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File: 1.10 MB, 3024x4032, 157660797_801779730688063_2644947788082647225_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30439256 No.30439256[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hello my name is Jaz Tarki, I am a fairly popular TIktoker, 250K followers, and I am also an artist. I am a fan of AVAX and like the memes and I've drawn some rare Soldier avax pepes.

I plan to release 27 prints of this soldier pepe so whoever wants one drop your AVAX address and I'll send one to you.

I deleted the original files so these will be the only avax pepes to exist to insure rarity of not only this pepe but the artwork itself :3

if you like my pepes send me some support :>


>> No.30439345


>> No.30439359

drop your avax wallet address

>> No.30439363


>> No.30439537

op here, each one has a unique signature as well to add to the rarity of each

>> No.30439566

Amazing peperinos man, love it

>> No.30439577


Thnkx anon

>> No.30439593

drop your avax address if you want one, I made 27 of them

>> No.30439624
File: 618 KB, 984x984, 20171106-142756_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would love to own one, will send one back

>> No.30439670


>> No.30439680

I dont have avax wallet, i am holding it binance

but i will download it so u can send me peperinos

>> No.30439753

Thanks fren


>> No.30439816

hope you enjoy it

>> No.30439823

sent u some

>> No.30439828

rolling X-avax1y9s0psha0vwzde5wr58fsxu2sg24320pxtvtfm

>> No.30439860


>> No.30439879

I'll treasure it

>> No.30439890



thanks man

>> No.30439916

Are you the anon who gave us the gif?

>> No.30439953

Please do the needful


>> No.30439958

Thanks dude

>> No.30439963
File: 29 KB, 315x275, whitney smug crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely based anon. I would give you a big smooch if I could

>> No.30439965


>> No.30439985


Thanks anon, nice pepe

>> No.30439995


are you serious? thanks a lot. never got a drop of anything before

>> No.30440014

Thank u OP


>> No.30440034

Tell your retard followers to pump my bags.

>> No.30440158

Needs the NFT X-avax19pamhk7d9459r4lcf8dxayp7hvnv9ltayppega

>> No.30440200


i've honestly already tried before, doesn't work like crypto shittubers

>> No.30440206

>mantradao.com this it what I got into tomorrow on cream, seems legit.

>> No.30440215

Thank you op it's beautiful. But where can I trade it if it goes up in value?

>> No.30440258

Thanks anon!

>> No.30440292


I honestly have no idea where you can trade if it goes up in value, even if does go up in value. But you might be able to trade on Opensea or Rarible or some other NFT website?? I'm not too sure. So I can't be too helpful, I just make the art.

>> No.30440316


>> No.30440323

OP pls drop avax pepe


thanks fren

>> No.30440333

You should definitely put your pepes on the market and earn money bro.
Good luck!

>> No.30440380

got mine, thanks.
do you have some page to track what you publish?

>> No.30440386


forgot to tag you in previous post

>> No.30440465

Thank you in advance good sir

>> No.30440472


i have an open sea page, this is one of my other NFTs https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/86831286711262715688264749243279372527312856328786174191144680243908258562049

>> No.30440478

frens I have none of these cool NFT things.


>> No.30440527

ty anon X-avax15uk5wua62l82zepst2dg4vpxkdrdjyu02lj9l5

>> No.30440556
File: 73 KB, 710x508, 1500387324888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30440621

sorry to disturb your sleep anon

>> No.30440715

working in gas station tiktoks is this really you OP

>> No.30440719

hope you enjoy it senpai

>> No.30440770

I want an avax pepe too:

>> No.30440799
File: 503 KB, 2316x3088, 157763391_259163905737304_1980590507627509603_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello friend

>> No.30440845


thank you anon

>> No.30440874

so are you actually sending the pepes or nah?

>> No.30440882


>> No.30440922


thanks based avaxchad

>> No.30440959

aye give it a few years, Ill robin williams myself sooner or later

>> No.30440968

bless you anon

>> No.30441002

lemme know if you got it

>> No.30441021

fuck off pajeet

>> No.30441048

i shit in street

>> No.30441111

Can I have one please?


>> No.30441160

fking kek yeah I got it, I'll keep them as souvenirs, based pajeet

btw someone is hijacking / monitoring the thread, i also received random ass "cryptocronic" nfts from someone

>> No.30441167


only 1 left

>> No.30441213

Yah I received em too

>> No.30441244

I wouldn't think that you're DOGE tiktoc would have any impact considering what you were telling. You could say that Avalanche is the best network right now and the future of crypto, without even having to lie.
You could wrap it around with some more facts, like Emin being the world's first person to make a proof of work project back in 2001, when Bitcoin wasn't even around.

>> No.30441330

oh i see, yeah, I think I might make a TikTok about AVAX then. My thing is I wanna wait till it gets on American exchanges so I don't feel like I am shilling. I know it has 2B marketcap but without American market access people will think it's shilling and I might get in trouble. I'm already banned from Tiktok Creator fund, I can't keep getting banned or I'll lose my account. I just have to be more careful

>> No.30441453

sure why not:
thx mate

>> No.30441463

bumping because only 1 more pepe left

>> No.30441477
File: 8 KB, 250x250, AVAXLamboPepe_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable fren. Godspeed.

>> No.30441484

Can someone explain what these are for and how I get money from them? I'm kinda retarded and I've got a collection of them now. About 2AVAX worth of them.
Do people actively buy these for the amount their worth? Do they even have any use?

>> No.30441575

if it's rare or made by an artist, like me who don't plan to release any more of these art pieces then there would be valuable assuming someone is willing to buy it. It all comes down to whether or not AVAX will add an auction house function for NFTs that allow open market trading. So best option is to wait until a market place opens and you might be able to get value from trading my art since I won't release anymore avax soldier pepes

>> No.30441609

They are as the name implies, collectibles. They currently have no real value, just hold on to them in your wallet or send them to someone else. The might be worth something someday, but doubtful.

>> No.30441618

did you manage to get some cash from tiktok at all? and why did you get banned from their fund?

>> No.30441660

thx bro, got my pepe. really cool stuff

>> No.30441688

yeah I got about $1700 from making Tiktoks. I think I got banned for being too edgy. A lot of my comedy vids, the ones with the wocky slush esp, get banned for community guidelines violation. The first ban i got was a joke about a miscarriage in the bathroom and the mop not working when I was trying to clean the fetus off the floor

>> No.30441702

Based as fuck doing the lord’s work Anon. thanks for sharing the fun / wealth

>> No.30441904

wtf is that an actual fetus

>> No.30441907

had no experience with them until today, and the fun you have just by sharing your artwork in a way that feels somewhat meaningful already feels nice, kind of like trading cards back then
i can absolutely see this shit becoming huge, some anon a few hours ago said he's planning to build a marketplace

>> No.30441932

nah it was a small toy baby lollllll

>> No.30441994

hopefully my pepes make someone money and hopefully they send me some of that money

>> No.30442007

I really really like this

>> No.30442050

sorry i dont have anymore left, i sent them all out already :<

>> No.30442077

Thanks for the pepe

>> No.30442099

i can see why they banned you, i thought tiktok was free from sjw tho? i see lots of edgy shit on it, from content to mass upvoted comments