they continued to fall. Volatility index(VIX) was at record lows of 9 a week ago and now it jumped up to 15 in only a few days, markets are spooked by north korea and now US civil war is imminent.

>Expect a MASSIVE collapse of the stock market on Monday, Dow Jones will probably fall 1000-2000 points. This time the government is in too much debt to bail out the banks, bond markets are going to collapse. Unemployment will quadruple overnight, social unrest will increase to 1930's style street combat.
Hey cunts, so a leaf on /pol/ made a thread claiming Evonomic collapse is imminent and that the market will fuck itself tomorrow, is there any validity to that?

>> No.3052954


>> No.3052961

Yes senpai
Buy cryptos
Only money we gon have

>> No.3052974

Dude people predict an economic collapse literally every day. It could happen or it couldn't, nobody knows because we don't have a crystal ball

>> No.3052980

yea but theres some validity. recession happens every 8-10 years and we are at going on 9 without one so its definitely due soon

>> No.3052985

yes, the markets been primed for death for a while now.

>> No.3052988

>stocks become even cheaper to buy
whats wrong with that ?

>> No.3053012
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I have no problem with it desu, I hope this market crashes with no survivors

>> No.3053107

its just a dip from people panicking from trumps comments Already started to rebound on Friday and will recover this week

>> No.3053113

Who gives a fuck
""good economy" just means the banks and big buisness are making more profits. Has nothing to do with the quality of life of people

>> No.3053127

>i dont understand how unemployment correlates to economic health

>> No.3053133
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But won't the events in Charlottesville cause it to dip even further?
>mfw I want an economic crash that will cause a sorrow that will bring broken men and women back to God

>> No.3053146


It will happen, the only question is when. I'd say 2020 at the latest. Everything is in a bubble now, and we never truly recovered from the 08 recession because the market never corrected itself because of the bail outs and the (((Federal Reserve's))) debt-buying and other trickery.

The next crash will be that recession and far, far worse. It's also pretty much engineered.

>> No.3053163

I have a crystal ball and yes, leaf anon is correct. Tomorrow the markets will crash and civil unrest will reach catastrophic levels.

Screenshot this. Aug 14/2017

>> No.3053165


>> No.3053172

Hint. The price of bitcoin is your indicator for when the economy will fall.

>> No.3053178

thats completely irrelevant..

>> No.3053218

maki is cute! CUTE!

>> No.3053223

I was too young and uneducated (highschool?) to realise what was happening in the 2008 crisis. But did that thing just happen overnight? I mean the causes leading to it might have been going on for weeks, months or even more but once the crash actually happened did it happen in literal seconds or minutes, maybe hours at best? Did one day everything go from 100% to 40%, analogically speaking?

>> No.3053241

i wasnt around either for that, i can ask my dad about it he was working then

>> No.3053243

Good thing I've been shorting the DOW!!

>> No.3053251

Crypto will take over. Companies will make their own altcoins

>> No.3053265


Not saying it's impossible, but it's unlikely it happens tomorrow. The s&p 500 futures are up 9 points right now, which points to a positive open.

>> No.3053282

>collapse is imminent and that the market will fuck itself tomorrow, is there any validity to that?
Nah, it's people being nervous about North Korea.

>> No.3053300


It happened in the span of a week.

Leamoncuckers were the only thing ppl were talking about and also how their wife left em and took everything cause they lost their job.


>> No.3053304

My first reaction economic-wise is to short popular indexes but i'm unsure whether i will be able to do anything with the gain..

>> No.3053317


It didn't happen all at once. It took about 6 months, with the worst of it happening in about a 2 month span. There were days that the Dow would be up all day, and drop 700 points in the last 30 minutes of trading. That went on for about a month.

If you were paying attention, the signs were there telling you to get out before it got really bad. But very few did. They were too busy taking out negative amortization loans to pay $600/sf for bombed out bungalows in inner cities so they could flip them.

>> No.3053329

hard times coming, civilisation collapses. the only thing we will buy from tomorrow on is ammo and bodybags. your portfolio will be the corpse mountain at the frontdoor.

>> No.3053337


Dammit anon, wtf did I say about being to dark.

>> No.3053398


If you're actually interested in the actual economic situation we're in. Here is a report released by the FEDs:

1) https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/files/2016-report-economic-well-being-us-households-201705.pdf

2) https://www.newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/interactives/householdcredit/data/pdf/HHDC_2017Q1.pdf

Number 2 is interesting given the fact that on page 3, the chart seems to be repeating 2008.

>> No.3053401

Just need matches, my dude

>> No.3053436
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Takes a long time to burn a body son, I don't know what (((fiction))) you've been reading

>> No.3053498

What do?

Just got accepted to law school, want to start a small rural practice. Should I still?

>> No.3053512

>But won't the events in Charlottesville cause it to dip even further?
lmao, is this a serious question?

>> No.3053524

no, bodybags. to keep the flys from your food recource.

>> No.3053529
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Proof that banks are raciest.

>> No.3053538

There's enough fuel in the human body that the fires will keep the bonfire burning without adding outside fuel. Just add more bodies. See: Treblinka, you silly goy.

>> No.3053546
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Proof that millennials are still on mommy's tit.


>> No.3053551
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Yeah but do you guys prefer Doom or Quake?

>> No.3053552

t. Fag who doesn't know shit about economics
I meant bodies take a long time to burn

>> No.3053567
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Stay with law, the FEDs say the odds are in your favor.

> pic related

>> No.3053570

Ok then, no it wont have any impact. From an economic perspective its an extremely minor event.

>> No.3053575

Ok, thanks

>> No.3053581

Holy shit lmao

>> No.3053641


27 and still at home, you mad?

>> No.3053647

Only half of all people with JDs actually get jobs in law. I took the LSAT, did well, realized I don't know any lawyers to hook me up with a post-grad job, and went with a MAcy instead.

>> No.3053702
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Hmm.Appreciate the advice.

Well I do have a connection in my hometown with a private practice attorney. Hes the youngest private attorney in town and hes 49.

Also, rural towns in general are really in need of private attorneys. Look it up friendo, they're screaming for them. All the JDs are retiring and noone is there to replace them because so many kids want to live in cities.

>> No.3053860

Faggot, the main reason I'm on crypto is because old normie stocks and markets are about to pop like an chicken inflated with water poked with a harpoon. There's going to be blood and screaming all over, and in the end the responsible ones will be on gold/crypto/safe haven they planed.

>> No.3053891

Exactly. What are you all scared about?
We are more inteligent than this.
We will form tribes based on common well being, build hydroponic farming and built our houses at least partly inside the earth.
And, of course, beat the fuck up all aliens trying to bring harm upon us.

Money is a slave tool.
If you are still brainwashed to not see this cyclical deception, read first chapter of this book:

>> No.3054026
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Holy kek

>> No.3054036

kek, was just wondering why I haven't been seeing those stockcucks generals in a while. must have all killed themselves

>> No.3054164

Smoking makes her a gross whore tbqh senpai

>> No.3054195

VIX went down a little Friday

It isn't even anywhere near crash levels either

>> No.3054237

Stop getting advice from kids on /pol/ you fucking retard

>> No.3054252
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>> No.3054258

>a bunch of angry faggots hitting each other with sticks
>having an effect on the economy

>> No.3054288

engineering a best

>> No.3054298

/pol/ has claimed there will be economic collapse every day for like 5 years now

>> No.3054300

This is the least shocking chart of all time

>> No.3054357
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>Americans flip their shit out over a small drop on the global stock market and economy
What's new to see there? Are they afraid to become the 3rd world country they always hate? Americans are like kids that are too selfish to share their toys with other kids. Let them suffer from their own stupidity, they deserved it.

>> No.3054430

Mostly people without a clue posting bullshit. I was a Corporate Owner at the time. I lost more money in seconds than you kids dream about. No one knew except for the banks. I went in one day to withdraw 60k cash to go to Vegas like I did once every 3 months. They took me to a back room, brought me a bottle of their finest water, and said "Mr Anon, we have something unfortunate to notify you of". To this day I am still clawing my way out of the Depths of Hell.

>> No.3054436


If anything we tend to emerge from a crash stronger than ever

it's a learning experience that's actually helpful for people once they become a little too complacent

>> No.3054484
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I was interested in this too so I read through reports by the IMF, FRB and they where definitely aware of and warning about the problems, but hindsight is 20/20.
>causes leading to it might have been going on for
Specifically in regards to this, you could make the argument that the causes where going back decades https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subprime_crisis_impact_timeline and that POC and sjws where main contributing factors because the dems installed regulations for anti discrimination for housing and loans to minority, pic related.
Also if you are a FAfag then fundamental economic indicators like manufacturing purchase orders broke down below their multi decades trendlines about a year and a half before.
Lehmen wasn't the first, did you forget about Bear Sterns?

>> No.3054512

Everyone just shook that Lehman type shit off and went on like it never even happened. We ignored the indicators, just like you all are now.

>> No.3054515

the truth is nobody actually understands finance

>> No.3054584

>and other trickery
I've been hearing rumors they where shorting VIX for the reason selling VIX to try to manipulate volatility lower.

>> No.3054609

There was am old man who had lived through the depression. He lived in an old single wide on an old farm across from my Hacienda. He would sit in his chair on his porch drinking beer, and watch me race off every morning to go build my McMansion subdivisions. One day he strolled over, and said "you know, within 5 years those houses you are building will be full of Welfare Trash, and 5 years after that they will be empty destroyed and worthless. I laughed at that old man and drove off. I'm sorry Clarence Jenkins, you would not believe how sorry.

>> No.3054649

civil war imminent? what are you faggots fighting about over there, race and gender?

>> No.3054662

left and right
I lean more to the right

>> No.3054690

I'm no part of it, but a bunch of people over here thought White Genocide was a good idea, an then the "Saxon Began To Hate". Google that phrase and you will understand what is going on across The Pond.

>> No.3054781

There is no finance.

>> No.3054826

Baby's first happening
Protip: it's not actually happening

>> No.3055315

I hope so, bitcoin will be on fucking Pluto if so.

>> No.3056301

economy is a meme, we all fell for it, and now we're going to die

>> No.3056417

>Thursday stock markets were down 2%