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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3052119 No.3052119 [Reply] [Original]

It obviously won't keep rising. Dubs decides what it will crash to this time.

>> No.3052128


>> No.3052138

It will crash once summer is over.

>> No.3052144


>> No.3052147


>> No.3052161

>summerfags are ruining crypto

>> No.3052166

I fucking hope so

>> No.3052201

Wait you honestly think a coin with a 67b market cap is being held up by school kids investing their lunch money in it? lol

>> No.3052224

How high will BTC be if we hit a 1 trillion dollar market cap (aka when the SEC tells people to go for it). Hypothetically

>> No.3052228

3500 btc is the major it will just go up 100 000$ in 5yrs

>> No.3052231


>> No.3052238

first post most realistic post

>> No.3052261

thats why it wont
btc will never go under 2k ever again

>> No.3052273

50k I think. 1 trill/21 mill

>> No.3052438

Nocoiners are hilarious. Enjoy your "realistic 2% stock increase" will I literally make 10k by pushing a button.

>> No.3052455

that would be sexy (and far more realistic than most of /biz/ realized) I can't say how i know that but..i know people.

>> No.3052479

Guaranteed to crash had soon.
Probably around $2900.
With another hard fork around the corner, expect it to go below $2000 sometime in October.

>> No.3052523

It is almost an impossibility for BTC to go below 2000 at this point.

Also no one is worried about another hard fork considering the last one was ultimately a nothingburger.

>> No.3052544

>i know someone who knows the price will be higher but i can't tell you anything cause it's secret
Fuck you. That is literally middle school-tier manipulative logic. You just look like a dumbass and you make actual adults more reluctant to invest when they have some retarded child trying to play them into buying their shit.

>> No.3052551

Holders aren't afraid of hardforks anymore. The last one gave a pretty good dip, but the recovery was so fast, it literally means nothing.

>> No.3052555
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Higher than that. There are and will be much less than 21 million accessible bitcoins. They kept getting fucking lost, especially in the early days.

>> No.3052559

wait and see fgt

>> No.3052563

People said it would never go below $2000 right before the last hard fork too.
Trust me, it's happening.

>> No.3052570

0, replaced by Bitcoin Cash

>> No.3052621

What's the next fork over? This is news to me.

>> No.3052668

That was the first hard fork and no one knew what was going to happen. Now that people saw that BCC was actually free money for some fucking reason, there will be a lot less people selling pre-fork.

>> No.3052709

maybe we can try and create a virus to destroy private keys. make as much inaccessible bitcoins as we can to drive up the price to ridiculous heights.

>> No.3052721


>> No.3052748


>> No.3052757
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That would crash the price because you would be destroying the market's trust in bitcoin. Such a virus is unfeasible anyway, you cant 'destroy' a private key.

>> No.3052766

its goin way past that...

>> No.3052791

Wish I could turn back time. I thought the obvious thing that everyone would do would be hold BTC on Aug 1st for free money, and therefore wasn't sustainable, or BTC would dip after, or BCH would be worthless.

I was wrong. Still, just sold the 2.4 BCH that I had for more BTC, I just wish I sold all my alts at the time

>> No.3052823
File: 17 KB, 200x232, 1502647412121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC always has a huge price spike before immediately dropping down to "new normal." In the next week it's going to hit $5k once the normies get their coinbase accounts verified, then it'll fall back to $4.5k for a couple days before crashing to $2.5k and a very slow journey to irrelevance over the coming years.

IOTA will spike this week to $5 when it gets added to Bittrex, followed by a dip back down to $2 as BTC crashes. It will gradually climb to $20 over the next year and begin taking on its role as bitcoin's replacement.

Bog has spoken.

>> No.3052843

it might unironically go to 10k by december

>> No.3052854


>> No.3052877
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As much as you can. Feed the beast for another week so that the quads prophecy may be fulfilled.

>> No.3052900

Retarded nocoiners and bagholders spreading FUD as usual.

>> No.3052914


It will crash to 50000.

>> No.3052948

10k isnt a huge strech... i think 7k though

>> No.3052970


>> No.3053473

$125- $250 USD per unit.

>> No.3053476
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Most likely back down to 2k in the next few weeks.

>> No.3053525
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Remember, remember the 5th of November.

>> No.3053526

Please be true

>> No.3053536

When BTC explodes in value

>> No.3053578

Nube here, last summer I bought like 20 dollars worth of bitcoin, was gonna get into it and then forgot about it sorta. Since this crazy spike obviously I want in again. Kicking myself in the shin for not buying more last summer but made 200 bucks so can't complain. Anyways, can anyone reccomend a safe mobile wallet or a desktop one? All the app store ones have reviews that say the wallet steals money for them or that the money doesn't show up when making transactions. Currently just use the wallet in my online exchange and I heard that wasn't the safest, but definately don't want to lose my money when transferring to another wallet or have it eaten up by the wallet. Another thing is, last summer when I was researching I heard you couldn't sell bitcoin immediately like stock, and you needed to find an individual buyer, si this still the case? A friend of mine said his exchange allows you to sell immediately like stock, is he full of shit? Hope one or a few of you has sympathy for a nube, I don't trust google when it comes to "Safest Bitcoin wallets' seems like all those articles are probably payed off by wallets to shill for them so I really appreciate some accurate help, thanks

>> No.3053597

desktop wallet I use electrum. consider buying a hardware wallet like trezor if you anna get serious about it.

>> No.3053639

Thanks. So I won't have issues transferring it from my yobit online wallet to electrum? And there's no way it's gonna eat up my money right? Sorry, just double checking since so many wallets are apparently scammy.

>> No.3053839
File: 107 KB, 844x810, Hold on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shits about to break. Hold on to your butts.

>> No.3053859
File: 1.94 MB, 1652x3400, NocoinersOnTheCasket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello darkness my old friend

>> No.3053963

Yeah buy now at 4k it will only go up up up. 50k next year goys!

>> No.3054849

lose those coins, fgt ;)
i love all the misinfo on /biz