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30441282 No.30441282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am 34 years old and I come to this site multiple times every day

>> No.30441342
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I am 30 and I do as well and I am worth less than 60k and live with my mommy

>> No.30441359
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I am 29 years old and I have spent the last 7 hours refreshing the catalog

>> No.30441392

Same, give or take a couple years.

>> No.30441398

I’m 39

>> No.30441419


>> No.30441517
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31 here. I'm so tired, anons.

>> No.30441566

How does it feel to talk to us zoomers everyday?

>> No.30441591

I'm 19 and I feel like time is running out to make money

>> No.30441608
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Does 4chan get new users, or is it just the same group of 30 year old boomers growing old together?

>> No.30441616

Actually u probably spend all your time talking to millennials and gen x

>> No.30441637

I'm 30 and visit biz a few times a day. There's not much good content on here, just shilling shitcoins and millionaire larpers. Some good memes though.

>> No.30441651

yes, this>>30441608
>or is it just the same group of 30 year old boomers growing old together?

>> No.30441653

I’m 36 and have been coming here since my early 20s. First /b/, then /pol/, now I’m here. Wish I just came here first instead of wasting my time thinking that anything other than your net worth matters.

>> No.30441666

I might be 57 in years on this planet, by I'm 14 in the memebrain

>> No.30441680

How does it feel to have your dubs checked by a boomer?

>> No.30441695

Settle down stupid zoomer.

>> No.30441726


>> No.30441761


>> No.30441767

i am 32 years old and do the same. i have a """"professional career"""" that i absolutely hate.

>> No.30441778

This is my life story

>> No.30441807

I'm 30 and I have $200 to my name and I read /biz/ 10 hours per day trying to earn $3-5 per day

>> No.30441853

i even almost started mining bitcoin back in 2011, had guides setup but anons talked me out of it with "its a botnet" and "its not worth the electricity" and my tard brain go spooked.

>> No.30441859

I think I'm the same, literally don't recall how old I am and benefit nothing by thinking about it. Business analyst with a major bank, would not care if I was fired tomorrow.

>> No.30441868

Fuck! That sounds like a new Nora Ephron film idea.

>> No.30441885

Two years younger. It's been almost 15 years now.

>> No.30441887
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>find this bread

>> No.30441896

Fuck off, kike.

>> No.30441908


How much LTC do you own? Do you drink monster ultra?

>> No.30441913

I am 37 years old. I work 10x5 and overtime, all while on this shithole website. Its a good life.

>> No.30441918

I’m 26 years old and will never make it.

>> No.30441942

I was an ancap back then. I and many friends spent bitcoins on drugs that would
Be worth millions now. I regret it every day.

>> No.30441971

I am 20 years old and I have about 30k in crypto.
If it weren't for this board I would have about 3k in fiat.
Because of /fit/ I am attractive enough to counter my autism, and because of /k/ I have a stable job in the military that I enjoy very much.
I think this site can be the best or worst thing to happen to a person.
You can come to biz and lose your family savings on a shitcoin, or get rich. You can go to fit and become strong and asthetic, or become a gymcel obsessed with getting girls and doing weird jaw exercises. You can go on k and end up in SOCOM, or end up some random dude who spends stupid amounts of money on guns that could better be put elsewhere.
Theres good and bad sides to every board, even r9k and soc. They show you what you should strive to avoid in life.
Pls like and subscribe to my blog

>> No.30441972

No offense anon but how do you only have $200 at 30 fucking years old

>> No.30441973

Maybe tomorrow

>> No.30441984

I’m 37 and awaiting the sweet release of death

>> No.30442080
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I'm 30 something and live on these instead of coffee. I've eondeted before if the fake sugar fucks my metabolism.

>> No.30442085

>1984 digits

>> No.30442103

I haven't heard of LTC. I own a lot of Bitcoin, it's the future. No, I drink Scotch all day.

>> No.30442122

I am 27 and I drive Postmates to throw into crypto.

>> No.30442126


>> No.30442130

No education. Can't get any real jobs. Extreme social anxiety. No NEET income because it requires me to search for jobs and write up everything I do. Live at home with no income.

>> No.30442152

I'm 28 and I've been on 4chan since I was 14. This place is a much bigger part of my life than I'd like to admit.

>> No.30442160


Me too!

>> No.30442181

>I am 34 years old and I come to this site multiple times every day
Literally me. I make sure to also browse /g/ and /lit/ and not just /pol/ and /biz/

>> No.30442209

I’m 38. It doesn’t get better, but fuck it.

>> No.30442228

Feels good Mr. Boomer. But you better check these dubs again

>> No.30442233
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I am 32 and I am now finding myself living almost exactly the same way I did when I was half this age except my bank account has 5 more zeros appended to it.

>> No.30442259

Get some xannies and crush that social anxiety bro. Become the chad you deserve to be

>> No.30442264

I'm 64 and I come just to read and post on /pmg/

>> No.30442274

36 work remotely doing some stupid support job. 50k in crypto. Living in Mexico because it’s cheap as fuck. Trying to quit drinking, super depressed. I have decent looks, know how to talk to people l, but all I’m missing is money. Just need 700k and I’m done. I hate this world so much

>> No.30442278

You should see my coinbase transaction history from 2013-2015. So much buying of bitcoin and spending it on weed from silk road lol. What an idiot

>> No.30442297

I'm fucking 50, love biz because i love crypto but hate pol

>> No.30442306

Xannies rob you of your memories and make you lose hand-eye coordination. They are only good for airplanes and cocaine.

>> No.30442313

What do you think? Boomer here, I work with zoomies they are all on tiktok insta or snap. what you doing here autist?

>> No.30442314

same. i can't even remember the last 5 years of my life. longer than that, really. i don't think about it. i get panic attacks when i think about how much time has passed and, at best, i have maybe another 50 years to live. i had to subtract the numbers in my head to figure out how old i am. i'm a corporate accountant for a medical devices company.

>> No.30442331

Dude I feel that, I'd be rolling in it right now if I hadn't been such a druggie

>> No.30442341

>hate pol
All of 4chan is /pol/ though

>> No.30442343

And on an iPhone too...

>> No.30442391

i'm 28 and browse it pretty much all day (unemployed currently)
used to go on /lit/, /mu// (for the sharethreads), /x/ and /int/ too, but it seems like every board's shit the bed over the past few years. at least this one makes me money

>> No.30442432


>> No.30442451

I'm 34 years old, "working" from home, and browse /biz/ all day.

>> No.30442457

Kike or shitskin?

>> No.30442472

The memories thing is absolutely true, there's a couple of years where my memory is just a blank.

I haven't noticed any hand-eye coordination issues, though I am in tech so it's not really something I would notice

>They are only good for airplanes and cocaine.

Not true, they are also very fun especially with booze

>> No.30442515

Just be thankful that you woke up eventually and you're not some nocoiner on twitter.

>> No.30442553

I got a degree in the medical field and quit my first job after 30 days. Work in a kitchen now. Have come to realize that having any job will kill my soul. I can’t stand doing the same thing every day no matter what it is. Just want to make enough money to quit working even if my lifestyle doesn’t improve. Doing the inverse of what /biz/ says is my last hope.

>> No.30442564

Hello fellow 37 year old. How's life turned out for you? I'm finally getting ahead in life. It's taken a while. I feel like i did my retirement in my 20s and 30s

>> No.30442572

I don't know, they have a ton of side-effects.
>The memories thing is absolutely true, there's a couple of years where my memory is just a blank.
I think it's because xanax makes you tired and your memory is worse when you're tired, I don't remember much from my school years because I was tired throughout a lot of it.

>> No.30442604

You can still become a man of action. Socrates did not even begin teaching until he was 41

>> No.30442689

Yeah but literally only in the past couple of months because I forgot about crypto until btc hit 40k and I panic bought in at 30k. Talking to my friends recently who've been consistently reminding me of it when it was 6-10k is painful sometimes

At least I have a dca bot now I guess

>> No.30442712
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>I feel like i did my retirement in my 20s and 30s
This is so true, some of us are on a reverse life trajectory, NEETing out in our 20s and seeing that retirement is not all its cracked up to be and deciding to become industrious fools

>> No.30442755

I'm 28 and i've only started lurking biz this year
could have been rich had i not been stuck on pol for 6 years

>> No.30442817

I am 33 and have been browsing 4chan on and off since I was 17. Fucking near half my life has been around these boards. You'd think this would have been an overall negative influence, but I think on balance it's been positive.
The bad:
Been deep down porn vortexes multiple times leading to low self esteem, loads of wasted time and anxiety - largely on /gif/
Huge number of hours spent lurking without gaining anything of value

The good:
Discovered 'the game' on /b/ back in 2008 which led to a big cycle of self improvement literature and a completely new view on life that I probably wouldn't have discovered otherwise. Within a year I had a gf and much better social abilities.
Discovered /fit/ not long after, back when zyzz was still alive, went to the gym, fixed terrible posture, got fit
Discovered /fa/ made somewhat of improvement to appearance but lost interest when I realised it had little appeal to me
Discovered /biz/ in 2017 and now have over $300k in crypto

>> No.30442835

>wasting my time thinking that anything other than your net worth matters.

>Your health.
>Your fitness.
>The size of your dick.
>Your ability in bed.
>Having a personality and charisma.

Plenty of other shit matters. Money just makes everything easier.

>> No.30442856

>>I feel like i did my retirement in my 20s and 30s

I thought I was the only one. I don't see myself ever retiring now, I'd die from an OD or bore myself to death within a couple of years knowing what I know now

>> No.30442902

>Theres good and bad sides to every board, even r9k
I have not seen one good thing to come from that board

>> No.30442921

At least you weren't on /b/ spending hours posting lewd pics of you becoming a trap

>> No.30442955

I was impeached twice.

>> No.30442963

This is pretty much the new normal. Reddit is one of the most popular websites in the world for a reason.
The biggest mistake you can make is underestimating how normal shit like anime, video games, fucking tabletop has become in recent years.
Think of it like crypto. Social life is taking place online to a massive degree nowadays, doesn't matter whether you're talking shitfaced to some girl you won't fuck or ever see again, or online to a /pol/tard posting wojak memes

>> No.30442975

27 and ngmi. suicide booths when?

>> No.30442992

I didn't begin teaching all of you youngster on here til I was 54

>> No.30442995
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20, spend so much time here. Sometimes I get too scared to check my portfolio in the morning and simply check wojak colour at the bottom of the catalog.

What do you guys think of as a measurement for your daily swing? I gain or lose a decent gaming computer every single day, something like 80 hours of work. I lost half my lifetime earnings (unrealized profit) in the recent dump.

>> No.30443020

The best time of my life was when I quit my job, bought a van, and spent months living in it in nature and doing the outdoor sports I enjoy, while meeting some cool people and even met a gf.

Now I'm back to wagecuck life to earn money again. I'll probably live on the road full time when I finally make it.

>> No.30443029
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it's my fiduciary duty to stay on /biz/ as often as I can during this bull

>> No.30443046


>> No.30443077

both of those look like shit

>> No.30443081

I'm 30 and have been coming to this site for 15 years...

>> No.30443132

Czech'd and accurate.
At least one has discipline though. Know which cunt I would rather be.

>> No.30443135

I’m 44 and autistic and live at my parents’ house. I would get my own place but my Mum loves my cat too much.

>> No.30443168

I am 27 and am thankful to this site. It has definitely been a major contribution to who I am today. People here are more realistic/pessimistic and critical. Anonymity removes most appeals to authority, and like-farming. Tbh I've always disliked myself (and most others), but at least I have good money now, have some sense of wariness / critical thought, and I'm not attached to any online identity.

>> No.30443236

As long as you're happy, anon. Cats are the best, making them happy is very fulfilling and makes life worth living.

>> No.30443289
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So many of my fellow boomers here. I’ll be on bbq duty

>> No.30443371
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Bros, bros, brooooos. Bear hug. I'm rich but it sucks just memba, candid, ic3, Cornell it will always be this way but at least you don't have to wagecuck you can be depressed all day. In peace

>> No.30443376

stop playing vg and get a woman
22here and i'm planning to do just that

>> No.30443400

36 and I have less than $100 dollars, but I'm trying to make it

>> No.30443434

Im 36, have a million dollars worth of link, about 1000 usd in the bank, have a new 1 month old son, and i come here several times a day.

>> No.30443462

Get the log fire crackling and the dulset turns off jazz crash like the waves of your consciousness as you realise your still alive and it's not worth it

>> No.30443495
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same here.

you're here forever.

>> No.30443497

>have a million dollars worth of link, about 1000 usd in the bank

Unless you also have several mil worth of stocks/indexes/etfs/real estate it's time to re-balance that portfolio anon

>> No.30443538

Gtfo faggit, go read business insider

>> No.30443541

so what do you know now that you didn't know in your 20s?

>> No.30443566

the only thing that matters in life is being happy and having good health. If playing games makes him happy he should continue. People worry too much about things that won't matter when you're dead.

>> No.30443591

same, we're getting old

>> No.30443599

i too coom to this site multiple times a day

>> No.30443618

I'm 20 years old. I've been on forums since 2012. Never made good friends with people in real life. Image boards have always been my crutch for social interaction, but it works most of the time.

>> No.30443767

so playing vg will matter when you're dead?

>> No.30443822

>groveling over some normal nigger social dogmas

>> No.30443871

also anon
happiness is within
you will know it when you recognize it
you won't care if you are alone on the street with 0 finance or family members
you will still be happy within cause you've reached that happiness

>> No.30443939

I'd rather read you retards tyvm

I know that I need to be doing something, else I'll turn to drugs and generally getting myself into trouble. Doing nothing sounds great on paper but in reality it's a fucking bore. At least with a job that I enjoy the hours fly by and I'm not sitting refreshing threads every 10 seconds hoping for a slight dopamine hit when someone replies to my post. This is gonna sound boomer as fuck but the feeling you get after having a really productive day is a great feeling.
I also know that I need some form of structure to my life, which working for other people provides me. I've still got plans to run my own legit business at some point but I think I'll still do something involving other people just to give me that structure and accountability to my daily life.

>> No.30443961


>> No.30443999
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>> No.30444010
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>have been here since I was 13
>beyond mentally fucked
ill probably be here when im 30 too

>> No.30444045

Fuck you. I need to exist in meatspace every once in a while.

>> No.30444069
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>Been here 2 years
>Turn 18, can finally buy
>August crash

>> No.30444095

I'm a 27 year old neet and I need to know where to put my saved up neetbux
I'm sick of these government goons trying to make me get a job

>> No.30444103

I have all of that stuff but none of it made my life less stressful the way that not having to worry about getting the rent paid on time does. Especially having kids depending on me.

>> No.30444144
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I’ve been here for 10 years, starting when I was 21. I can’t imagine how a developing brain filled with frogs will affect you

>> No.30444167
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My name is anon and I have a shitposting problem.

>> No.30444216

I discovered this site 10 years ago cause two guys I was friends with in high school on facebook as their status update, posted a thread to this place, it was a blue board(forgot which), and I immediately thought it was stupid. The website looked awful and confusing, porn was everywhere and it felt like my computer was just picking up viruses.

It took me months before I even knew how to post, and then I discovered more boards existed. Went to /sp/ cause I like sports and it seemed more normal than the rest of the cesspool.

Overall, I regret ever coming here. At the time I also had a low effort tumblr and that's how I "met" my ex, who was the complete opposite of what this site stood for, I can say I honestly saw the rise of SJWism through her, the only real thing I've learned from 4chan is that people are scummier than I initially thought they were. I never fail to see a new low every single time I come here.

>> No.30444251

literally an eternal summerfag

>> No.30444285

yup pretty much, 2011 was a weird year cause i spent most of it just browsing 4chan in the summer and not doing internships like my peers were lol

>> No.30444342

>in the military
Military is nothing but trannies now.

>> No.30444369

In 12 years you'll be me.

>> No.30444386

>Be me. Be 30
>Realize I've been coming here since 2010.

Exactly what you said bro.

>> No.30444397

wish you the best anon
while reading that i've given myself a thought to recommend you some sort of a bussiness to start with but then you end up mentioning it yourself already
wish you the best anon! and thanks for the info

>> No.30444406


>> No.30444417

How old are you?

>> No.30444449

It gets new users. Some guys on here don't even know who jon is.

>> No.30444475
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>> No.30444494

Found the tranny.

>> No.30444520

Most 30-year-olds can say the same thing about twitter/facebook/instagram/etc. It's not really any different.

>> No.30444524
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the proper grammar and punctuation is a dead giveaway of phoneposting, and it irritates me